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Written By Khloe

Feb. 15, 2017, 12:29 a.m.(12/5/1005 AR)

There are some days that I think my heart might truly break when I walk through the streets and see the state of despair that's fallen upon many of the people who raised me to be the young woman I am today. And for the first time in a long time, I am without the right word to say unto them to be the palm to their pain.

What do you say to a mother or a father who mourns the loss of sons and

How do you soothe your fellow man stricken with fear for what the shadows hold?

There are no platitudes and uncertain promises you should say to them, for wouldn't it just be a lie? Instead, it is with action and conviction that with the morning there is hope yet to be discovered. Of faith to be reborn in ourselves and our fellow neighbors and brothers; not the meaningless charity from a hand in which is blind to their pains, but by the labor and merit from the brother who understands.

Written By Tikva

Feb. 15, 2017, 12:27 a.m.(12/5/1005 AR)

Walking the city is interesting. The chill air prickles on my skin. It's still fall but I can smell winter coming. The hint of salt in the air in parts of town reminds me of home. Not ... my new home, my home now with Lord Tiber and all the rich forests and the twin rivers, but ... my first home, my real home. Will I ever stop thinking of Brighthold that way?

I always forget how big the city is. It's been years since I came to Arx. But the levies are called, the troops march, and a dire threat masses on the horizon, so here we are.

Today, I explored the city, investigated several shops, studied a prayer book at the shrine of Limerance, met the High Lord of Grayson, accidentally compared her to my great grandmother -- look, these things happen, all right? -- and possibly threw imaginary water at a nice swordswoman (hammerwoman?) of my fealty who has pretty great hair. I also attended a bread making competition where the Thrax showed people how to make hardtack, at which I performed just as badly as you might expect.

It's interesting to think of, really: that we turn the a life or death skill for our people into a game that we play for fun, as a fundraiser? Yet I can't say that it wasn't a fun game! But it does make you stop and think, doesn't it? Of what you owe your liege? Of what you owe the commoners under your protection? Doesn't it make you wonder what Limerance would think? Perhaps I will ask a priest!

I can imagine Tibault's expression telling him about it and it makes me laugh just sitting here writing!

Written By Marius

Feb. 14, 2017, 11:06 p.m.(12/5/1005 AR)

If the reports are to be believed - and who in their right mind would lie about a thing like that? - it seems we were right all along; shavs by the thousands are massing against us. Hardly a surprise to us Greenmarchers, but I would wish with all my strength that we had been wrong. But, we are not a wishful group of people - the Greenwood's stark realities cleanses us of that particular quality early on... that's not to say we're lost in doom and gloom, lacking art and imagination - by no means! - just that fanciful wishing does not usually put the rabbit in the stew.

So: we have met the enemy and they are as we thought - feral, vicious, and driven by the Bringers. Well, if they want a fight, they have come to the right place. We held the Greenwood against them a thousand years ago, and we Greenmarchers intend to bring that same tenacity to the Compact. We are Untamed and Unconquered for a reason; it seems to be time to remind the demons just what that reason is.

Marian, Eirlys, and Fiachra made it plainly known, in this first encounter. I could not be more proud of them if I tried. Marian is a whirlwind of death when she's in the mood, and I would trust Fiachra to part a man's hair with an arrow at a hundred paces, on horseback. Eirlys surprised me, ushering many mindless shavs into whatever dark eternity they're destined for as she protected Prince Edain's blind side. I'm not surprised at her tenacity or duty - she is a Greenmarcher! - I just don't often think of her wielding a weapon. I laughed a little, wondering if the feral shavs she slew discounted her... to their ultimate demise, of course.

I am proud of my family as rule. We are all proud of our family - just ask anyone who has made the idiotic mistake of speaking ill of a Greenmarcher around Muiryn! - but today, it might just threaten to spill out from the Lodge like a wave...

The loss of life always causes me grief. I do not revel in the death of allies, even respected enemies. Deaths can have meaning, though, and I choose to believe that we will not waste our pain; we will use it to hone us into more lethal foes, more terrifying enemies, until even the demon horde itself is forced to admit they were wrong to press us.

Written By Silas

Feb. 14, 2017, 10 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

A shame. I was looking forward to the wedding reception.

Oh well. I'm sure there will be others.

Written By Luis

Feb. 14, 2017, 8:46 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

My dear cousin

I cannot believe you and your brother are gone.

On your grave I will kill every shav I see from now until the end of my days.

May your soul get the rest those bastards don't deserve.

Written By Alistair

Feb. 14, 2017, 8:11 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Despite what some may think... not all Abandoned know all Abandoned... not all Prodigals know all Prodigals... not all Prodigals know all Abandoned. We are a thousand different tribes of a hundred different lands. Sometimes I have forgotten that myself, and trying to treat with those of a shared life comes no easier to me then it does to those of Civilization. They can be frustratingly ignorant and locked in their ways. At times I would rather deal with elves. At least they would go about entertaining themselves.

