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Written By Aleksei

June 29, 2018, 12:28 p.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

This is doing wonders for my ego.

Written By Valery

June 29, 2018, 12:23 p.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

None of the dead gardeners were from my school.
That's good.

Written By Lisebet

June 29, 2018, 11:46 a.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

The snow war games were very exciting, even though I did not get a chance to partake. I did get to watch some and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. I am really glad to see it. Poor Sabella and Niklas - I hope they did not injure themselves other than perhaps their pride. They had one very interesting sled run.

In other news, I spent some time in Bold Espressions today, and got dubbed the Hospitality Liaison. I kind of like that title, perhaps any of us Farshaws can use it while there? Unless we're there as customers I mean. Helping out and giving praise to the wonderful people of Westrock Reach for all their hard work.

Written By Aureth

June 29, 2018, 11:16 a.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I won't be your patron but everyone knows I love you anyway.

Written By Lucita

June 29, 2018, 10:16 a.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

Teamwork! Months of work, countless hours of planning, numerous meetings with those who can teach about potential problems, dangers, pros and cons of various situations and the responses to them led to even more work. Mountains of paperwork then needing to find translators, diplomats, those skilled in propaganda, asking Faith and Lieges to supervise that things are done properly and the efforts blessed, that protection for the diplomats in case attacked is there and ready without being a first aggressor. Finding skilled explorers and mappers, locating provisions, sites for outposts, and planning for not just our growing barony that is now spilling over its set boundaries, but for ways to serve the Lycene people and Compact. Gods grant us success and a peaceable, safe expansion effort when the time comes that we finally set forth.

We did all that together, you and I. Turns out we make a very good team. But no wonder you did not want to be Baron-Regent, Doc. Now, Voice Karadoc, time to spoil me with a hefty drink, a new outfit and a few hours of fun with some friends. (yes, that is a hint, a HINT in BIG letters) And when all this is over, you deserve some (more) fun and relaxation, too.

Teasing aside, Doc has been invaluable. Could not do all this without him and he's greatly appreciated.

Written By Ailith

June 29, 2018, 9:48 a.m.(2/8/1009 AR)

As I prepare for services on the Day of Vows, I am inevitably drawn to the day I bent my knee before the Dominus and made vows to the Faith and the Gods. It feels like a lifetime ago, but I carry it within me every day. I think of the traditions of the Faith dating back thousands of years, before the Compact and before the Reckoning. These ancient and honored traditions uphold our Faith and the Virtues which are the essence of our souls. When I utter a prayer as I light a candle to begin services, I do so with utter reverence and adoration, knowing I carry the magnitude of those traditions through to the thirteenth hour.

I look back to the recollection of the Forging of the Compact as written by Dominus Tin ". . . and so the four knelt to King Alar of House Grayson, with Queen Sugan of the West kneeling first, followed by Queen Valeria Redrain of the North, then Grand Duchess of the New Lyceum Procella Pravus, and finally King Aposyr Thrax of the Mourning Isles. And each then spoke as follows: 'Before the gods, I swear my life, my house, and my sacred honor to our Compact. I swear that when the Compact calls me to war, I will answer. I name Alar of House Grayson my king, and swear my leal service to him.' And thusly, the Compact was born and the five kingdoms made one. For the four had made oaths before the gods, and to break that was unthinkable."

And I wonder if the Compact could have been forged if none understood or could not honor the First Law of Limerance -- "The oaths between liege and vassal are sacred. This is the fidelity between Limerance and Gloria." Our Faith, by these oaths, is the very fabric which was woven into the forging of the Compact. Each ruler knew the other understood the fidelity of these oaths. This was not a personal belief, for without Faith, what is one man's version of honor in one land differs from another man's version in another land. But under the Faith with its traditions and laws, it is clear what fidelity means. Fidelity is Limerance.

This is among many reasons why our Faith is unyielding. Our language is the same no matter what parish you are in across the Compact. And that can be comforting in the security of knowing that the Faith shall always be there to uphold the Gods and guide our souls.

I look to our discipleships and am saddened to hear misjudged voices. When have the eyes and ears of our Faithful blinded themselves to our discipleships? A Mercy is not just a healer, a Knight of the Holy Temple or the Knight of Solace is not just a soldier, a Harlequin is not just a midwife, a Sentinel is not just a judge, a Scholar is not just an academic, a Mangatan is not just a sailor, a Liberator is not just a free wheelers, a Petrichorian is not just a farmer, a disciple of Jayus is not just a crafter, a Devotion is not just a musician, and a Mirrormask is not just a contrarian. Our disciples are the First Among the Faith's Children, the Devoted. Their veneration of the gods of the Pantheon and handling of duties for the Faith are not mere titles and positions. They are a tremendous strength for the Faith as they are among our representatives to carry out our traditions. To fail in their sacred duties, would be a disservice not only to the Faith, but to us all.

