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Written By Rymarr

July 7, 2018, 3:07 p.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailith

I consider myself a knight, first and foremost. I nearly lapsed in that duty. I came quite close in allowing my thirst for adventure, battle, and more to cloud my judgment. I nearly failed to do what was right. When someone who was in need required my aid, I very nearly allowed my desire to mete out justice to overcome my senses. I very nearly left someone who needed me in a desperate moment, to fend for themselves. All so that I may chase valor and glory. I very nearly failed myself and others as a knight.

It is Seraph Ailith that I have to thank for guiding me to the proper path. In the moment where I may have very nearly stepped away from my own nature in order to pursue glory, Seraph Ailith was there to silently coach me back to the proper path. To aid someone who needed me, in that exact moment for their life could have very well depended upon it. I am happy to say that with Seraph Ailith's assistance, I stayed to the path and did what was right, over what would bring my name fame or appease my desire to engage with an enemy in battle.

Sometimes as a knight we must be the shield that refuses to move, so that those behind it may survive. It isn't all valiant charges and climatic moments of heroism. Sometimes it's rooting oneself in place, refusing to budge, and weathering the storm so that another may be protected from it. Sometimes one must stand in the back and watch their friends, allies, or even enemies-turned-allies-of-convenience throw themselves into the fray. Sometimes you must attend to your duty away from the front line, so that those in the front can rest assured that their backs are safe. It may not be what one favors, likes, enjoys, or finds thrilling. A necessity of battle sometimes, still.

Had I just gone charging off foolishly in pursuit of valor? I think I would have been much more disappointed in myself today. I think that others would have been even more disappointed in me. Had the one I needed to stand before died? Then I know that this entry would have been drastically different in tone and purpose. Injuries were suffered, but lives remain. For the sake of another? I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to step forward to fulfill that need. Whether a prayer was made or not, a knight appeared.

Thank you Seraph Ailith for reminding me of this in a heated moment. Without a single word spoken, you reminded me that sometimes a victory can not be the only pursuit. One must take stock of all of the consequences of that victory. A victory gained through extreme consequences is pyrrhic and often not worth the human lives spent to attain it.

Written By Luca

July 7, 2018, 2 p.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

Dear Compact,

..this being addressed to all the people who come to paw through my white journal entries, for which I cannot blame you. I put so many things of interest here. I have an important question. Who is your favorite scholar to work with? I'm looking for someone who can handle a little terror while I drag them into a joint venture that will both thrill and possibly leave them drunk. But they have to be able to also write it all down. It could also be a little dry in parts, but life is a series of challenges to overcome, isn't it? Just for the people who only skim the first and last lines of these things, I'll ask again at the bottom:

Who is your favorite scholar to work with?

Written By Fredrik

July 7, 2018, 1:45 p.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

from: Desk of Lord Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: Not being 'that' person

That was a long read, but a good one, full of excellent advice. You really should take the Whisper Natalia's sage suggestion and turn these into pamphlets to be left in all the big social locations of Arx. Please, for the good of all.

Written By Lisebet

July 7, 2018, 1:19 p.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

All of this jogging in the early morning makes me tired. Are you sure I really need to?

Written By Josephine

July 7, 2018, 12:09 p.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

I stood beside my daughter and looked at the piece made before it was to be sent off to the Duchess. The dragonweep. So many evenings spent taking care with it, each curl carefully bent. No seams seen. Lord Grady even spent an evening or two joining me when he wasn't busy with work or his wife and I showed him some of the finer points of tending to the ignots and fashioning the piece. He struck the sytgian a time or two and helped to file and polish. More the polish. His song now added to the whole of it. All piece get my best but some pieces just seem to fall into place better. I hope that she finds joy in this. The song I hear is a blend of sorrow and joy and I am sure to hear it for some time. Till something else sings a little sweeter in it's desire.

Written By Natalia

July 7, 2018, 11:33 a.m.(2/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I went and looked. If it were anyone else I'd suggest you just read it, because it's good advice.

