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Written By Raymesin

Aug. 30, 2020, 2:51 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

So I've just seen some duskweave, and it's beautiful stuff. I mean, there's no way I can see myself getting any, not at that price, but that doesn't stop me wanting.

Eh? No, you get used to wanting stuff you can't have after a while, Scholar, and I've had a lot of practice at that.

Written By Ysabel

Aug. 30, 2020, 2:03 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

Gilden's Golden Moo.

Really, it was Xaviar's choice, but we went to Ashford to partake in the Bovine Grand Prix and I had no hope, or expectations that we would even place.

And yet, I do not know what words that Lady Sunaia whispered into our golden calf's ears, but she said something and we tied with the Keaton entry.

I suppose Caith is the home to some prize winning dairy cows that... run fast through cities.

We'll start a new breeding program! Lycene dairy! Feed the cow grapes! Wait, no, probably not the wisest. Nor breeding. It was a good sturdy oathlands stock and I think we just lucked out.

But now the Liberators will have extra silver for their goals, because of Goldie.

Written By Nina

Aug. 30, 2020, 1:55 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

Happy to have opened the new shop successfully! I have so many plans for things I'd like to make and it will be nice to have it stocked with things regularly! There's more new fabrics out there that I'd love to seek out and try!

Alas, it's still rather quiet at times in Pravus's new ward, but our official opening party will be soon! I'm looking forward to how nice the new Ward will be in the spring.

Written By Ophne

Aug. 30, 2020, 1:11 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

When is a raccoon not a raccoon? Apparently when your cousin insists on calling it a rabbit. But apart from the black eye mask, the ears, the tail and the opposable thumbs, I do just happen to be able to differentiate quite easily between the two species.

... and no, goats are not dogs either. I saw what you did there.

Also, rabbits don't eat eggs!

Written By Sunaia

Aug. 30, 2020, 1:02 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

I guess that I need to start somewhere.

So - it starts here.

It's only a fancy, it'll pass. It's a phase. It's a flight of nervous birds. A stomach full of butterflies. An unconsidered risk. Knowing myself it might. Knowing myself now it might not. If I were to do this properly, yes, I would dedicate a full year and a month. Knowing myself as my own greatest enemy and my own saboteur, I won't do that. I'll have to be more realistic. Recognize my limits.

I guess. Then, I start here.

Three months.

Written By Celeste

Aug. 30, 2020, 12:36 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

There is something alien about the life I find myself in now. I knew there would be changes, but I expected them to be more changes of circumstance than changes in me. No matter, I must follow the guidance of our beloved Lagoma and seek to change myself for the better, and that's what I will do. Whether that means having my whims catered to by a host of servants or not.

And not is the way it works now. I won't use the Templars that have so recently been placed under command to do things like bring me another bottle of wine.

You know, Scholar, I should probably slow down how much wine I drink.

Written By Amari

Aug. 30, 2020, 11:33 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

Apparently, I missed all the fun in Kaelton, thanks to a visit to the tower ruins at the top of the hill between there and Reigna's Ford. I arrived in the village by nightfall after a few hours of quiet contemplation, only to hear their giant pumpkins had been turned into boats by some of the children. There were none left to judge, but thankfully there was pumpkin soup and pies to console myself with.

Some there said that Prince Baelos had jumped into the river to save a child. I'm not sure I believe that. Nor do I believe that Kael and Reigna both sailed off in pumpkins of their own. What complete nonsense. Though, perhaps next year the villagers should dispense with the contest entirely and host a pumpkin boat race instead.

Written By Rosalind

Aug. 30, 2020, 11:13 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

The air is changing! I can feel it, can you?! The breeze is getting colder, the leaves are dropping. You know what that means don't you, scholar? It means that snow is coming soon! WINTER IS COMING! I'm so so excited!

Written By Wylla

Aug. 30, 2020, 11:06 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

It's wonderful to hear of all these new fabrics, alloys and materials being invented. It would seem many were inspired rather than defeated by the constriction of trade with our faraway neighbors and the other troubles that have turned the market on its head these last few months.

Should everything return to 'normal', I do hope that the creative impulse remains and items of such beauty continue to be crafted here in Arvum. Jayus bless all those involved in these endeavors.

Written By Rosalind

Aug. 30, 2020, 11:05 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

I attended a party for Nova the other night. It was so fun! I came home with a trophy! For what you may ask? For drinking like Nova! I mean, I think I'm making the north proud with that, so I'm gonna take it. Why are you looking at me like that, scholar?! I know I didn't win the arm wrestling competition, but there was so much food and that other lady was totally into it! She deserved it!

