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Written By Sabella

June 27, 2018, 4:34 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Take a deep breath everyone! I'm sure Skald is just a very popular name, like how every other boy in this city is named Alaric or Laric and every girl is like Alarice or Keskialette.

Written By Arik

June 27, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

On the matter of Skald and Papercuts...

As a northerner I obviously favor some of the Pantheon moreso than others. Mangata is well loved in Whitehold lands and Skald being tied to the North is likewise well loved or perhaps well respected. No papercut, nothing happening. Have a papercut, something happening. Nothing happening infinite choices. Something happening, specific choices. If I were a God of choice and had to choose between infinite choices and choices revolving around something small I'd probably pick the shorter list... But then again I am just a man and I fuck up a goodly portion of my own choices so what do I know.

I support Skald, may Master Aleksei take this opportunity to further remove himself from the choice of resigning his place in the church.

Written By Dianna

June 27, 2018, 4:29 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Careless in training this week. I barely landed a hit before Alessia knocked me out with a blow to the neck. I do not resent her. The fault is on me for being...distracted. One is supposed to more careful in training so these sorts of incidents don't happen. I was sure to compliment her on her skill when the medics woke up.

Hadrian watched us duel. One aspect of glaivedancer training that I had to learn young was humility: "Leave your ego at the door." Otherwise, a beginner fighter would constantly feel overwhelmed and intimidated and resentful of the warriors that are more skilled than she is. I am glad I learned this important lesson young. Otherwise, I never would be able to stand the Voice of our House watching me get so easily knocked out.

Recently, however, I find my patience dwindling. I long more than ever to restore our the glaivedancers to their former glory, and I can't very well do that if I'm so careless as to get knocked out in training. Such ego is not good. I must meditate to regain balance.

Written By Bliss

June 27, 2018, 4:20 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I've personally always found it far easier to live my life, as things grow to scales beyond what we can imagine, without scale. And even with all the pain and hardship I have been through, there is little I would do different even with full knowledge. The ride from high to low to high is ever a thrill, each setback an interesting new twist that I must adapt to, a way to make the story all the more enjoyable to tell later.

Of course, nowhere near all my stories are at their end - but I find that when I read about legends, my thought isn't that it's easy, it's that I am wasting my life and need to do more.

Written By Victus

June 27, 2018, 4:09 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I'm sure somebody else can correct me, but is this the first time we have a fellow literally championing a God that hasn't involved some demon armies of old and a lot of magical whatsit? This seems like something we should write down in some history books. That time the Inquisition shook their fist at a God over terrible papercuts, to where the redeemed servant must champion the righteous cause.

Personally I think if Skald is defending papercuts, that discipleship needs to get its priorities straight. Because fuck papercuts.

Written By Monique

June 27, 2018, 3:41 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

More than half the things we start, we probably wouldn't if we knew more about them before we started. Things that seem like brave adventures at the time, a bit of sport or excitement, that become so much more. That's how it begins. And then all of a sudden, you're living out stories you've only read about, doing things you'd never dreamed. And there are so many chances to turn back. But you don't. Because if you did, then what would you have to remember?

Not all to a good end, mind you; at least not to what folk inside a story and not outside it call a good end. That's the nature of stories, of legends. It's easier to read them than to live them.

Written By Eirene

June 27, 2018, 3:01 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

I don't like to sleep. I can't control what images I see when I sleep. So many dead. So much blood. Friends. Family. Lovers.

Why can't I relive my enemies dying in horrific ways night after night? I might enjoy sleeping if that's the case.

I became a doctor to save the lives of the people around me but it's been for nothing. I can't fix dead.

Written By Caspian

June 27, 2018, 1:44 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Considering slavery is illegal and they are being held in slavery, it's not illegal to escape Thralldom, much like it isn't illegal to escape from a kidnapper. This is one of those situations where The Crown looks the other way not because those who practice Thralldom are in the right, but because a civil war in The Mourning Isles would be too blood and too costly.

Written By Orazio

June 27, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

In regards to Prince Mydas' question regarding thralldom and its ends:

Within the Mourning Isles, such things would likely be prosecuted as their lords dictate. Outside the Mourning Isles, no right-thinking lord, lady, or commoner would ever return an escaped thrall to thralldom, as they are simply executing the right enshrined in every other part of the Compact to sever one's connection with one's fealty and seek out service to the Crown instead. If violence was involved, some lords might choose to leverage judgement on such a newly freed person, or return them to their home fealty for judgement, but I suspect that the individual details of the case would matter a great deal.

There is a reason why the only thralls in Arx tend to be the most broken of will, or the ones with relatives of tender age or circumstance back under the direct authority of their lords where they can receive the punishment for any escapes, and why thralls are rarely, if ever, allowed outside the Thrax ward.

