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Written By Kima

Aug. 4, 2016, 8:18 p.m.(3/17/1004 AR)

I think that perhaps I have fallen victim to the lures of summer. More and more, my time is spent on idle pursuits - yet is that such a bad thing? Soon enough, I'll likely find myself without a moment to spare, and will undoubtedly long for days like these.

Still, it is really too easy to drink more wine or ale than one ought.

Written By Acacia

Aug. 3, 2016, 8:39 p.m.(3/14/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

Prince Aurelian and I chanced upon one another during Admiral Alrec's VIP cruise some time ago. It was his dry joke regarding what would _really_ happen if one sought to save someone by bundling them in a tub full of fuzzy bunnies which stole my attention-- it was a welcome change from his typical reserved demeanor. From time to time, we end up in each other's company, as unlikely acquaintances that edge towards understanding, and he never fails to be chivalrous and considerate. He can be neutral and general when in the presence of others, interjecting in a wide-reaching perspective that's sometimes harder to relate to, but occasionally when he opens up a little, there's a greater and more individualized depth.

Written By Malorie

Aug. 3, 2016, 6:35 p.m.(3/14/1004 AR)

Rhapsody birthed her first foal today, I'm beside myself with pleasure. She's as snowy white as her dam, with a fierce disposition that reminds me so much of the yearling I left behind those many years ago. Rhapsody has mellowed through the years I've been gone, and I feared that she wouldn't remember me. They say the bond that Valardin forge with their horses lasts for all time, and it would seem that holds true. Though she was exhausted, she nuzzled my hand with what can only be described as familiarity. In a world in which you've been mourned and forgotten, familiarity is a rare gift, and I treasure it.

I'll be showing the season's foals next week, and I imagine that trading horses for the goods and services of the other Houses will be a fine reintroduction to proper society. Perhaps some people will remember me, preferrably without nuzzling my hand however, as that would be terribly awkward. Anyway, there are two black-coated foals I'm sure will make excellent stallions, as well as a stark white one. I'm expecting them to be the stars of the showing, but my personal favorite is the bay boy. So young, and prancing already! It seems almost a shame to geld him, but it would likely be a mistake to let him grow aggressive and ruin that showy disposition.

Written By Leona

Aug. 3, 2016, 4:49 p.m.(3/13/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Meeting him in the street was a blow to my heart - of course I knew who he was, nephew to the former Lord Commander, the new Prince of Sanctum. The gift he gave me is priceless, and means more to me than I can say. He seems like a good man, and he has offered to help the nearly impossible task ahead of me. Neither of us are suited to the measure of the man who stands between us, but I get the feeling that we're both going to try.

Written By Donella

Aug. 3, 2016, 4:36 p.m.(3/13/1004 AR)

I have been tasked by his Grace with spending lavishly, to provide a fit remembrance for Genevieve's wake. I would like a procession of largesse bearers to the lower borroughs for a feast in the streets. Likely I will have to dispatch thralls just to make the streets fit for it. I have arranged for some sort of statuary centerpiece, provided the artisan, Master Denon Whisper, meets my requirements. I want people remember their late queen with fondness.

Written By Leona

Aug. 3, 2016, 12:23 p.m.(3/13/1004 AR)

Lord Commander Dayne Valardin is dead.

It took me far too long to write that down.

I've been too busy. Learning, living, fighting. In the aftermath of whatever happened at that disastrous hunting party, I've been spending my time holding together the remains of The Hundred. We've mourned our brothers in arms. We've cleaned and polished their armor, returned to our armory what will one day clothe their successors. In the everyday motions we find clarity, and quiet, and some respite from the turmoil of our emotions.

Twenty dead, plus the Lord Commander. A fifth of our force gone. We must recruit, retrain, and ready ourselves for the fight ahead. The King is in a waking dream, and why? No one knows. We will find out.

