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Holy Feast: Courtkeep

It is Courtkeep, the holy feast day of the Sentinel (well, we'll say it's November 3rd). Come to the Judgment Green as the children of the Faith come to celebrate and worship this day.

Lessons from lawyers and judges, offering instruction on law and debates regarding what justice and law are. Children are encouraged to attend for their very own Sentinel mask, and everyone can sit on a mock court will be set up in which any and all grievances can be dealt with.

Free food and drinks with particular interesting game booths set up throughout the Green. Come get some free law training, watch the mock court and explore the connection between you and the Sentinel exists.


May 30, 2018, 7 p.m.

Hosted By



Ariella Tynan Victus Barik Alarissa Oriana Sparte Felicia(RIP) Harper Valdemar Ectorion Waldemai Justus Veronica Octavia Rymarr(RIP) Monique Alessandro Rinel Sabella Perrach Titania Amari Astraea Mercedes Violet Harlex Vanora



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Judgment Green

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Perrach has joined the large bench.

Alarissa has joined the a brick and wood wishing well.

2 Grimhall House Guards, Gustav, a gruff Islander advisor arrive, following Valdemar.

Erin, Crimson Blades Private, Jin, Cranky Crimson Blades Sergeant, 2 Crimson Blades Sergeant, Gale, The Mighty Pupper, 2 Crimson Blades Lieutenant arrive, following Violet.

Perrach has left the large bench.

Marigold, a cheeky pygmy goat, 2 Novice Keaton Huntsmen, Veronica arrive, following Amari.

Perrach has joined the a brick and wood wishing well.

Marigold, a cheeky pygmy goat, 2 Novice Keaton Huntsmen, Veronica leave, following Amari.

Marigold, a cheeky pygmy goat, 2 Novice Keaton Huntsmen, Veronica arrive, following Amari.

3 Armed Confessors arrives, following Mercedes.

Alarissa's making her way across the judgement green with Victus, eyes flickering to the left, then right, all around as she takes in the judgement green and the changes made for the festival. "I have no doubt you are going to enjoy this." She murmurs to the man who's easily a good foot taller than her.

Waldemai has parked his carcass at a bench, the better to watch the proceedings from.

Driskell has joined the small circular table.

Barik has joined the small circular table.

It's a lovely Autumn afternoon. The trees here in the park are ablaze with fiery colors of reds, yellows, oranges and browns. A cool breeze blows past occasionally, but otherwise the sun shines still warm in the sky above.

There's a figure in robes of brilliant aeterna that comes to the front, a white veil with gold embroidery shrouds the face but the ornamentation the figure wears shows that it is a priest of the Pantheon. There's a group of children to that follow and surround the priest; some of the children are dressed in inquisitorial crimson cloaks but wear gray visor masks of the Sentinel, others are little Iron Guardsmen but wear gray visor masks of the Sentinel, others are wearing the robes and articles of lawyers and judges but again, wear gray visor masks of the Sentinel. Finally, there's a boy and a girl wearing red, gold and white robes with over children's with their visor matching their unique look.

"Greetings, children of the Faith, on this glorious feast day of the Sentinel, Courtkeep. I have a few words to share first before the festivities begin."

Astraea has joined the small circular table.

Ectorion has joined the small circular table.

Oriana is bustled by Rinel's hasty departure and she sidesteps, watching the woman's outbound trajectory. "What in Arvum was that about?" She says it mostly to herself, but also to anyone in hearing who can answer. For her part, the young noble sets about getting her bearings and finding just what their is to find on this holy day. She pauses by the masked devotee of Sentinel and covers her face in reverence as she curtsies before moving on, past. When the voice commands attention, she turns and faces the speaker.

Ectorion drifts in with Astraea, looking around and motioning towards one of the tables as he says something quietly to her. At a nodded response, the pair head over and settle in.

Victus arrives without jacket today, opting instead to wear a quilted leather jerkin. Still stylish! Just... Not as sweeping and frayed. In his arms he's got Princess Astrid encircled, the little lady wearing a seasilk dress and holding a little wooden dagger in hand. He comes to settle beside the wishing well, leaning against it as the curious little babe in his arms takes a long look down into its pit. "I'm allowed to throw the pie, right?" He asks aside of his wife.

