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Written By Barric

July 1, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joslyn

Ahh it is good to have you back in the city Lady Stonewood! Congratulations on your win at the tourney challenge as well!

I'm glad to have you back with us so that we can go on more adventures with the Society too.

Written By Oliver

July 1, 2018, 8:09 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It seems the new writer for the Commoners' Bulletin forgot an extraordinarily important piece of news. But worry not - I will add it here for all to see.

She said yes.

I cannot wait to make you my wife, Joscelin.

Written By Sorrel

July 1, 2018, 8:05 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

You have become quite dear to me, and I am thrilled to see you progressing so much. Being knighted is just the first step, but I'm so proud of you for taking it. For committing so seriously to honor and helping your fellow man. I do want to see you happy, and I know that we have a serious struggle ahead of us as Thrax knights who happen to be women. We will get push back, but we will stand our ground, dig in our heels, and continue to prove our worth.

Always remember that you are loved, and though we are cousins by marriage, I still consider you close family. You are a strong woman and I am proud to stand by your side.

Written By Sorrel

July 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

You are like a sister to me, and you inspire in me faith and loyalty and camaraderie. I feel lucky to have married your brother in part so that you would be my sister. You are amazing and inspiring. There's no one I'd rather have as part of my family.

And when Galen gets frustrated that we're ganging up on him together, it's because we are.

I'm glad your nephew has your eyes. (And his father's eyes, too, but siblings do look alike.)

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 7:06 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Dycard

Secretly I still think you have some knight buried in there somewhere yourself Dycard. Thank you for your words, knowing you to be one who knows, it means a lot to me. And while Sir Coraline would certainly be fun I think I can only push convention so far before they decide to dump me in the ocean and leave me there. Baby steps, little baby steps of change. I think Dame Coraline will suffice just fine.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 7:03 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

Your wisdom, your experience, and your friendship gave me strength to achieve what I have, it will be an honor to serve by your side should we be called to do so.

Written By Alexis

July 1, 2018, 7:03 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Still not sure if I'll sign up for the projects that are being passed around the Guild. On one hand, I'm tempted. On the other, I'm frightfully busy.

There'll be some famous last words along the line of "How long could it take."

So we'll see.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 7 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Elgana


I am so glad you were there to witness that event, your presence made the whole thing even better and I didn't know such a thing was possible, but you definitely proved it was.

I can't wait to continue to do everything in my power to serve Thrax and the Compact with everything I am. And never fear, you will get plenty of stories of all the adventures I get on to do just that.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 6:55 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

Your friendship is one of the things I treasure most dear Monique. Those who think ill truly know you not for if they took the time to see what I see, they would find that your generosity of spirit, your fierce joy of living, and your brilliance make you one of the very best. Those who haven't taken that time to get to know the wonderful woman that you are are missing something amazing.

I hope to continue to make you proud, I intend to continue giving it my all to live the vows I gave.
But rum is still the best drink out there. Just saying.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 6:51 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

I feel we share all of those attributes you gave to me, you are a true and solid friend. Without friends like yourself I know the journey to this point would have been so much harder. Thank you.

Also, I am ever so glad the entire audience didn't see those ankles, or tail, otherwise we would really have a crisis on our hands.

Written By Lorenzo

July 1, 2018, 6:31 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sofia

I am delighted beyond words that my darling sister Sofia is spending more time with me, but she seems to be developing expensive taste in gifts. This is going to be difficult for my pocketbook, I have the feeling.

Written By Esoka

July 1, 2018, 5:53 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

My heart is full.

The work Marquessa Samantha Deepwood has done to encourage the shav'arvani of the Gray Forest to turn against the Slaver is a campaign of such good, I have no words for it. Those who bent the knee did it because they saw the Compact as a potential ally, a way through which they could be stronger and add their strength to it in turn. Their lives were saved, it and it was done without threat of violence, save against the Abyss, which is a threat to us all.