Even as I write this, the hereditary sword of the Lord Commander rests on the table in front of me. Simple, deadly, and silent - still I feel the weight of those who have gone before. I will not fail them. I will not fail him.

I have work to do.

Written By Marcas

Aug. 3, 2016, 5:19 a.m.(3/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

I had commissioned a pair of pants be made for me by Morrighan. I was unsure at first, even though I have seen her shop. I was concerned if linen was a suitable choice but this blasted heat! Leather pants suit a purpose but staying cool is not it! The fit was perfect, the linen surprisingly durable as is the seams. To say the least, I am incredibly pleased by my purchase. Morrighan's skill surpassed my expectation and her price was more than fair. I gave her extra on top of what was owed as a token of my gratitude. I will be certain to use her again in the near future. My shirts are looking a touch ratty these days...

Written By Aislin

Aug. 3, 2016, 1:07 a.m.(3/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

I met Princess Donella Thrax today at the Market by happenstance. If she did not give her name as Thrax, nor if the guard that followed her bore any sigils, I would not of guessed. She was kind in demeanor, witty and a pleasure to be around. Though I could still see that Thraxian steel just under her exterior, especially when it came to getting what she wants. Admirable, in a woman of that House to hold such qualities. I hope to meet her again, I am sure she has an interesting and unique history. Though I suspect that is something only those close to her learn.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 2, 2016, 11:54 p.m.(3/11/1004 AR)

When I lived in Farhaven, there was very little that crossed my mind when it came to my future, or things I wanted to do. It was simply to be the dutiful House Servant, to be of help and do what was required with all the ability and potential I had. Now that I'm in Arx, away from home, serving in the Villa - well, not much has changed. My goal remains the same, but now there is this happy distraction of my shop. If I was asked just but a few years ago if I'd ever see myself doing this now, I'd have just laughed. It's funny how things can change so rapidly, or how things can come into your path that you hadn't anticipated, but prove to be a blessing. It's a lesson in learning how to balance many things in ones life that might otherwise become hectic if one isn't careful, and being a seamstress as well as a servant does just that. It's finding that equilibrium between the two, where you can do both without being negligent to those that rely on you. I think that if things hadn't turned out this way, it might have not been a life lesson I would have learned, but that's all conjecture.

So, my shop - I couldn't be happier with it, and it's garnered the appreciation and praise of Princess Deva. It made me just a little proud that she was so delighted with it. It's been busy almost non-stop, commissions right and left - but I don't mind. I've been able to supply the Princess' Hildegard and Freja with attire, as well as Prince Rohkir and Captain Marcas. Some days back the Marquis Greenmarch showed interest in a commission, though our discussion was cut short. I do hope that an accord can be made. In the mean time, I think I'll try to get some proper wares on display, soon. There's this lovely concept I've got forming for a very spectacular gown...

Written By Margot

Aug. 2, 2016, 8:48 p.m.(3/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

It is a privilaged position to be allowed to be able to dream about 'doing things better', about reforming the whole of everything. Sometimes I do not think he knows what a danger he is to himself and the family.

Written By Aislin

Aug. 2, 2016, 4:30 p.m.(3/10/1004 AR)

My first day back in Arx. It has been a while since I have been in this part of the world. The rich history of the city can be found on every street. Tales of the Great Houses written on every wall. The architecture of each Ward, each Burough, virtually breathes it, much to my delight. Eventually I will need to track down my spirited brother and my cousins who I hear are also in the city. Like any place, I wonder how long before I feel the urge to be outside of the city walls, back in the field. That yearning for adventure, for now, is contained within the city and it's secrets.

Written By Acacia

Aug. 2, 2016, 9:15 a.m.(3/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Torian

Torian was my Father's man for as long as I can remember. I've seen just how ruthless he can get, but he's always been easier with the smiles with me. I thought he'd be upset, really, when I split without a word, but I think he almost was more confused that I'd bother to come back once I got away. At the same time, there's some level of understanding for what had me return, that I know if no one else gets-- he does.

