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Written By Eos

Aug. 26, 2016, 4:36 p.m.(5/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

It might be very easy to discount a man with the bearing of Lord Victus as more brawn than brain, but such would be foolish. Thoughtful reservation. I would put hard-earned coin on the fact that for our conversation I came away from our meeting knowing nothing more than he'd have me know.

Written By Eos

Aug. 26, 2016, 4:34 p.m.(5/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

I had the good fortune to make Mistress Larissa's acquaintance on my first day out and about the city. She makes a warm welcome, that is certain, and is a merit to her house and her vocation; quick with the wit and so dangerously easy to fall into conversation with you might forget you have only just met. I certainly look forward to future repartee.

Written By Max

Aug. 26, 2016, 7:49 a.m.(5/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

There's mixed feelings about Alrec. Maximilian has a fondness for the man, firstly. He does. The man's blood runs Dark through and through. He admires his loyalty towards silver, but in the Count's mind Alrec could have had all the silver he wanted if he served under Darkwater, still. To this end, Maximilian sees him as a friend, but if House Thrax orders him killed... well, you can always find new friends.

Written By Victus

Aug. 26, 2016, 4:22 a.m.(5/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

A real fucking Grayson princess, this one.

Yes, yes. I know, I know. She's not actually a princess, or lady, or even a damn Grayson if we're being completely fucking technical here. Neither her father nor her brother found it wise to legitimize her, so that makes her just a baseborn bastard still. Not that I hold any of that shit against her. I've been there. If anyone in this fucking city knows the exact rules a bastard lives by, it would be me, wouldn't it?

But she's still a fucking princess. It takes a princess to throw around the sort of fucking coin she's throwing around, blithe and without any gods be damned awareness of the value of things. I'm not saying that in the 'she aught to know the price of bread' kind of way, because fuck if it ain't been a while since I paid attention to what a meal cost even at the Ambassador Salon, let alone at a local fucking baker. I wouldn't stop being noble and rich for a hundred million silver knights. (Ha, get it? I know, I'm fucking hilarious. You can stop laughing, now.) But I thought Viviana Pravus was being an extravagant clueless wastrel, and she has nothing on the splash 'Lady' Dawn is making.

Shit. I wish I was that rich. I'd like to think I'd do more useful things with the coin. Like snort some dust (right, right, that's illegal in Arx. But who said I'd spend it all here? Have some imagination!), and hire a half dozen of Whisper House's finest. None of which would, perhaps, be all that better than a lavish spectacle for the sole fucking purpose of showing off that you're richer than everybody else. But once I was done with the dust and the ale and the girls, I'm sure I could squeeze in a new ship. Perhaps bankroll my own expedition into some uncharted fucking water where I could discover the mystical breed of the Gold Rats who only shit little pebbles of fucking gold.

I suppose there's one advantage: If I do let myself be badgered into joining the melee tournament, at least I can expect that a win would give me more than just some fucking dust collectors.

Say what you want about the Graysons (and I'll say it all), but the fuckers sure know that it's all about the fucking money.

Oh, this was supposed to be about Dawn, right? Right. Well. I suppose she might not be the most beautiful woman in Arx, but I'll still watch her walk away.

Written By Victus

Aug. 26, 2016, 4:07 a.m.(5/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Eos

So Kima has a brother, and he too is a fucking knight. I've always despised knights, with their pretense of higher fucking ideals. I suppose the question is if he's going to be a knight in the way his sister is a 'knight', or is he going to be another insufferable fucking bore like the majority of them? We'll see.

Written By Darren

Aug. 26, 2016, 1:27 a.m.(5/24/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

Twin sister, fire to my ice. She's been by my side for forever, and I intend it to always be so. Deva was an obvious choice for my Voice, and I know she is truly the only person suitable for the role. She's certainly the only person I can trust.

