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Written By Hammar

July 26, 2016, 10:23 p.m.(2/18/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

Hammar was talking with Marcas and some others in the forum when this old warrior came up and asked Hammar about his new armor Ida made him. The man liked Hammar's armor, and then called Hammar son! Hammar is pretty sure he's a Duke's son. Hammar was told the man calls a lot of young warriors Son, so this Duke has a lot of son's. Hammar was so excited to find his dad!

Written By Niccolo

July 25, 2016, 3:48 p.m.(2/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Princess Jaenelle was married to my now late son, and I have to admit I don't know as much of her as I should. She is sweet from what I've seen, and eager to feel and be useful. These are traits I can respect, and as Her Grace has allowed her to stay in the family, I have no opposition to it. I would like to get to know her better, and I have every intention to do just as much.

Written By Niccolo

July 25, 2016, 3:05 p.m.(2/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

Nadia has made some questionable decisions as of late, and I'm not entirely sure why. It isn't something she can't recover from, but it does show that she is still pretty much a young woman, with a lot to learn about how politics work in Arx. If she'll recover or not, will be entirely up to her and the city will be watching, of course.

Written By Niccolo

July 25, 2016, 1:37 p.m.(2/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Esera

My pride and joy is certainly growing up. She's taken to leading House Velenosa as easily as it came to her mother, and it has been very rewarding to see. While she displays the markings of a great leader, I worry sometimes that it will become too much as time goes on. What will happen when I'm not around to support her? Perhaps that is very arrogant for me to consider, but still. I've called for interest in a tournament that might help find her the dutiful partner she needs. We will see what comes out of it.

Written By Dorian

July 25, 2016, 9:43 a.m.(2/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Princess Jaenelle is a lovely girl, she's so fun to speak with and spend time around. I greatly enjoy putting on the charm for her just to see her smile. She says I am her favorite champion, of course this is more for my charming nature. That is half of what a Champion is after all, got to make the right impession, and having friends in the right places is important of course. The fact that Jaenelle is so nice to be around is just a bonus.

Written By Viviana

July 25, 2016, 9:26 a.m.(2/13/1004 AR)

I'm afraid I got a little tipsy before this fight to help dull the ache of the wounds so recently received by Lord Victus. Still I appreciated Prince Edain for keeping me company during the fight and the two combatants for their skill and bravery. I had thought Talen more likely to take the day, Alrec's skills extend further to command and sailing than they do to foot based swordplay, but he put up an impressive showing none the less and was able to draw blood several times before Talen put him down. I highly commend both fighters.

Written By Viviana

July 25, 2016, 9:23 a.m.(2/13/1004 AR)

I was not intending to take any chances when I fought Lord Thrax and even wore head protection for the first time in a fight in Arx. Vanity is all well and good but keeping your brain inside your skull is better. Some might find it odd I didn't draw Twilight's edge to meet The Axe of House Tyrde Alaricite for Alaricite, but there is a fundemental difference between our weapons. Twlight's Edge is the blade of Pravus, entrusted to me by the House. The Axe Victus wields is his trophy of war, leant to him by no one and his own to use as he will. There is nothing at all dishonorable about him using such a weapon, it is his by right after all.

In any case I'm a little disappointed with myself, I had thought after the early injuries I inflicted on the man that finishing him would be fairly straightforward, it was not. Still lesson is learned for next time, do not take wounded Thraxians lightly.

Written By Viviana

July 25, 2016, 9:19 a.m.(2/13/1004 AR)

I did not think this reception would be particularly note worthy, just another party. I even showed up late much to my chagrin. But as it turns out Princess Valencia Redrain and Duchess Nadia Nightgold had been investigating Shav activity in the North and other areas and were to give a report on it. Some aspects of this report were a little unclear and I still hope to have a better explanation in time, but even so I appreciate the effort to both investigate the thread and report on it to the compact as a whole. Many would prefer to hoard anything they learn for personal advantage.

I will admit however I was rather taken aback when many of the ladies in attendance, very important individuals with great levels of authority and command, seemingly mostly ignored the report on the Shav threat to go engage in idle banter with a tattooed commoner over by the armor display instead. I can't imagine what that was about, but it certainly does not look good.

Written By Acacia

July 25, 2016, 5 a.m.(2/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Marcas

It was the way that he'd watch a room that first caught my attention. But Captain Marcas is, perhaps surprisingly, one of those people I can relate to. Sure, he might sometimes forget to bathe, and also be a little rough around the edges (not that I've ever minded that)-- but the fact he can drink most men and women under a table (or stool), speak frankly for the most part and still rub elbows enough to tend to his job as necessary means he's a rather perfect release for those rare periods of partial downtime. I expect that we'll clash heads every now and again, and I'm not naive enough to think that he got to where he is without having a history-- but I assume it'll be fun figuring it all out in the process.

Written By Gareth

July 25, 2016, 12:34 a.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

To see men and women fight with blade and steel. It makes ones minds wander. Such idle thoughts are an unhealthy pasttime and a person's concentration are better directed to the possible and feasible. Idle fancy has no place in anyones life, especially not the driven.

Written By Rohkir

July 24, 2016, 11:58 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

My cousin, and now High Lord. It seems like it wasn't so terribly long ago that we were much younger and still doing more silly things. Now, everything's death, doom, and gloom, and I have to consider every minor interaction I do like I will offend the wrong person. I love him. I hope he's every bit the man he needs to be; I fear he may become the man my uncle never wanted him to, if we are not careful. Family sticks together. To the Last.

