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Written By Natalia

Nov. 16, 2016, 6:36 p.m.(2/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Victus is surely a man of strength and of Thrax. Such a display is in his ways of communication and his life.

Do you know he told me that he earned his name by skills alone? That is a lovely thing to accomplish and work for.

I am sure that the people of Thrax appreciate him. I wish him only the best on the path he has decided to walk for the reasons he knows.

Written By Eos

Nov. 16, 2016, 4:29 p.m.(2/20/1005 AR)

We can not continue to exist in isolation in our separate bubbles. This is the theme that was strongest through the military gathering. I am not certain it was sentiment everyone who came believed when they arrived, but I believe it was the prevailing one by the end. As we left, I heard talk of further meetings, of arranging exercises, of trade deals to strengthen ties and supplement needs. A representative of the ... Gods help me I will butcher this... Covenant for Spiritual Inquiries? ... was present and further encouraged the sharing of information pertinent to the defense of Arvum.

There were no concrete plans made, and I did not expect them. We do not know nearly enough to make those plans yet. But bringing the voices together brought to the fore how varied Arvum is from region to region, what is vital to maneuvering in any given region. It highlighted how important it will be for there to be ready and open dialogue between the houses on needs, obstacles, and intelligence. We are not drawing the potential battlefield, so we must be prepared and ready to answer anything until we know more. We must shore up our defenses. We must lean into one another and present a phalanx to any who would call the Compact enemy.

There were far too many faces and names to remark on each and every contribution, so I will leave it at Lady General Calypso Malvici, and her willingness to tackle the task of gathering so many cooks in one kitchen, and to see us all moving toward a common goal.

Written By Victus

Nov. 16, 2016, 4:20 p.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

This one's got poison in her.

She might look like a fucking angel, but all that pretty just hides a right fucking bitch. When you call her out on it, she blinks and says its all a fucking misunderstanding. Ha. No. She's a bitch and she knows it.

Then again, its not like I'm some fucking saint either. As long as she keeps buying me drinks, I'll keep accepting her fucking invitations.

Written By Silas

Nov. 16, 2016, 3:57 p.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

It went well in the sense that no fights broke out, but it was a meeting between the great houses to decide what to do more than anything else. Or about what they can and can't do. I did not leave with supreme confidence, but it is hard to acquire such a thing when you have little knowledge of your potential enemies; they likely know far more about us than vice-versa.

But the city will be fine. For now.

Written By Alis

Nov. 16, 2016, 3:44 p.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

The more information I hear on these Elves, the more concerned I become. The meeting of military minds went about as well as can be expected. Although I may perhaps bring stilts next time. Or stand upon the table if I must, so that I can be heard the first time I speak...

Quite unbecoming Valardin's Voice, of course. But it may be worth it regardless.

In addition, I suspect I shall have nightmares consisting solely of men shitting off the sides of ships now. *sigh*

Written By Viktarkim

Nov. 16, 2016, 12:27 p.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Son of a bitch sure beat the living shit out of me and Serafine at the training center. And here I thought Prince Fergus was a hard fight. I at least lasted a while against the Redrain Prince, but Lord Victus took me down in /TWO/ hits. The first hit cracked my ribs and the second to the groin put me down so hard that I couldn't walk, after.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 16, 2016, 11:07 a.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

That went better than expected.

In a room full of leaders, a room of well qualified and strong men and women, and strong willed - we were able to have an open conversation about the safety of this compact. Suggestions were offered up on what our next steps should be and beyond merely making suggestions, various leaders started making commitments and sending out marching and training orders. I am a proud member of this compact on waking up this morning. I feared that the information about the elves would spread panic and that furthermore information about the Bringers of Silence would send the city in to a frenzy. But it wasn't so. The room ran from quiet confidence in some, to enthusiastic vigor for taking the next steps. I am so proud.

I am very much learning the value of Lord Eos. He is unafraid of voicing necessary opinions and works far more diligently as an emissary for direct communication than I might have imagined before. I am greateful for his council and proud of his work.

And now - we do what we can to learn as much about our enemy as possible and prepare ourselves in the process.

Written By Hana

Nov. 16, 2016, 3:47 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)


For the place I was, well, conceived, I've never been here very often. Certainly never to stay. So I spent the first few days here feeling very lost! Like my world was a little off-balance, just enough that I wasn't sure of things.

But now, after the Assembly, it seems like a lot of the city is feeling that way, too. In a weird way, that makes me feel less alone.

And if the rumors are right, if war is coming, then I'll do my part. I'll help make weapons to defend the realm! Though I'm sure plenty of the other smiths must be better than me—it's Arx, the capital!—the weapons I make are more than good enough to serve in battle. Even if they aren't alaricite.

And maybe I can find a really good weaponsmith to apprentice to...

