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Written By Alarissa

Aug. 11, 2016, 6:23 a.m.(4/8/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

There are those who call themselves 'lords' and there are those who are worthy of carrying such a title. As much as I respect the House of Thrax, I can not respect a man who:

* makes fun of the dead;
* uses barbaric language in front of a lady;
* doesn't know how to apologize;
* publicly mocks a lady;
* is quick to offend people...

The list is not yet finished. I believe that many could find more to add. However, we shall not forget that everyone is worth a chance at redemption. I hope that the time will come when the Gods will send a challenge to this man through which he will find true values and a new path. Time changes people.

Written By Kima

Aug. 11, 2016, 2:46 a.m.(4/8/1004 AR)

The little soiree hosted jointly by Archduchess Esera Velenosa and Lady Calista Fidante was a fine chance to do several things: enjoy good wine, show off, people watch, and swim. The Bay of Thrax is by no means comparable to the waters off of Southport it must be said, but the night was balmy and the sea refreshing.

Even if I, through nefarious means, may have gotten a bit more of a taste of it than I might have preferred.

Now, if I were to be pressed, I sincerely doubt I could choose a single person that stood out amongst the rest. Divided between men and women, the ladies stole the show - as is most often the case. Whispers abounded, and the sisters Velenosa were lovely as always. The Sword of Lenosia, along with two of the Inquisition, stood out as being 'wrongly' attired, but I am hardly one to judge.

So I enjoyed myself, flitting about and playing the idle socialite. It was not such a bad way to spend the evening. And yet I cannot help but wonder if the intense stare of a certain man had little, if anything, to do with my vaunted beauty.

What a shame.

P.S. I received the most darling little seashell, simply for attending! What a quaint notion.

Written By Gareth

Aug. 10, 2016, 9:25 p.m.(4/7/1004 AR)

House Grayson, during our esteemed and proud history, at no time tolerated being dishonored. Our fields are full of the dead, but not of cowards. Today we a people with the consciousness of our rights. Slaves we are not and never were. We receive death, but not humiliation. Rest assured, we have sufficient moral strength left to find an honorable exit from a life we cannot support without honor and dignity.

Written By Donella

Aug. 10, 2016, 2:43 p.m.(4/6/1004 AR)

I have determined that it is past time when I should have had a chat with my younger brother about the future. We have much to accomplish, he and I, and not much time to accomplish it in. The stakes are very high. Until recently, I did not realize quite how much so. It cannot be helped; now, if ever, is the time to test our mettle. Careful and swift, like minnows we must be.

Written By Jacinthe

Aug. 9, 2016, 10:05 p.m.(4/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

I should be far more wary of a man who provokes with purpose, especially when I haven't yet determined what that purpose is. Whether it's driven by whim or design and forethought, or a mixture of all. It would be good to know which way he leans. But all things in time and it's a pleasant novelty to not know what to expect at any given moment when in his company.

Yes, even when he's tweaking my nose with his little games.

Written By Jacinthe

Aug. 9, 2016, 9:56 p.m.(4/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

I have no doubt that a great deal of ink has been spent on parchment about the virtues of Duke Niccolo. Often when one meets a man of such reputation, it becomes immediately apparent that the high praise he receives is at least partly due to bloodline and title rather than the gentleman himself. In this instance, and marking the Duke as a rare man indeed, I've seen no evidence that he hasn't earned every positive adjective that's been written or whispered about him.

That said, he is also a man of formidable perception and an uncanny knack for keeping his thoughts behind the most civil and pleasing of masks. That he does this in a way that invites rather than alienates the interest of others is testament to skill as well as character, I believe.

Written By Jacinthe

Aug. 9, 2016, 9:50 p.m.(4/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

There's not a room she enters that doesn't seem brighter for her presence. Rare is the woman capable of modulating such force of personality. It's no mystery why eyes are drawn to the Duchess when she makes an appearance.

Written By Jacinthe

Aug. 9, 2016, 9:46 p.m.(4/4/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

He is of the opinion it would take a Grayson months to learn what the Whispers expected from me over the course of years. While I have the utmost respect for that most noble family, and while I expect that the Inquisitor knows a great deal on a number of subjects, I cannot help but think that the training of courtesans is not one of those subjects.

My sympathy for his purpose remains, of course. Men who are drive by the spur of duty to take on the darkest tasks expected of those of their station are men to be admired.

Written By Ida

Aug. 9, 2016, 9:13 p.m.(4/4/1004 AR)

I take my path past the paddock at the Valardin estate on my way back and forth to the city about every day, mostly to watch the grey speckled foal that seems more inclined to lounge than much else. When the parade was put together, I couldn't help but go and see how he would do. I didn't stay long, as I had duties and am fairly ill-suited for events as refined as that. It was quite wonderful really and I ended up wishing I could have stayed longer. Princess Ophelia seemed nervous, but what a darling young woman she seems to be, so concerned her guests enjoyed themselves - even me! I ended up sending word to Princess Malorie about the foals and, no kidding, the speckled grey and white was the only one still unclaimed! Fate, must have been.