Written By Gustave

July 24, 2016, 11:48 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

The Princess Alarissa seems convinced I will be asked to marry again, for politics if nothing else, a prospect I meet with ambivalence. I have an heir, a little girl that is more than I could have asked for. Why have I mourned so long? Achena and I did love each other, though it was perhaps more of a friendly fondness than all consuming passion. She was however a splendid wife, an earnest helpmate, and an extroardinary mother. What romance there was was slow to mature, but she performed her tasks with great zeal and efficiency and I could rely on her in a way I have not been able to since. I will not be dishonest to her memory and not pretend there are women that did not inflame my passions more, but Achena was my partner. She loved the house, she loved family, and she loved what we could do for the people. Until I meet a woman of similar caliber, I remain in mourning. I will not betray my people by bestowing upon them an inferior Marquesa.

Written By Alarie

July 24, 2016, 11:41 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Victus is a scary man. However, I refuse to show that I am scared. I am a woman of Thrax! We are strong and fearless. Right? Anyways, I was once told that fear is normal. It's the ability to stand up to that fear that makes one brave. He is definitely a frightening presence wherever he may go.

Written By Gustave

July 24, 2016, 11:11 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

Lady Fidante asked me about a statue, what I felt when I looked at it. Perhaps it was an attempt to probe for information, perhaps it truly was an attempt to see how I was or broaden my horizons. Hidden depths seem to be a desire for a great number of people: they wish to be thought the most profound or the most clever. I leave the delicate and intricate web of state to my sister, the predatory cunning to my brother, the web and weave of politics to my cousins. The art of being noble is knowing how to outsource all that you are not. It is good and noble to aspire to mastery of many things, but when life and territory are on the line it is best not to learn when dealing with a bad harvest or a screaming horde of shavs...learn on your own time, and never be afraid to delegate. What do I do? I lead. I fight. I feed the people. There are worse destinies for the Gods to write.

Written By Gustave

July 24, 2016, 11:07 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

Round one between my Sigrun and Prince and Inquisitor Gareth. For now he wins, but the girl is incensed. I say this not as a father, but one who grew up in a house full of...formidable women, that it would be best that Gareth surrender. My daughter is ferocious, implacable, and without mercy in her resolve...she will be doted upon and paid attention to, regardless of how strong someone thinks their will is. That aside, it was nice to get out into the outskirts and see a bit of the God's Country. I am no grand master of the wilderness like my younger brother but Arx remains something of an imposing hive. A man needs space to hear his own thoughts, and while Sigrun seems to crave and adore the endless dance of social facor and the cacophony I find it terribly exhausting.

Still, ever onward. Strong walls, strong souls.

Written By Nekarris

July 24, 2016, 11:01 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)


And another thing - I don't consider myself one of you. I identify as one of the Nox'Alfar. They have become my real family, and Death my eventual homecoming.

Written By Nekarris

July 24, 2016, 10:55 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)


I'm told these journals are for truths; the secret truths in our hearts. We write them down so that they may be preserved, if not shared, and never again shall 'we' lost the entirety of our history.

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? I'll share the secret truths in my heart, then. Truth #1: I despise being associated with you people. Flailing around with no idea what you might knock over. What you might disturb! It's sickening.

Written By Calista

July 24, 2016, 10:55 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

This week has been uneventful. I did receive shipments of my family's Grappa and Rose' wine, but everyone from the South is pushing their wine around. I'll certainly share it because if there's something Arx needs, it's more wine.

Viviana's Moscato is delicious. It's perfectly ripe and fruity; Sinful really. I mean, you can't get any more Pravus than Moscato wine. It leaves you wanting more. Then I met with Rohkir about furs. He said they were for private affairs; You know like the hot sweaty bodies grinding together type of private affairs but he forgets I come from humid climates and the last thing I want is fur or something that feels like hair sticking to my perfectly smooth, bronzed skin during the sweltering Summer months. I am looking forward to wearing a thick fur cloak during the Winter season. I've never experienced the cold weather, never even seen snow.

If I had to name the top three most fashionably dressed noblewomen in Arx, they would be Arch Duchess Esera Velenosa, Princess Valencia Redrain, and Duchess Nadia Nightgold. Not only are their fashions gorgeous, but these ladies know how to accessorize. I'll need to make sure I meet up with them before designing something new for myself. But who has time when there's a Villa to be built!

That's been my week. Like I said, uneventful. Lots of people watching. Here's to a new week and new experiences for the Vellichor scholars to document.

Written By Hadrian

July 24, 2016, 10:37 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

When you are seated at a desk reviewing and annotating reports, reading missives from home, staying informed, and writing orders, it is all too easy to integrate life into your desk routine instead of breaking from the desk to enjoy life.

Take the steady stream of messengers that make life in Arx possible. They come and go, bearing words on paper or words aloud. Read, reply, return to work. A nobleman capable of exclusive focus can let the whole day pass by - food comes to you, of course, and drink when you need it.

This is why it's necessary to have servants you trust enough to interrupt you and remind you gently that you need to go outside.

Written By Talen

July 24, 2016, 10:01 p.m.(2/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

Mistress Calandra Culler of the Boroughs is by no doubt a siren to many of the individuals in Arx. Talen's interaction with her started in brief, developed into a game and only time will tell who will be the better player. As a courtesan from the Boroughs it is a hard climb out of the slums and Talen watches with interest to see whether the so-called Nightingale is capable of such an ascent.

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