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Written By Piccola

July 27, 2020, 7:29 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

War keeps a nation healthy.

In general, the nation in wartime attains a uniformity of feeling, a hierarchy of values, and a culmination of a nation's ideal which could not possibly be produced through any other agency than war. Other values such as artistic creation, knowledge, reason, beauty, the enhancement of life, are instantly and almost unanimously sacrificed, and the significant classes who have constituted themselves the nation's amateur agents are engaged not only in sacrificing these values for themselves but in coercing all other persons into sacrificing them. Only when the nation is at war does society function with that unity of sentiment, simple uncritical devotion, and cooperation of services which have always been its ideal vision. War brings about the nation's best form, and it is during war that one best understands the nature of that form.

Politics is the domestication of war.

Written By Ras

July 27, 2020, 7:11 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

Two years ago, my sister told me to yield to a silk. To live to fight another day, to blend in. But I didn't wanna blend in. I told her that I hate the way things are, and if I backed off, it'd turn into my whole life. Just backing off and telling myself I'd fight some other time or some other way, until I got so sick of living that way that I'd jump off the rocks.

Back then I didn't have someone to live for who made living that way worth it.

Written By Sirius

July 27, 2020, 5:49 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Your Highness, I've just read your most recent entry and realized that I've missed your play. I'd apologize for failing to make presence but the unimportance of such a claim shines next to my knowledge that I've missed it altogether.

With the lost opportunity goes the lustre of life. Such a great loss for me.

Damn it. Don't tell me how great it was next we meet, don't even mention it, my heart wouldn't be able to take it. I know it must've been as wonderful as the last.

Written By Aureth

July 27, 2020, 4:48 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

Spiders eat bugs.

Written By Sabine

July 27, 2020, 4:32 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

Do please stop pestering the commoners. Let them have their spaces as we protect ours from their incursions. One would think a great many parents didn't contract etiquette tutors as they should have in a number of people's youths, the way certain parties behave. For those whose parents failed you, I say this: however subversive you believe yourself to be, there is no esteem in scuffing a kick at the lowest of the low. You look like a fool, and even domestic beasts have been known to turn on their masters. Iron-shod hooves and hunger-filed teeth can do as much damage as gold-chased blades, or a carefully placed dose of poison, my darlings.

Written By Gwenna

July 27, 2020, 12:27 p.m.(9/24/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

To quote part of a recent journal of yours: "it’s not a sacrifice if it’s easy"

I had occasion to discuss this somewhat in-depth with someone the other night. I find myself wondering if I've done enough so far, or am even doing enough. If there may be a sacrifice too great to ask along this path, or if I don't fully realize what's being sacrificed by others. I'm not sure I know what price is too much to pay. Maybe that's why we are so often advised on the importance of balance, but the gods and spirits know I have no true fathoming of where the scales really tip too far one way or the other.

Written By Mabelle

July 27, 2020, 10:10 a.m.(9/23/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Haakon

I had a very enjoyable time accepting cookies via different messengers in random hours of the day. I truly think it should become a weekly ritual, contest or not. However one of the cookies caught me off guard. It was.. savory. A savory cookie. How bizzare. However it did not place in the contest, I wanted to praise Lord Haakon Eswynd for sending it to me and also offer my sincere gratitude for all those who participated, you made an innocent Oathlander immensly happy.

Onwards to the next sweet project.

Written By Shard

July 27, 2020, 6:06 a.m.(9/23/1013 AR)

Someone I look up to, someone who would know, once told me that it’s not a sacrifice if it’s easy. I think about that now and then. I have been thinking about it even more, recently. It wasn’t a comfortable thing to hear, even if it’s something I knew beforehand. It made me question whether or not what I thought my sacrifice would be might not be enough.

Of course, it’s hard to think about that conversation without thinking about the rest. She said something unexpected. Something kind. Something entirely undeserved, as I immediately proved otherwise.

And I look back at that now, at things I did before and have done since, and I start to wonder if the sacrifice I thought I was making this entire time hasn’t become far, far too easy.

