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Written By Rowan

March 5, 2017, 9:59 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aldwin

I like the old man, for all we lead very different lives. He came into his position at a good time for those like me, that is certain. I do wish he'd speak more directly though. His language and mine - they vary at times. Misunderstandings can be made.

Just the same, I think I know now. I think I understand the Faith better. I have just the thing to pay the fee and honor the powers that be. I think you'll be pleased, Dominus.

Written By Ferrando

March 5, 2017, 9:52 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

The celebration in honor of the Archduchess was quite the fitting event for her and I enjoyed attending immensely. I got to catch up with several friends and family both old and new, and undoubtedly the highlight of my night was being able to have a few dances with Lady Juliet before the ballroom floor ended up a little, er, cluttered.

Written By Killian

March 5, 2017, 9:50 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara

So my dear sister-in-law is no longer officially that, and is now a Princess of Grayson. Well, she was always a Princess, but I already miss her being in the house and so near at hand..even though it's a mere few minutes walk to the Grayson Mansion. I hope that Duke Valkieri will not take it personally that I have, so far as I'm concerned, adopted his sister as my own. Though she may be part of another family now, she will forever be a part of my heart and life, and I hope that she knows that wherever she goes she shall forever have the love and support of her Ashford family.

As an aside, I hope that Addison is enjoying the maggots, it's what he deserves for the harm he did to her.

Written By Cara

March 5, 2017, 9:35 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

My husband is a very admirable man, I am finding. Though our match was made for the usual concerns of nobility -- alliance, the trading of asset and honor, that sort of thing -- I am discovering just how much I /like/ him. It's strange and delightful and, I must be honest, a great comfort to me. I have lost so much, but life is a continual series of surprises and changes to circumstance. I am blessed to have him in my life.

Written By Sparte

March 5, 2017, 9:32 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

The lanterns were... I don't have the words for it. When it happened it was the most beautiful thing in my life, though I couldn't appreciate it until I got home and closed me eyes. All the lights, all the people there.

There were some who didn't agree with it, of course. I don't have ill will towards them. Sure enough the next day someone was using lanterns to try to start fires. Arson took a life, I was told. I know the lanterns were a success despite that, but it hurts to know something I worked towards was used that way.

Not sure what I feel comfortable with doing now. I feel a bit like that blood is on my hands, even knowing how much might've been saved.

Written By Julea

March 5, 2017, 9:31 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Haati

There will be much shirking. I will redefine. I will steal your hammer, and borrow your forge. Nothing and everything will change.

Written By Katarina

March 5, 2017, 9:23 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

Mighty wielder of the holy flail, and one of the very first friends I've ever made here in the Compact. She advocated for me and trusted me when she had naught but the word of foreign refugees, gave us protection and shelter when she could have cast us away. For that, I am eternally indebted to her and her family.

Written By Julea

March 5, 2017, 9:22 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

One day, we'll Reave together.

Written By Katarina

March 5, 2017, 9:20 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

He is a man borne of both endless sand and sea, with fire in his veins and a killer's unrepentance in his eye. I do not know what to think of him, so I shall not commit thought to a reality I not yet understand myself. The way of the lands that welcome me are a hard thing to grasp, their language so vastly different from my own. But he speaks mine well enough, and that is comforting in itself.

Written By Arcelia

March 5, 2017, 9:16 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Estaban, my brother, arrived in town recently. Sadly, he is having trouble adjusting to the idea of me having a romantic life as well as the idea of me searching for a suitor. I his head has about spun off his shoulders every time the subject has been brought up. He is a good man, a loving brother... I am sure he will eventually come to terms with the fact that I am a grown woman now, not his kid sister.

Written By Arcelia

March 5, 2017, 9:13 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

My efforts to get involved in the community and assist in the city are starting to move. I spoke with Moira Grayhope about working with her and coordinate my efforts in a way that has maximum effect. I also joined Heart in Hand, a new organization I look forward to working with.

Written By Julea

March 5, 2017, 9:12 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

I do not even know his name. Even the extremes of my alcohol laden imagination cannot fill in the blanks without a name.

But we all have to make sacrifices for this war, and this is mine. I think I would rather face a dozen bringers. I do not know that I was ever meant for this, not in my wildest of dreams. If we had more time, there would be other options, more choices. Other things we could do to secure the army we need to have even a hope of surviving this. And that is what it comes down to. Or maybe if I imagine it as some Noble sacrifice, it somehow makes it palatable.