Written By Donrai

Aug. 26, 2016, 1:11 a.m.(5/24/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

By messenger, the admiral in service to House Pravus proclaimed his fervent loyalty to me, admitting that while he did kill his men and leave the service of House Darkwater to serve a Velenosa vassal, he still was a Thraxian at heart. He reminds me of a small matter before I left Maelstrom for Arx, a quarrel between two commoners when they sought my arbitration for their dispute. One owned a prized guard hound, whom he had sold, and the hound had mauled the child of the new owner. The hound, a loyal beast, had returned home to its original master, who refused to have the beast put down for savaging the child of the new. They asked for my judgment on the matter.

I had them both executed for wasting my time.

Prince Donrai Thrax, Prince of Maelstrom, Highlord of the Mourning Isles

Written By Enzo

Aug. 25, 2016, 8:09 p.m.(5/24/1004 AR)

These past days I have so much work to do, that I allowed my apprentices to prepare messages for some people of Arx related to my idea to help orphans.

My apprentices made a mistake. We all do mistakes. It doesn't matter if we are nobles or commoners. I am surprised that their mistake caused so much fuss as if people do not have more important matters to attend.

Did their mistake cost a life? Did their mistake started a war? Did their mistake burned a house? No, it just offended a very high lord. I apologize for that, honestly. I also publicly declare, that no messages from my shop will ever reach the offended party again.

Pity, though, that mistakes which cause a death of a starving child, a sacrifice of a loving father, a burned village, and many other larger or smaller disasters, are usually overlooked, because no high lords were offended.

Written By Dagon

Aug. 25, 2016, 5:50 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

I did not know that Enzo would be writing messages that contained the same text yet were addressed differently. I would have expected more from a craftsman. More creativity at least. It begs the question of the orphans in the city. If they are indeed such a problem, perhaps House Thrax can offer to assist.

Our ships do require crew after all. Being a sailor is not the easiest life and it requires hard work, but they would be paid and fed for their efforts. That has to be a lot better than whatever conditions they are facing now.

Written By Niccolo

Aug. 25, 2016, 5:25 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

It isn't often that I find myself sharing bits and pieces of my life with others. I've told the story of my first command before, though, or some of it. I did so in the market of all places, to a warrior that asked me about the first time I was blooded. The first time I had killed an enemy. But recently, I completed that story, and in doing so was made to face some old bitter memories, and remember some long gone friends.

Most men,and women, eschew failure. Most measure success as the lack of it, the absence of failure in a life where everything we do is a step in our march to strive for success. Yet I've often found that failure is a required aspect of growth. And without growth, stagnation can often take root. We grow complacent, reassure in our current status and find ourselves risking our ability to become something better, something more.

I've failed. I've failed often.I failed those that I allowed to die during my first command, so many years ago. I was but a boy, but that failure isn't any less real because of it. That failure was painful. The loss of a good friend due to this failure years after even, was painful. The failure to prevent my wife's death... was perhaps the most pain I've felt in all the years of my life. I failed her. There is no other way around that fact. I failed her and until I find out the truth, until I bring those that did this to me, to my family, to task, this failure will continue to haunt me.

I'm no stranger to pain, but I'm no slave to it. I'm no stranger to failure, but I'm not ruled by it. I will accept my failure and learn from it, grow from it. I will find out the truth, and I will bring that truth to light, regardless of the paths I'll have to walk. Then those that hurt my family will come to understand what it truly means to fail.

Written By Alrec

Aug. 25, 2016, 3:39 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

Not once, not twice but three freaking times now I have heard of the name Margot Tyde. The last surviving spawn of fucking Titus Tyde. The context in which her name has come to my attention is that she is talking behind my back in regards to my person. I can assure you that this woman does not know who I am because if she did, her fucking head would have been hanging alongside her cousins on my ship. The only reason she is still alive is by the mercy of Thrax, one that caught us all by surprise. When we were summoned by Prince Donrai of Thrax to eradicate the Tyde, we promised him every single Tyde and we failed him. Margot reminds us of that but know this Lady Margot the second the House of Thrax retracts their protection of you I will collect your head and pay my debts to Prince Donrai of Thrax because I do not fail, especially to the prince of Thrax.

