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Written By Tikva

July 1, 2018, 10:38 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ainsley

*A carefully drawn cartoonish sketch of an apple with an equally cartoonish worm sticking out of it. The worm is making a sad face.*

Written By Sparte

July 1, 2018, 10:34 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

I've been looking forward to this for some time, but it is strange to admit it is actually happening. I've met my mother's family, and they are good and true people by my measure. Now I travel to meet my father's. I'm uncertain how they will respond to me, or if they even knew of my birth. I'm determined to see it through and fortunate to have friends who will assist me.

I will also be taking one last trip to the Fatchforth farms, to see that family and give them the news. To show them thanks for all they've done to help me over the years. I know they'll understand, I just hope I can do them the kindness they deserve while I'm there.

Written By Ainsley

July 1, 2018, 10:25 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

Cut it out with the apples! I don't want any paintings, sculptures, or ACTUAL APPLES.

Written By Alayne

July 1, 2018, 10:17 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

I've finally opened shop.

I've got to say, this place's looking pretty terrible. Nostalgia's the worst of things that you could be caught upon- when I found out my uncle's shop was still standing, in its heap of humidity and overgrown madness, I knew I had to buy it. And settle it. But who would've known, that nature would find within its confines of sodden heat, and shielding from the snow a place where grass and sinew of plant fiber could grow? It is as if the floor itself is tumor'd and tumultuous under the constant push of dirt and grass that seems to turn the cyclopean flooring - old and ancient as it is - into a concaved thing, unfit for landing. I've had one of the apprentices I've hired under promises of shared knowledge go at it with a hoe and spade, but come the morning it just grows back. Petrichor's playing a mighty prank on me, and he's not yielding either- I suppose the constant droppings of water and liquified plant nectar drooling down from the roof doesn't help, creating some kind of self-sustaining ecosystem of ever-changing floras on the ground. They're not pretty plants, either; there's no positive to this, it is the most invasive of grasses, sticking everywhere and anywhere.

Stubborn as I am, I've invested in copious lengths of carpets to spread out across the floor, the heavy kind - the down-filled kind - to ensure its weight itself beats the unnervingly strong tug and 'tush' of the growing grass to provide the illusion - by no means the reality - of flat, lobbying flooring. The back rooms are luckily spared the depth of his heaping mess, as it seems it congregates spectacularly at the forefront of the shop. The clinical laboratory, with the aid of hearths and well-adjusted aqueducts to better handle the water - built there previously, for Vellichor knows such knowledges escape me - process the water to the surrounding pond that surrounds the shop, uninviting and dirty as it is. With it dry, warm and well-clothed as we've built it, I am sure it'll be able to house patients in need of an infusion of our goods, and thus rest.

My uncle's old room still remains- some living quarters, hidden and tucked in the rearmost corner with a lousy bed to accompany its lousy surroundings, humid and rascally populated by grass, such as it is. I could make it better.. I know I could; I could trim the grasses, change the blankets, and perhaps dare enrich it with an owner as it is, but, I don't know. It doesn't feel right. And I suppose I don't need to, properly rotating between the Greenmarch Lodge and Melody's home ensures a proper home, and no need to over-extend welcomes in either side. But I digress,

Let this be my first entry on "The Hag's Stir," alchemical shop and clinic for the foolhardy and cautious alike.

Put it somewhere nice, scholars.

Written By Derovai

July 1, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

I'll send you a list of possible motivated people.

How much talking is too much: it's like the length of one's jacket cuffs. Too long is sloppy, but too short might leave matters uncovered. You know when it's the right length.

Written By Cedric

July 1, 2018, 9:28 p.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

House Ashford boasts the finest house staff in all of Arx. Preparation, prediction and pre-emptiveness are the key.

Written By Luca

July 1, 2018, 9:17 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

It's my understanding that all libraries are basically just book shops if you're bold enough.

