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Tales of Eurus: Religion and Lands of the Dune Kingdoms

The final gathering in Lady Monique Greenmarch's series on the Dune Kingdoms of Eurus, this event will focus on discussion around the religion and lands of the Dune Kingdoms and what is currently known or suspected about them. Whiskey is welcome. All other drinks will be frowned upon.


Nov. 7, 2020, 9 p.m.

Hosted By



Lou Adrienne Zoey Valerius(RIP) Ryhalt Sabella Medeia Oddmun Selene Thea Natasha Apollo Samira Raja Aerwan Giorgio(RIP) Niklas(RIP) Nisaa Sydney Drake Evelynn



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Menagerie - Arboreal Enclosure

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Sam, who is a boy and definitely not a princess in disguise arrives, following Niklas.

The Arboreal Enclosure on a lovely spring evening is pretty much the epitome of idyllic. When you add in servers who circulate with food and drinks, it becomes what Elyssia probably is. Lady Monique is already there, set up around one of the wooden benches, and Primus moves about the crowd, distributing the small, bound books that the Greenmarch has prepared in advance of the evening.

Lou arrives on the heels of just having hosted her own meeting at the Society of Explorers herself on a completely different, yet totally related, topic to the Eurus situation. This time she's in the observer's seat, ready to kick back and listen to what another has to say, and maybe fill in some gaps if needed. She makes her way over to the pine bench and plops down, pulling a tightly sealed decanter of whiskey from her backpack and several glasses, just in case anyone decides to sit with her. Yep. It's been that kind of day for her already.

Lou has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Medeia has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

"... and if these are attended as the others were, well might we be the menagerie ourselves." Adrienne Pravus arrives with a Whisper on her arm as she escorts Nisaa through, around, in, and out of the unending park grounds. The fair-haired princess adorned in steelsilk moves with an Oathlander's dignity as she finds a seat from which they might observe the lecture. She takes a book for herself with a gracious tilt of her head toward Primus.

Thea has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Zoey has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Zoey looks through her copy, studying intently where she sits as other guests begin to arrive.

Adrienne has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Valerius wanders is muttering about the maze that this location is. While his assistant has a large smile on their face, silently laughing at the serious issues with direction that the Marquis has. Valerius looks around and finds a seat.

Valerius has joined the a sky blue hammock stretched between two trees.

Ryhalt walks through the enclosure to the place where the lecture will be held, smiling as he observes the exhibition. He takes a seat and accepts one of the books, idly paging through it as they wait to begin.

"It would have been a lot faster to get here if you weren't banned from the bear enclosure," Sabella is saying to Niklas as she arranges a bit of her hair behind one ear, immediately beaming a smile to the room as they find the place, "Aha, here we are! Let's sit with Lou! Although there's Princess Adrienne now and we ought to catch up with her and make sure she's gotten enough tiaras to last her throughout the year!"

As she makes her way to the flowery arbor to settle in for the evening, Medeia collects a copy of the book from Primus and lifts a hand in greeting to Monique. She also secures a generously poured glass of whiskey. It'll likely be a long evening.

While he may not have much in the way of information, Oddmun realizes he may need to know something about the coming war. Finding a place to settle after he arrives, he scratches absently at his beard in thought.

The petite Radiant Emeritus doesn't come alone. What would be the fun of that? Rather she goes arm in arm with her taller strawberry-blonde apprentice, the pair moonshadows and sunshine. Selene offers a warm smile to all in passing, though she chooses a place to leave her rather front and centre. Best not to stand out -too- readily. Sinking down with precise grace into a curtsey for Monique, she proceeds on to her seat.

Thea steps inside quietly with Finn, who rushes to sniff out who he knows. He's Thea's hearlad really. Thea herself can be heard telling Rocco, quietly,"Take detailed notes, ok? Pkease. Thank you,"as she goes to have a seat.

