Written By Preston
Jan. 28, 2024, 4:29 p.m.(8/21/1021 AR)
I have left this message in my whites for when you reach the city and hope that it finds its way safely to you. My name is Preston, I serve the Faith of the Pantheon. I have also worked, in the past, with those of Cardia who wished to honour your oath - I am happy that it will now be fulfilled, and hope we shall in turn honour you and Cardia by our own deeds in support of you. I have spent many years fighting those who worship Malar, and looking into your past.
I am one of many descendants of Dame Sugan left in Arx, though that is not public knowledge. My father was - is - a callous and self-indulgent man known as Fawkuhl, but before he was of the Faith, he was Fawkuhl Valardin. That blood is in my own. I had hoped to come to Cardia, but my duties had me in Arx preparing our defense. You see, I swore an oath - even before I knew of my blood - to forgo family and to put the needs of the Gods and the Faith first. I could not let down my oath, as I know you could not let down yours.
I simply wished to express the gratitude of one small speck of your legacy, and my sorrow that more was not done. But you have my word - for whatever that counts for - as Carnifex of the Faith that we will honour our pact with Cardia from here. If I die before you arrive, then I trust those that follow me to be held to this.
-- Sir Preston
Written By Sudara
Jan. 28, 2024, 3:12 p.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
Written By Tikva
Jan. 28, 2024, 12:28 p.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
But love doesn't die with misunderstanding, and I am proud to have known you. You had an ending to be worth a song.
Princess Ribbons rode to war
boldest, with esprit de corps
conquering hearts left and right
as she raised her shining blade to fight!
But the lady took no prisoners
With no more than a glance in particular;
She was matchless, unattached
While those Bringers she dispatched
None could claim her, nor dared try
’Twas the fire in those bright blue eyes
While she blew ‘em apart, cut ‘em in half
Smashed ‘em flat and crushed the chaff—
Our Princess Ribbons is no more
A sworn Knight of Gloria stood afore
A blade of light, sheened pink and clear
Unstoppable, unbreakable, showing no fear--
Dame Reese stood strong before the gate
and though she fell, the world's new fate
will owe to the power of her shining sword
where they drove off the sharded horde.
Written By Lucita
Jan. 28, 2024, 9:47 a.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
Written By Martino
Jan. 28, 2024, 9:43 a.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
The enemy unites now, together, bringing their full force but we have the city on our side.
The city, the Compact and allies to come.
We'll continue to ensure so that tomorrow will become today.
Written By Martino
Jan. 28, 2024, 9:41 a.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
Know what decision you are going to make, and enact it. Those who enlist know, and have been trained, to understand your tactics. So let them flourish, let them do you proud. Should you advance, do it. Should you retreat. Do it. Know when to fight and how many to deploy for this goal, set it out and make it clear. Do not let doubt nor fear overwhelm your decisions for this is a weakness that a competent enemy will exploit.
Written By Duarte
Jan. 28, 2024, 5:05 a.m.(8/20/1021 AR)
I have no recollection of how my ire and rage was suppressed in that moment, nor of the journey home. All I know is I was somehow subdued (I mean, it's not /hard/) and that they quickly reclaimed the lost journal, abandoned the shardhaven, and we came home.
What we recovered were some of the lost pages of Scholar Wilhelm's journal on blight. And it was uncertain hope, but it at least gave us a path.
The text discussed the manner in which Corruption could find its way to the heart of others without them knowing. The effects of it before it might outwardly present itself, as it had on our bodies and in the affliction of our minds. BUT! There was a remedy - a glimpse of one - possible, and attainable. Of course, from a scholar, it was rooted in Faith. Thirteen days and thirteen nights, thirteen gifts of value, one to each of the Gods. Thirteen offerings of action, cleansing what has been sullied, and thirteen cleansings in ritual baths before each of the Gods in turn.
And so, as my studies with Rinel had long since been complete, and I found much time in my absence from public life to study on my own bat, I went forth and as the archers say 'gave it a shot'.
I spent thirteen days and thirteen nights in each of the shrines, offering gifts at each vigil, and reflecting upon how Corruption took root in my heart. I made offerings of action and did the ritual baths. And at the culmination of this, I partook in a Cleansing Ritual that was fad at the time - taught to me and Petal by Lady Olivia - a ritual done to cleanse the primum of the poison Azazel by way of Shreve had spread.
Mine was performed in the Shrine of the Sentinel, on the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day. It was my final offering of action - this cleansing of the primum - but the motivation was a cleansing of myself.