Not that I'm encouraging anything, mind you. I've just heard books inspire a particular sort of greed in people.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 9:07 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

My apologies it was a library! Not a book shop! I should correct this right now!!!

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 9:04 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

I remember yes. And please do add this to your motivational list, I look forward to see whom you intend to motivate.

I am curious as to what you consider too much by way of conversation, by what metric do you measure?

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 9:02 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Barric


That moment in the bookshop my world changed. Our lives were irrevocably altered and began to forge from two paths, one. On the way you have supported and loved me, even when I didn't understand why, you have taught and guided, and you have trusted and shared. You have helped make me who I wish to be, helped show me the path that led to this first step on a journey I intend to be a long one. One I wish to take together. They say love is unlikely between royals, I think we beat the odds. We are a team, a partnership, and together we will do amazing things.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 8:58 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

You are a source of inspiration and someone I look up to immensely. I have felt nothing but familial love since we met and it has only grown since. I cannot wait to see what adventures we will find together as we both serve Thrax and the Compact from all that would harm them.

Also your armor is amazing, I admit that I was admiring it rather a lot during the ceremony.

Written By Derovai

July 1, 2018, 8:57 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

We did meet. I told you you talked too much. You have short hair.

Regardless, I'll add 'don't be rude' to my list of motivational broadsheets.

Written By Barric

July 1, 2018, 8:31 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

The list of titles which you will have will only grow with time. Of that I am certain.

People have always told me I am lucky to have you, and they are right.

I wish I was as eloquent as some people, but even in writing I simply don't have the words to convey everything I feel.

Congratulations my betrothed. Congratulations my beloved. Congratulations my partner in all things.

Congratulations Dame Coraline Thrax.

Written By Barric

July 1, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joslyn

Ahh it is good to have you back in the city Lady Stonewood! Congratulations on your win at the tourney challenge as well!

I'm glad to have you back with us so that we can go on more adventures with the Society too.

Written By Oliver

July 1, 2018, 8:09 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It seems the new writer for the Commoners' Bulletin forgot an extraordinarily important piece of news. But worry not - I will add it here for all to see.

She said yes.

I cannot wait to make you my wife, Joscelin.

Written By Sorrel

July 1, 2018, 8:05 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

You have become quite dear to me, and I am thrilled to see you progressing so much. Being knighted is just the first step, but I'm so proud of you for taking it. For committing so seriously to honor and helping your fellow man. I do want to see you happy, and I know that we have a serious struggle ahead of us as Thrax knights who happen to be women. We will get push back, but we will stand our ground, dig in our heels, and continue to prove our worth.

Always remember that you are loved, and though we are cousins by marriage, I still consider you close family. You are a strong woman and I am proud to stand by your side.

Written By Sorrel

July 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

You are like a sister to me, and you inspire in me faith and loyalty and camaraderie. I feel lucky to have married your brother in part so that you would be my sister. You are amazing and inspiring. There's no one I'd rather have as part of my family.

And when Galen gets frustrated that we're ganging up on him together, it's because we are.

I'm glad your nephew has your eyes. (And his father's eyes, too, but siblings do look alike.)

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 7:06 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Dycard

Secretly I still think you have some knight buried in there somewhere yourself Dycard. Thank you for your words, knowing you to be one who knows, it means a lot to me. And while Sir Coraline would certainly be fun I think I can only push convention so far before they decide to dump me in the ocean and leave me there. Baby steps, little baby steps of change. I think Dame Coraline will suffice just fine.

Written By Coraline

July 1, 2018, 7:03 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

Your wisdom, your experience, and your friendship gave me strength to achieve what I have, it will be an honor to serve by your side should we be called to do so.

Written By Alexis

July 1, 2018, 7:03 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Still not sure if I'll sign up for the projects that are being passed around the Guild. On one hand, I'm tempted. On the other, I'm frightfully busy.

There'll be some famous last words along the line of "How long could it take."

So we'll see.

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