As the gathering continues to grow, the tall, svelte figure of Natasha Thrax can be glimpsed striding alongside her companion in her brisk, cutting clip with her ivory fingers curled loosely around the inner elbow he has so gallantly offered. Dressed in her usual sharply elegant way in a high-collared creation of wine-colored silks, the tableau she presents - sleek lines, dark hair and equally dark eyes - would be almost painfully severe, but she is not without the barely-there smile that softens this single enduring characteristic. She seems to be in quiet congress with her princely companion as they search for a place to roost, though standing this close to her, and being so perceptive, he would be unable to miss the touch of preoccupation that threads through her air like a restless ghost, and thrumming with nervous energy that emanates in small ripples from where

Apollo sneaks in, looking vaguely tight. He's got his scholar-apprentice with him - of course he does. It's that kind of party. He moves to find a tree to hold up.

Fearful of being late, Samira arrives in a flurry of movement, her wild hair bouncing around her shoulders as she hastens into the area. Relief floods her expression as she realizes the event is not yet underway. A bow of her head is offered in Monique's direction should she happen to catch the woman's eye, and then she turns to hunt for a suitable place to sit.

Raja sits in a shady area under one of the trees. She seems quite comfortable on her mossy little spot, leaned against the rough bark of the tree. She is sipping from a flask and silently observing the people flitting about.

Niklas has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Absent a retinue of his own, one Aerwan Valardin still manages to show up to to the final gathering of Monique's series of Eurusi discussions without being alone - particularly in the presence of Princess Natasha Thrax. The Valardin prince at least doesn't immediately blend in as one of her subordinate retinue, primarily due to the fact that he's walking more at the magistrate's side than in the wake of her stride, expression one of reserved relaxation as he seems to wrap up some point of discussion upon their entry that may've sounded like 'it felt as if they were walking in circles'. Granted, they're at a menagerie, there're worse things than walking in circles. Even the animals could use some entertainment every now and again. The size of the turnout draws a low murmur of appreciation from Aerwan when he glances about, at least if the brief lifting of his brows is any indication, but it's shortlived as he angles his head back in Natasha's direction to reply to something else, and gestures toward some open seating. Elevated, and with a view!

Nisaa has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Aerwan has joined the a comfortable wooden treehouse.

Sabella has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Oddmun has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Selene has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

Apollo has joined the a sturdy pine wooden bench.

New enough to the city to have likely met no one present, Giorgio Pontelaeus steps into the advertised meeting place with the air of one who is seeing the place for the very first time. His eyes shift around the many faces present of those who had made it before him before he moves to gather himself a drink and find a place to sit. The merchant from the relatively new March of Tremorus carries himself proudly, his head lifted high as he moves through those assembled to take his seat.

"I'm not _banned_ from the bear enclosure," says Niklas a bit stiffly as he walks in with his wife. "One doesn't ban a prince of Grayson from the zoo. I'm just encouraged to avoid it. By the bears. Who apparently recognize me." He scratches his nose and follows her to a bench. "Why do bears have to be that way?"

Giorgio has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

"This might be being the case, yes," Nisaa says as she walks with Adrienne, laughing quietly in a melodic tone. "I am quite content to listen with you as company though." She smiles politely to others as her graceful steps join in with the Princess' towards the bench.

Natasha has joined the a comfortable wooden treehouse.

Sydney arrives in a fashion that could only be properly referred to as a saunter. It's rather clear that she took the invitation to heart, given the flask she has held in her hand that's swishing and sloshing with every step. It could /theoretically/ be another beverage than whiskey, but that would be gauche. She doesn't bother to seat herself, and instead props herself against one of the trees, peering out over the assembled faces before taking a long pull from her flask. She'd look moody, save for the fact that she's swift to giggle at Niklas on her way in. Seemingly, she just prefers to stand.

"Maybe one of the plays you did was not well received, Your Highness?" Oddmun asks Niklas as he takes out a flaggon of whiskey and takes a draw from it.