A friend once told me that I wear my Faith as a shield and believed she never could for she was not a warrior. I saddened at her words. I still do. To be of our Faith does not require a warrior's heart; it requires strength of self. To be devoted, to be willing if you fail to honor your oaths lest to be struck down as a Silent Reflection, that you are a ward of our Faith and its tradition -- to defend the very essence of our souls. The Faith is a thousand year old fortress that no slung words will ever tumble.

The Legate was correct, our Faith is unyielding because it *has* to and I am ever so proud and honored as I bend to my knees before the Gods and renew my vows to the honor and uphold their words. And I ask my brothers and sisters of the Faith from Godsworn to the First Among the Faith's Children to come to your parishes and renew your vows or your dedication to the Faith and the Gods. Let the Compact and the Gods remember the purity and strength of our devotion for everyone deserves the grace of the Pantheon.

Written By Cullen

June 29, 2018, 7:49 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

It is no secret that I've been proud to be an Oathlander since we bent the knee and I went to Sanctum for training by the Valardin, and received my knighting there with great honor and pride. However, as of late, this pride has become all the more powerful, all the more compelling, all the more inspirational. I must make a trip to see all of the notable towns and holds within its boundaries, and meet as many of its notables as possible. It is, after all, home - and always shall be.

Written By Cullen

June 29, 2018, 7:34 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

A slight modification to my previous entry in the whites regarding my will -

While I still wish all of my property to go to the head of House Greenmarch in the event of my untimely demise, my black journals are now to remain closed.

Lord Cullen Greenmarch

Written By Austen

June 29, 2018, 5:31 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you are old.

Written By Regla

June 29, 2018, 4:50 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

I, have not written one of these in a very, very long time. Not sure why to be honest, perhaps a multitude of reasons including the whole, not willing to share my feelings with people, reason.

Though, I feel I should write one now and share my thoughts with those that would read them as that seems to be the point of the whites. Maybe, someone, will find it worthwhile to help me through the changes in my life. One of those being that decision to start sharing my feelings and thoughts with people around me that I care about, more often (read, as compared to not at all). I know I have this reputation as a stern, chip on my shoulder, fiery woman that desires to try and experience all things and to excel at them, but that's not all there is to me. Not, that I've been good at showing the rest of me, but, first time for all things I suppose.

So, first thing to talk about, here we are sat a full..what, six months from Setarco? Yes, it has to have been nearly that long and yet, the nightmares don't stop. Yes, I'm having nightmares, a full six months down the line. I find myself waking up in a sweat, that have only very rarely, if ever, been seen shed in public, from streaming down my face. Just, getting it out there, Setarco did something to me, and the memory of it all is just so painful that I just can't shake it. I really do need some help.

That out of the way, I now also find my, instinct, of the maternal kind...suddenly appearing. This, burning desire to have children, to create life, to have something to love and cherish, to teach and guide, something, anything, to pull me away from the conflict that refuses to leave my mind. I know I'm a sword, and a warrior, a sailor, a leader of men and women but I want something else. I want that thing I've yet to experience, to excel at. I want my own children....

Speaking of, Turo, if you read my whites? As we've discussed, you better find me someone I can stand.

All these people, with their love and marriages and birth announcements...I told you all I hated it, and if the blacks are ever opened, one day you might read what I really thought at the time. However, now, I'm putting it out there...

I hate being alone. I feel so alone with all these people finding true love, and planning their happy little weddings. All of that, just, makes me feel even more alone and I hate it. Then I feel guilty for being mad and hating it. Then I feel stupid, and more alone. Maybe, just maybe this is all finally coming to a head? I just don't know..right now, there are several things weighing on me almost daily...

I think, I'm just going to go enjoy favored past-time number three, lots and lots of drinking...that should fix it all...

Written By Bliss

June 29, 2018, 3:26 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

But you would get to see all sorts of things, such as <redacted> and also <redacted> and, of course, we can't forger about <redacted>!

Yes, Scholar, write the word redacted in there, with the pointy brackets. And my instructions here. People like reading instructions.

Anyway, Messere, it's not like I do not find time to myself outside of my work.

My apprentice has suddenly burst out laughing for some reason. End it here, Schol- yes of course write this part down.

Written By Seth

June 29, 2018, 2:21 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lyiana

I didn't expect to gain a protege during a meeting with a seamstress to discuss commissions and the like.

I seemed to have been lucky after visiting her shop, Beauty in You. I was put off by the name at first, but Mistress Lyiana does excellent work, even for men's attire, and all in quick time.

Now, I am thinking of ways to expand on her storefront. Not that I don't already have a lot on my plate with my own renovations.

Written By Aleksei

June 29, 2018, 1:53 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

That is not a PATRONAGE, that is a JOB, and also NO.