Written By Edain

June 27, 2018, 12:14 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

While I do not recall an official stance of the court, I can tell you how I would rule on such a case within the Oathlands. Slavery is outlawed in Compact as a whole and the Oathlands upheld slavery as illegal an immoral long before the Reckoning and the forging of the Compact. We consider Thralldom to still be a form of slavery, even if a more limited one.

Were a Thrall to escape and find themselves in the Oathlands we would respect thier rights as provided under the Compact for non Oathbound, unlanded non nobility, who have the ability to live where ever they choose.

Now of course if thier escape involved murder or other egregious crime we would cooperate with investigation into the matter and consult with the Crown to see if such warranted trial in thier former home, but otherwise we consider them free citizens of the Compact at that point.

Written By Mydas

June 27, 2018, 11:44 a.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

As my legal understanding has its limits, I wondered if there had been a ruling regarding the status of ex-Thralls who unlawfully bring an end to their thralldom, through violent means or simply escape. Has the Court ruled on such a case yet? Is there a standard process to judge such, in the Mourning Isles and elsewhere?

Written By Oswyn

June 27, 2018, 10:07 a.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

It is good to see your friends wed, and better still when they are wed to each other.

Houses Kennex and Grayson are now bound closer through treaty with the added bonus of it being a love match as well. Much is made of noble marriages, and also of the freedom of commoners to marry. I never considered marriage an option for myself - my head is too often buried in books - but it was the sort of ceremony and party afterward that makes a man wonder, just a little. Even a bookworm like me.

This morning I felt better, if (slightly) hungover.

Written By River

June 27, 2018, 5:18 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

MIrari has entered into a large commission work for me, and given her talent with the other jewelry I am wearing at the moment. I have no doubt she's going to do well with it. I'm excited to see what the whole thing looks like, but the Cologne came in today, and it is an amazing scent, and worth the price in deed. Here's to hoping it can make me compete with Saedrus, though I doubt it. He's in a league of his own. But, it would be nice.

In other news, I may have a patron lined up if I can manage not to be a disgrace to myself.

Written By Snow

June 27, 2018, 5:14 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

It was an honor to be making perfume for Lady Sabella as a gift for her wedding even though I was not able to attend, I do hope that she liked the gift and I hope there was plenty of happy moments.

There have been so many things that has happened to me these last days that it's difficult to count them all really. I have had the fortune of meeting a variety of people, Including the countess Emmelline, And Lady Orelia, and they both seem to be charming individuals. And Lady Emmelline has purchased my first perfume, while there is another I am just waiting to sell.

MIstress Joscelin has taken me on as her Protégé, and it is so honorable to have her as my patron, and I think we will work well together. Master Caspian Stabbed himself in the finger and lost 500 silver to Master Holt, and I had to clean the wound, before wrapping it. I really hope he doesn't get the rot from it, it's a small wound but with knives these things happen especially if it is wet or if it is a dirty blade, which I don't think it was. Still it was exciting to watch. Oh, and there is someone who I think has cought my Eye, or maybe it is the other way around. I will have to see what that is all about.

Written By Barric

June 27, 2018, 3:30 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

It seems an odd thing to be writing, but, time and time again I have seen people behave in ways that are rather disrespectful to others. Discounting their rank or relationships with others. It makes me wonder when we abandoned even the pretense of respect and civility, the devotion to our vows, oaths, and everything that makes the Compact great. Makes Arx great. It's like people have forgotten that we are still in grave danger, that people are still being killed, even right here in Arx itself.

A little respect goes a long way.

Written By Caith

June 27, 2018, 1:02 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca


You promised. You PROMISED that you wouldn't catnap Cuddle Puddle!

Written By Lucita

June 27, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lethe

Lady Lethe is such a good friend. Today she had lunch with me and checked on the babies. She was the midwife accompanied me to Saikland to deliver them. If Estaban's younger sisters or family ever decide to come to Arx, she and Lord Wash, Lady Eirene will all be 'not strangers' to them, a few more familiar faces, a few more people they were getting to know before we had to return.

Written By Lucita

June 26, 2018, 11:58 p.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Estaban

I still miss you so very much. Our first wedding anniversary would have been back in mid January. I spent it playing the piano, holding our children and telling them about you, reading them stories even if at three months old, they are too young to do more than coo at the sound of my voice. And I sang for them, not lullabys but some of your favorite songs. The nights are cold, and lonely.

Written By Lucita

June 26, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sasha

How do you manage to twist your tongue around so many odd sounds strung together and make that little almost click or … not quite a growl, but a gruff tone in your throat? I'd have sore neck and face muscles just from the linguistics practices if not for all the singing I do! I hope I can manage to speak well enough to be understood when I need to talk to Shav's near the Barony!

Written By Victus

June 26, 2018, 11:22 p.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Now a wolf-dog ain't a bad idea. Aggressive but not /entirely/ likely to rip your throat out.

Hmm... I'll need to do some 'research'.

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