Once the long-suffering Primus has handed out the small bound books, Monique glances up and around, ruby lips curving. There's a wave here and there from the Greenmarch before she settles in. "There's a lot to be said about the lands of the Dune Kingdoms, and not all of it good. But all of it, I hope you'll find, interesting." There's a quick search for her glass of whiskey before the Minx lifts it. "So tonight, before we start, I'd like to propose a toast to the clarity that may come from a better understanding."

Drake is also here for whiskey, probably. That or, well, he got a last minute messenger asking if he was going to be here and he nearly almost forgot. But he's here now... also with a full flask at the ready. At least it's a nice change of venue for this... if he gets bored with the learning, he can watch the animals in the trees.

Thea too has a flask. Probably whiskey. Seeing Sabella and Niklas, she gives them both a dip of her chin. "Your Highnesses,"a smile appearing. Though her head does tilt a bit,"You have an issue with bears,"but soon the Malvici is waving to Raja and Sydney as well. Seeing Drake, Thea gives him a wink and a slight wave as well.

Valerius spots Drake waving to him and showing the whiskey available at the hammock

Aerwan's gesticulation towards the treehouse finally pulls Natasha away from her restless fugue, a curling tress painting its light brush stroke against a cheek once she tilts her head back and angles it to follow the line of his gaze. The treehouse ensnares her attention immediately, a flare of curiosity lighting up a pair of exhausted eyes. With a nod that's almost exuberant - and she may be trying to attempt to rein in her enthusiasm before anyone sees - she follows the Valardin prince's lead, a hand up for assistance once he's situated. How anyone navigates long skirts in such activity may be an enduring mystery in itself, but the Thraxian princess doesn't seem a stranger in climbing trees while clad in understated finery.

Lou glances up at Adrienne and inclines her head to the Pravus princess. "Please do."

Sydney offers a subtle tip of her flask toward Thea, bobbing her head in the process, acknowledging her from a distance. When Monique begins to speak, the pugilist's eyes slide over toward her, and she crooks a rather immediate smile. Her flask lifts higher, and she chimes in, "Even the harsher truths of this world go well with whiskey!" A pause, and she clears her throat, "Perhaps especially those."

It is the movement of Thea's wave that catches Raja's attention. A smile and an upnod of greetings is offered to Thea as well as a lift of her flask in cheers to the woman. After she sips from her flask once more, she turns her attention to the book she was handed, turning the pages and scanning the material within.

Spotting her fellow Culler, Samira meanders through the crowd until she reaches Raja. "Hey, you," she greets with a fond grin and casual nod. She leans in, murmuring questioningly as she glances around the area. Monique's proposed toast is met with an eager lift of her glass. "To clarity gained." Frankly, any excuse is a good excuse when whiskey is involved, or so Samira would say.

3 House Mazetti Guardians, Sirra, a very quiet maid, an indeterminate number of cats, Lance, a rebellious swan that likes to headbutt arrive, following Alessia.

Oddmun lifts his whiskey in agreement with the toast as he takes a draw from the whiskey and gives a wave towards Sydney. After all, she was all ready to defend whiskey's honor!

Drake waves to Valerius, seeing there's more whiskey... and some nice seating, and then he smiles at Thea. "I almost forgot about this if not for you." He walks over to the hammock and gets a topoff of the flask. Then he has a seat. It looks like a new flask of northern make - unclear where it got it. He makes a comfortable seating spot for himself on a hammock, even though they sway a bit.

Lifting her glass at Monique's toast, Medeia leans forward slightly from her spot at the arbor. She glances around and nods to some familiar faces, but otherwise the diminutive Lycene does little to draw attention.

Thea lifts her flask to Monique's toast from where she sits near Nedeua. There's a chuckle at Drake as she nods,"You're welcome,"as she takes a drink.