Written By Nurie

July 27, 2020, 2:42 a.m.(9/23/1013 AR)

Solitude is a very strange thing--one can find it in the midst of a packed room, and it can elude even in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes it calls to me so very sweetly, to find refuge in disappearing even into sea of faces. Other times it is a very painful wound. How very quickly it can drift from one side to the other. But I think perhaps that more people feel that strange and painful shifting than do not; sometimes it feels very much like we're all bound to each other with threads and webbing unseen and vital, and yet so fragile that the worst timing of a word or gesture or look can sever and cast us adrift. I wonder if that is why it is possible to long for and yet fear such a thing at the same time.

Written By Sydney

July 27, 2020, 1:06 a.m.(9/23/1013 AR)

Most that is new is also ugly, flawed, and imperfect.

When you first learned to read letters, did you stumble over the words? When you first learned to write, did you find yourself wondering how your letters would ever look as eloquent as the ones you saw others write?

I had the distinct pleasure to oversee the first Assembly of Commons and it - like all things worth doing - was not a perfect thing, from the halting introductions from your nervous council members to the way in which several people chose to conduct themselves. Despite these issues, I am profoundly pleased with the results. Those who may not have known that we existed now know. Those who felt they didn't have a voice now know that they have a venue with which to see their concerns addressed.

Couldn't make it, and have something you want us to discuss? Send me a letter. I'll see it gets to where it needs to go. Whether you're huddled in an overcrowded tenement or reading this in the comfort of your quarters in the Upper Boroughs, the Ward of the Compact, the deck of a ship, we are your advocates, and we shall see your concerns met with the gravity they deserve.

To those who could attended - every single one of you: My gratitude. You were a part of the first draft, and the work of the Commoners Council may now begin in earnest. We've heard your comments, your concerns, and your frustrations. We are here, we are listening, and we will act.

Written By Theophania

July 26, 2020, 10:13 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

... why didn't I think of a land route to another harbor? It seems so obvious in hindsight, even if it's something of a stopgap measure...

Written By Theophania

July 26, 2020, 10:13 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Drake

Lord Drake is, of course, a perfect gentleman. I appreciated the assistance back to my room.

Written By Theophania

July 26, 2020, 10:12 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

I had a lovely time at the Sleepless Knights recently! I even managed to remain mostly standing...

Written By Adrienne

July 26, 2020, 10:09 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

These weeks I've passed away from Arx have been good as well as necessary. I had the pleasure of timing my spring tour of the southern domains with the House Clement procession for my protege's wedding to Lady Adalyn. Baroness Margerie and Baron Norwood, I am deeply grateful for your hospitality and warmth with which you welcomed me into your family for this time.

I'll be returning soon; this time not for so long. This is a short stop to submit a few journals to the archives and treat Rebel to some well-deserved carrots.

Written By Ailith

July 26, 2020, 9:59 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Hm. I have this desire for one of Goodwoman Symanthe's honey loaves. Her loaf rescued a child so weary that a taste brought tears to her eyes. I will never forget that day when I could eat again after so long without. I have tried myself to make such a loaf without success. There's a serenity and care she kneads into her dough.

Perhaps one day I shall have another bite. It would be . . . lovely.

Written By Raja

July 26, 2020, 9:56 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Zoey

I met Lady Zoey through my good friend, Dianna. She heard some of my story and we became friends. Then, she became my patron. I adore this woman and would fight to the death to defend her.

Written By Raja

July 26, 2020, 9:50 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ravna

He is my husband to be! He is the love of my life. He is responsible for dragging me away from my pit of despair and loneliness. Sure, I have family, but it isn't the same as having someone to hold me close and whisper beautiful things into my ear.

Written By Azova

July 26, 2020, 9:45 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Any time spent freeing the enslaved from their shackles is time well spent, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to assist those who sailed to the Saffron Chain for that very purpose. Until every chain is broken, I will not rest.

And on the return journey, to stop at Darkwater Watch, so I could pay my respects once again to those whose sacrifice saved our ancestral home. I hope that you all received the heroes welcome you deserve as you were shepherded back to the wheel or on to your final reward.

Written By Raja

July 26, 2020, 9:43 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

Ugh. Who invented pregnancy?! This is miserable. Because of it, I missed my first Assembly of Commons meeting! Though, I heard the meeting itself became quite interesting. Well, hopefully the wee one will be born by the next meeting.

Written By Porter

July 26, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(9/22/1013 AR)

I'm very tired. Down to the absolute bones of my body tired.

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