Felicia has joined the small circular table.

Elizabetta, a disapproving lady-in-waiting, Lily, an aloof lady-in-waiting, Clark, an exasperated guard arrive, following Sabella.

Alessandro arrives with Monique, looking lawyerly. But of course he does -- he's a lawyer! He has been saying something to Monique as they walk, but whatever it was is stopped when the figure in the mask begins to talk. He comes to a halt, murmuring something to his companion that is too low for others to hear, before he quiets again, listening to what is going to be said.

Rinel has joined the small circular table.

Waldemai listens politely

The priest lifts the white gloved hands up, the voice of Driskell lifts as well as he speaks.

"The gods are who they are, they are not who we want or demand them to be.

The Sentinel is just, He sees all. Remember that nothing is hidden from him, nothing intimidates him, no one has leverage against him. Power, wealth and other trappings of mortality count for nothing with him. Remember and take heart that he always acts with justice, never out of vindictiveness or revenge and that justice will punish according to the offense as none can escape from the justice of the Sentinel.

But what is justice, and what is law? Let me give an example." and with this, more children come up to the speaking area in front of the priest. You can see a boy, one possibly a teacher, another an Iron Guard and another the spitting image of king Alaric himself! If you squint really hard.

Vanora is murmuring something soft to her husband, holding her cloak tight around her shoulders. "Mmm, don't think so, but I'll explain the rest later. Lets find somewhere to sit." Pale green eyes skim the setting and select a small table to gracefully settle into.

Vanora has joined the small circular table.

Violet has comes in dress uniform of the Crimson Blades. Her hair is pulled back into a tight Lycene braid. Standing as tall as she can she makes her way towards a familiar figure. That of Felicia.

Valdemar has joined the small circular table.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel laughs softly at Rinel's consternation while securing her mask, then makes her way over towards where the priest has begun to address the crowd. She nods once to Driskell and takes a spot off to one side of the faith's entourage. The mask is hardly a disguise - anyone who knows the Chief Magistrate would know her style of dress and her usual bearing.

Perrach in no rush to observe all of the decorations that had transformed the park. As children swiftly ran by in laughter the knight shifted his frame a little to avoid any unfortunate collisions. He remains neutral over the entire affair.

Felicia strolls her way into the park wearing her off-duty black leather armor, making her way over to one of the circle tables with Merril in tow and taking a place silently to listen. Violet's arrival merits a tight kind of smile and an acknowledging nod of her head. Attention on the proceedings with more reserve than usual.

Arriving with Alessandro, Monique is wearing a Prince's ransom in jewels. The tiara nestled upon her crimson head is stunning, but it's the necklace wrapped around her neck that sparkles as if it couldn't possible have been made by human hands, thirteen red stones set in dark stygian metal, glimmering as she leans in to murmur something quietly to the dashing lawyer at her side.

Tynan wanders into the park, digging through his bag and almost wandering into a tree in the process because of a severe lack of attention. A mutter under his breath, and he lets the bag go to instead pay attention to the surroundings. Inching up towards the tables with food, he interrupts himself long enough to give a big, attention getting, wave on over to Alessandro with a flash of a grin. It's short, because he's stalking off towards the tables with food again.

Amari arrives with her cousin, Veronica. The pair are talking amiably in low tones, but the Keaton lawyer becomes ever more distracted the further they tread onto the green. She drifts towards the priest giving a speech, head tilting as she tries to listen in well before she's close enough. When the voice becomes clear, she stops and smiles a bit at her companion, murmuring, "Just in time for the first lesson, I think."

Violet has joined the small circular table.

Here, the children that are in front of the priest begin acting out as Driskell speaks.

"A child comes and strikes another child during their schooling with the Scholars. The law states that violence against students is not permitted. The violence breaches the rules and of course the student is given detentions or other punishment. Perhaps while the child is at detention, they strike against the Scholar? Perhaps they're removed from the school until a future time. Perhaps then on the way home after being removed from the school, the child strikes one of the Iron Guard. The child will find themselves no doubt in custody of the Iron Guard and lashes and other fines levied on them. And perhaps after the time they serve in jail they are released and the King passes by and the child tries to strike the king? No doubt the King's Own will put the aggressor down.