To Limerance, I burnt a stack of letters I had saved from Lianne, and prayed that my steadfastness to her was perceived by the Gods, if not recognized by her herself. To Vellichor, I burned a dossier I had compiled on Legate Bianca for reasons unimportant now and needn't be written - but I longed for her friendship and was regretful. To Gild, I burned an old beloved hat that I used to wear as a commoner messenger boy. I prayed she would see my charity and how I have used my newfound station for charitable ends. To Tehom, I burned a slice of the very vines that were embedded in my flesh. It wasn't a sacrifice, but a reflection of one. To Aion, I burned a slip of paper upon which I wrote "the future". Mirari was there with me when I did it.
With each sacrifice, I began to feel stronger. I began to breathe easier. For the first time in years now, I began to feel better. I felt regret for my smug, callous ways. My courting of scandal. Stronger, better, cleaner - I stood taller.
As the ritual came to a close but the flames continued to burn hot, the shrine suddenly darkened. I heard a voice. And the voice was spake unto me. And the voice was loud, and magnificent and resounding. And it said, "You stand balanced on a knife's point. Cleansed of Blight by the Gods you hardly believe in. Oathed to those who serve the Darkness."
The room disappeared and I was floating in blackness, wobbling upon that very point. Before me were two paths: one strewn with rocks and hard going, difficulties and enemies I may not survive, but in the air there was a rainbow - bright, beautiful and perfect. The other path was one of ease. I could feel the allure of wealth and glory in that path, with enemies and obstacles still, but also much adulation.
And the voice spoke again, "Choice is the greatest gift given to humanity. You must choose."
In a snap, I was back in the shrine. The fires had died out. But something was different. I felt along my arms and pulled at my shirt. The vines! They had gone! The flesh of my torso was pock-marked with the scars of their penetrating growth, but the growth itself was gone!
But somehow, I still felt them wrapping around my heart like impending doom. A constant reminder that I must choose.
Written By Raven
Jan. 28, 2024, 1:56 a.m.(8/19/1021 AR)
Written By Eithne
Jan. 28, 2024, 1:08 a.m.(8/19/1021 AR)
Over the last couple of months, I have dedicated myself morning and night to my work. There have been many people who have needed armor or their current armor refined. They need a fighting chance and I have to help them. I was called to this mission, driven by unseen forces. My apprentices Martin and Gertie worried about me. I wouldn't leave the forge. I had a vision for something special and I was going to finish it. Years ago, when I first started seeing wild and vibrant colors in the fires of the forge, I thought I was going mad. Most of the work I created cast bold hues; white, red, orange, green, blue... sometimes purple. Rarely did the flames turn black, but when they did, I learned it was because the person I was creating armor for, was not someone with good intentions.
Then came my dreams from Ashe - the shield I was supposed to build. I tried. It was to offer protection. Perhaps it was metaphorical then. Now it all makes sense as I feel the heat within my own hands while I forge and form new armor. My eyes have been opened, my hands perform miracles. I am ready.
Written By Tikva
Jan. 27, 2024, 10:11 p.m.(8/19/1021 AR)
We fight to secure a future for us all, to prevent the destruction of everything. I've lost a husband to war before. Not a war like this. I don't feel the grief yet, not truly. I know it is coming.
I must strive to keep our children from being orphans. But this is not the kind of fight I can sit out. Nightingale and I will sing each encore til the finish.
Prince Asharion Grayson. Princess Lara Grayson. You are the greatest gift that Ainsley gave to me and to this world. In his memory, you will live, you will thrive, and you will grow strong.
I love you.
Written By Valencia
Jan. 27, 2024, 7:40 p.m.(8/19/1021 AR)
Relationship Note on Kastelon
Arx may or may not fall, but regardless I still wanted to honour your life and you sacrifice whether or not we win or loss all. To have some place special in this mortal world where you will be remembered.
Fortunately, Maggnus and Lizette have much cooler heads than I, and now, in the wildest part of the gardens, we have created a sacred place for you. It's full of tall old trees with sturdy branches and wild flowers. It reminds me of the meadows and groves in the lush, beautiful forests we once rode in. It's a place wild that creatures might like to live. Perhaps even large calm bear with one eye missing.
A small, clear stream meanders through and there are large, lush green pastures. It is quiet and peaceful here. I think you would have liked it.
By the stream there is now large stone carving there of great big beautiful bear, a hound, and a man with the words: "Be as the bear. Where you go, we shall follow" carefully etched into its surface and a plaque that reads: "In loving memory of Kastelon of Keaton, Lord, Voice, dear friend, protector, bear and one of the best of us."
