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Written By Fredrik

July 6, 2018, 9:56 p.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

From: Desk of Lord Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: Reclaiming my land

It is finally beginning. Soon, I will sail to the old islands of my home, to convince the abandoned there, former kin of my own family, to bend the knee. To tell them that while I understand that they felt no choice but to fight, to resist and renounce our ways rather than swear to Donrai? That there is a new Tyde now. A new RedTyde, and a new future that I welcome them into. It is time for them to come home.

I invite all those who believe they can help, with word and wit, to carry the day here. To join me. Let us show them the unity we now possess. Let us show them our strength of spirit. Let us show them their new Compact.

Written By Hannah

July 6, 2018, 9:32 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I have returned! Although I don't remember much about Arx, that's okay that just means I get to revisit it and learn it all over again! And seeing Rei happy! Like showing happy! I couldn't be happier! And I have nephews, and a niece! So definitely get to play with the kids and this is good. And get to see sister after so long, and this is also good. I am beyond excited that things seem so good for sis. Waaaaait, things have been rough? Hmm, time to don the big sister hat. There will be talking, much much talking.

Written By Lucita

July 6, 2018, 8:41 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

I echo Princess Tikva's comments about appreciating accolades. And I also recognize it is a group effort and a is a privilege to sing with others, also preferring friendship and cooperation with other music lovers. There is a deep satisfaction in sharing music so each contributes to create something beyond what just what one can accomplish. Even someone with no musical ability who claps a rhythm or keeps time with a tapping finger on a tabletop or joins in becomes part of the experience.

As for my relationship to music, it is my passion. It brings joy, comfort, sometimes is a prayer. It is given from the heart and often is something personal or given to please or support friends, family, faith, and fealty. My music is not meant to compete with bards and whispers who earn livings through their music nor do I claim to be the best. Such is a matter of opinion, some preferring a sweet voice, or one with a deep or mellow one, or a whiskey-laden smoker's husky growl or even the tiny off key voice of a child singing to their doll.

Written By Reigna

July 6, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Hannah

My sister is in town! I cannot believe it! I have not seen my sister in years! And now Hannah is here! She came over and she and I talked and she met Aeryn and Talis and Kata. And, and, and! My sister. Well, a sister. I have five others, but Hannah is special. She's always been special. And now she is here. There is so much to say. Things have been difficult and, well this is not the place. But still. I am thrilled!

Written By Rymarr

July 6, 2018, 8:08 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

I'm going to need a board, quite a few pins, and a lot of yarn.

I'll solve this mystery.

Written By Harper

July 6, 2018, 7:38 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

I think the collective spider population of the barracks may revolt and chase Kenna and I out of the barracks soon. Time to move up to the roof and pester the birds instead. Now I just need to figure out how to keep Kenna off the roof.

Written By Dianna

July 6, 2018, 5:31 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

In a way, I envy Alessia's easygoing attitude. I think I remember a time when I was more of the same.

Written By Dianna

July 6, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Lovely time at the Ambassador's Lounge three days ago. Drinks and mingling and meeting new people. I met Princess Coraline and Princess Elegana and Melody, a commoner with dreams of becoming a Whisper, as well as Ailith, the palace seraph and Jeffeth, a knight.

Princess Coraline and Melody recounted the story of how they stole a man's pants. Giulio and Elegana went off to a private booth to discuss business

Written By Malesh

July 6, 2018, 5:21 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

I had the pleasure of touring a garden that the Ashfords have added to their residence in Arx. They have a marvelous selection of plants there, and it must have been a great expense to create such a room to grow and view them in. It is a sight worth seeing.

Written By Jacali

July 6, 2018, 3:09 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

A reminder to my most splendiferous self: Make somethin' outta that coffee 'hingy, gotta be somethin' to it, make 'em all right spin on it I will. Somethin' murky, somethin' spiced, somethin' creamy and decadent, not so unlike aforementioned sumptuous oneself. Go down a treat, that would, debaucherous in the dark of it, bewitchin' as it can be, aye, just sweet enough with a pinch of the wicked. What to call it, ey? That's the question, that is. Somethin' filthy, knowin' me right as I do, somethin' downright awffy. Creamy Knickers 'r sommit. I'll think of it, me, will at that.

Written By Jacali

July 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Been gettin' a bit of a name for myself, I have, on account of that Greenmarch lass. Been run ragged, me, right ragged on the business it's drawn. Not that I'm complainin', mind, not that at all, atall. Told 'em I'd make it on me own, I did, and that's what I'm doin', right said, all said and done, all tolt as it's been in true. In fact, I've a new brew in mind inspired just by her exuberant self -- somethin' hot and sweet, somethin' dark and playful. Should send her a note, shouldn't I? Think I might just!

