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Written By Tanith

Aug. 13, 2020, 5:25 p.m.(11/2/1013 AR)

'You are not Dust
But you are addicting.
You aren't my kin
But you are my home.
You are not the sun
But you brighten my life.'

[Written at the bottom of the page in small letters:]
Tanith, you are such a sap.

Written By Jael

Aug. 13, 2020, 12:46 p.m.(11/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Cristoph

My brother has accomplished so much since he was suddenly and unexpectedly asked to step into our Papa's shoes. Against the odds, he has not just kept our duchy alive, he has made it thrive and prosper beyond even, dare I say it, what Papa had accomplished. I don't say it enough (and almost never...maybe actually his face) but I am proud of him, and inspired by him.

Written By Strozza

Aug. 13, 2020, 12:29 p.m.(11/2/1013 AR)

Werewolves and the walking wounded. A great deal to be looked into - but with my research in other topics I know not where to start here.

Written By Aconite

Aug. 13, 2020, 10:27 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

It's been an exhausting but productive summer, the plan Lord Santiago and I made seems to have born fruit. The meetings with the various merchants and continued efforts have seen the refugees finding good work, especially as the Harvest Season abounds. I'm so proud of everything they've accomplished and I will do my best to see them accomplish more It's like a dream come true.

Though perhaps not all dreams should come true...

Eurusi people are finding their place and I expect to continue my efforts to see them flourish. The best Gardens are tended, root to tip, diligently, and year-round. I do not foresee a lack of doing in my future.

Continued efforts will be made for them but I think I've earned myself a break so I plan on taking some time to myself to think, practice, and remember stories if I can.

I should also remember to meet with the General Tessere, the Softest Whisper and the Inspector. I should also probably take some time to visit the Shrines. To reflect on out success. These will have to be written somewhere into my appointment book that seems to be filled until at least next winter, provided I survive the cold...

Written By Piccola

Aug. 13, 2020, 10:04 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Elysio

I had not realized, cousin, that you were so unfamiliar with strange women taking their clothes off to share space with you.

Could it be perhaps that I have overestimated your abilities?

Written By Rosalind

Aug. 13, 2020, 7:57 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Had so much fun at the hunt yesterday! I killed a turkey to bring home!

Written By Gael

Aug. 13, 2020, 6:43 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Hey Vellichor,

Had a real funny day. I was minding my own business while at shift between the boroughs, helping the cordon of guardsmen there, when one of the iron guard's prospects comes into my tent with his little cap-hat on hand. The rim of it was turning round and round in his fingers as though he was plucking feathers from it in his nervousness. Even though I hadn't said a word his head nodded furiously and his eyes jetted around as if looking for words to say.

So I put my quill pen down and asked him, right, what's the problem? So, after he brushed his mouth and nodded some more, he then explained his predicament: The words came fast, but the general gist of it was that a local witch had cursed him to be incapable of some venereal export, as it were.

I asked him what the witch wanted to lift the curse and he said fifty silver, 'lest the curse be on him for life. You know what I could've bought with that silver, my man? A lot of rum. Real strange, seeing people be superstitious around here, but it's starting to become a thing now that everyone's spreading these nonsense stories all over the place. I hope it passes.

Written By Sirius

Aug. 13, 2020, 6:29 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

It has been quite a while, custodian,
Too long, in fact,

I had missed the smell of the Capitol every day I there spent in the land of Thrax, in Estroch, for however beautiful Elune may well be it cannot yet compare to the shine of our Compact's Capitol. As I arrived into the docks, stressing over where to go and when, a sumptuously-dressed peddler walked into my entourage, something dark and heavy wrapped over both of her outstretched arms. I took a step back, seeing what looked like claws or some such manifestation glinting in the candlelight of the jetty's poor illumination.

She explains that she had made a suit of armor stitched together by the hide of 'wolfmen'. Professed to me, she did, that a series of 'monster-hunters' had sold her the hide, obvious charlatans, and now she stitched it together. She set the suit down on a crate where a few left-over claws rapped against its wood with deadly weight, where she then unfolded it to show it whole, a ghastly thing of black and sharpened bones — a creature shorn of its insides, left to be occupied by man or some other creature seeking warmth in its emptied hide, and the head of the once-beast tilted up to look at its soon-to-be wearer, should one ever arrive.