I swear that in the late in the lazy golden afternoons and in the early morn when the sun just wakes and the sky is pink, I can hear your voice saying this in the rustle of the trees and meadow.
Once all this is done we shall put terraces and platforms in the trees like we did so long ago in the other part of the gardens. I will go there to remember you and get as close to the heavens as I can. Perhaps I might see sign of you in the skies at night or just before morning, looking down upon us with your calm hazel eye. Like a bright star or a calm cool moon in happier and more peaceful times.
I miss you so much. More than I dare say. I will never forget you, my dearest friend. I will do as you asked. I promise. I will try. And, I will pray to the Gods above and below that you will return from the wheel again one day soon so that we may meet again.
You will always be in my heart. Thank you for everything.
Written By Kastelon
Jan. 27, 2024, 3:47 p.m.(8/19/1021 AR)
I have no illusion of any safety in this. I have been to war, and I have returned from war. And I will return from this, in one manner or another.
In the event that something comes to pass, letters have been left to privately handle my final affairs. But as I ought, I leave a thought (yes, I know, it rhymes):
A bear understands little more than that life is short, that there are needs and wants. And that survival is more than seeking out solely one's needs.
Be as the bear.
Where you go, we shall follow.
Kastelon Keaton
Written By Apollo
Jan. 27, 2024, 1:12 p.m.(8/18/1021 AR)
There are those who stepped into my shop and had their armor out and never thought about it too much ever again, I'm sure. Not all armor appears to the eye as art, might not seem to have any story to it at all.
But every piece of armor I have ever made has a story. Is a story. It's a tale about the person wearing it doing difficult things. Things they're afraid of. Knowing that where they will wear it they may well find blades or teeth set on their devouring. A story about willingly stepping into danger.
A story about trust. Placed in me, and my work, and my will - not my hope, but my will - that they return from danger whole. That they bear into their battles and dangers some small peace, that their life will not be cheaply spent.
Some I have armored over the years have returned to me to tell me: I think this armor saved my life. I think I would have died. Death comes as she will, the stories of our lives end. I don't seek to deny Death her due. Only to see lives given a chance, stretched to their fullness, the potential of those souls in my care realized as much as they can.
Others I've armored stepped into their danger have met their first strike and died. Not for lack of skill or attention or my will that they survive but for luck, for being outmatched. I have grieved so bitterly, some of them, when I've known. Questioned my skill and the hours invested. Might I have done just a little more?
The answer is: I have done what I have done, the past written. And yet I make notes in the margins. Revisit old armor and give it new care. Put my best on them that have never worn it before, and them that have. My work continues, and will until the day is decided. Could I armor all of Arvum, the Dream itself, I would. I will do what I can.
If you wear my armor into battle - anything I've made into danger - know this. I would that you see your next day. That is what you wear, nothing inert at all. Wear it, use it, burn it, as you need. That is what it's for. Should it be spent, destroyed, protecting more than just yourself, I will celebrate, and armor you anew for the asking after the dust has settled.
Now, to the defense of Arx, and the Dream.
Written By Archeron
Jan. 27, 2024, 12:23 p.m.(8/18/1021 AR)
Tydes have died for decades. Almost wiped out by Donrai Thrax, our lands taken by those houses who supported him and stand so nobly now. I do not blame them, that is the way of nobility. And it hardly matters at all now that it all comes crashing down - all that death, for what? Elton was not killed by the Duke of Tyde, he was loved. And loved a Tyde in turn. For this I suspect Donrai killed him. And saw his chance. Because the Northlands would enter on our side, honour old alliances, Donrai descended on Tyde Hall - paying Grimhall and Helianthus off with land and treasure. To keep that war going, he removed Alaric III from the way. The rest is well known, Tydes died. Some in battles, some in reaving. We committed our own horrors on our enemies and reaved in return. In the end, Donrai had Victus end all the line but for Margot and those few of us who escaped.
That is not the Thrax that is now. Not the Victus. I know in his hands Thrax will stand for what is good.
In the years since those losses, Tyde finally regained its name and place, and we gathered those we could. Our numbers began to restore...before the civil war of Thrax tore our heart from us. Many more dead. All that progress left. There are so few left, so many of them are children. Margot's. My own.
People, you see. That is the lesson of Tyde. Yes, revenge is pleasurable. Justice is noble. But. In the end? People matter. The family of Tyde, the people of Tyde Hall, the people of our isle. And I cannot leave them to face this all, which is why I'm going back to Tyde Hall to save them. Well, will have gone by the time this journal is placed on the shelves. I suspect my sister and some others may remain - they feel their duty is to Arx. And I respect that, and hold nothing against them and ask no-one else to hold our actions against them - though in truth, we still recovered from our civil war and I suspect are little missed from Arx's defense.