Written By Alrec

Aug. 25, 2016, 3:24 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

There is a rumor that I killed half my crew when I took the contract with House Pravus. That is true but I have killed for less. We all have. It is how we maintained our dominion over the sea and discipline among our crew. It is easy to call me a traitor when you are barely old enough to wipe your ass Victus, let alone understand how it is things have been done long before you were even a thought in your father's eye. When the call came for captains to sail with Thrax against the Tyde, I was the first one there. Any doubts to my capability as a captain was squashed the day I arrive at Darkwater Watch with Tyde nobles crucified to the bow of my ships. I earned my keep. In exchange, we got nothing so I had to act and took on contracts with merchants on the opposite side of the Thrax sea route as to not collide with other captains whom I still consider my friends. I did not kill those sailors because they were loyal to Thrax, we killed them because they were unloyal to us; the crew, the ship, and her captain. Since I've first set foot on a ship, my loyalty has always been to me and my crew. This is a fact that I have never concealed and mercy fall upon those who dare deny it.

Another claim is that I revealed to Pravus the secrets of Darkwater sailing. What a load of crap. I AM DARKWATER SAILING! From the Saffron Chains and all the way to Sanctum, that has always been mine. Every tale about the demise of Abandoned at sea is accredited to me. Pravus understand this and for my fealty they gave me the rank of Admiral, a rank normally reserved for the best of Pravus and their nobles, they gave me ships and the authority to extract vengeance from any pirate that dare act against their sea trade route. Has Darkwater and Thrax suffer because of this? No. Talk to their merchants and you will find that not only am I regarded as their protector when we meet at sea but as a conduit between the Darkwater Watch and Setarco trade. A connection that has only made us richer and could continue to, if only some of you took your heads out of your asses. I do not need to prove any sort of fealty to Darkwater or Thrax, they should know better. I respect their nobles and their court, always have and always will but... I respect silver even more.

Written By Donrai

Aug. 25, 2016, 1:39 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Enzo

Master Enzo, a commoner to whom I have no familiarity, called me kind and generous through a messenger. I had two disobedient thralls brought before me and informed them that one of the words would be branded on one of them and the other word on the other, and they could decide who received which. There was quite a scuffle over which had to endure 'generous'. The extra letters were quite painful, from my understanding.

Written By Donrai

Aug. 25, 2016, 1:32 p.m.(5/23/1004 AR)

If one ever thinks to send me a messenger, one with all appearance of sincerity and lucidity, to proclaim me kind and generous to my face before my court, I am left with precious few assumptions:

Perhaps the sender had me confused with Prince Darren Redrain, the Prince of Farhaven and highlord of the Northlands, who is still young enough to consider kindness a merit and generosity a virtue, and has not yet faced the reality that removing a foot from an adversary's neck produces no satisfying outcomes for any involved.

Perhaps the sender had a personal animus with the messenger, through some real or imagined slight, and hoped I would take the message as mockery and had them flayed living and presented before the sea. The temptation was strong, mind you, but babbling about orphans to me was amusing enough that it stayed my hand. A few of my vassals laughed, when they were certain that doing so would not see them executed after I indicated they had leave to do so.

Perhaps, most troubling of all, some mummer, singer, or other version of fool dares to spread word that I am kind or generous? Most disturbing of all, by far. Kindness is a weakness and generosity is foolishness. Kindness buys one nothing, and invites all to take advantage of their nature for naught in return. It is invitation by one's enemies to participate in one's downfall with smiles. Generosity is reminding others that one is wealthy enough that they should be taken advantage of. Kindness and generosity together is sheer folly. King Alaric Grayson IV is a kind man, and a generous man, and the realm will bleed for it.

So no, while I approve of any efforts to see a convenient labor force such as fatherless children go idle and believe they should be yoked, I reject the notion that I am kind or generous. I will endeavor in the future to remind others this is not the case.

Prince Donrai Thrax, Prince of Maelstrom, Highlord of the Mourning Isles

Written By Calista

Aug. 25, 2016, 3:01 a.m.(5/22/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Eos

When I learned of Lord Saik's arrival to Arx, I greeted him with a simple note via messenger, sealed with the Fidante stamp, and tied to a beautiful and brilliant red Tor rose. They are so fragrant and sensual, but I thought nothing of it other than a kind gesture.