The last thing YOU need to worry about is being boring, though.

You really don't need the advice. I can't help but feel like we should make pamphlets out of her entry and leave them on a table in the reception room, though. As a helpful tip.

Written By Orelia

July 7, 2018, 9:09 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

Oh no! Place guards around the cheese, immediately if not sooner!

Written By Edward

July 7, 2018, 8:37 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orelia

Panic! The rum is gone...

Written By Cullen

July 7, 2018, 7:26 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

It's a curious thing to never have been out to sea, and now my first such voyage is coming up rather quickly. I am both rather thrilled and figuring that I should pray to Mangata for calm weather, although I doubt I should be so fortunate. I suppose the lesson I ought take from this is to do more sailing, although I can honestly say it never crossed my mind in the Greenwood that such a thing would be a concern. Change is constant, inevitable and desirable.

Written By Cullen

July 7, 2018, 7:11 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

I had the good fortune to attend a dinner hosted by Marquessa Quenia Igniseri recently, and all of her innate qualities as a charming conversationalist, gracious hostess, and an all around intelligent individual were on full display. Having the opportunity to sit down, dine, and drink with her, her family and friends was a rather noteworthy occasion.

Written By Thorley

July 7, 2018, 6:33 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

It has been a strange week. I suppose I should have finally made my way out more now that I've had a couple of months to feel my way around Arx again. Yet I find myself dreaming of home. Should I wish to return, it will not be alone. Not this time. Not ever again if it can be helped.

The search has begun. And I am glad to make new friendships and alliances in the process.

Written By Orelia

July 7, 2018, 6:11 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It is almost time! I imagine my dearest cousin is in quite the flurry of excitement and, knowing her, meticulous organisation.

I hope she will enjoy the few verses I've strung together for her, as my gift. And no, these ones are not about potatoes.

Not to sound like a priss, but I have absolutely /nothing/ to wear. I wonder if Luca might lend me one of his shirts, if I promise not to spill rum on it..? Bah, any garments of his are likely soaked in rum down to the last thread, anyway.

Written By Orelia

July 7, 2018, 5:59 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

I find myself oddly inspired, today. I can't quite put my finger on it. What? Yes, scribe, I am quite serious. Come on, here, I'll clap the rhythm for you while I sing...


They're red, they're white, they're brown
They get that way underground
There can't be much to do
So now they have blue ones too.

We don't care what they look like, we'll eat them
Any way they can fit on our plate
Any way we can conjure to heat them
We're delighted to think they're just great.

Potato potato potato
Potato Potato Potato Potato
Potato potato potato
Potato potato potato

Sometimes you ditch the skin
To eat what it's holding in
Sometimes you'd rather, please,
Have just the outside with cheese.

They have eyes but they do not have faces
I don't know if their feeling get hurt
By just hanging around in dark places
Where they only can stare at the dirt.

Potato potato potato
Potato Potato Potato Potato
Potato potato potato
Potato potato potato

I guess the use is scant
For other parts of the plant
But that which grows in view
Is eating potato too.

I imagine them under their acres
Out in Stonehearth or Arx, just the same
They'll be wondering if they'll be bakers
Or new, deep-fried, boiled or plain.

Potato potato potato
Potato Potato Potato Potato
Potato potato potato
Potato potato
Potato potato
Potato potato potato.

(Actual credit: Cheryl Wheeler)

Written By Aethan

July 7, 2018, 1:53 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ian

My brother is the first Sword of Stormward. There are none more deserving. I'm proud of you.

Written By Ford

July 7, 2018, 1:45 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Our family dinners are better than your family dinners.

This is a fact. Stone cold fact.

Written By Bliss

July 7, 2018, 1:26 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

I tried to read this and could only get three paragraphs in. I'm sure there is some irony there.

Written By Rymarr

July 7, 2018, 1:17 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

Very well. The apology isn't necessary. Learn. Grow. Improve. That is how you can make amends.