In this, the crime of attacking a person is the same. Civilization must have laws where common decency and security is afforded to each person so they don't have to feel that the moment they step outside they'll never return home. But the severity of the crime is measured by the one against whom it is committed, and here, justice responds accordingly in severity. The gods do not desire to wantonly punish or create a demand on you to worship them out of fear of being destroyed. They are instead examples, aspirations, of how to live a better life so you might evolve." The priest pauses a moment, the aeterna veiled face looking across the Green, while the gloved hands tap the children on the head and they hurry away to their parents elsewhere. The other children dressed as Iron Guards, Inquisitors, lawyers, judges and two particular knights still stand by him.

Valdemar walks alongside his wife, nodding slightly when she says she will explain something later. He says nothing, himself, as he sits down at the table with her, though he is not even wearing a cloak. Apparently the cold is not bothering him quite as much.

Sentinel? God of justice? Mercedes is /here/. She comes striding in, cozy-warm in her red Inquisitor longcoat. The knight gives a wave to the confessors with her -- go, enjoy yourselves -- and they don't wait to be waved at twice. This is a feast day, after all. They fully intend to feast. There are turkey legs, right? Somewhere, there has to be turkey legs.

Mercedes tips her attention over toward Driskell, listening to the priest speak as she makes her way toward a bench. A brief smile flickers across her lips as children come out dressed as Inquisitors. Right on.

Veronica accompanies Amari to the Courtkeep today, the taller and blonder Keaton escorting the shorter and brunetter one. The crowd she sees gathered distracts her momentarily, and like Amari she stops to listen to the priest's announcement as well, along with the display of the children. Giving Amari a nudge in the arm, she goes to find a spot to sit.

Waldemai nods along as he listens to the priest's wisdom.

Veronica has joined the small circular table.

"You presume that there will be a reason for pie..." Alarissa looks at Victus with raised brows.

"Oh, no, you got me!" Sabella is laughing as she's chased by a few kids in masks coming in from the street. Beaming she stops and leans down, "But I'm pretty sure the Sentinel doesn't have to chase people to see what they're up to. Let's listen and learn together, hm? Come now!" she takes a couple by the hand, giving smiles to their parents and brings them over to a table where they can stand on the seat for a better view.

Victus looks utterly innocent of this crime.

Somewhere, on some table, Barik had hoarded himself an assortment of turkey-related legs. Upon Mercedes' arrival; upon spotting the unbridled hunger in her eyes, the man visibly basketed them and placed his torso between them and the Knight-Inquisitor. He'd even begin eating faster.

Rinel checked dexterity + legerdemain at difficulty 20, rolling 4 higher.

Whatever Monique says to him makes Alessandro let out a quiet laugh, and he shakes his head, but says nothing in return for the moment. He does catch Tynan's wave, which he returns, before he turns back to Driskell to listen, his expression getting more sober as he does.

Barik checked dexterity + legerdemain at difficulty 24, rolling 17 higher.

Harper slips in at the back of the crowd, pausing to look around at the large crowd. Moving slowly, she mills around a bit, weaving through the crowd, before finding a bench to sit on, nodding to a few of the other guards as she passes by.

Driskell continues to speak to the crowd as he finishes.

"Some might question and say how can we look upon the gods as just or the Sentinel to provide justice when so often good people suffer and it seems as though those who do evil prosper. Let it be remembered that all things are seen by the Silent Watcher, that no act happens without being recorded and that you have not yet seen the end of the story being written. There will come a time, always, that the full measure of the Sentinel's justice will be delivered. Use this to sustain your faith in a world that is suffering. The Thirteenth shows that when one is lost to their dark passions, when they fail to master them and instead are enslaved, then you'll confuse vengeance and hurt in your desire to seek justice. For when someone strikes you, isn't your first response to harm them back so they leave you alone? If they steal, don't you wish to have the item back but also make them pay in life debt or financial debt? Do not take revenge, leave that in the hands of the Sentinel so that the righteous are always protected.