Altogether fearsome, no doubt, and it left me pondering when and where this woman got such an idea in the first place. But those are the wonders of Arx, the people's imagination is limitless.

I, of course, didn't make a purchase of such a fraud and, rather graciously and infinitely kind as are my ways (haha), provided her for her efforts with lofty reward for such a spectacle and window into her imagination. To Jayus' benefit, of course.

Written By Monique

Aug. 13, 2020, 3:53 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Amalthea

Greenmarch has a new Master of the Stables, and I couldn't be more pleased! Shy and sweet, but oh, there's moments where I think she's just as mischievous as me, only better at hiding it.

Written By Shae

Aug. 13, 2020, 12:33 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sunniva

I'm glad Marquessa Sunniva joined the Keaton Picnic, it was great finally getting to see her again, after so long. I'm looking forward to getting to further catch up with her, and her husband Marquis Orvyn, as well. And introduce her to Kierlys and Kristoph. Perhaps we should bring her a gift, I think I know the perfect one, too!

Written By Shae

Aug. 13, 2020, 12:03 a.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

I'm glad Kedehern and I were able to make it to the Keaton Picnic and Hunt. It was wonderful getting to hunt, as well as spend time with family and friends. Thank you, to Marquis Kael, and Marquessa Reigna for putting it together, and hosting it!

Written By Daria

Aug. 12, 2020, 11:43 p.m.(11/1/1013 AR)

Not enough wine.

Written By Svana

Aug. 12, 2020, 10:24 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

Another argument today and one I did regret deeply. I hope I did not scare away a new friend... or leave lasting damage upon someone I love dearly.

Why am I like this? Is it in my nature to be argumentative, stubborn? Do I pressure people too much for things they can't give me?

I can't run away this time.

Written By Elysio

Aug. 12, 2020, 6:19 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

I received the summons not more than a week ago, but still I didn't have enough time to make it before the birth of my niece. I rode hard, but arrived late. The Marquessa, my cousin Sabine, had already given birth to her not long before I arrived. Still, she greeted me with open arms, and then a task. Her mother would be proud of her...she doesn't waste any time.

Written By Elysio

Aug. 12, 2020, 6 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Piccola

Piccola is my Cousin, though I had never met her till tonight. Appointed the general of the Tessere, I have come to find she is not bashful, and not timid. Both good qualities for a general, but even more impressive coming from someone as diminutive!

I'm no stranger to women sharing a bath with me, but not many just strip down to their nothings in the presence of a stranger they had never met. True, the location of said bathhouse may serve as reputation enough as not just anyone would be using it.

Written By Kritr

Aug. 12, 2020, 3:36 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

When you visit someone else's dream their fears do not become your fears, their hopes do not become your hopes. It is like watching children play acting. You listen, you enjoy, you may even hope for a happy ending, but it is is all play.

Still. It is disappointing when the dream ends.

Written By Thea

Aug. 12, 2020, 2:17 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Svoli

Imagine my shock to see my former sister in law not so former anymore. Welcome back, Svoli.

Written By Piccola

Aug. 12, 2020, 2:10 p.m.(10/28/1013 AR)

Never allow a problem to remain simply to avoid going to war over it. Wars do not just go away; they are only postponed to someone else's advantage. Thus, where there is a disadvantage that can be destroyed, crush it utterly.

This is because time does not heal all things. Do not trust that time will smooth over ills of the spirit. Trust only in character and prudence, for time contains all things, both good and bad.

Written By Kastelon

Aug. 12, 2020, 9:01 a.m.(10/27/1013 AR)

With colder weather on its way, I have taken the liberty of having a small barn constructed for my cow. I need to ask Marie about cheese. It is good to have a hobby that can take one's mind off darker matters at times.

Written By Ophne

Aug. 12, 2020, 6:30 a.m.(10/27/1013 AR)

My first meeting with Archlector Brigida did not go well.

Her staff hurts when thwacked upon a shin.

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