Written By Serafine

Nov. 16, 2016, 2:50 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)

You see an Sylv'alfar with your own two eyes and you speak a language documented as Elven, read it, write it, and still.... -still-...

People misunderstand, don't understand, don't listen, don't -look-.

Gods above, if this is why you took my family from me...

Written By Anze

Nov. 16, 2016, 2:33 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)

Strange things happen up in those mountains, in those deep forests. Are there elves? I dunno, I ain sayin there ain, but I ain sayin there is either. Doesn't f'an matter though. If there is then we'll be f'an ready for em, and if there isn't then maybe we can seriously deal with the f'an Abandoned.

I ain sayin we slaughter em all or anythin, but, gettin all the compact tah finally be f'an friendly for a minute would do us all good. Lots of deep holds an valleys an grottos out there. We ain even know our own lands as well as we should. I'm sick ah known the raids are startin again every spring thaw, we need tah do somethin.

Jus wish I knew what tha f'an somethin was.

Written By Tobias

Nov. 16, 2016, 2:22 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)


These... whatevers.... are now on the lips of most of the Compact as a boogeyman come back to life. I haven't seen a gods damned thing to confirm this isn't anything but an elaborate ploy to deceive the Compact, and in all my traveling, I have never, *ever* seen evidence these things are real, let alone still alive.

So, why everyone is jumping to conclusions and believing a fairy tale at the first mentioning of them is beyond me... but at least the Regent and the strategy session earlier are moving in the right direction in preparing for a war.

Written By Lark

Nov. 16, 2016, 1:09 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Viktarkim

Even after suffering (what I can only assume was) a very blunt beating between the legs, it baffles me that a man will still find reason to posture. Even when he has been rendered nearly incapable of taking even a single unassisted step forward, he must be ever aware of his pride. There is no indignity in asking for help when help is needed.

Written By Lark

Nov. 16, 2016, 12:26 a.m.(2/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

Naive but lovely both inside and out.

Written By Max

Nov. 15, 2016, 10:54 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

You know? It takes a remarkable amount of skill to take a shit off the side of a ship at sea.

Don't discount it, Mainlanders.

Else we'll be stopping the entire fucking convoy to fish a man from the deep. Probably not worth it, cause its damned impossible to tread water with trousers down twixt your ankles.

Damned impossible, but hilarious to watch.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 15, 2016, 10:48 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

Juliet is as beautiful as she is intelligent. She generously gave me her book on flowers. "The Language of Flowers: A Rose Cipher of Tor," truly a master piece of her creation. She has been so accommodating to me, and I am so grateful for her friendship. We plan to set out on an adventure, but I may need to find a weapon before I begin. I am still considering the possibilities of this.

Written By Serafine

Nov. 15, 2016, 10:47 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

He's a walking phallus with a massive ego.

I mean. He even spits when he's excited.

Excellent fighter! Next time I'll bring an army and shoot for a more graceful defeat!

Gloria's glorious gorgeous gonads. What a throttling!

Written By Serafine

Nov. 15, 2016, 10:45 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Viktarkim

I am. So. Very. Sorry.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 15, 2016, 10:36 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

In a crowded room full of boisterous words and rambunctious grunts, -he saw me, -he called to me. My muscular figure called me an Angel and brought a vibrating rhythm to my heart. I fed him pieces of succulent pork, and listened to his stories of bravery surrounded by the tea bushes in Mercer Garden. This could be a blissful beginning to a romantic journey.

Written By Orazio

Nov. 15, 2016, 9:23 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

We speak often of redemption. I'm not certain that we do it as often as we speak of it, but everyone loves a good redemption story. I think, in my heart of hearts, that the Sentinel likes one just as much.

But redemption is not easy. It cannot be predicted. You cannot murder someone and say, "Yes, I did that, but I spent ten years giving all my possessions to the poor and my food to the hungry, so I am redeemed." Even if, over that decade, you improved the lives of far more people than you ruined. There is no guarantee.

The path of redemption is not a road, paved with specific "good deeds" that you can hold up to others' eyes and say, "Look, I deserve your forgiveness. I deserve your trust and your affection. I deserve to live." The path of redemption is a thorn-strewn trail through the darkest thickets, where you will never know if you've arrived at your destination until you finally pass through the Reflection.

The only certainty is pain and regret.

Written By Ida

Nov. 15, 2016, 7:20 p.m.(2/17/1005 AR)

What was supposed to be a fairly quick trip (if traveling to the hamlet just outside Sanctum can actually be called 'quick' by any means) ended up keeping me longer than I thought it might. Important news often spreads fairly quickly, but I found myself a touch regretful not to have been in the city until after so much came to pass. Ah, little use complaining about spilled milk, as they say. Time to catch up with overdue work and friends.

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