In doing this, you begin to have the choice of whether you will fall victim to your passions, or will you increase your compassion and forgiveness to your fellow of humanity when they harm you. If ultimately the Sentinel brings justice, you can leave it to the gods. Instead, if your enemy is hungry, feed them. If they are thirst, give them something to drink. If they're hurt, heal them. By doing this, you recognize their humanity and the soul that rests inside them, and leave justice to its course while avoiding creating further imbalance by losing yourself to your darkest passions.

Justice is of the Gods. May we remember the Sentinel and may the gods see you not by your prayers at the shrines and temples, but by your daily actions and choices. Enjoy the festivities, there's opportunities for all children to earn a Sentinel's mask should they desire to speak with the priests and others here. And may we see the Sentinel's Knights rise up again, perhaps one of these children will one day become a deliverer of justice.

On this holy day, Courtkeep, may the blessing of the Sentinel help guide and give gentle reminder to all of us that no matter where we are, our words and actions are witnessed and we should use our choice to do what is right."

With that sermon finished, the children all head off into the crowds to play and do other things while Driskell looks to the Chief Magistrate and gives a slight bow.

Oriana makes her way to Alessandro, a face she recognizes in the crowd and smiles at him and his companion. "Lady Oriana Inverno. I'm afraid we weren't properly introduced." She looks abashed as she curtsies, but straightens to turn her attention to the priest, smiling at the children in cosutme, but narrowing eyes at the runt who can't keep from hitting people. She murmurs to Alessandro and Monique.

Tynan snags a couple of things of the table of food, all while raptly paying attention to what the priest says, of course. He pops a piece of a roll in his mouth, and then heads on over towards one of the benches to take a seat and watch the remainder of the speech. Listening too.

Harlen arrives, following Duarte.

Waldemai speaks up quietly to say, "Well said."

Tynan has joined the large bench.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel is overheard praising Driskell for: An excellently worded sermon.

Harper has joined the large bench.

Rinel is overheard praising Driskell for: A sermon on justice worthy of Sanctum.

Monique laughs to whatever Oriana has said to her and Alessandro, a smile lighting her lovely lips. "Greetings, Lady Oriana. Lady Monique Greenmarch. A pleasure to meet someone with your wit. How do you know Prince Alessandro?"

Sabella is overheard praising Driskell for: Using the kids made me pay attention, good call!

As Driskell's words draw to a close, Victus puts his hands together to applaud them. Astrid doesn't seem quite as enthused as she's still between trying to clamber over his shoulder and flinging herself down the wishing well, but he's got a strong grasp on her for that. He's looking on with naught but pride as Driskell takes off from the greenery.

Harlex arrives, another face in a crowd whom come for the feast. His lean form bound up in his soldiery armour with his sword strapped to his back. His grim features make it seem like, perhaps, he’d become lost at some point and arrived here through the macabre intervention of an outside force. The revelry especially makes him uncomfortable. At some point he tries to turn himself around but, nearly bumping into another of the feast-goers, he steps in the opposite direction and finds himself hearing some manner of declaration or speech.

Victus is overheard praising Driskell for: An honorable sermon.

Piping up from the table,"Indeed, well said." Astraea comments quietly while scooting aside so that she wasn't going to be caught in the crossfires of any food wars. Although again she's distracted by the praises and claps her hands for Driskell, but mostly she just looked contemplative.

Barik is overheard praising Driskell.

Alessandro is overheard praising Driskell.

Astraea is overheard praising Driskell for: Wise words as always.

Felicia is overheard praising Driskell.

Oriana is overheard praising Driskell for: A stirring sermon on Sentinel's holy day.

"Sounds like I'm back in Sanctum," Rinel says. Her tone is approving.

Sabella has joined the large bench.

Barik stood up from his table, craddling some kind of basket full of particularly greasy turkey legs, glistening under the swaying light. He'd hold up a cheering hand, in its grip one of said meatsticks, as to praise Driskell.

Sabella gives a big wave to Rinel with a smile then helps the kids down. "Oh, watch out! Apologies," she tells Harper and Tynan as they just step on everything! "Okay, right back to your parents you go! We have learned a valuable lesson today!" she glances around at all the nods of approval Driskell is getting, "Very valuable! Tell your friends!"

Culatello, deft bos'n of the Red Bargain, Serrano, doughty Quartermaster of the Red Bargain arrive, following Ariella.

