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Blessing Ceremony of the Faith

It is in times of darkness those of the Faith shine the brightest, beacons to the Compact in representation of ideals of the Gods and unity within them. With the pending events on the horizon, today is no different and a massive blessing ceremony has been called in response to the needs of the people. The faithful of Arx are called to bear witness and participate in lifting their prayers to Elysia. All are welcome.


Oct. 17, 2018, 10 p.m.

Hosted By



Aureth Jeffeth Sina(RIP) Roran Etienne Vayne Thena Preston Orazio(RIP) Emilia Brigida Tomwell Cassandra Lucita Sorrel Merek Bliss Delilah Sparte Esoka Shard Sunniva(RIP) Orvyn Cambria Ouida Lisebet Alistair Tabitha Belladonna Duarte Rinel Harlex Margret Harlan Alessandro Helena


Faith of the Pantheon


Arx - Ward of the Compact - The Great Cathedral of the Pantheon

Largesse Level


Comments and Log


It did my heart good to attend to the blessing ceremony. Mother Bianca and all of the Faith paid good tribute to the gods, and my I feel my soul girded to face what is to come. I and those I love shall face terrible dangers in the days to come. I pray to Gloria that my courage holds, to Petrichor that my blade protects the land of the Lodge well. And to all the gods, be with us as we confront this foe, and may the virtues triumph over the dark of the Abyss.

Esoka strides slowly as she makes her way into the Cathedral, taking her time to admire the tapestries upon the walls, and occasionally pausing to exchange a soft greeting with one of the Templar guards. As the chimes denote the beginning of the ceremony, she heads over to take a seat among the commons. It's not far from Shard, and the woman earns a slight bow of her head in acknowledgement.

Thena is ranged with the other ceremony participants, a spot of black among the flash and sparkle of the Cathedral and the crowd gathering within. When Jeffeth comes clanking in she seems to make a gesture towards him, but cuts it off as Bianca intercedes.

The choir and musicians stationed on upper level hushed in entirety as Baroness Lucita Saik rose before them. Her hands lifted and in one fell swoop of her arms music filled the acoustics of the Cathedral, the ‘Paean Of The Faithful’ rang out loud and clear in a cacophony of joined voices.

Shard crosses her arms over her chest. She's not scowling, but she's yet to relax, and her eyes are still considerably narrowed. This eases--or twitches maybe--when Esoka bows her head, and after a beat she returns the gesture with a faint nod.

Sunniva smiles at Cambria and gives an offering motion for the Mazetti to join the Harthall contigent.

Laudine, a stern middle-aged maidservant arrives, following Tabitha.

Following the cue to begin after the thirteen bells are rung, Bliss lifts her own voice to join into the song of Lucita, allowing her contralto to mix in with the other notes in the choir. She is positioned as near to the front and center of the choir as she can manage, standing tall and proud, the Devotion of Limerance's notes ringing clear even among the other singers.

Orvyn, both preceeded and proceeded by female Harthalls, arrives and moves to take a seat at one of the places, after pausing to admire the room and its current state of decoration. "A lovely dressing," he proclaims, though is rather quiet afterwards as he allows Ouida and Sunniva to lead him to their spot.

Cambria takes that offer and makes her way over to where the Harthall colors dominate!

And so it begins. As the last chime of the bell is heard, a man in white robes carrying a lantern enters. His white tabard has gold edging that flickers in the light, letting all know the goddess he serves, Lagoma, and the flame lit by the lantern coming from the Eternal Flame. Down the center aisle Roran comes and towards the pulpit the lantern is brought. After placing it he lowers his head respectfully in quiet prayer before heading to his place.

Helena has joined the Noble Pews.

Bianca As the choir sang out above, disciples of the Faith of all types began rising to head toward the altar and light candles they had in hand prior to the service’s start. They returned to their seats as the procession of Godsworn lining the outer aisles began their walk and soon joined Roran at the altar. It was a display of awe, the candlelight flickering like tiny stars amidst the sea of those gathered in the pews.

Confidence returns! Just for a second. Jeffeth starts to head BOLDLY over to Bianca, before Thena is also gesturing to him. And Jeffeth once again looks torn, a small grimace working over his features. But eventually Jeffeth clanks his way towards both women, standing directly in between both of them. Perfect.

