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Written By Domonico

Sept. 6, 2020, 7:21 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

No Miranda. No snowball fights this year.

Written By Philippe

Sept. 6, 2020, 6:56 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

It is a good night to drink, I think. To sit inside, look out at the autumn, and open a long-corked bottle. A respite well earned.

Written By Sunniva

Sept. 6, 2020, 6:29 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Canaan

I don't speak with him nearly often enough, but he has always been pleasant and more than capable when I have. The work he does for Harthall is to be admired and appreciated. I hope that Orvyn and I never forget that.

Written By Sunniva

Sept. 6, 2020, 6:25 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Margerie

The more time I spend around Auntie Margerie, the more I realize that I have grown up into a close copy of her. There are far, far worse people to realize you are a copy of; in point of fact, I could not be happier that I have grown into Auntie's image. She has always had a kind heart, and cared deeply for those around her.

I only hope that I can be half the woman she is.

Written By Sunniva

Sept. 6, 2020, 6:23 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowley

I have heard the name of my protege from the lips of friends and acquaintances, and what I hear are good things.

When I am gifted a beautiful mobile without the sender realizing it is from my own protege, when I have to wait my turn for commissioned items from him - it all tells me that he is growing a name for himself, and I could not be more pleased.

I only hope I am doing enough to help him along the path.

Written By Samira

Sept. 6, 2020, 6:11 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

For a long time, I had only the barest outline of an idea in my mind. A dream, a wish to contribute something positive to my corner of the world, a desire to bring a reminder of hope. Thanks to the unflagging support and assistance of many people in my life, it's no longer simply a wistful notion.

Rabble Art, the new Lowers community art center, has officially opened its doors. I hope that it will serve as a place of comfort and creativity, particularly for those who need it most.

Written By Acacia

Sept. 6, 2020, 4:47 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

It's inspiring to see this renaissance in the Lowers of advocates, artists, activists, artisans and visionaries working to help give others a chance to rise up and seek better lives for themselves. Give them a voice, a proper income, hope, and a real chance for a better future. I'm glad to see it. Proud my family continues to be in the thick of it.

But that is what we Cullers are meant to do. The goods, regardless of what the said goods are, and the good that comes of it, must flow.

Looking forward to seeing what else we can do.

Written By Raphael

Sept. 6, 2020, 3:21 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

It's been a good week. Got more work done on the school, and was able to meet some new people and explore some new opportunities. I have high hopes for the coming weeks in terms of being able to finally tie up some of these loose projects.

Written By Olivian

Sept. 6, 2020, 3:17 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Things are starting to open up a bit more in Arx, new faces and new opportunities that I'm able to take advantage of. It's beginning to feel a bit more like the home I left, which I am grateful for. There is still much to be found, however.

Written By Gwenna

Sept. 6, 2020, 2:49 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

I am now on the path to become the best cloak-thrower this city has ever seen! Well, maybe that the villa has ever seen. Or Lorenzo has ever seen. Baby steps.

Written By Maren

Sept. 6, 2020, 2:32 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

This morning I greeted the dawn as once I did daily, before an altar made not of human hands and effort, but the relentless work of sun and tide, wind and rain. Weighed down not by heavy garments of mourning, but of something more light to capture each movement, the fan spinning up clouds and mist around me. If there was just a little more saltwater amongst the roll in of the fog and dew, I think it matters little. Even in motion, the autumn cold can still grab rudely at limbs, trying to arrest the steps. Just as it absorbs the heat from the sun, so too does it absorb the chill of the night, little knives and hidden rough stones to make fire bloom upon the sole. But to feel the first light of morning touch one's face, veiled in the waves and ripples of silk, is almost like the touch of forgiveness and welcome after a night apart. The whispered promise of another day to begin anew. When at last I fold my fan and make my bow, the wonder rushes over me, as I see my feet on the sands of home.

And I wonder, in time, if there will be others to dance the greeting with me one day, even here.

Written By Sedna

Sept. 6, 2020, 1:41 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ember

Questionable taste in potted plants.