Mistakes happen. I just want to make sure you get your property back.

You should also consider a new bundle of arrows with 'Sorry' carved into the shafts.

Written By Vanora

July 7, 2018, 12:32 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

The Grand Duchess of the Lyceum is an absolutely formidable presence and a kindred spirit too...she thinks so similarly to me about the things I value the most. I admire her very deeply.

We were friendly when we were girls, I ran wild at the Velenosa estate in Lenosia while my parents did....the things my parents did. She, Esera, Isolde, and so many other cousins to run wild with and play, when we were not expected to be mature or serious. Then I moved on to religious study and she moved on to rise in power and wield it with such beauty and compassion.

I am fortunate we are in each other's lives again, there is so much to hope for, dream about, work towards.

Written By Cambria

July 7, 2018, 12:08 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

The first thing you notice about boring people is they never seem to have a point to their stories or anecdotes. When telling a story in a social setting, you should always have a point. No one cares about what you had for dinner, unless it was something bizarre or unusual. If you had a delicious baked potato for dinner the night before, that's not something anyone cares about. Now, if, while you were eating that delicious baked potato you happened to see someone strip down and call for the eternal rule of the demon Lord of the Gap, then you have a story with a point. That's an interesting tale.

Having a story with a point is a courtesy to those listening. By having a point, you are showing respect to the person or people you are speaking to, whether it is by sharing information with them or piquing their interest with an amusing or clever tale. When your stories are pointless dribble of mundane events, you are, whether you realize it or not, insulting the audience. At the very least, you are wasting their time, which is just as bad.

You should also avoid unnecessary details. Consider the cultist and the baked potato. If you spend five minutes describing the texture of the potato skin, then thirty seconds on the crazed cultist in the buff, you made what could have been an amusing tale into several moments of torture for your listeners instead. Sure, a little setup to the big reveal is a good way to create tension, but you don't need much. In a social setting, a good story is one that avoids extraneous detail and never lasts more than a couple of minutes.

The easiest way to avoid loading up your sixty second story with ten minutes of tedium is to never explain the obvious. This is the most common error boring people make when telling a story. For some reason, they think they need to explain what everyone in Arx has known since the Reckoning. In the case of our example, the boring person will actually explain what she means by baked potato or maybe even talk about the history of the baked potato. When in doubt, skip it. If people need more detail, they will ask.

Another way to prevent ending up as the boring person everyone avoids is to never tell a story that requires a back story. Boring people often start a story that should last three minutes, then veer into a long back story that they think is necessary to appreciate the tale. For example, the they will veer off about how they received a letter from their great aunt in the baked potato story. The result is a dull droning on about someone the listener does not know or care about, with absolutely no relevance to the tale, plus a dull description of dinner and the details of a baked potato. This is misery for listeners.

The boring also have a curious habit of talking over people. They ignore the little things others do to signal to the the boring that they need to stop talking. The boring are strangely competitive in their dullness. If you notice people starting to speak as soon as you take a breath, or start looking around the room in search of escape, you are the boring one. You are not going to improve this situation by talking louder or by talking over any interruptions. Take the hint and wrap it up.

A good way to stop yourself from being that guy is to always invite others to tell their own story or comment on the topic of conversation. People will find your dinner saga more interesting if you show an equal interest in them. You might be surprised, but a little active listening goes a long way. Boring people are selfish people, in that they are only interested in their point of view, and in far too much detail.

Finally, if it is a story you tell often and the listener is someone you know, assume you told them the story, because you almost certainly did. Start with "If I told this before, stop me," or maybe, "I probably told this story before..." This gives them the right to stop you from boring them with the 50th retelling. This is not just a courtesy. It actually makes you seem more interesting, because you are not focused on yourself, but on another. This is flattering to people and and they will think better of you for it.

Written By Petal

July 7, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

Marquis Rymarr,

It was me. I apologize. I need lessons. I am glad you are okay! Also thank you for protecting me.


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