Written By Joscelin

June 29, 2018, 1:27 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

From my mother's private journal:

'The sun creeps in past the windowpane and the hanging curtains, it splits the bed with bright light and falls on your face. Your hair is tousled and tangled, and still so graceful on your Lycene face, too pretty to be real, but too familiar to be anything but mine. I hate how your tresses are somewhere between gold and brown, it shouldn't look so fetching but there it is. Olive skin, not the right shade to match mine, but just as rich; you're beautiful, damn you.

'You're sprawled on your belly, the bedclothes half kicked off. You have that grace inherent in your kin, you look beautiful even when you don't mean to be. It's not fair. I hate it. I hate it so much.

'And yet today is the day after.

'We were wed last night, commoners under the stars, we took our vows and you took me home. Our home. We made love for hours, drunk on each other. I am yours and you are mine, and we are wed. For ill or worse, we are one.

'I wonder what our children will make of us when we're older, if they will change us as they do everyone, if we will be recognizable, you and I to each other, to anyone that knew us. Will we die the way everyone covets the end; surrounded by love and peace, wizened loved one at their side, fingers frail but entangled, breaths shallow but still in time? Will we not know a moment without each other, because in the end, we fly as one? Will we be so lucky?

'I pray it so. Mangata leave me to die on these shores, so long as they are with this beautiful, ridiculous man I love, who smiles when he sees me, and farts in his sleep.

'I really hate that even then, he's still so lovely. Dammit.'

I'm fairly certain this proves I take after my mother; I seem to have her taste in men.

Written By Bliss

June 29, 2018, 1:25 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Have you considered Whisper House?

Aleksei Whisper has a ring to it.

Written By Arik

June 29, 2018, 12:55 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I've had High Lord Victus' journals randomly pulled since the talking otters. On the topic of naming dogs.

+ Dog
+ Wolf
+ You
+ Come
+ Roo

Written By Aleksei

June 29, 2018, 12:40 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Yes, it's true. I, Aleksei Morgan, once Godsworn priest, Archlector of Skald, Paladin of Freedom, now a Champion again I guess, also sometimes for Skald, considering taking a patron now that I'm comfortably returned to nobody status. I brings with me a really strange history, a predilection for doing what I want, and cool sword tricks. Maybe I'll give you first dibs if you ever need a Champion to fight for your honor. My future patron will bring with them...something. Tell me what you bring to the table! By letter, I mean. Send a letter. If you're interested. I have no idea what I'm looking for!

Written By Joscelin

June 29, 2018, 12:28 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I'm a big fan of the name 'You'.


Written By Tynan

June 29, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

A dog needs a good, strong, name. Like Mortimer, or Woofers.

Written By Sabella

June 29, 2018, 12:15 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

It has been a whirlwind of a week and it is not even half over! Let me start off with the WEDDING, which was amazing! It was everything I ever dreamed and moreso! Thank you so much for everyone that turned out for it! And if you did not get a commemorative tiara please let me know and we will be sure to get one to you!

It really was an absolutely beautiful ceremony. My cousin, Prince Gareth, accompanied me down the aisle while Marquis Kennex accompanied Niklas. Seraph Ailith has clearly done many a wedding before ours for she spoke with eloquence and sincerity and while I thought my heart was already full it was bursting over by the time she had us say our vows. Niklas surprised me with a gorgeous iridescite ring with a dawnstone that I just adore! It's so beautiful! And his vows, which he did not write beforehand, were touching and compelling and amazing and if I hadn't been in love with him already I would've fallen fully and completely in love with him right then. I truly cannot wait for our future to happen together. We will write such a tremendous story!

And it started with an amazing party! I have to thank Princess Tikva for all of her attention to detail, and his Majesty for allowing us the use of his palace for a night! There was music and dancing and laughter and singing and the best conversations ever! I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with everyone as I wanted, but I shall make up for that in the next coming days, I promise!

Then there was the opening of Bold Expressions, a unique little shop that mostly serves coffee although there are lots of other things on the menu. I highly recommend their lavender latticework drink and the chocolate chip muffin! The opening was interrupted a bit by a duel between Prince Laric and a man named Skald that everyone seemed very taken with. I am assured that it was really the god Skald, but it does leave me wondering why we build temples where we go to pray if bulletin boards seem to do the trick better. Perhaps we ought to build more bulletin boards?

And then tonight there was a winter festival right in the city center! Niklas and I competed in two events! Well, we competed in the snowball competition with Sir Jeffeth and came in second, with the win going to High Lord Victus, Prince Barric, and Master Caspian. It was a very well played match! And then, I'm not really sure what you'd call what we did in the sledding competition. Epic failure does not seem to quite cover it, but at least we tried and only a poor, bystanding snowman was injured to the point that no mercies could help him. I'm really still very sorry about that, Little Moser! The top hat you had chosen for him was very sporting!

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