Scribble, a Delicate Social Butterfly arrives, following Delilah.

Though there is much visually to entreat the senses, when the bells ring and the choir begins, Ouida's eyes close almost completely, as if to shut out all else but the sound, and the vibration of such against her fingertips resting against the pew, for a few brief moments before the parade of lights begins.

Lisebet goes still with the first bell, that sonorous sound catching her attention, and she keeps it focussed on the ceremony as she watches, her hands settled properly in her lap.

Bianca reached to pat Jeffeth's shoulder, heading off to join Roran at the altar.

Merek walks up to light his candle from the lantern, then he moves to a seat to settle in at it, while he's dressed with his black attire as well as a nice cloak. He seems to be in pensive though beneath a hood as he also does this.

The silent verse concluded and the final verse of the Paeon proceeded. At its finish, Lucita brought her arms outward silencing the musicians.

2 House Velenosa Guards arrives, following Alistair.

Along with the rest of the choir, Bliss lets her own voice fall silent.

Tabitha has joined the Noble Pews.

Delilah has joined the Noble Pews.

Rinel has joined the Quiet Alcove.

A huge hideously ugly mastiff have been dismissed.

a Solace acolyte named Pyotr have been dismissed.

1 Templar Knight guards have been dismissed.

Orvyn has joined the Noble Pews.

The High Inquisitor slips into the Great Cathedral being most of the those who are attending the Ceremony this evening, the man clasping his hands tightly behind his back as he surveys the event. Unlikely most events he attends, his eyes are not upon those who are gathered, looking for threats or the like, but instead on the event itself. Silent and ever watchful.

Sunniva makes quiet conversation with the Mazetti Marquessa and the other Harthalls at the noble pew seated together but is watching the display of music. Her smile grows and she nods something in agreemtn to Cambria. But her attention does wander, giving a quick study of those nearest them. Her hand settles onto the arm of her husband beside her.

From the gathered line before the altar, Legate Bianca stepped forward. "It is a testament to the Gods," her voice rose in volume, echoing throughout the acoustics of the Cathedral so that all may hear, "And their grace that so many of the faithful may join one another hand in hand for the betterment of all in both spirit and protection. I ask that we lift our prayers and look upon one another with open hearts, with love, so that our light may burn so brightly that our world can not ignore its warmth. Let us pray."

And so the Ward of the Faith began, her hands lifting skyward as eyes fell closed.

"Heavenly and Most Gracious Gods of the Pantheon, we come before you in prayer, to magnify and glorify your precious names and to give all the praise, honor and glory you deserve. We ask You to grant us Your spiritual wisdom and understanding that we may live always in honor and stand as representatives of Your teachings, may our lives be lived as examples of our faith and may they produce every kind of good fruit. May we grow and learn to know You better. We pray that You will bolster and strengthen our hearts with Your glorious power so that we may have all the endurance and patience You deem we need. May we be filled with joy and hope, always thankful for your guidance along the tremulous paths of our personal choices."

There was no end to the prayer, no signifier of its completion. Instead Bianca garbed in the brilliant white and gold of the Faith returned to the line. "Let now the speakers begin their blessings."

Coming from along one of the side aisles, Sina makes her way toward the front of the Cathedral toward the altar at the appointed time, taking up her position there, wearing the aeterna robes of the Archscholar of Vellichor, edged trimmed with gilded threads. She clasps her hands before her lightly, her dark lashes lowered over her eyes in quiet prayer, waiting while the other Archlectors or their representatives take their places, listening as Bianca addresses those gathered.

When Bianca calls upon the speakers to speak their blessings, Sina lifts her silvery gaze and speaks in a clear voice, "Vellichor, in your enlightened name we pray: Enlarge our understanding of this world; Let us see it. Steady us when we stand before the unknown; Let us know it. Edify our minds, our hearts, our wits; Let us remember it." She lowers gracefully then to one knee, bowing her head reverently. "We bend our knee and receive your truth, we open our ears and receive your counsel, we open our eyes and receive your words. We open our hearts and receive your wisdom." Her eyes open once again, and then she rises slowly to her feet once more, her demeanor calm and focused in prayer.

