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Written By Bliss

July 18, 2016, 12:01 a.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

It seems she was impressed by my showing at a tournament. That, and Talen talked me up a bit allegedly. She's taken the role as my patron and temporarily gets preferred choice of my company at any events in payment for a suit of armor.

Written By Gustave

July 17, 2016, 11:51 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

The Fidante girl has a charm and grace about her I find troublesome. She has a way about her that makes people talk, and seems to have a more than fair skill at listening. Think she may be a bit tiny to handle one of our brews, but I did promise her a taste. Not sure if I should be terrified or hope Sigrun to grow up to be like her. Certainly she may be a coconspirator if I must make increasingly grand gestures to placate the young lady whom my world revolves around, though her talent for creating elaborate setups simply to amuse a little girl makes me wonder what she would be capable of if crossed. Lovely, agreeable, and thus completely and utterly dangerous.

Written By Gustave

July 17, 2016, 11:38 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Attempted to school Victus and some of his men in the pike. Five or six men does not a formation make, so offered to show him what it looks like when you have rows and depth. Learned much of how our peoples go to war and prove themselves. He seems to want to compete, to learn new things to prove himself, though..,what does he have left to prove, I wonder? He is acknowledged. He has built a fleet. These are laurels enough for any lesser man. The problem with such men is that they give little thought to what happens after the fact. Whether it be family or a subordinate, there must be some thought to the future. Lightning may not strike twice, but the fires of brilliance can at least be kept flamed by competent successors.

Written By Calista

July 17, 2016, 11:20 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gustave

The Blackram Marquis is someone I've only recently met. I know he has a daughter who wishes for him to romance a Lycene woman, compete in chivalrous tournaments, and be some sort of Prince Charming type. She sounds absolutely adorable. The Marquis is not really adorable. I'd say he's rough around the edges with his manner of dress and appearance, but, he has manners and makes for a wonderful conversationalist.

Written By Calista

July 17, 2016, 11:16 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

Lady Kima Saik is Hadrian's close confidant. It would behoove me not to trust her the way I don't trust him, but she is so damn likable. Theirs is an interesting friendship. I'm not sure if there's any secret romance between them or not. Kima seems like a woman who knows what she wants and gets it. I'm not sure I could imagine Kima and Hadrian in the throes of passion and frankly, I'm not sure I want to. *shivers* But regardless, Lady Kima is someone I can see having quite a bit of fun with. Just because she's Hadrian's buddy doesn't mean she can't be mine, too.

Written By Calista

July 17, 2016, 11:13 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

House Velenosa spared no expense on this rich and lavish soiree held in honor of former Arch Duchess Carlotta. Everyone was there. Everyone except a representation from Thrax. It could be circumstantial they were not available for the event but it does seem odd. I was feeling overwhelmed with all the people in attendance and decided to slink into a shadowy alcove for a bit in order to watch people come and go. It felt very comfortable there and both Lady Kima and Prince Barric joined me after some time

As the night progressed and there was more dancing to be had, Princess Isolde called for me to dance with Master Talen. How could I have refused this invitation? The man is an impeccable dancer. I enjoyed my time at the party and it seemed everyone else did as well. Duke Niccolo announced hosting a tournament for all those interested in potentially pursuing Arch Duchess Esera's hand in marriage. The tournament promises all and nothing and yet it was interesting to watch the initial reaction from the guests. My bet is Prince Rohkir and Duke Hadrian will make moves on their own whether through this tournament or not. Both seem very interested in joining Esera on the Arch Duchess throne. Perhaps they dream of being kept men. It's not such a terrible idea after all.

Written By Gustave

July 17, 2016, 10:59 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

The Decathlon. The upcoming tournament. I do these things to make my daughter proud of me, so that she may see that though we are humble and modest, we are not afraid to do great things. Would that she see the merits of fighting against the enemy at the gates or good stewardship, but I do not begrudge her longing for the fantastic. Thus, into competition I go to play for southern notions of honor and accomplishment. Perhaps teachable moment for heraldry and politics, maybe position her with some of her future peers? Will quiz her on Swords, Voices, and succession on all Houses in attendance. Just need to make sure that I myself know the answers.

Written By Rohkir

July 17, 2016, 10:55 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

Talk about a scandal made flesh; this one is interesting. Sitting down with her, I had no particular impressions, but I couldn't help but note how she did everything; there's a certain way she motions, speaks, purses her lips, smiles, or frowns, as if every one of them is exaggerated just enough to have the effect she wants. She's a charming woman, and attractive; I fear however for the man that dares chase her, or be chased by her. More to the part of being chased by her. Poor bloke. He'll die of fun, though I'd bet. She's that and more.

Written By Arianwen

July 17, 2016, 10:50 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Perhaps unexpectedly, the Sword of Lenosia contains far greater depth of personality than I first gave him credit for. He served me wine one night at the dinner table in the Velenosan estate, only to watch him cheat at Lady Calista Fidante's tourney. I was furious and felt betrayed, certain he was the most dishonorable man I've ever met. Later, he explained it was only a misunderstanding; where he comes from, Talen would be expected to do all in his power to win. After speaking with him further, I've begun to believe him. I have since realized Talen Artiglio is not only chivalrous, he is quite the charming man.