Raja glances to Samira and flashes a fond smile to the woman. Something that is whispered causes her to look to the Arbor and she shrugs. "Sure. Why not?" She closes the book and pushes herself up from her spot, dusting off her leathers. "I wish I had come to the other discussions. I have already learned a few things I didn't know."

Lifting his glass at the toast, Giorgio takes a drink before turning and offering a few words toward those seated nearby him.

Drake has joined the a sky blue hammock stretched between two trees.

Once the books are passed out, Lou takes some time to look over some of the passages she's not familiar with. A long string of colorful language can be heard coming from the pine bench from her and her expression is as grave as it could ever be.

Raja has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

The toast proposed, Monique takes a healthy swallow. Or maybe unhealthy, depending on your point of view. "The first thing you might notice," she taps the first of the small books passed out, "is how similar the names of most of the Dune Kingdoms are to the Gods of Arvum, and I promise you, the correlation is not mere coincidence. As it happens, those with name similarity have been taught to worship the Dark Mirror of the Gods we worship, by the Prophet of the Sands who leads the Magisters of the Mirror. There are a couple of notable exceptions. Does anyone want to guess which ones those are, and why?"

"I made it to the other discussions and they were all really interesting. I can share what I learned with you later if you want," Samira offers to Raja. She follows alongside the other woman to find seats at the arbor, nodding politely to those already gathered there.

Samira has joined the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Lingering near the entrance to the companion park, Alessia and her companion cats, seem to be hovering, not yet seated. Though she watches Monique with attentive eyes as she speaks.

Trepidaciously, Oddmun offers. "With Jay'alaz being about song... maybe Jayus?" And he's making himself another shot of whiskey, in case he's wrong.

Raja nods to Samira, "I would love to hear what you learned." She says with a bit of a smile. She moves towards the Arbor and she gives a polit dip of her head to Zoey, "M'lady." She says this in a familiar, warm tone towards the Kennex woman. "Thank you for inviting me over."

Nisaa has fallen quiet as she reviews the notes, though her eyes like patina'd copper do glance up from time to time. She is also sure to keep an eye on her companion, that she is enjoying herself and needs for nothing. Her focus though is on the notes, and rather seriously so.

Zoey gives Raja, her protege, a warm smile and a nod before settling in comfortably to listen.

Monique inclines the sharp line of her chin to Oddmun. "They call Jay'alaz the city without song, and truly, it's a city without much art, without culture. They are given over to Despair, especially now that the Dune Emperor has made of them a conquest. In fact, the only song that has ever been sung there was a dirge, when they finally surrendered." There's a wave for Alessia as the Greenmarch spots her arrival, and a brighter-than-bright grin.

Adrienne, focused more on the Graysons in her vicinity than the notes, looks from Oddmun to Monique before venturing to add, "While any guess I might make as to /why/ would be mere supposition, certainly The Silent City and Suj'Abbat stand apart from the others."

Niklas looks over the notes he was passed. "Ahj'on would be named for Aion and the Silent City would be named for the reflection of the Queen of Endings, presumably. So. Ah. I assume that when one goes to the Silent City seeking a miracle they go into the temple missing an arm or a leg and their reflection, born of a mirror, comes out hale and hardy?"

"I'd venture to say Ahj'on too," Lou speaks up after Adrienne, considering she's married to a Prince of Ahj'oon.

Nisaa mutters, "... ... ... my home, it makes it sound ... pleasant. Though, it ... ... false ... It ... being an example of ... tricky ... are ... sometimes. ... sounds like a good quality, ... ... many, it can be twisted."

Ryhalt furrows his brows lightly, but nods, looking thoughtful. "Curious."

Selene listens quite closely to the other suggestions. "Is Ahj'on so named? I was unaware of the connection," she enthuses, nodding to Niklas.

"Really, the City Without Song? So they make a point of making this all as miserable as possible?" Drake asks, sounding... a bit skeptical, but also taking a hit from his flask.