He'll deny that he's a font of wisdom, but he spews it more than most, tends to be pretty great on the fucking ego and provides unerring support when maybe he thinks no one else is watching. I imagine sometimes he'd probably still like to cuff me upside the head like he used to be able to do when I was younger, but he knows the way things work, even if he's been halfway keeping himself outside of it. Honestly, I'm glad he took over the Family after my Father died. I wasn't ready then. In the future though? Well. We'll see.

Written By Morrighan

Aug. 2, 2016, 3:36 a.m.(3/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohkir

I met Prince Rohkir one night while I was strolling about the city, trying to find something to do or somewhere to go to occupy my spare time. My first impression of him was that he's a giant fuzzy bastard...yes I know that's awfully informal but - no, I'm not insinuating he's illegitimate, for fucks sake just write it down. Anyway, yes. Giant man clad in leathers and fur, as any proper Redrain man should be. He had only just arrived within Arx, making it here after a long journey from Farhaven. There were times throughout my association with the Prince that I wasn't sure we would get along. Sometimes we did, other times we were butting heads, but from that we formed a friendship. An understanding. Rohkir could at times be imposing and a bit intimidating - he was massive and muscled, let's not forget how tall he was, either. A full foot higher than me. It doesn't seem there was enough time. I guess it's true when people tell me life is short. I wonder what he'll do with the finery I made for him, I don't know if anyone else in the family matches his size. It greatly saddens me that the Prince has made his way back to the North, and I don't suspect I'll be making my way back home any time soon. I can only hope that he takes care and stays safe on his patrols or battles with the shav tribes up there. I know that I'll miss that bastard - stop trying to correct me, damn it. It's a fond name calling. He understood that. The villa won't be the same with him gone, but maybe someday if I'm ever sent back home I'll be able to harass him again.

Written By Eithne

Aug. 2, 2016, 3:24 a.m.(3/9/1004 AR)

I was born and raised in this great city here of Arx, and you've gotta admit, we've got it pretty nice here. We are a living and thriving Mecca of trade and commerce since we've got that nice port over by the Eastern Gate. Now, let's see, Arx attracts folks from all walks of life and you best believe I've seen 'em all. Well, almost all. I've seen -most-.

We've got'em big and tall and small and short and fat and skinny..light and dark and somewhere in between. We welcome all to this great city; the city of the King and the city of the beloved Greyson family. I don't really get much up into politics. I don't follow much like my daddy used to. I'm thinking these days he's happy that I took over his business so he can stay at home with mama watching my nieces and nephews. That's something you gotta know about the Thornburns, we got a large family and it just seems to keep growing. What about me? NO. Absolutely not. Not right now, not when I'm in the absolute prime of my life with my business.

I've got this shop down in the center of town, right off of the city center called Fire and Brimstone, because it's a forge. I am an armorer extraordinaire. I'm sure you've heard of my old man Gervis Thornburn. He's been one of the resident crafters for a long time and when I decided to get my hands nice and dirty, because they -do- get dirty, he told me, Ethie, you've gotta get yourself involved in the Crafter's Guild. I didn't really question him. I never question my pops. He's the smartest man I know, or that's what I like to tell him, makes the old man feel good about himself.

So yeah, I've got this shop in town and it's real nice and quaint. In the afternoon I get to work on my 'mail by the window watching the folks go by. Many of them wave back to me or will just stop on in to say hello. It's a great life. I really can't ask for more. Well, gotta get going to my next appointment, I'll be sure to come back and give you regular updates. Until then.