Written By Isolde

Aug. 8, 2016, 10:21 p.m.(4/1/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

I have decided to be magnanimous and forgive Duchess Nadia her slip at the party. We had a long conversation and, while I still think she needs a great deal of refinement, we can see a bit more clearly now. She has the potential to be truly lovely.

Written By Jaenelle

Aug. 8, 2016, 9:48 a.m.(3/27/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

While drinking and lamenting with Princess Freja, the topic of brothers came to be. We both have one, you see, and both are maddening to certain degrees though both are quite different people. I suggested we trade brothers, and upon informing Fergus that he was mine for the week, we met in the Redrain study. He is much different than the closed, hardened, and serious man that I was told to expect. In fact, I am certain I saw he smile at least three times.

Written By Gustave

Aug. 7, 2016, 11:48 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Sigrun tried to be a vegetarian this week. It lasted all of three days. I give credit to the childs stubbornness, but we both know at her growing age she cannot be picky about foodstuffs. Should probably send her to Princess Alarissa soon. Even if she must eat the portions of a Blackram, perhaps a bit of daintiness would do her well. I see a bit of Teagan in her, in between her flights of heroic fancy. That iron will and that clever mind. The question is: do I dare cultivate it? Or try to turn it to more....mellow ends?

Written By Gustave

Aug. 7, 2016, 11:46 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

We Blackrams have seldom dealt in horseflesh. Our men are too large for all but the most titanic of breeds, and what forage we do possess is more suited for sheep and goats than warhorses. Our women are occasionally scouts and runners, but seldom has the charge of horse been as efficient or as cohesive as a wall of infantry cascading down a hill. In the loweer lands there is of course the risk, but then that is why we came down the hills and chose the Valardins as our lords. Why gamble on your weaknesses when you can have someone else reinforce them for you?

Written By Gustave

Aug. 7, 2016, 11:44 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Malorie

I never really knew the princess Malorie. One of the advantages of being a Marcher I suppose is that you only need to know who pays for any troops in excess of what you can support on your own, who wants you to either reinforce or pull away from the border, who you have to point a pike at. She seems like a nice enough woman, well versed in horseflesh, inspiring in her own manner. If I am suspicious of her it is only due to family mores which tend to be wary of assigning competence the farther it is from the farm or the front line. A big "we shall see", one supposes...even if she weren't the missing princess, would it be so bad? She's competent, not hard to look at, and knows her trade.

Written By Fergus

Aug. 7, 2016, 10:01 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Jacinthe

Jacinthe, met this Whisper when I was 2 1/2 sheets to the wind after having drank with Ida in the Traders Tavern. I stole a half-glass of whiskey from the Traders and wandered over to the Ambassador, where Jacinthe had been playing a harp. We talked and drank a little, she seems to be putting on a face, with her fine drinks, fine talk and nice clothing, I think there is more to her and would like to find out what is behind that 'thick skin' she says that she possesses.

Written By Calista

Aug. 7, 2016, 9:56 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

Princess Deva Redrain is wild! But I love that about her. She is every bit as carefree as Prince Kieran said she would be and he did not disappoint. It was refreshing to meet her, to attend her party and not have to worry about stuffy propriety. She did give Prince Luca quite a mouthful.. of kisses after our dance. It's good to know second place is rewarded so generously!

Written By Fergus

Aug. 7, 2016, 9:39 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Malorie

Didn't so much as 'meet' Malorie as I had a short and much interrupted conversation with her at the Valardin stable showing. I look forward to seeing more of her, not that I really know the woman, but she had made offer of helping or finding help for me to learn to ride, when the time comes that Blackjack, the foal I bought, is ready to be rode.

Written By Fergus

Aug. 7, 2016, 9:31 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

I went to the Valardin stable showing, I had no real intentions of buying a horse, as I am not much of a horseman. Despite this, however, I ended up putting my claim to a stocky built male paint foal. I have decided to call him Blackjack, unless something else comes to me that makes a bit more sense after he has grown more into himself. I look forward to my riding instructions in the near future.

Written By Edain

Aug. 7, 2016, 9:21 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Trying to describe The Sword of Sanctum is like trying to find the the right words to describe the skies when it is about to storm. My sister-in-law Princess Marian is a force of nature, beautiful to behold but deadly if you get to close. Thankfully she is bonding well with my sister Alis, which I think is good for both of them. There are some that disapprove of a prodigal turned princess carrying Oathbinder, but I know the depths of her honor, and I have seen her fury. There is no one I trust more than to carry my brother Velen's former mantle and to honor his memory in doing so.

Written By Lydia

Aug. 7, 2016, 9:17 p.m.(3/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

My cousin has come to the city too! I got to sit with her at the Northern Feast that Princess Deva held. She was full of stories of all the places she has been. Most of them dangerous and far away. I'm sure she's had all sorts of adventures and have fought dragons and all sorts of things.

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