Thea is sitting, listening. Rocco scribbling away. Where's HIS whiskey? Yeesh!

Monique's emerald eyes drift to Adrienne, landing there a moment before the Princess is given another quick nod. "The Silent City worships Death and Oblivion both, from what little I have been able to find on it. They do not claim one over the other. And as for Suj'Abbat, you might say that its opposite is the Sentinel. It thrives on chaos, where the Sentinel finds justice through order." With a wry smile to Niklas, the Greenmarch adds, "Well guessed, though I can't confirm that particular theory."

Sydney seems to focus more on the words being spoken than on the words on the pages she clutches in her offhand. Notes may always be addressed in private, after all. Drake seems to hit upon something that resonates with her, for she upnods and offers, "...Hmnh. Seems so, doesn't it?"

Returning Monique's brightened smile, Alessia inches closer, reading the notes handed to her by Apollo's assistant. She gives the man a nod in thanks as she peruses through them, taking in what information she can.

Oddmun has left the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Umber, a bay courser have been dismissed.

A darling cremello Artshall mini horse wearing a red blanket have been dismissed.

Medeia has found herself engaged in quiet conversation with those around her, but when Death is mentioned, her attention turns sharply back to the greater discussion. The Harlequin's lips press into a thin, deep red line as she listens and considers the information.

Valerius starts laughing, then puts a hand over his mouth to quiet down as he was louder than expected. "All good-- Both Death and Oblivion?" He shakes his head.

"It's said the the worship of Oblivion came to the Silent City from the mages of Caer'alfar," Monique replies to that comment, flipping through the book and tapping a spot, "which might explain why those who are shown to have elven blood are essentially shunned in the Dune Kingdoms and may only live amongst the slave caste. So if you're ears are pointed a bit? You're in for some very rough treatment."

There's a look of disdain from Alessia at the mention of the Silent City's worship, though she doesn't interject just yet.

Niklas looks up to Valerius, frowning slightly at the man's comment. "The Eurusi believed in reincarnation while we were still under the assumption that Lagoma sheperded souls through the Shining Lands to Elysia. Obviously worshipping a goddess and their dark reflection at the same time isn't, at the very least, a really great idea, but their ideas of the afterlife are based on the religion they are taught. Presumably they've figured out some sort of internal consistency."

Apollo gives Alessia a dip of his head in return; he's largely attentive to what Monique is saying, Monique and those at the bench he sits at. He glances at Niklas when he speaks up, eyes flicking to Adrienne a moment before and a moment after. But then he speaks, asking Niklas a question. "Why would you presume that?" he asks.

Sydney's green eyes linger on Niklas for a time before a shoulder ekes ever so slowly upward, "...I don't disagree that it's dangerous to just discount things that we find unfamiliar. The world is a wide place, and if we alone have stumbled upon the truth through happenstance, that would certainly be something." The young woman eases a hand up to thumb at one of the bruises on her face, and she snorts, "...But that's not to say that some if not all of it isn't tripe, all the same."

"It should perhaps be noted, that believing in reincarnation and worshipping Death aren't quite the same thing. There's no doubt that they believe in the existence of the gods. But it's to their reflections that they give their devotions." Alessia suggests as she settles on one of the benches. "So perhaps in the Silent City, whether they believe in reincarnation has nothing to do with it. They give their devotion to Death's reflection by obliterating souls." She frowns.

Drake looks wide-eyed at Alessia's comment. "...By doing what." He picks up one of the notes and re-reads as if he missed a bit.

Samira's head lifts, her attention momentarily diverted from a quiet conversation at the arbor and the notes in her grasp. Gaze flitting from Niklas to Apollo and then to others as they speak, she follows the exchange with a look of silent contemplation.

Monique nods to Alessia. "Exactly. Through the Rites of Obliteration, learned from the peoples of Caer'alfar. They remove souls from the Wheel, using the power of their primum for other ends," she adds to Drake. "And there are weapons out there now, still, that do the same thing through blood magic."