It is my hope we will see all our friends again on the other side, and will trade tales and stories of what was. To see Arx rebuilt, to see Tyde Hall recover. It is my hope that we all survive. But if not, well. At least it was a story, and hopefully someone lives to tell it.
Written By Preston
Jan. 27, 2024, 12:06 p.m.(8/18/1021 AR)
We fight for the Gods, to protect the innocent people of Arvum. We pray for our honour to hold, even as the shouts of our foe reverberate in our chests. And we humbly ask Death to take us if the force of arms is not sufficient, and carry our souls home to the shining lands.
We are the Faith Militant, and for this moment we were born. We are the Faith Militant, and for the Gods we may die.
Written By Amari
Jan. 27, 2024, 11:46 a.m.(8/18/1021 AR)
I think perhaps some people might have wondered at the wisdom behind even attempting to hold it rather than concentrating the defence entirely in Sanctum. Everyone versed in their history knows that Artshall has been taken, retaken, razed and rebuilt on more than one occasion.
Thankfully, it wasn't a decision born of pride but confidence in the most recent Lady Mabelle led effort to rebuild Artshall stronger than ever. It was a noble undertaking as well. Those who had already been swept from their homes in the south and west of the Oathlands needed time to flee. House Laurent saw what was required, and achieved it admirably with their loyal vassals.
When there's a moment of peace, we might have the time to celebrate that victory fully, and record it all in detail. What I recall most clearly is this:
There was Lady Mabelle's sacrifice, of course - and the dire bees in a vast swarm.
Duke Cristoph and his friend Tavalu who brought fire from the sky, and made the invaders face a wall of flames on every approach.
Lady Jael Laurent who raged furiously against the demonic tide, an unstoppable force.
Lady Lucie Laurent who commanded a spirited and effective defence that stopped a serious breach in the wall.
Legate Cassandra, blessed of Gloria; who stood that day a proud daughter of Laurent.
Dame Xandrine Morgan and Dame Ahren Granger who fought together at the gate, refusing to give even an inch to ogres and ettins and worse.
Marquessa Demura Lyonesse who never yielded, but battled stubbornly on despite being bloodied by a hail of arrows in the initial onslaught.
Prince Artur Redrain who was seen leading charge after charge through the shards, spear in hand.
Lord Richard Wyvernheart who persevered, tending to the wounded even while he himself was very badly hurt.
(and I helped a little bit too, but would have likely fallen if not for Jael and Cassandra's timely interventions. With the Legate, I might still have that demon imp clinging to my back.)
We shouldn't forget how bravely our armies fought that day, for without them and their unyielding resolve, the victory would have been a rout. To every one who rallied to the banner of their liege, from the knights who led by shining example, to the sergeants who held the lines together, down to the valiant men and women who brought nothing but courage and a spear to defend our land and lives to the last: thank you.
Written By Maharet
Jan. 27, 2024, 11:04 a.m.(8/18/1021 AR)
Relationship Note on Giorgio
Not now, at least, but when this is all over? I shall visit the golden remains of my childhood friend. My joy. My family. The one man so selfless, so giving, so strong. And Gods weren't you the smartest of us all? Now you have to go and be the symbol of hope for those of us that will survive this horror. I should be laughing on the sands and teasing you for being my Hero, throwing coconut shells at you as your pour over profits and scheme for greatness, not for yourself but for everyone around you. Now I will make sure you are my Legend. Their legend. I will demand songs and dance and history written in your memory.
You will /never/ be forgotten, not even if we ourselves are no more. Future generations will remember the name Giorgio Pontelaeus. His selflessness, his wit, his talents, and above all, his sacrifice. I shall love you until the sands of time become sparkles of dust over the turquoise waters of Setarco and beyond. My friend who always made me feel like family, loved and seen. Cared for and cherished. The truest Hero of my life.
Written By Denica
Jan. 27, 2024, 1:36 a.m.(8/17/1021 AR)
I will follow my heart to places unknown. Do the things I did not think possible.
I will face my first and last fear and test the very core of my being.
Tonight, I mix the colours together and paint a different story for Denica Thrax.
Written By Denica
Jan. 27, 2024, 12:28 a.m.(8/17/1021 AR)
Relationship Note on Victus
Written By Raven
Jan. 26, 2024, 10:18 p.m.(8/17/1021 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.