Written By Esoka

July 6, 2018, 12:15 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Magnus

I recently had the honor of meeting Count Magnus Stahlben, the leader of a newly-sworn prodigal House in the Northlands. Seraph Ailith and I will soon be undertaking missionary work for the Faith in his lands, but first we’re studying his people and traditions. They are very different things from the ones I grew up with, and the ones I’ve adopted since bending the knee, but there are many commonalities I think we can work with. Including ones that may strengthen the Compact as a whole, once we fully understand them. He strikes me as a man of formidable strength and character, who’s made a bold step to do right by his people. And stand against our mutual enemies.

I’m filled with purpose as I begin this work. My faith was, for me, one of the few things that made sense when I first became prodigal. It has been the roots on which my life here has grown. I do not always care for the way some attempt to bring the scholarship of Faith to the others. So, if I think I can do it better, I’d best get to work. The gods belong to all, even if we do not fully understand the ways in which they show themselves in the hearts of strangers.

Written By Tikva

July 6, 2018, 11:44 a.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

The finest musicians are those who elevate those who play and sing beside them to greater heights. Music is cooperative; what is lovely alone will be transcendent supported and amplified in a chorus, a band, an orchestra.

I appreciate the accolades and I'm sure Lucita, Sorrel and Sabella do too -- they are my dear friends, close to my heart, and I'm not intending to speak for anyone but myself. But as a singer I prefer cooperation and friendship to victory. There is none greater than we can be when we sing together.

(But I'm pretty sure I can still banjo the hell out of Niklas.)

Written By Karadoc

July 6, 2018, 10:52 a.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Do you mean all of that figuratively or literally, your Highness? Because I am fairly certain that with that chorus of three (Baroness Lucita among them --) they could accomplish the same.

Written By Samantha

July 6, 2018, 10:30 a.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

A conversation with one of my vassals yesterday led to some manner of debate, and so I put my thought to pen. I feel an incredibly strong kinship with the children that Prince Ainsley rescued, as their experience mirrors my own in many ways. I know from experience what it is to have been witness to terrible things; I know what it is to have had terrible things inflicted on me. And I know what it is to be rescued, and then to be brought into a loving home.

I will always honor the woman who gave birth to me; we gave her name to our firstborn. But Gabriel and Iona are my parents, and Michael and Lailah are my siblings, and I have never doubted their love or felt a lack of inclusion, even if my name wasn't Bisland.

Rymarr and I have made the decision to foster one of these children, to raise them within our household as a companion to our children, and to provide them with all of the opportunities to achieve their dreams that is within our capacity to give. There will be love and care and structure and safety.

Will this child feel less loved, or less part of the family, because they won't bear the name Deepwood? Or because they will not be granted a noble title? I should think not. Not in my household. And not when they have the opportunity to earn such rank through merit.

And what if a child is brought into the House, granted the name of Deepwood, but likewise not given a title and affirmed by Limerance as not being part of the succession? Would that in and of itself make them feel inequal, and that they are loved less by those who have brought them into their homes and hearts?

Based on my own experiences, I don't think so. But perhaps I am wrong.

Written By Octavia

July 6, 2018, 10:22 a.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Constantine

Since arriving in Arx, our little brother has proven himself invaluable time and again in administrating and advancing the interests of the house. I'm impressed with how quickly he's become indispensable to us, and it will be a sad day when he leaves Kennex.

Written By Eleyna

July 6, 2018, 8:47 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

The voices of Baroness Lucita, Princess Sorrel, and Princess Tikva were our saving grace in the Battle for Setarco. In the midst of brutal fighting and devastating loss, their beautiful voices kept us from falling to despair. I am convinced it was their songs that turned the tide of battle. So, while others might have voices just as sweet, those three voices are my favorite in Arvum, bar none.

Written By Niklas

July 6, 2018, 8:41 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Spoken like someone who has never heard Princess Sabella Grayson sing. The stars turn because they dance to the music she creates while merely humming to herself brushing her hair. When she actually sings horses become unicorns, lizards become dragons, people smile across Arvum and know not why, while others weep for the beauty they may never get to hear.

Her singular peer, of course, is the Nightingale, so called because the songbirds of the day grew jealous of the perfection of her voice and cast her into the night.

To be true, I have never been so envious of the people of Arvum as I am of those who will get to hear the two sing together. Surely myths will be born that night. Though are they myths when those putting on the show truly are legends?

Written By Orelia

July 6, 2018, 8:31 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

Connoisseur of rum and cheese, among other things.

Written By Quenia

July 6, 2018, 6:13 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

On the note of the dinner, I must say that my cousin is the most /awesome/ singer to ever grace Arvum. No, I don't care if anyone else claims to have that title, they're just wrong. Lady Lucita's voice and song writing are second to none, and her songs have spread far and wide throughout Arvum. And, I'm happy to have had her grace our dinner last evening and at the request of so many, sing a song near the end. The looks of peace and happiness on the faces of my guests as she played and sang are something I will always treasure.

Thank you, cousin, for your quiet graciousness and your beautiful performance.

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