Raja frowns. "I can assume Death is not pleased at mortals doing rituals to obliterate souls." Hooray Captain Obvious!

Monique is overheard praising Raja: Fine form, excellent summary!

Zoey looks Raja's way. "That is putting it mildly."

Raja seems perplexed. "I mean, why? Why would they do that? That seems like an impossible thing to do!" She sighs. "It's like killing a person who is already dead. How can you fix something like that?"

A flutter of golden motion by the arbor signals Medeia draining a significant amount of whiskey before standing and moving to get a refill.

"Death's reflection is Oblivion. If it was impossible, what else would Death's reflection be for?" Alessia asks Raja with a raised brow.

"It removes them from the Wheel, so that soul can no longer be reborn anew. It's a way to make sure a person is either permanently gone or will permanently stay alive in some fashion." Lou speaks up from the sidelines. "It's what caused the Dance of Skulls and Death to unleash the undead on the world. And, Harren Harrow built the Acropolis within Arx to appease her. Or, something along those lines." She's still a bit iffy on those details. "My research into other topics has given me tidbits here and there about it, but nothing that I've delved into completely." That seems to be all the Pathfinder can offer on that topic. She gives Monique an apologetic look for the tangent, even if it is tangentially related.

Monique gives a small shiver as the tasks of Oblivion are laid out so well by Alessia and Lou and she turns back to the small tome in her hand... and the whiskey. "It's a reflection of what they have been taught. I imagine many of the customs of the Dune Kingdoms would not make sense to most of us, raised here with their opposite. What of the city of Veils? I know we all enjoy the game of two truths and a lie," she pauses and amends, "at least I do, but can you imagine a culture based around it entirely? Where you could never know for certain what was true? But then... can you, even here? Is it so different?"

Raja glances to Alessia, then to Lou. Then she glances to Zoey as she whispers to her. "Hmm." She says softly to herself, processing this new information. She pulls out something to write with and begins to jot down some notes in the back of her book.

"The expectation of lies and deceit creates a diminishing volume of trust, do they not? How can you possibly govern or establish relationships without fear of a knife between the ribs or words spread to others? It means a guarded existence," Selene speaks up softly. "While certainly our nobility here must preserve their family secrets," a nod to the royals on the bench, "how much connection would you lose when deprived of honesty and other virtues we hold near?"

Sydney puffs a long breath as the topic shifts to the Wheel. Ever a heady topic at the best of times. A strong sip from her flask is her only contribution. When the conversation shifts to lies, "The stress would eat me alive, constantly questioning. Bad enough when you have a handful of folk you can't trust in your life. Everyone about me? I'd go mad."

"Backtracking slightly," speaks Natasha from the treehouse, her precise diction carrying over through the collective as her midnight regard falls on the Lady Greenmarch and the other more learned constituents of her present company. "To the mention of weapons who can sever souls from the Wheel through blood magic. Is there any actionable intelligence available as to how such things are forged, or how accessible these instruments are?"

"It'd force you to question everything," Samira remarks, her expression faintly troubled as she considered the last couple topics of conversation. She tilts her glass toward her lips, finding whiskey to be a vital part of this discussion.

"It's not any blood magic weapon, is it?" Drake asks, wide-eyed suddenly and looking at Monique.

Medeia actually has the faintest of smiles as she considers the subject of lying and makes her way back tot he arbor with more whiskey. "The Lyceum is built upon such an idea..." she murmurs, mostly to herself, and those with keen ears would pick up the words "best liar." When Natasha speaks, she makes a subtle gesture meaning 'talk to me later.'

Lou says a few things a her bench and goes back to watching the discussion. She has to bite her cheek to keep herself from answering Natasha's question.

Selene turns to Natasha, and the treehouse in general. Eyebrows lift over widening, curious eyes.

