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Written By Nadia

July 11, 2016, 12:29 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

Prince Fergus Redrain, yet another of the Redrain brood that I've grown accustomed to seeing in my day to day life here in Arx, and someone I'd like to one day consider a dear friend of mine. To anyone who doesn't know him, he holds this depressing aura about himself with an impenetrable melancholy I think he uses as a crutch to escape dealing with situations he doesn't like. To me, he's a kindred soul who's seen one too many fucked up things. Lived through one too many fucked up things, and had too much snatched from him. Sometimes I think he's still grieving over it, or punishing himself for unatoned sins. He's still a good man, and a friend. I won't lose him, too.

Written By Gustave

July 11, 2016, 12:22 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Missed the tournament, though thinking it is no great loss. Had to make sure Sigrun practiced with the sword. I adore the girl, but I find myself at a loss as to questions of fashion, gossip, and intrigue. Perhaps I should take her next time if only to show here knights and soldiers and be women too (she does not dispute the question of gender, but does seem to think a womans martial skill should be on a direct corrolation to how pretty she is. Her Lycean bias, the origin of which I am still mystified by, also tends to be in full effect). Perhaps I should send for Teagan and have her take over the girls studies....

Written By Bliss

July 11, 2016, 12:12 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

    Lady Viviana Pravus. Voice of Pravus. Sword of the Silken City. Cousin of Princess Isolde. Talen must be a good sport, too. He recommended me to her. I met with her a few days after the tournament. Mostly she seemed to desire company with someone else skilled with the sword. Lycean fencing, in particular. So we have that in common. She offered to procure a set of armor for me, in exchange for preference on appointments and events until the debt is repaid. I believe I'll accept. She seems like a lovely woman.

Written By Gustave

July 11, 2016, 12:10 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I worry for the Prince. While there is ample need throughout Arvum for a perfect knight, I read enough family to my daughter to know what happens to them. They can soar to the highest height, or just as if not more often they fall to the ground below. Still, conscience and a genuine desire to see our better virtues prevail are not fatal flaws. It is simply a matter of insuring that he comes to wield men in peace and in war the same way he wields a sword...Gods help me if I am the one who must provide the instruction.

Written By Nadia

July 11, 2016, 12:10 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohkir

Rohkir is another one of the Redrain prince who I've become acquainted with during my time here in Arx. Pragmatic, stalwart and something of a brooder (He denies it.) are only a few of the things that comes to mind with this prince. He's as hard-headed and stubborn as the rest of his kinship, insofaras preferring to leak his godsdamned blood all over himself rather than get real medical treatment after duels. I suspect he's a bit of a masochist, or likes to self-inflict suffrage upon himself for reasons unknown to anyone but him. I like him.

Written By Nadia

July 11, 2016, 12:09 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohkir

Rohkir is another one of the Redrain prince who I've become acquainted with during my time here in Arx. Pragmatic, stalwart and something of a brooder (He denies it.) are only a few of the things that comes to mind with this prince. He's as hard-headed and stubborn as the rest of his kinship, insofaras preferring to leak his godsdamned blood all over himself rather than get real medical treatment after duels. I suspect he's a bit of a masochist, or likes to self-inflict suffrage upon himself for reasons unknown to anyone but him. I like him.

Written By Deva

July 11, 2016, 12:08 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

If you're reading this you'd better stop putting frogs in my bed, Kieran.

Written By Tyrene

July 11, 2016, 12:04 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Cain

This boy is some sort of con artist. Don't trust him. Well, not entirely true. I don't trust his job for telling fortunes or whatever. He seems like a good sort, though, as a commoner, just not someone I'm giving money and trusting him with it any time soon. I ain't that stupid.

Written By Tyrene

July 11, 2016, 12:01 a.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Little Culler Woman with more brains in her than I do. She's a good sort of soul, though, and probably wants what I want and what's best for the Boroughs. Just got to convice her that the Upper Boroughs aren't the enemy first.

Written By Marian

July 11, 2016, midnight(12/26/1003 AR)

I have been thinking of late. My roughness in Sanctum was never truly an issue, because being married to Valen erased the potential for it to be an issue. That was in Sanctum. Here, in Arx, I am not the wife of one of the High Lord's sons. I am just another 'princess', one amidst dozens and dozens. It may be time for me to consider learning to at least learning to toe the line of these games the Compact's nobility are so fond of, and the etiquette they live their lives upon. Arx is a mixture of everyone and everything in the Compact, and they all have vastly different sensibilities, it seems. The last thing I want to do is cause unnecessary issues for the Valardin family with no reason beyond my own ignorance.

Written By Bliss

July 10, 2016, 11:59 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

    I finally met for business with Princess Isolde. We spent a little time getting a feel for each other. Seeing if things would be a good fit. Surprise: we are an amazing fit. She hired me to act as her Champion in a tournament, providing a token for me to bear. I didn't participate in the joust, obviously. Talen, the man I danced with not that long ago, threw down caltrops and was disqualified from that. The Princess put a bounty on him for whoever took him down. I did, with the mediocre aid of the woman who would eventually win the melee. Alis, or something to that effect. I took all the beatings (without armor, I might add!) and then when Talen went down, she turned on me, relatively uninjured while I had been bearing the brunt of the fight. Had it been her against I in single combat, I'm fair convinced I would ahve won. Still, my patron for the day was most satisfied with my work, and she tended to my wounds herself. A good day.