Written By Arianwen

July 17, 2016, 10:43 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Theodoric

Leader of one of the three major criminal families in Arx. He's a frightening man at times, with a personality to perfectly match those that follow him. I would not like to get on his bad side, even for a short while. Unfortunately, he can be infuriatingly difficult at times to get working with the other families, even for his own benefit. Proud and dangerous, I'm just glad we've come to an understanding.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:37 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

She's always the gem of the Velenosa parties, flitting here and there to make sure everyone is taken care of - it'd be exhausting to try and catch ahold of her during one of those things, so I don't. But I should probably corner her soon and force some girl-talk on her, it's been ages.

Written By Arianwen

July 17, 2016, 10:31 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

One of the most vocal members of the Culler family, I have known Acacia possibly most of my life. Whether long-time acquaintance or tentative friend, she's a wonderful boost of self-esteem when I need it most and a highly charismatic woman of the Boroughs. Most recently, we've spoken more regularly than we have in the past. I'd be happy to have her as a closer friend, and a reminder of my roots back home in the Boroughs.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:29 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Lady Brianna, poor dear, has been under the weather lately. I'm not known for having the best bedside manner, but she seems to be coming around and it shouldn't be long before she's back in the social swing of things. She's no Lydia, I'm not expecting her to be any good at braiding my hair, and she's certainly no Nadia - the idea of her sitting through a polite conversation is laughable. But she's Brianna, and that's good enough for me.

Written By Valencia

July 17, 2016, 10:23 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

There's nothing quite like learning what makes someone tick, figuring out the most interesting aspect of their personality and setting it up to shine. I enjoy finding the use in people, and then making use of it. Does that make me manipulative? No more so than anyone else, I would think. A bit more self-aware than those who deny it.
    Friends are people that serve a purpose you can make repeated use of, for example. They may be good at making you laugh, or making you think, or providing an ear you can safely confide in. Enemies are those that serve as a hinderance to those things that you most want. Enemies have no purpose, and are therefore useless. What do we do with the useless?    Now there's a question that bears some consideration.

Written By Arianwen

July 17, 2016, 10:23 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Marcas

I met this man at The Spirits inn and saw him again most recently at Acacia Culler's riverside feast. Both times, he seemed quite interested in getting involved with a brawl or tangled up in a fight. Apparently, he just likes throwing himself into altercations. Then again, he also made sure to unbuckle and remove his sword, so perhaps he's got some sort of honor under that crude, smelly exterior.

Written By Nadia

July 17, 2016, 10:11 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Prince Edain Valardin, High Lord of Valardin. Nadia has only met the man on a few brief occassions, but his obsession to see maple syrup invade every aspect of the economic market marks him as interesting in her eyes. Certainly, there's quite more to it than that, but maple syrup is his business passion and she can't help but find the chaste dragon to be quite adorable when he speaks so passionately about it or the tales of old about the White Dragons and how they rode out to conquer and vanquish foe alike. It's just a shame that, like her, life has forced him into a mantle of leadership long before he ever wanted it. Despite this, he seems to be adjusting well as time goes on, and for this she feels a kindred soul to him.

Written By Silas

July 17, 2016, 9:55 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Dad granted me some money to start up my own shop after hearing I've delevoped a talent working wood. Perhaps this is his subtle way of encouraging me to hone my sales pitch for the good of the family. I don't know how well I'll do, but making a little extra money doing something I enjoy can't be a bad thing.

... That sounds dirty now that I re-read it.

Written By Alarie

July 17, 2016, 9:53 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dorian

I met this man at the tavern when I stopped for a bit of a meal. He says he is a Champion. He is charming and nice, but seems to be rather flirty. He is an interesting sort that I wouldn't mind getting to know better.

Written By Ophelia

July 17, 2016, 9:31 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

Squee! The whole city of Arx is charmed by Duchess Nadia Nightgold and who can blame them? From her gorgeous attire, to the way her presence lights up a room when she enters, it has even me near swooning from her company. In a very-very real and serious sense though, she's delightful, isn't she? She's quick with conversation, engaging, bounding with energy yet contrastingly demure and ladylike as its called for. She fulfills both the roles of a female's favorite friend and a man's strongest desire. Whatever competitions men may take for her hand are going to be intense and bloody. I can't wait!

Written By Acacia

July 17, 2016, 9:24 p.m.(1/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Ferrando

Ferrando and I met by chance alone, between rocks thrown and evasion tested, between business and banter, between Silks and the Sea. He stood out to me for more reasons than simply being imposing and impressive. He was skilled, fascinating, and had all the right qualities of someone that I look to. Caught up in a world that's quite far from me, should he get free time, I'd like to continue our short-kindled friendship, foolish as it is. He's Tay, after all.

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