Written By Sydney

Sept. 6, 2020, 1:41 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

When one develops a skill, it's almost always out of necessity or desire. Few things are half as dispiriting as when that skill begins to rust, whether through disuse or circumstances beyond one's control.

It's easy to wonder why one wasted their time, why one even bothered, why one poured so much of oneself into something that has no practical application save for their own enjoyment and self-satisfaction.

There are few things as valuable as a moment of validation for those efforts. Whether it's a kind word from someone whose opinion one holds dear, or a moment of clarity when one realizes that what they discounted as a worthless pursuit has become one of the key pieces that make up the core of who they are, and any removal of any experience valued or no makes up a part of who one is.

Or when you punch someone so hard that their ancestors feel it.

Written By Baldessare

Sept. 6, 2020, 12:18 p.m.(12/22/1013 AR)

My own family does not believe that I cry myself to sleep at night knowing no one is sending messengers asking for me by name. Can you believe that? Called a liar! I've never! r
Oh, right, these are supposed to remember the truths of our lives. I suppose I do get a messenger here and there with my name. But none with marriage proposals. And that was the subject, Scholar.

Written By Zyanya

Sept. 6, 2020, 7:34 a.m.(12/21/1013 AR)

The ring around the moon tonight
shines brighter than its smile.
Another step closer
you will wear it as a crown.

Written By Miranda

Sept. 6, 2020, 12:31 a.m.(12/21/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

I just realized... we're almost to the new year and we haven't ambushed EITHER of your brothers with snowballs.

Grab Kaia. Let's do this!

Maybe we should also grab the Duchess - she needs to have some fun...

and I'll snag my protege and we'll be a force to reckon with!

They'll never see it coming. It's not like they read these.... RIGHT?!

Written By Aconite

Sept. 5, 2020, 8:44 p.m.(12/20/1013 AR)

Work. It is the bane of my existence and despite that incredibly satisfying. I must remember, though, when it seems difficult or I am staring enviously at lavish coat-dresses and dying to drape myself in the newest fabrics that I can always pursue comfort later. Besides it's warm in the Villa.

I have much to repay before I can allow myself to wrap myself in luxuries. Which reminds me I should be on my way. The Market waits for no one.

Written By Maren

Sept. 5, 2020, 7:48 p.m.(12/20/1013 AR)

Though I thought that I cherished quiet, once upon a time, and I do still enjoy that stillness especially at the night's most beautiful hour...I find that I greatly miss a very busy household, and my students.

I do not know if this was the same elsewhere, but regardless of the young people of promise that stayed for a time under Zixin's instruction or mine, within our household they shared meals at our table, helped with the every day tasks that come with living together, and until she grew too old for such things there was not a few times where some could be caught playing games with and suffering the endless questions and curiousities of our little daughter.

And while most who flew on strengthened wings to meet whatever next bend the path would take them, some precious few did return now and then, both as friends and honored artists and warriors in their own right, but also bringing their children once they were old enough. I have but one treasure of my body and blood, born of love and sacrifice, but many jewels of the heart.

I did not expect that I would miss them now as much as I longed for my brothers and family when I was taken in my youth.

Better to turn that ache into movement. Forward along the path, as always, until the next fork in it. Just as I will once more dance and dream stories onto canvas, I will receive with gratitude new jewels of Arvum, I hope. Just a few steps further down the path of embracing this new life.

Written By Azova

Sept. 5, 2020, 5:57 p.m.(12/20/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Does he need some mini-poultices? I can show him how to make mini-poultices, so that the perfectly healthy cat is not overburdened with human sized ones. Practice makes perfect, after all!

Could we also teach him how to poultice that goose's beak shut too, maybe? I'm just thinking of your future family dinners. Consider it difficult patient training.

Written By Zyanya

Sept. 5, 2020, 5:05 p.m.(12/20/1013 AR)

Pearls of morning dew
briskly shaken from the long grass.
The wind turns to shower other fields.

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