Falling silent, Cambria bows her head when Legate Bianca begins the prayer. For the time being, socializing has been put on hold.

5 Pravus Honor Guard, Aida arrive, following Belladonna.

Lisebet's gaze goes from person to person, spying the folks in the seats, and also those up lighting flames, singing and speaking, at least those she can see. Her gaze is prompt and attentive though to those speaking, admiring the accoustics. And then as the prayer itself begins, she bows her head, still silent.

Aida have been dismissed.

Dame Rosario Nevarre of the Oathlands have been dismissed.

Anais Ardennes have been dismissed.

5 Pravus Honor Guard have been dismissed.

Among the varied faithful gathered among the Peers, so two of House Whitehawk might invariably be found in the general constellations. Delilah orbits around her cousin in a sense, slipping hither and fro until taking up a position. A faint smile touches her mouth at the start of the prayer, and then she's a single copper-kissed petitioner among many.

Orvyn is suspiciously quiet during the proceedings, the man's eyes alighting upon the various personages involved in their parts throughout the ceremony and yet there is a calculating set about the man's face. He watches, waiting, while conversations flow around him and he chooses not to engage. Something at the table causes him to start and move from his position of non-engagement, saying something quietly, but then his focus once more returns to the ritual at hand.

Legate Cassandra’s voice rang clear next, shining in her more official armor of gold and silver, her tabard of the Faith gleaming in the glint of flickering firelight that filled the Cathedral. “Bless us, Oh Prince of Stories, for through our gifts we make the world more beautiful. Through our labors we open the hearts around us. Through our insight we capture the truth of the world. Through our hope and your vision they remind us of what is holy in our acts. Oh Jayus, pour your spirit into us so that our hearts may sing, our eyes see clear and our hands create in your image.”

Shard's head remains lifted as the prayer commences, eyes open and gaze intent. She looks from those seated in the pews to those up front, a careful study. As the prayer ends, her attention shifts fully to the members of the Faith carrying out their various parts.

High Inquisitor Alistair Velenosa remains where he is, ever watchful. It does not appear he takes any particular stance or or posture of prayer, though the Sentinel brooch that is pinned to his uniform clearly marks him as one faithful to the Pantheon.

As it is his turn, Preston reaches to his belt to pull his blade from its scabbard. He drops to his knee, the blade held vertically in front of him, its point on the ground and his head leant forward against its guard - the traditional pose for a Templar at prayer. His head lifts and he speaks clearly “Oh Gloria, Lady of Valor, guide us. Steady our sword arm to strengthen us. Fly above us to keep our heads held high. Hold beneath us so we keep our feet planted. Run before us to lead and behind us to restrain, around us to shield and within us that we strike true and with honor. In your name we meet our enemy; in your name we will defeat it. Yours is the glory. Ours the victory.”

Tabitha is so quiet and light on her feet, following after her cousin like a golden-haired shadow clad in pale blue silk. She too takes a pew next to Delilah, dipping her head in pious silence as prayers fill the Cathedral.

Belladonna Pravus walks inside in silence, a simple wave of her hand dismissing her entourage altogether. She eyes Legate Cassandra first, and then the Cathedral, taking her time to take in the sight. She moves silently and takes a seat of little proeminence. She doesn't react to the words in the slight, narrowing her gaze at Cassandra briefly and listening intently. Legs folded, she seems more relaxed than many, almost too much so.

Etienne rises from his seat and prepares to speak, dressed in his usual shiny robes ornamented with gold, complimenting his pale golden hair. "Gild, whose care and grace guide our paths and shelters our journey. Gild, whose generosity and prosperity enrich our lives. Gild, whose charity and hospitality create the foundations of our civilizations. Goddess find that our paths cross with those in need, find that our spirits are rich and full so that we may spare for those who lack, protect our shelters and homes from those that would destroy the civilizations built in your name. To Gild, we call, guide our path."