Written By Alistair

Feb. 14, 2017, 7:51 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

It seem some Inquisitorial notes found their way into one of Alistair's white journals. Or perhaps he always writes in such a tone.

"A dutiful man. The Crown and the Kings Own is lucky to have him. I hope he does not come with regrets."

Written By Alistair

Feb. 14, 2017, 7:47 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Marius

We come from different forest, that is certainly true. You speak of a quiet as if that is something to be desired, but I have dreaded when the leaves stop rustling and the animals stop calling. We have lived in different forests, but at least we know the reality of the world.

Written By Margot

Feb. 14, 2017, 7:17 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

This will not be the first time we are parted so you might go off to battle, but I pray to the gods all of them end as this time has - with you returning home, whole, your sword wet with the blood of our enemies.

Written By Mason

Feb. 14, 2017, 6:21 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

I can't say I knew her well, and I was told she was my cousin-in-law some time ago. So many people I seem to related to, and yet, I have had so few words with them.

I have but one memory of Nadia that really sticks out in my mind. I had brought a large serving bowl of curry to an event this past summer. I had wanted Arvians to have a taste of Eurusi food. What I discovered is that it wasn't to some of their palettes. Which resulted in a curry fight between Prince Darren and Duchess Nadia. To the point where curry had gotten flung into her eye.

It was a good memory.

May merciful and wise Ahj'on guide you to your rest.

Written By Samantha

Feb. 14, 2017, 5:13 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

I know my eloquence is spoken of, but hope that I will be forgiven if I find myself unable to bring it to bear.

I can only weep for those who we have lost, who I have called my friend, and hope that even though I do not stand on the battlefield, what I am capable of doing continues to honor them.

Written By Eleyna

Feb. 14, 2017, 4:42 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

Lord Pietro was once willing to fight a duel for me when he thought I had been insulted. I told him then that he was a fool and it was a waste of time. I couldn't tell him that it touched me. It's not my way. Not many seem to care much for my honor. Certainly, they do not care if I am insulted. Yet, he did. Perhaps it was just that he cared for my sister, but it was still appreciated.

And now he's gone and so is his brother. The Lyceum bleeds again when our previous wounds have barely healed.

Written By Felix

Feb. 14, 2017, 4:20 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Growing apart.

I guess that's what people do sometimes. It's a heavy feeling once you get to the realization that someone so suited for you...wasn't. Not that there's anything wrong with Joscelin. Just didn't work, I guess. I wish her all the best in her endeavors.

So that's that. Felix Meadson remains Felix Meadson. Nothing left to do but look towards the future, I suppose.

Written By Victus

Feb. 14, 2017, 4:09 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

I was taught, and I've believed, that women had no place on a battlefield.

I suppose I still believe that. But whether they're supposed to be there or not, I won't deny that some of them are capable, more capable than a lot of men I know. Nadia Nightgold was one of them. We'd play our war games into the night, and she'd beat me more often than not. She taught me a thing or two, which is fucking rare.

I could say she shouldn't have been there, and that being there got her killed, and I'd be fucking right.

But she also fought with heart, and determination, and courage. And it would be a petty man who couldn't respect and honor that on its own merits. She died a worthy warrior's death, and she'll stand a worthy warrior in my memory.

I'll be drinking to Nadia Nightgold tonight. I lost a friend, and I'm not a man who makes them easy.

Written By Michael

Feb. 14, 2017, 4:01 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Luis

Luis, my friend, you have a way about you that not many could rival!

While we may vary across our decorum, milord, I must say that I greatly appreciated the invitation to your home, and look forward to many more such parties in the future.

That said, I hope next time there will be no need for you to stand on the table, or for me to leave so abruptly.

Written By Belladonna

Feb. 14, 2017, 3:57 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

The people of Arvum have stood against these threats before.

We will continue to stand.

Written By Eirene

Feb. 14, 2017, 2:22 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Inigo

Ini took down a bringer. Held the fucker off until the others could regroup and assist.

That's my nephew.

Malvici does what it was born to do. Kick ass, take heads.

Written By Reese

Feb. 14, 2017, 1:57 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

I wrote Count Max personally, but I will post this here as well.

I apologize to the Thrax. I must leave remove myself from their battle.

It is with a heavy heart that I do so.

Compact, the Graysons and the Iron Guard need every single sword right now.

I can't leave my family at a time like this.

Written By Merek

Feb. 14, 2017, 12:52 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Sparte is an acquaintance and co-worker of mine in the Iron Guard. A bit flighty, but I imagine he will make something of himself if he tries.

Written By Merek

Feb. 14, 2017, 12:46 p.m.(12/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcelia

A curious noblewoman that seems a bit different than most. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. In any case, might see more of her at the shop.

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