Written By Nadia

July 10, 2016, 11:59 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Ophelia

Princess Ophelia Velenosa is someone I recently encountered during a trip to the Ambassador's Salon. I was indulging in a bit of gossip with Princess Valencia when this cherubic ball of capricious energy just flitted in and started talking about some birds she'd killed in the bell tower. I thought she'd been sniffing Dust, or was sun-touched at first, the poor girl. But then, as I was getting her to recount her story, it struck me that she's simply a rarity amongst wolves and vultures; she holds this innocence, a natural naviete that is both alarming and refreshing all at once. It makes you want to protect such a beautiful thing, or at least enjoy her when she graces you with her attention. I don't know if it's all a facade to draw the unsuspecting in, but only time will tell. At least she always has the most fascinating stories.

Written By Marian

July 10, 2016, 11:52 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Another woman I met in the Ambassador, conversing with Aurelian and Arianwen. She is a Courtesan, it seems. I asked Aurelian for a bit of a rundown on what that means, precisely. I've heard crude rumors and jokes before of course, but never paid overly much attention to the notion. Based on what Aurelian told me, it seems these woman are fully respected amongst the nobility, and even bring prestige to the families of those who contract them for companionship at events or entertainment. Mirari was a finely honed razor in comparison to Arianwen's stammering, so it is easy to see that the woman is likely adept at maneuvering through the dance of politics and etiquette here in the capital. --Perhaps I should consider hiring one of these women? I blame Aurelian for this idea.

Written By Nadia

July 10, 2016, 11:49 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

Princess Valencia Redrain is a diamond in the rough. Literally. Even though she doesn't seem to have a martial bone in her body, she more than makes up for it with a preternatural understanding for the social and political machinations that very few of the Redrain princesses have time or patience for. I shouldn't be surprised, for she is a Velenosan at heart after all.
    She has a vibrancy that one can't help but be attracted to like a moth to a diamond-encrusted flame - Yes, she's obsessed with diamonds. I don't blame her. I love all things that glitter, sparkle, and glint too. - and there's more beneath her glittering exterior than one might think.

Written By Marian

July 10, 2016, 11:49 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianwen

I met Goodwoman Arianwen Grayhope in the Ambassador, when she was conversing with Edain and another woman, one Mirari. Just a girl, really, it seems, and her skittishness made her seem all the younger. I suspect she is out of her depth, playing at this game of learning to be a Courtesan. Then again, maybe it is common amongst the commoners of the Compact to fawn over the 'nobles' thusly. I noticed it on occasion in Sanctum, but never so...obviously. I suppose the servants and the like are used to being around their 'betters'. Truth be told, that sensation makes me feel a bit awkward. I grew up a Chieftan's daughter, so I am used to a bit of, well, being deferred to on occasion, but not in such a fashion that a girl trips over her own tongue trying to talk to me, wide-eyed.

Written By Marian

July 10, 2016, 11:41 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I've still not managed to catch Edain alone, or when we both have a great deal of time to speak. We've chatted in passing, but not in detail, and I've chatted with other family about him. Alis, Aurelian, Alarissa, everything I've seen and heard about Edain so far, he seems to be living up to what the family needs him to be. I will be here to help him as best as I can, as Valen would have, if he were still here.

Written By Gustave

July 10, 2016, 11:40 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

The Nightgold Duchess seems to have a touch and a talent for integrating with the common folk, so much so that I wonder if there is some common thread of working with stone and mineral that brings noble and peasant closer together. Though I usually am indifferent to Redrain's (perhaps in contrast to the traditional Valardin rivalry), I found her surprisingly likable. She asked as to the difficulty of working with various stones, so perhaps I will send her a few slabs. A peculiar gift perhaps, but fitting to her interest in the subject. Potential for longer term trade perhaps, and in these days we can use as many new sincere friendships as we can find.

Written By Bliss

July 10, 2016, 11:24 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

    A few days after the friendly duel with Sir Ralston, I caught wind of another party. Open to the public this time! Unfortunately, I heard about it a bit late and arrived just in time for a single dance before things started to disperse. A Moonlight Social, set outdoors and lit by moon and lanterns. And just moon for part of it. The dance was with Talen Artiglio, if I recall correctly. He was suitably impressed by my skill, and I would later similarly impress him with my blade a few days after. Once more, Princess Isolde expressed her desire to do business, as well.

Written By Gustave

July 10, 2016, 11:21 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I am not sure if the man truly deals in friends, but I have found his philosophy to be agreeable. Some may think him a dangerous man because he is large or because he prides himself on his savagery in battle. I know he is dangerous: he already has what he wants in life. A man who is content, who knows when to walk is important to note that in Blackram folktales, it is such a man that often triumphs over the vainglorious noble or extracts his chivalrous but naive master from the jaws of the monster or the trap. I am not sure how he would react to being a staple of a heroic tradition, but knowing the trope and idea of a man leaves me with hope of common ground.

Written By Marian

July 10, 2016, 11:16 p.m.(12/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

I have not had the pleasure of meeting Ida Farron, but I have every intention to. She is the smith Edain contracted for both my armor, and Alis's, and if she also forged the new sword I've seen my sister-in-law with, I expect I would like to be very good friends with this woman. I must admit, one of the benefits to life as a member of the Compact, and House Valardin? The artisans are far more gifted than any I knew growing up.

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