Dame Emilia, also garbed in the armaments of the Templar spoke next, “Limerance, Lord of Fidelity, I pray to you to grant us the grace to remain true and loving in the face of darkness. For the fortitude and conviction to persevere in our commitments. For the resolve and dedication to remain true to our word. I pray you share the strength in your own ideal heart that we may grow in strength and be an example for others.”

Clover has left the Noble Pews.

Sir Dalan, Longsuffering Valardin Knight leaves, following Clover.

Thena is garbed in her black silk robes of priesthood instead of her usual formal leather armor; her black hair is pinned up in a coronet of braids. Her expression is solemn and her voice is strong and clear. "Faceless One, Silent Watcher, and Judge, I pray lead us from birth to death, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Rouse our hearts to justice, bring our minds to clarity. Open our eyes to wrongs, close our ears to lies. Help us see, help us hear, help us do as you do; we are your instrument and we will judge true."

Roran murmurs silently after Thena speaks before his voice carries out into the Cathedral. Warm and inviting, like the Flame that he is charge of, “O Lagoma, Lady of Change, I ask on this day like I always do, grant us the protection of your Flame. Let it provide a beacon against the coming darkness and changes ahead. Grant us the light and the wisdom to grow and be stronger than we were before. Blessed Lady, sustain us, through this cycle of change.”

It was Bianca's turn to speak again and so her voice lifted along with her hands once more to fill the Cathedral as she called to Mangata in prayer, “Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Azure Mother, Pearl of Grace: protect your sons and daughters who travel forward into the depths of contention. Protect your sons and daughters who travel ahead of the winds. Our Lady, Bright Star of the Ocean, Queen of Tempests and Typhoon, help us survive this storm and the storms to come. Shelter your most ardent disciples. May our hope find harbor, our hearts your favor.”

"Ack!" Duarte exclaims. He leans forward and rubs his shin, peering at Rinel.

A priestess stepped forward, bedecked in silk robes and wearing a tabard depicting the symbol of Petrichor. “Petrichor, Lord of the Deep Woods, Granter of Dominion, we stand before you as stewards of the land you have bestowed upon us. Protectors of our people, and the lights in the darkness. We ask you humbly and without malice to bless the earth, the stone, that it might shelter us even after our souls have passed. We ask that you grant us dominion over the space we traverse, the right and responsibility to drive out darkness and make the ground holy once again. In your name, Petrichor, let us sanctify the ground upon which we walk on this shadowed journey.”

Legate Aureth spoke up, a blessing of the Queen of Endings spoken with ardent articulation and poignancy!

After Aureth's words, the Cathedral goes silent. It has been quiet the entire time but indeed, this silence seems to stretch out longer than normal. Sir Jeffeth stands in his blackened red armor, head bowed, eyes closed. His gauntlets are clasped in front of him, candlelight dancing off the shine of his plate. A few eyes in the cathedral flicker over to Jeffeth as if expectantly. As if, possibly it may be his turn. Sir Jeffeth Bayweather does not move, and remains silent. If it is his turn to speak, he doesn't seem to notice.

When Jeffeth doesn't launch into his part of the service at the appropriate moment, Thena clears her throat a little at the huge man standing next to her. Then louder. And /louder/. But when there is no reaction, she appears to huff a little sigh before jamming her pointy silk-clad elbow into a gap in the Solace Knight's armor.

At the nudge from Thena, Jeffeth quickly looks up. Down to Thena, then up to all the people in the cathedral. "Oh." Rings out through the quiet chapel. There's a moment where the big knight shifts on one foot to the other with a clank of his armor. There is a hard swallow as Jeffeth stares out at the crowd.

Jeffeth checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 7 lower.

There's a moment where Jeffeth closes his eyes then slowly opens them. When his mouth opens a noise comes out but it's hoarse, scratchy and inaudible. What is audible is the coughing, hacking sound made right after. Then a very loud cough, resounding through the chapel. One gauntlet comes up to slam CLANG CLANG at his breastplate as there's another cough. Then a loud gravelly sound as the man clears his throat. Ahem. Jeffeth slowly looks up after his minor coughing fit, only a little moisture being forced from his eyes. "To Skald." A tiny cough. "The First Choice. We ask you for nothing--" The big man raises his hand to his throat and pushes on it a little, still itchy apparently. "Because you told us not to. With your sacrifice, we'll figure it out. We are masters of our decisions. We move forward to meet glory or doom for what we have chosen." Cough. He steps back, eyes going straight down.