Monique's eyes emerald eyes rise to the treehouse and the Thraxian princess in it. "I cannot claim a great knowledge of the subject, of course, but I have heard they are made from Pyren darksteel, generally, and usually granted as gifts of Dark Mirrors, or forged through terrible blood magic themselves. I would wager there are not /too/ many of them around," she adds with a wry attempt at reassuring for Natasha. There's a grin to Medeia for her point. "I was hoping someone might mention that. But if not Suj'Abbat, then tell me," her gaze sweeps the crowd, "from what you read here, if you were forced to choose, which Dune Kingdom would you choose?"

"I would hope that's what's known is how to destroy such items," Sabella pipes up with a shake of her head, "Such things seem disastrous to have exist at all!"

Medeia's gesture is acknowledged with a faint nod from the Inquisitor-Princess, and a quiet word mouthed to her, though Natasha's gaze doesn't just rest on her but drifts through the crowd at the rest, noting expression of surprise - and other more telling details. Some of these faces are familiar, and certainly their names are also, her regard lighting on Lou Grayson and Adrienne Pravus before they slip back to Monique at her concise summary. "Thank you, Lady Greenmarch," she says, before lapsing into attentive silence once more.

Raja flips a couple pages in her book. "I say Mangaldissi." She chuckles. "According to this letter here, they are trying to ally with Petrioch and establish the true Queen. They seem to want to rise against the Dune Emperor."

"Is song actually outlawed in Jay'alaz, or do people just not do it out of some sense of tradition or inertia? If the latter then I'd probably go there. It seems like they could use a little me," says Niklas brightly. "Other than that they they all sound rather awful." Raja gets a grimace. "Bring your own water."

"Yes, I agree, they all sound rather miserable to me," Drake says, in conjunction with Niklas. "I think I'd try to move out. Maybe that's why the numbers of refugees are so increasing."

Apollo tips his head, thinking quietly to himself for a moment. "I would have to think," he says, "that even in the city without songs, there were songs in secret." Which, from his expression, might be worse; nothing so overt that he wishes he could unspeak the words, but that's a heaviness.

Sydney leafs distastefully through her notes in order to contemplate Monique's question, and haltingly offers, "...It's like choosing which finger one would like cut off. I suppose I might find my lot in Glor'Ruus to be less miserable from a standpoint of excelling within the kingdom itself, but..." Her nose wrinkles in distaste, "...Yeah, I'm happy enough with friendly spars more than forced fights to the death. Better for everyone involved, really. So, I take that back. None for me, thanks."

"It's said they sang as the city fell," Sabella interjects in a quiet voice, "So they most certainly did know songs and how to sing them. I've heard that it was quite beautiful. For a few moments."

Drake looks at the lists of places again. "...I suppose the City of Mirrors doesn't seem so bad. You might meet a sphynx?" he says. It may quickly become apparent that he's not entirely sure what that is.

Monique listens to the answers presented to her, looking more and more intrigued by each one, and surprised by a few. There's an inclination of her bright head to Sabella. "There was a dirge sang, supposedly. The first and only time, though as Prince Niklas points out, we do not know if there were songs in secret."

"The Eurusi are all about subjugating their slaves. Some may be treated well, but for the most part, from what I understand, they actively work so they have no hope." Lou says in response to Apollo's comments. "Now, there are some people there working to give the Eurusi people hope, a group called the Awakened Sands, so it's very possible some songs might exist, and we just don't know about it because they're never talked about openly."

Gaze sweeping over the diverse and many faces gathered here, Adrienne observes in the crisply educated accent of the Oathlands, "What we know of these cities is as flat as the parchments upon which they are written. Nothing I know of those I've met from the Dune Kingdoms is so unyielding. They have opinions and thoughts, personalities and loves, just as we do. I would not confuse the natures of their homes with the people who form them, however much overlap there may be."

Ryhalt grimaces at the question Monique poses and shakes his head. "Lim'Al'Ruus."