Wherever my path takes me in the days to come, I shall work gladly and happily to integrate these new citizens into Deepwood and Riven and all the rest. The life of a prodigal is not always an easy one, but it is a choice I do not regret when I consider the alternatives, and one I'm wholly proud of when I see the folk I've served.

All honors to the Marquessa, my own Countess and Count, and all the rest who made this possible. We shall be stronger against what comes, and many lives and souls are saved.

Written By Luis

July 1, 2018, 5:29 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Another month goes by and we hear whispers of the darkness crawling through the streets. Faces that were familiar turn out to be dark tidings in the flesh. There are far too many secrets and too many pieces upon the board. Where once there were a few sides one could say they were upon, now there are lines drawn everywhere. Faith, magic, politic, and martial necessity do battle on every front and yet I truly wonder if anyone does know the truth for which they persevere.

Written By Dycard

July 1, 2018, 5:27 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Congratulations to Princess Coraline. We have had the chance for conversation just once, but in that time she struck me as all that a Knight should be.

So, Princess, do you wish to be Dame or Sir? Princess Sir Coraline has a certain ring to it, I'm sure you can agree.

Written By Orvyn

July 1, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeffeth

It was a pleasure to hear that Sir Bayweather did indeed wear the Harthall colours well. A true knight and a man of honour and duty. It was a pleasure and a privilege to have him wear our own armor to his duel.

Congratulations Sir Bayweather.

Written By Niklas

July 1, 2018, 5:05 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Reading what is being written about Princess Coraline, to whom great respect is due, makes me reflect on how progressive House Kennex is among the Island houses. Nearly a decade ago my sister Renatta was made admiral of the Kennex fleet. Not long afterward Jan Kennex was named the general of the Kennex Corsairs. Much has been said of the Kennexes, but Stormward has never been a place lacking in opportunity for those who seek it.

Written By Dycard

July 1, 2018, 4:59 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Where has the time gone? It's been going faster than I knew. Snow has lain on the ground for some weeks now, and soon spring will come. I've not seen snow for some time - we sailed south to avoid the worst of it - but spring will be a very welcome sight indeed, and I'm glad I'm not sailing in this. Lines and sheets are painful enough to haul before the ice adds blades to them.

I believe it may be time to make sure that Blackshore will have what it needs in time for a good spring festival. Parties, events and socialising are, after all, a part of what Skye asked me to do for the Barony, and I see no reason that should all happen in Arx where our people can't attend.

Written By Lyiana

July 1, 2018, 4:57 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Sometimes I think things happen for a reason. Sometimes I do not. As much as I try to stay positive, there are times when I just can't go that route and have to just sit and stare out a window.
Today was one of those times. I found myself plain glum and perhaps a little lazy, and spent half the day staring out of my window leading to the lovely view of the brick wall outside my shop. I had to redo an Aeterna piece because the material was so tricky I stitched it wrong and thus, a new gown was born. This one is a good piece, in my opinion, but I will not give away more, dears. You will have to wait and see.

Written By Esoka

July 1, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

All honors to Princess Coraline Thrax on her knighting. Her road to the life of a warrior was very different than mine, and in many ways more fraught. No one ever told me I should not lift a blade or protect my people, and that the battlefield was not my place. I cannot imagine that life or what I would've become in it. But she persevered anyhow and has gained skill and an understanding of chivalry that any could be proud of. I've no doubt she'll be a credit to her oaths, her people, and the Compact in her service, and I look forward to fighting by her side should we be called for it.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 3:47 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Hi, we have never spoken so I can only assume intent by what it seems like through writing. I understand that this is subject to interpretation. Perhaps you meant to kindly tease a good friend of your own as she expressed her fondness for another friend of hers. Perhaps your intentions were less friendly.

What I can say is that regardless of your intent it sounds like you were being rude. I would ask that you not be rude to anyone, but in particular someone who was expressing her fondness and pride in a friend.

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