Sunniva seems to sit up a bit more when Gild is mentioned and smooths the lay of her gold coin dress. A side long glance is given to Ouida and Cambria before she leans in to say something to Orvyn and then smiles all the more. Her attention drifts to the front once more. As the service lags very briefly, Sunniva tilts her head to try to see what is the hold up. Then when Knight Bayweather speaks she settles back in.

Thena gazes straight ahead, eyes lifted a little towards the ceiling.

Alistair slowly turns his gaze towards Jeffeth as so many eyes seem to flow towards him in an expecting manner. The prodigal born High Inquisitor raises a slight brow at the loss of flow. The man remains staring as Jeffeth makes his blessing to Skald. And when it is finished he just nods his head. About right for the mad god.

Bianca's head remained bowed a touch through the silence, but as it went on her eyes peeked open to spy Thena's jabbing. BUT Jeffeth made it! Mostly. She'd give him a little smile and close her eyes again.

Rinel looks quite pleased with herself at Duarte's sudden outburst. "Shhh," she tells the man.

Brother Tomwell spoke next, “Aion, the Dreamer. For the dream is everything we find connection to one another and solace in knowing that you are me and I am you. Men and women with faith and love in your hearts rise and with this divine truth stand strong, unified. Look upon one another with clarity that we each may hold to our individuality and yet understand that we are still one and the same.”

Roran brow lifts a bit at Jeffeth's coughing, but doesn't make any more sort of comment.

Belladonna listens to the gauntlet falling and gives a little jump in her seat. The rest is observed with a flabbegast expression on her features at the coughing fits. She seems incredibly humored, in a shocked sort of way, at the turn of events, mouthing a 'Bless this man' at the men who clearly needs some assistance. She seems pleased to have come.

Sina shifts slightly on her feet as she hears Duarte's outburst, and then she glances up at the stretched-out silence before Jeffeth's part in the ceremony. She peers at him a bit curiously, but then she resumes her posture of respectful prayer as the blessing ceremony continues, her features composed into a solemn look of concentration on the important matter at hand.

Vayne speaks, loud and clear, "And last we look to you, Tehom, and ask that you grant us the courage to face the truth revealed in contemplative reflection... knowing that our enemies would seek to shatter the dream for good and all."

Vayne speaks, loud and clear, “And last we look to you, The Thirteenth, and ask that you grant us the courage to face the truth revealed in contemplative reflection... knowing that our enemies would seek to shatter the dream for good and all.”

Jeffeth stares at the ground, as Tomwell speaks he does not look up, his features slowly going a bright ruby red to put his armor to shame.

"So let it be." And those words marked the conclusion of the ceremony as many housed in the pews echoed the Legate's closing statement. Bianca led the procession aside, stepping forward from the line to return to her place prior to the ceremony along the outer eaves of the pews. A bell was once again heard sounding in thirteen deep chimes along with shuffling from the musicians preparing for their own closing reverence.

Sorrel moves then to lead the choir in a song dedicated to the gods that swells and fills the Cathedral with beautiful music.

"Circles go round and round, time after time;
Every new season its own paradigm.

"We come together: faith and unity
Mankind dreams of an age where all souls are free...

"See how the fire burns so hot and bright
Exhorting us always to walk in the Light.

"We work as one people; we are as one --
Labor together 'til labor is done.

"Show your compassion to your fellow man
And thus do good deeds whereever you can.

"Let all flames burn as one to banish the night
Unified by Faith we fight the good fight.

"To the gods do we pray: hear us every day!"

Private Fane, Crimson Blade Assistant, Dolmen, a Crimson Agent arrive, following Harlex.

Picking up along with the rest of the choir once more, Bliss stands straight and tall, her eyes closing as she allows her voice to carry, overtones blending in harmony with the other members of the choir in repeating the lyrics that Sorrel leads them in, letting the music flow and begin to close out the ceremony.

Those who speckled the pews with their individual candle’s light began rising again, moving to the altar to light a candle for a fallen loved one.