Written By Ida

Aug. 30, 2020, 6:53 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

"Another age entirely." When I look back on my time in Arx, which is only coming up on a decade now, that first year or two really do feel like another age in a way. Ignorance is bliss, they say, but it's also a dangerous thing. I always look back on those memories with an incredible fondness, and sometimes it's tempting to wish things were so simple again. But I don't wish that, really, and I'd rather feel worried, afraid, and inspired to fight than watch the good fall to things that I was too blind or unwilling to see.

Written By Monique

Aug. 30, 2020, 1:26 a.m.(12/7/1013 AR)

Greenmarch has a new relic to add to its Reliquary, and I find myself wondering if it was worth the cost. A life dear to me nearly lost, old friends and new friends wounded, the possibility of scars on my own side...

... it was still worth it.

Written By Rowenova

Aug. 29, 2020, 11:04 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

Thank you to all those who showed up to the event in my honor with their letters, speeches, strength, and steadfastness. It was a wonderful time that will not be forgottten. I am beyond blessed to have such enduring friends, especially the amazing Morien man who hosted plus Sir Floppington in my life.

Written By Zyanya

Aug. 29, 2020, 7:55 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

With dawn coming
The Autumn moon
takes lodgings in the clouds.
I fold my grief away
beneath Summer's dresses.

Written By Zyanya

Aug. 29, 2020, 7:52 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

What is drawn from me?
Leg-weary, heart wearier.
The sunlight on this white stone,
So long, so very long
The violet dusk behind me.
Autumn ahead
And then winter.

Written By Zyanya

Aug. 29, 2020, 7:50 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

The shore falls away, lace cast over grey stone,
The rising tide, the moon behind the mountains...
A gull screams, "Your heart! Your heart!"
But I have stowed it safe below, nested in silk.
Home abandoned to find home, we sail.

Written By Maren

Aug. 29, 2020, 7:22 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

The fog of travel has still not left my mind; this voyage back to the lands of my birth has been the first time that I have had my feet upon a deck of a ship since I felt the one a lifetime ago break apart beneath them, and myself cast into the void of cold dark seas, accompanied by shouts and screams. I will not deny that is what I heard each night in my dreams the first week of sailing, waking with the taste of salt and blood upon my tongue.

But by the time we were on our second sail of this journey, with a new crew and a brief time in the port so that I could send my letters, some of what I remembered being so thrilling as a young woman returned; the feeling of the salt spray against my skin, my hair set in a frenzy. The captain was kind as well. A woman from Bravura, she said, along with much but not all of the crew.

Our first task upon embarking was to visit Mangata's shrine; the captain was kind enough to allow our chests to be held on the ship until their next sailing so that we had time to secure lodgings. Here we met some of the lords and ladies in the throes of the more carefree times of life, I think--with so many possibilities and pathways spread out before them. And then it was onwards towards the inn, and to send word to the Captain.

It is hard to describe the feeling of being surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds and scents of a world a lifetime away and from which hope had dimmed of ever returning. This land is not strange, but I think it will be some time before in my heart I do not feel a stranger now. And harder still the sliver in the heart that is opening my eyes in the comfortable bed and reaching out to find the other side empty, my arms still aching to hold my love between them just one last time.

I do not yet know the fate of all of my brothers, or how much in the way of my kin, their children and perhaps even children's children remain to me, or if I will come to know them as I longed to do over the years--though I have no doubt that they thrive still, it is and always has been our way. But semi-stranger though I may be, this time I from the start I am not alone. The life of a foreigner is never an easy one--sometimes I wonder if it was the best choice to offer this path for my daughter now, and one that not even I can fully understand, with one foot in two different streams.

But we are here. A new path to find. I pray that I have chosen the right one to journey here. But I am more sure than ever, from the moment I stepped foot on the docks, that this truly is home, whatever I might make of that this time.

Written By Philippe

Aug. 29, 2020, 5:02 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

These plush renderings of Oaty appear to be on the path to become some sort of trend. I may need to have a few more made for assorted children's homes and the like. Perhaps there is a desire for other plush renderings of horses. Mathilde thinks it will be an excellent way to encourage children to read her forthcoming text. If it helps to spread the word of Gloria, so be it.

Written By Eirene

Aug. 29, 2020, 4:50 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

I hate it when my suspicions are confirmed.

Written By Svana

Aug. 29, 2020, 2:41 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)

I bought some honeysilk for Anisha - well, to dress Anisha in - at the market. God, I can't stop running my fingers over it! It is just so... lux. I really hope that Asher has some money saved, we're going to be broke soon between the new damask and the duskweave too. Plus I want to get my hands on some other things...

Patience, Svana, patience. I can only remind myself so many times.

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