Monique is overheard praising Driskell for: Am I the only who was filled with dread at his words?

Violet's eyes fall upon Harlex and she rises from her seat, waving a hand. "Harlex, over here," She calls out, her voice carrying well. She's not in command for nothing.

Alessandro nods slowly at the end of the sermon, a little smile settling onto his face again, before he turns as Oriana approaches him and Monique. "Lady Inverno," he says, "a pleasure to meet you properly." And whatever she murmurs to them makes him laugh, too, as he nods again, though his reply is to Monique. "We met in the Shrine of the Thirteenth," he says, "where she was kind enough to sit as my reflection." If there's any discomfort there, he doesn't show it.

Rinel waves back happily at Sabella, before making yet another grab for one of Barik's turkey legs.

Harper gives Sabella a grin and stands up to help her with the kids, "It's alright, I can help you if you like." Quickly she hops up to start doing whatever is needed to get the kids where they need to go without waiting for a yes or no.

Tynan drags his bag on up into his lap, scooting his legs in towards the bench, to avoid the rampaging little monsters. "Kids be kids." He remarks with a wide smile at Sabella and then nods sideways to Harper, "Besides, she loves them. Don't you, Harper?" The last kids running off gets caught, and he sticks a piece of fruit into her palm before she takes running off to join the others. "Better this than a lot of things they could be doing."

Ectorion is overheard praising Driskell for: A fitting sermon on such an important day of observation.

The familiar voice of the Commandant catches his ears. He moves in that direction, spying Violet. He raises his hand in greeting. "Commandant," Harlex says, gloomily as usual.

Alarissa's clapping politely, smiling for Driskell's words as well, interrupting her applause to gently pull Astrid back down into Victus' arm, a chidng cluck of her tongue for the one year old. "He always has such lovely sermons. But then I think hsi voice alone could make nearly anything sound lovely." Alarissa points out.

Amari doesn't lose track of Veronica, following her progress to a table as she listens to the entirety of the priest's speech. Her applause is polite, but not unenthusiastic and her small smile genuine. When she's well sure he's concluded, she turns in swish of black silk and winds her away past children and other, larger people obstacles to reach her cousin's table. Once she's there, she dips her head to the others already sitting there and settles in, "That'll be a hard act to follow."

Amari has joined the small circular table.

Vanora applauds politely at Driskell's words, listening to the sermon with the full focus of pale green eyes. At other tables Alessandro captures her attention, and she looks over that way with mild curiosity but it doesn't linger long enough to border rudeness.

Rinel has left the small circular table.

Rinel has joined the large bench.

"A man who bakes is a man worth listening to." Victus shares in philosophical fashion. "Sorry, bakes good. A man who bakes good is worth listening to." Astrid has already gently stabbed the point of her wooden dagger into the side of Victus' neck several times once she's realized that her adventure down the well of mysteries was going to be impeded by her parents. If the High Lord notices, he's not showing it in the least.

Oriana lifts her voice with others in praise of Driskell's words, encapsulating the breadth of justice with such brevity. "Remarkable." She nods at the introductions, now properly made. "Lady Monique." And nods again at Alessandro's account. "Just so." She smiles, gray eyes warm, "It was the first time I've done so. I have to thank you, Alessandro, for the opportunity. Would you two care for drinks?" Oriana gestures at the beverages available.

Bowing in response to the priest, the chief magistrate in her sentinel mask turns to address the crowd. "I do not believe that I could have phrased that better myself, Brother Driskell, so I'll keep my remarks brief before the lessons start. Justice is weighed and measured, and carefully so. It must be proportional to the crime, and we must never allow our baser instincts to cloud our sense of justice. It is the charge of the Court to dispense the Sentinel's justice fairly, without bias or malice, so that the peace of the Gods may be maintained in the city. We wear an iron chain as our badge of office to remind ourselves of the weight of that responsibility, and to remind ourselves of the shackles we are empowered to impose, so that we do not do so lightly. After the meal and a brief lesson, we will have a mock trial, so that each of you may experience what it is like to wear these chains." After a brief pause, she raises her voice slightly and adds, "I /implore/ you to listen carefully to each argument, to weigh their merits carefully, and to decide not on what you want to happen, but on what is /just/."