Merek walks up to a candle which is on the table, something quite specific. As he does, he lights one of the candles, then he walks to settle again for the ceremony.

Still staring at the ground, somehow Jeffeth got a candy or something because he is quickly jamming something into his mouth and chewing on it furiously while the lighting goes on.

Orvyn bows his head solemly at the end of the song, his own candle lit as he raises it up and those nearby may hear the names of parents and brother in the retelling of those whom have gone on before. A prayer and a blessing of his own added to the cacophany that comes from the larger space and then the candle is left with the others. A quiet time of reflection upon the man as he looks around the table and the room.

Duarte shushes Rinel and whispers harshly, "I'm trying to pay attention."

"You're doing a very poor job of it," Rinel replies primly.

Lisebet rises to her feet, glances at Harlan, and says, "I'm going to light a candle and say a little prayer for my brother." Then she suits her actions to her words, heading to do just that. Her own words and prayer joining with the rest.

Ouida is overheard praising Bianca: Thank you so much for running a wonderful religious service! <3

Sunniva rises with her husband, glancing to Ouida and Cambria before she will accompany him to place the candle. Her hand lifts and rests upon his shoulder in quiet support and to lend her own whispered words for them. She takes a step back and waits for him to finish before she will make a motion for them to go.

Orvyn is overheard praising Bianca: For leading us in a ceremony with all those present.

Once the ceremony has ended, Sina files along the side aisle along with the row of Godsworn that she is a part of. She lingers there for a time then, eyes closed and hearing the beautiful song of the choir. Once the last notes of the song have fallen away and the candlebearers begin to come forth to light their candles, her eyes open again and she glances around. She lingers for a time, simply watching from the sidelines as people step forward with candles.

Sunniva is overheard praising Bianca.

Cambria is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon.

Sophie is overheard praising Bianca.

Roran is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon.

Orvyn is overheard praising Jeffeth: For making it through.

Chase, a Silent Reflection in grey hooded robes, 1 Templar Knight guards leave, following Vayne.

Bianca is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon: Glory be to the Gods!

Orvyn is overheard praising Vayne: For speaking twice and different each time.

Lisebet is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon.

Harlex looters in the back. He snuck in at some point, but he seems to have only caught the tail end.

Alistair motions for some Confessors to step forward, making their way to the altar carrying several of Narisco's Candles to be added to the collection of candles. Many come with little plaques, indiciating who the candles they are dedicated too, such as Lord Killian Ashford or Dame Zhayla. One ominous candle, larger then most only says - "The Forgotten 50,000"

Sina is overheard praising Bianca: For organizing a beautiful ceremony.

Sunniva is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon.

Orvyn is overheard praising Roran: For starting us off.

Orvyn is overheard praising Etienne: For thanking Gild.

Helena is overheard praising Faith of the pantheon.

With the ceremony finished, Bliss waits for some of the others around her to clear away, smiling and saying a few words here and there to the other singers she knows, before she begins to climb down from the upper level and back into the main atrium of the Cathedral. She walks to the table of candles, considering them for a moment, before she too takes a light up and ignites a flame. She doesn't say anything as she lights it, keeping the name to herself, but her eyes lift up a moment.

Shard's eyes narrow again, even more than they did when she entered. She watches as various people move to the front, lighting candles. And then, rather abruptly, she stands up and moves that way herself. She's behind Alistair's group.

Lisebet is overheard praising Aureth: short and sweet speech

Belladonna frowns slightly, toying with a candle held in her hand. She seems to think long and hard before closing her eyes, and murmuring something, probably a prayer, in the name of whoever she will light the candle for. When she is done, the woman stands and goes towards the altar to place a candle, frowning briefly at the sight of it. She leaves without much ceremony thereafter.

Lisebet is overheard praising Bianca.

Esoka looks up as Shard rises, a flicker of surprise crossing her blue eyes, but she doesn't dwell. For her part, she remains seated, watching with a slight smile on her face. She occasionally murmured along with the prayers in an undertone but, thankful, does not make /any/ attempt to sing.

Thena does a lot of candle lighting and a lot of praying in her day to day life, so she doesn't linger, though she does reach up to pat Jeffeth lightly on the shoulder before making her way out.