So, I will marry, to secure the aid of a much needed ally. And I don't even know his name. I think I will call him Steve. And maybe Steve is an eighty year old man, and my ... charming demeanor will result in his heart failing when I dare to go to war to fight. Will he go with me? Or Steve the sort to cower behind those fortifications of his.

Written By Arcelia

March 5, 2017, 9:11 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

I have become a student to Duke Hadrian Malvici. He was kind enough to accept my request to be further schooled so that I may become a better diplomat. I look forward to learning from him, he has always been kind to me.

Written By Jaenelle

March 5, 2017, 8:38 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

While my event was a success, none of them will ever be as fun as they would have been with you as my co-host.

Written By Elrych

March 5, 2017, 8:33 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

I spoke to Marquessa Samantha who is taking in refugees to convery the wishes of Marquessa Demura that we help her in her cause. I told her about my project and she thought it was a good Idea as long as it was voluntary. It is so there wasn't any issues. She was curious if the Marquessa was willing to take in Freed THralls. I wasn't sure and asked to get back to her. She asked me about Lord Commander Rymarr after. I answered best I could, I remembered what he was like as a boy and before he left to the Kings Own... but that was a while ago and I havn't spent much time with him now. He's a busy man. Though, there seems to be a rift crowing between the Lyonesse elder and his two sisters. Not sure what's going on but I'm not going to stick my head into it. I look forward to my Hunting trip with Lady Abigail more and more everyday, despite the terrible thing this way comes.

Written By Elrych

March 5, 2017, 8:29 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Some of the Commoners I've met on my Journey through the city are very interesting people. A women by the name Alarie was kind enough to buy myself and Lady Abigail drinks. Of course the Lady had to leave for some buisness Alarie and I got to talking. For a trade in some support for my own ventures and perhaps a future economic trade for my people in the future, I would help her spread the word about Black Mountain Trading doing some increased trading and building up food and supply stores incase we have to ride out a seige. I told her of Marquessa Demura's plan and hopefully they'll get together and work something out. Anyways she made me a cloak for my armor in the house colors. It's arm too and goes with normal cloths as well. There was another woman there by the name Emeline selling viles of perfume. I picked out three for the Marquessa, Lady Anabelle, and Lady Abigail. Lady Anabelle loved hers, I havn't given the other two theirs yet. I'm waiting for our hunting trip to give it to Abigail. I hope she likes it.

Written By Jaenelle

March 5, 2017, 8:24 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

I was so pleased with the amount of interest for the event I hosted. Getting a ship build was not the hardest part, it was keeping the water warm enough that it did not freeze over and cause someone's death when they jumped into it. No one was hurt beyond a few sniffles from the cold, and fun was had so I feel this was quite the success.

Written By Elrych

March 5, 2017, 8:22 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

As I said before I've put almost all my energy these days into building the house's prestiege and the attendance of the Academy at Lyon's Redoubt back home. I've been able to garner some support from Commoners and Higher Nobles alike. It may take a few more months and I'm not sure all the Abandoned and Commoners we've recruited will be ready by the time the army heading for Arx attacks... I only hope we can thrawt this action which will give us time to grow these reserve forces.

Written By Eleyna

March 5, 2017, 8:20 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

As a fellow Lycene woman with a 'reputation' (although admittedly in a far different way), I've always felt a certain kinship with Juliet. I know what it is like hear whispers in your wake. It seems we've both done the thing we shouldn't and have embraced our reputations versus letting others define us. People don't tend to like it when you don't act ashamed. They take it even worse when you adopt their insults and turn them into something else altogether. Juliet does this even more beautifully than I have.

Despite the scandal, I think anyone that underestimates Lady Juliet is a fool. She's quicker than most. It almost makes one wonder if the 'reputation' is as accidental as it might appear to be...

Written By Eleyna

March 5, 2017, 8:09 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

You and I could not be more different. I am made of ice, you are made of fire. I have often allowed my head to overrule my heart. You jump into everything with your heart on your sleeve. You are dark and I am pale.

They say the only thing we have in common are our voices.

Yet, you are my sister despite our differences. We may not always understand each other, but the bond we share was forged to outlast any petty misunderstanding. Your joy is my joy. Your grief is my grief.

During the duel, even though you struck first blood on my intended, I was in awe of your strength and speed and the grace in which you handle a blade. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished since your return to us.

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