I had the pleasure of making Lord Eos and his young son, Lord Vomas' acquaintance this evening at the Hundred Cities Inn. In return for my gift I was given the most precious kitten I have ever seen. Eight pounds of saggy-skinned, round-eared and dun colored "lion cub." And while he's not a real lion, he will grow three times the size. For now, he finds his home in my arms or in my lap. I'll have to honor Lord Eos by giving his gift a most worthy name.

Written By Brianna

Aug. 25, 2016, 12:52 a.m.(5/21/1004 AR)

Don't give me that look, like I'm shirking my duties not coming in here. You try coming in when you're vomiting up ale and dinner, see how well you scribe your thoughts to paper. And you best not be writing that part down; no one needs to hear about me vomiting dinner back up.

It's wonderful to be walking outside of the Villa again. It feels like it's been weeks that I've been sitting in bed, fawned over by shamans and healers alike, and I do hate being fawned over. Of course, I was hoping that when I got back on my own two feet, Arx would have its King back.

It doesn't.

The King is still a carrot, and though I don't think he's the best King, he was a good friend to me. Arx feels different without him to go hunting with. Valencia plugged up some of the hole left behind, but she can only do so much, and really, she's terribly concerned with making me a lady. I refuse to wear pins in my hair. I look like a giant beet when I do. The red hair really does wonders for looking like some sort of vegetable.

I'm sure I missed plenty of things to distract me. Prince Sherrod's funeral; I should have been there. Prince Sherrod was family, married to father's cousin, and you stand by family even when they've gone back to the earth and the spirits. There's quite a bit of guilt in me for not attending, despite my previous condition.

The worst part of it? While holed up in bed, I thought of a leviathan. Damned Thrax. Maybe I'll stalk the training grounds tomorrow, hm? Good place to find leviathans.

Written By Isolde

Aug. 25, 2016, 12:35 a.m.(5/21/1004 AR)

    Inquisitor Alistair has given me the most intriguing challenge. After some tough negotiation, I've agreed. It is my hope I will gain some good perspective, and not end up dead. But, without risk, life would be so boring, wouldn't it? The only question to remain is how do I train for this challenge? I think it is worth it, and will expand my skillset dramatically.

Written By Cain

Aug. 24, 2016, 11:15 p.m.(5/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

I admittedly know Calandra mostly through Acacia, although she and I've ran into each other, of course, when I've worked for the Mummers. In fact, if I could get her to just sing to everyone I'm entertaining, I think it would work quite well. With her being Acacia's sister and all, I do feel a little compelled to keep an eye on her, to make sure she's alright.

Written By Donella

Aug. 23, 2016, 1:30 p.m.(5/17/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

My younger brother. He's everything a prince and heir should be-- if that prince were not born to the Thrax. He was indulged with fantastic tales of knights and quests, honor and chivalry, his head stuffed with fluff while I was learning everything that would have actually been USEFUL for him to know. Only I can't inherit. What were my parents thinking of? I have to help him, and protect him, until he can be the man we need him to be.

Written By Ida

Aug. 23, 2016, 9:51 a.m.(5/16/1004 AR)

I was really stuck on what to make for Market Day. I must have gone through a hundred pieces of parchment trying to scribble some designs or anything, really. It was during this frustrating process that Master Hammar happened by the shop to purchase a dagger I had up for sale. Chatting with him made me realize that commissions are easier because they have a soul - bear with me here because that probably sounds very crazy.

The piece will belong to someone and if you know just enough about that person, you can put that into the weapon or what have you. A piece of who they are, maybe. Still sounds crazy, but so be it. Sure, people wear their masks or hold things close to their heart, but I work with what I have. ANYhow, leave it to Master Hammar to make something that seemed so hard, so simple. I realized that I had to try to design for someone and ended up with a matching sword and hairpin set that I'm pretty proud of.

Also, I've half a mind to get Master Hammar a pet. It would have to stay at the shop, as it sounds like his landlord isn't an animal lover by any means.

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