(Signed with a flourish - Eithne Thornburn)

Written By Acacia

Aug. 2, 2016, 2:17 a.m.(3/9/1004 AR)

I have the utmost appreciation for those who have fulfilled their training to become true Courtesans. While some may harp or contend about indulgences or less subtle politics and the manner they're done, it would take a special person to refute the fact that what Courtesans do as easily as breathing is nothing short of pure art. The ability to be exactly what people need at that moment, even if they don't quite realize it themselves, without ever losing that special character that makes them unique, is something which deserves that level of respect. Every time I see a wealthier someone who looks incredibly bored without someone to entertain them, I can't help but wonder why they didn't think to hire one for that particular night. More people definitely should. Then again, more people should also probably indulge in whiskey. It's delicious.

Written By Silas

Aug. 2, 2016, 12:24 a.m.(3/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

The Prince Inquisitor is the Grayson royal I've spoken to the most, which isn't terribly surprising considering both of our professions. The surprising part may be the fact that we can get along! I have promised to relay any pertinent information I may overhear from the streets regarding the King's alleged assassination attempt, though I suspect the true puppetmaster is someone higher up in the hierarchy; he may be better equipped to smoke him out than I.

He has agreed to pay me for intel (should I come across it) and has more or less ordered me to pay Mistress Eithne for a fine suit of steel armor - in order to test her skills - which I'm to wear instead due to his physical impairments. I'm not complaining, but it is an odd way to gift something.

Written By Silas

Aug. 1, 2016, 11:38 p.m.(3/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

Master Talen, Sword of Lenosia, is talented warrior who deserves the title he's inherited and the favor he curries. He may also be more competitive than even I am, and seems capable of doing whatever is necessary to secure a win, even at the expense of his honor. Regardless of my feelings on that matter, I suspect I will have to get used to it if I ever intend to be victorious in any of our future match-ups.

Written By Jaenelle

Aug. 1, 2016, 5:47 p.m.(3/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohkir

It is odd to mourn a concept. I have mourned my mother, my father, and my husband, but to mourn an idea is peculiar. An idea agreed upon by two strangers to share parts of their lives with one another in good times and bad, an unspoken arrangement so life is not quite as boring as if you had to travel it alone. A friend. I will not brush you off as easily as you have me. I can wait till you return to your senses.

Written By Ida

Aug. 1, 2016, 11:51 a.m.(3/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

What can I say about Prince Edain Valardin? Even before the Tragedy at Sanctum, he seemed a fan of my fighting style and I was certainly honored by as much. I still am, truth be told, and while loyalty to one's house is expected, His Grace also earned mine some time ago. When he invited me to Arx, the timing was almost too perfect. My husband had been gone awhile, the children were off with their new masters and there were only so many boxing championships I hadn't already participated in at least once. Surely Arx would offer a more varied array of opponents. Besides, the chance to forge arms and armors for House Valardin? Who in their right mind would turn down such an opportunity? His generosity since my arrival is beyond measure, providing me any necessities wage in exchange for my work. I surely have the better deal in this relationship. That he is immeasurably humble as well as honorable? I could hardly admire him more. Whatever dark times may approach, I hope to serve His Grace and his family well, however I can. He deserves no less from me,

Written By Ida

Aug. 1, 2016, 11:40 a.m.(3/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Hammar

A rather hulking figure of a man came to the shop a week or more ago. Imposing would be an understatement and that blank look in his eyes...well. I've seen people hit a few times too many in the head during my days as a pugilist and this seemed a touch beyond even that. While Master Hammer, no doubt, is an exceptionally dangerous person - deadly, even - our meeting wasn't like that at all. I'm unsure how he was lead to my door - the sign? Word? Whatever the case, he requested armor and I have to admit, the challenge was one I was excited about. He's about the size of a small cottage back at the hamlet, so just trying to make something to fit his girth would be work unto itself. Mostly dull, black armor, he seemed pleased with it, which made me happy. And, perhaps, from harm. He doesn't seem the type to hurt unprovoked. Duke Arn Telmar remarked to me recently that he saw Hammar in his armor and thought it amazing work. Humbling, right? One could do worse than someone near the size of a barn walking around in one's armor.

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