Lille, the dauntless companion arrives, delivering a message to Helena before departing.

Duarte stands and wedges himself past Rinel. "Farewell loveliest scholar."

Lisebet is overheard praising Vayne.

Lisebet is overheard praising Roran.

Duarte has left the Quiet Alcove.

Lisebet is overheard praising Sina.

As Orvyn raises his candle, so does Ouida, some of those names spoken alongside him, but there are others that follow. Her usually open expression is pensive and a little fragile, though it is smoothed away soon enough by the peaceful afterglow of the service. She places her candle alongside his, lightly touching his elbow before she lingers behind to fall into place behind the Marquis and Marquessa Harthall as they move to depart.

The High Inquisitor does not carry a candle himself, only overseeing his Confessors as they attend to their assigned task. An older gentleman, the Candlemaster, frets off to the side. "Mmmm... don't lose any wax..." he mumbles to himself as he strokes a beard. As Shard steps up behind the group of Inquisition agents, Alistair turns to regard her and gives a slight nod.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Alistair before departing.

Lisebet is overheard praising Etienne.

Delilah touches Tabitha's wrist as a wordless signal, her head inclined towards the tiered support of the candles. She bears her own, steady hand and slow pace respectful of the flame's bite into the wick. The shining aura flung by the flame ignites the underlying copper of her braids to dramatic effect, gilding her features more than their natural honey shading might allow. Whatever is shaped into hers, engraving by the edge of her nail, remains privy to her alone as she presents it to stand among a sea of others.

Harlex slips out like a ghoooooost.

Private Fane, Crimson Blade Assistant, Dolmen, a Crimson Agent leave, following Harlex.

Bianca shifted, making her way to retrieve and light a candle as well. Once hers was placed and a prayer was murmured she withdrew again off to the side.

Cambria stands, falling in line with the many others that seek to light a candle. Her own is chosen, seemingly at random, and lit without a lot of dallying. Her gaze turns upward, as though parting the ceiling of the mighty cathedral to the heavens above. Then she moves on.

Sunniva notes Ouida behind them and reaches her hand back, beckoning the sister of hers forward, "Come, we all walk together," she breathes to the Sword of Harthall. Her smile grows as her side presses into Orvyn's side as they vacate the front of the Cathedral to allow room for others to attend the candles. As they pass Cambria however she smiles, "Marquessa Mazetti, we will speak soon."

Shard regards Alistair in turn, a long, almost blatant stare, but without any accompanying words. When there's room, she moves straight to the table and lights two candles. She doesn't say anything. There's no sign of any prayer offered. She merely turns her stare onto the candles for several long moments, before she twists on her heel and moves off and away, leaving them there.

"I look forward to it," Cambria replies to Sunniva. "I may even write to you first." There is a wry smile for that, and a quick wink.

Lisebet is overheard praising Tomwell.

Lisebet is overheard praising Jeffeth.

Helena has left the Noble Pews.

Delilah has left the Noble Pews.

Lisebet is overheard praising Thena.

Margret rises with Alessandro, and the pair starts towards the line of candle lighters. She pauses near Helena and smiles warmly in greeting, "Princess Helena. So lovely to see you in Arx again."

Shard and Alistair share no words, the High Inquisitor turning towards Bianca. "We shall leave the candles here for the night, but will retrieve them in the morning." As they belong in the House of Questions.

Once done, Lisebet returns to find Harlan, and tilts her head. "Would you care to walk a bit, my lord Harlan?" she asks, since he's been as quiet as she has.

Harlan smiles and nods, "Of course, Lisebet. Where would you like to go?" He's quiet, yes, but more to not interrupt anything going on.

Eventually, Sina quietly makes her way out of the Cathedral, her two assistants and her Templar guardian moving to follow. Soon, the quiet Archscholar is lost to sight as she heads off to return to whatever duties await her.

Jacinthe, Arindais, a dour-looking Scholar, 1 Templar Knight guards leave, following Sina.

"I am not sure, but maybe some place quiet and inspiring?" she offers softly, as she glances towards the exit.