"It is also worth noting that the law is not merely punishment, but also governs the agreements we make with each other and with the gods." The woman in the mask reaches out to one table and says, "I believe that the Lady Amari had a brief word on contract law that she wished to present."

Perrach makes a sound, maybe approving of the words given of the sermon.

"I'm afraid I'm not drinking at the moment," Monique replies to Oriana with a sorely tempted frown. She glances to Alessandro. Then glances to the booze. And then back to Alessandro. Sighs. "No. I'm not drinking at the moment. But I thank you for the offer. What happens, when one sits as a reflection?" the Minx of the Marches asks, careful not to touch her own necklace, though her hands drift upwards subconsciously.

At the urgings of a messenger, Ectorion rises, looking apologetic and glancing to Astraea. He whispers something to her, before she also rises and the pair, as unobtrusively as possible, slip towards the back of the audience and then out following the messenger.

Ariella wanders in, flanked by her senior staff who weirdly never seem to have anything better to do than hang out with their captain. And it seems like she just missed the sermon! That's basically the best time to show up at a religious event! So she heads over toward the table with the food, offering lazy waves to anyone she recognizes as she crosses over, stopping now and again so some kid in a mask can run by. Astraea gets an enthusiastic wave with one hand while Ariella serves herself a plate full of whatever's hot with the other, then she heads over to the small circular table. "Seat available?"

Of course, Ariella gets a hug and a kiss on the way out! "Sorry cousin, I was on my way out but enjoy eh."

"You would not have known it," Alessandro replies to Oriana. "I was glad to have your assistance." He looks over at the drink table, then glances to Monique at her refusal. There's a very slight widening of his smile at that, though he turns back to Oriana then, and continues, "Water, for me. Otherwise I may forget my arguments for the trial. Either that, or they will be better than ever, but I'd rather not risk it."

Driskell bows his head towards Octavia and with that, there's all sorts of delicious foods and drinks being set out and presented on the long tables while the other area of the Green is having final preparations for the mock trial. He snakes his way through the crowds, a blessing here, a nod there, a bow. First up is Victus, Alarissa and the child. "Greetings, Stormborn." he says to Astrid the child. "And solemn Courtkeep to you, highlord Victus and your highness. I do seem to recall that my kitchen is filled with small cookies cooling down."

Ectorion has left the small circular table.

Astraea has left the small circular table.

Princess Sparta Thistlefur, a shy stoatlet, 2 Redrain novice guards leave, following Astraea.

Astraea leaves, following Ectorion.

Felicia has left the small circular table.

Violet has left the small circular table.

Turkey leg! One of Mercedes' confessors comes over to her, a turkey leg clutched in each hand and thrusts one toward her. Turkey leg?! WANT ONE?! The knight-inquisitor gives her head a shake and lifts a hand in a 'no thanks' gesture. "It's all you," she tells him and then turns her attention back to the festivities at hand.

Off to the side, one can see Scholars of Vellichor giving lessons alongside lawyers on the topics of law. One perhaps just has to ask.

Felicia rises from her seat with Violet, striking a balance between moving towards a destination and trying not to disturb the speechifying. The redhead prowling in the direction of Monique and Alessandro with the blond in tow to offer them both a wave,"Your highness Alessandro, Lady Monique, hello." she calls out with a smile, nodding towards Violet,"Have you met Commandant Violet Marjawn of the Crimson Blades?"

Driskell has left the small circular table.

Driskell has joined the a brick and wood wishing well.

Server Announcement: Server Message of the Day: Tehom probably has the randomscene thing fixed now, if your 3 RSes on the top are new players only or a huge list, can drop a request to have it fixed if you like.

Violet stands and follows after Felicia. As she does she can't help but let her eyes go to the person they head towards. Monique is given a slow up and down as they cross the crowded gardens towards her. As Felicia introduces her she gives a bow to them both. "A pleasure to meet you both," She holds out a hand to both of them to shake as well.

Barik has left the small circular table.

Titania comes walking onto the judgment green her eyes scanning the gathering as she holds a small child though growing in her arms, she smiles looking down at the child then back up to see who she may know that is here as she waits deeper into the crowed.