Thea has left the a whimsical wooden arbor with lilacs and roses.

Rocco, the rascally assistant have been dismissed.

After a little more contemplation, he shakes his head. "Vel'ichalah, I suppose," he says. He glances down the bench toward Lou, considering her briefly. It draws a smile, however fleeting, what she says.

Nisaa keeps mostly to the people she is seated near to, but her verdigris eyes follow the questions and statements others make. Her expression becomes increasingly concerned, until Adrienne speaks. A grateful, soft smile is given towards the Pravus Princess, another touch to her arm, this one of appreciation.

Niklas shakes his head at Adrienne. "There might be a great many of wonderful people in Skal'daja, but since most of them lived in chains I'd have to say that being in the city itself doesn't seem great. I imagine that the Dune Kingdoms are each beautiful in their own way, that the architecture is alien and wonderful in ways we can barely imagine, that the sweeping vistas and hanging gardens would take ones breath away. Much like the capitals of Jadairal and distant Nefer'khat I'd truly love to visit them and see the sights there are to behold. And then I would like to come home for a bit of tea and possibly a plate of ham. I'm quite happy to be from Arx."

Adrienne checks composure at normal. Adrienne is marginally successful.

Raja has fallen quiet, listening to people speak around her. She seems to become a little lost in thought, flipping through the pages of her book.

"There is a mural etching of Ajh'on in Whitepeak," Lou notes for Niklas's sake. "In the Eurusi district there. Probably others too, but we only found the one. Mason took a rubbing of it, but the mural itself was absolutely beautiful." She offers him a safer option!

Princess Adrienne Pravus turns an intent look toward Niklas, pale eyes tinged with gold in the torchlight. After too long a study, she says, gallantly, "And Arx is happier for having you."

Valerius might be swinging the hammock. Or he dropped his packet and is trying to pick it up.

Drake takes note of the slightly mysterious exchange, but like many things, it's clearly above his pay grade. So he becomes then slightly distracted by hammock swinging. He eventually steadies himself on his feet to avoid falling.

Niklas smiles brightly at Adrienne. "It certainly is!" Then turns his attention to someone passed to him at his table.

Sydney quietly shakes the last of her whiskey into her mouth and replaces the cap, spiriting away her spiritless container. She eases quietly off of the tree she's been leaning against and takes her leave without any particular fanfare, moving with the intent of one who has somewhere else to be in short order.

Monique settles back, her emerald gaze straying the room. "I'll open it up to questions, should anyone have any," the Minx offers, palm up. "And if there are none, then I will thank you all for coming, and bid you to have an open mind and heart to those foreign to our shores, having some idea now of what they may have gone through."

She has no questions, but Medeia also doesn't seem to be getting ready to leave any time soon. She meets the eyes of a few people as she scans the room. It seems she'll be around to talk, if anyone feels the need.

"Thank you, Monique. Once again these sessions have been illuminating." Alessia says with a beaming smile, before rising to approach the Greenmarch. "And thank you to those who dispersed the knowledge." A nod to the room.

Drake, being that he's on his feet again, looks back at Monique. "Thank you for the information. No questions now, but, if I have any, you've been gracious in holding these informationals."

"There will be one final meeting around the religion of Eurus," Monique adds with a ruby-lipped smile. "And I hope I will see you then, if not before then. I always welcome the chance to discuss the Dune Kingdoms. Among other things," the Greenmarch adds with a wicked smile. "And I can be bribed with shiny things and whiskey." Why does she look directly at Medeia when she says that?

Medeia feigns an entirely innocent expression when Monique looks at her. "I certainly have no idea what you're talking about, Lady Greenmarch."

Adrienne is overheard praising Monique: To the clarity that comes from better understanding.

"Thank you for the information, Lady Monique." Ryhalt smiles to Monique and nods to the news that there will be one more session such as this. "I look forward to it. Every detail is helping getting a better grasp on the situation."

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