The lighting done, Bliss turns away from the table, catching sight of Cambria and gives her a smile. Her eyes move past her to Helena and Margret, giving them a small wave, but she moves to the side to allow the crowd to the space she had just been in, instead slipping into an alcove herself.

Bliss has joined the an ornately decorated large table with tiers and votive candles.

Bliss has left the an ornately decorated large table with tiers and votive candles.

Bliss has joined the Side Alcove.

Another candy gets jammed down Jeffeth's gullet as he slowly, ever so slowly starts to look up. As things seem to be winding down the big knight starts to move towards the exit. At least he tries to be quiet, but he is in a giant suit of metal armor and he's a behemoth so he's not really quiet... at all.

Sophie has left the Noble Pews.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Jeffeth before departing.

Sunniva has left the Noble Pews.

Orvyn has left the Noble Pews.

Heimlin, the Scholar, 5 Harthall house guards, Kestrel, the Scholar leave, following Orvyn.

2 Harthall house guards, Eloise, a consummate professional, Orvyn leave, following Sunniva.

Alessandro stands as well, though takes a moment when Margret does to greet Helena. "Your Highness," he says, "a pleasure to see you." Bliss gets a warm smile as well as a wave as she passes, though he doesn't deter her from where she's going, instead turning back to his wife and the Redrain princess.

Ouida has left the Noble Pews.

2 Harthall house guards leaves, following Ouida.

With a big widening of eyes, Tabitha stands alongside Delilah, following the taller Whitehawk to place a candle into position with the most gentle of hands. Her features are set into an expression of quiet thought, brows drawing down just a fraction or two as she considers the glow that suffuses the cathedral. And then she turns to look at her cousin with a nod and a little smile.

"Lord and Lady Greenmarch," says Helena with a beaming smile, quickly replacing that nearly beatific look she'd had a few moments ago. "How good to see you both. I am happy to be back in the city, so much so. Farhaven always cries for me to come home, or I cry to be there, one or the other, but it's getting chilly up there -- especially without my sisters and cousins," she bubbles, reaching to take each by the hand. "How are you both?"

"Sir Jeffeth!" Bianca called, hard to miss the giant leaving. She hurried in measured, but quick steps to walk him out and leaned to murmur something.

Tabitha has left the Noble Pews.

Laudine, a stern middle-aged maidservant leaves, following Tabitha.

Scribble, a Delicate Social Butterfly, Tabitha leave, following Delilah.

Cambria considers for a brief moment, and then chooses to slip into the side alcove that Bliss had previously made her way towards. It seems, for now, the Mazetti Marquessa is not ready to leave the cathedral.

Cambria has left the Noble Pews.

Cambria has joined the Side Alcove.

Lisebet has left the Noble Pews.

Ramona - A Farshaw House Guard, Bigsby leave, following Lisebet.

Once the Confessors are finished, Alistair gives an approving nod and the troop of Inquisition agents turns to depart.

Harlen leaves, following Duarte.

Oh, Al is here, too! Bliss lifts her hand in a smile back to him as well. When Cambria comes to join her, she turns her head to the woman and says something more quietly to her, her arms folding around her waist.

2 House Velenosa Guards leaves, following Alistair.

Shard lingers near the door, not terribly far from where she first entered. She might be ready to leave, but she hasn't left yet, and she's turned to once again study the cathedral's occupants with a very careful gaze.

The large knight pauses when Bianca hurries to see him. He bends over some to listen, a small, but tight smile curling up his lips down to the woman. Jeffeth bows his head, but is wordless before turning to make his way out.

"I cry for the whiskey. Someone drank the last of the bottle of Farhaven whiskey we got from Princess Gwenna for a wedding present." Margret gives Alessandro a side-glance, oh so subtly indicating just who the culprit was. She spies Bliss, and lifts a hand to wave at her with a smile.

"Oh, well, that's never far away. I am a Redrain," Helena says with an impish grin in Margret's direction. "I'll see if I can remedy that, though, and find you another bottle. One for your very own." She also glances at Alessandro and shakes her head slowly, as if in reproach. "Lovely ceremony, wasn't it?"

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Jeffeth before departing.

Rinel has left the Quiet Alcove.

Helena is overheard praising Bianca.

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