"I don't think we've met," Monique replies, a fond smile for Felicia and a curious look to Violet. "Though I have heard about the Commandant, of course. You've taken over for my once-cousin, the Lord Tobias Telmar, no? How are you liking your position thus far, Commandant Violet?" The self-assured Greenmarcher asks Violet pleasantly, "and you," she accuses Felicia lightly, "haven't come to see me in far too long."

Victus dipped his head in regards to Driskell when the man approaches, his arm around Astrid finally seeing some relief as she too pauses at the sight of the man. All scary 13th clothing and all, she just stares on with her gentle blue eyes. Her fingers open and close in something akin to waving at the man, though she drops her ineffective weapon in the process. "Aye, fine day to you too. The Sentinel is a god who's ideals I am most fond of. Today feels a little calmer already just bein' here." He dips down to scrounge in the grass for Astrid's dagger, letting her down gently as well. She thumps in the grass and crawls about between the three of them.

Harlex manages to make it over toward the tables. He studies some of the food, which has a strange effect on his eyes. In that it causes them to look delighted, if only briefly, before he collects himself and surveys the rest of the festivities. He gives Violet a nod, though doesn't interrupt her conversation.

Amari moves to stand alongside the chief magistrate when she's called. Dressed in a rather conservative black gown, hands clasped at her waist, hair pinned up with nary a strand out of place, she looks the type that would want to extoll the virtues of contract law. Before she speaks, her expression is made a little less severe with a smile for the crowd, "I know, you must be terribly excited to hear of contracts. That's surely why the great majority of you are here, not for feasting nor the mock trial, but to hear me prattle on about something that seems rather tedious. So I won't disappoint, nor will I keep you all from your conversations and refreshments for long."

Amari takes a breath, and continues, "I'm sure many of you don't consider the many agreements and laws that bind everyone together much. They're like the paving stones of the roads, the blocks that build the fortresses and walls around us, and thus, easy to not pay much mind to. But like those constructions, a well written contract is a bastion. Our memories may be malleable and fade, but the words remain and remind us of our duties, our promises and of our ties to each other. When we fail to observe them, all is lost."

Ariella reaches out and smacks her boatswain's hand as he looks ready to go to war with one of Mercedes' confessors over some potato salad. "Play nice, Culatello." She glances around and points toward Sabella, "I think I see your lady in waiting over there." The handsome, but shifty as hell, boatswain heads that way as Ariella stops near Mercedes, not at all pur out by her cousin fleeing at the sight of her. She looks the other woman over and hazards a guess, "Good day, my lady?"

Felicia chuckles quietly, stepping aside to allow Violet and Monique to shake if they wish with an apologetic smile for Monique,"I did send a messenger, though! Unfortunately there was a trip to Whitehold and long hours at the palace and I've not been able to get away as I usually like, more's the pity." she murmurs with a nod in the direction of the necklace,"Now that, is an amazing piece, who made it?" she can't help but enquire.

"It keeps me busy, for sure. Though I can at least say lord Tobias was seen recently, so that is something of a relief," Violet says with a bob of her head to Monique. "You look quite stunning today, by the way," This is directed to Monique. "Hopefully you've heard mostly good things. Though I'll take bad too. You can't fix what you don't know is a problem."

Yay, a speech on contract laws! Something that surely Veronica is super excited about! But the blonde inquisitor does, in fact, sit up and pay attention when Amari steps up to speak. Even if it isn't the most exciting of subjects, Veronica is paying rapt attention in support of her cousin!

Felicia and Violet's arrival has Alessandro turning in that direction, and his smile widens in earnest as he inclines his head to Felicia, and then Violet. "Dame Felicia, how nice to see you. And no, I have not. Commandant, a pleasure." He looks to Oriana then, and says, "Lady Oriana Inverno, Dame Felicia Harrow." And of course, she has already given Violet's name. He quiets then to listen to Amari, though ash e turns back to her, his eyes fall on Vanora. There's a brief nod to her as well, of the sort given to someone one knows but doesn't //know//, know.

Rinel moves off to argue with a caterer. The two can be heard bickering all the way into a large tent. The bickering continues, until Rinel emerges with an enormous plate piled high with steaming turkey legs. The caterer watches her go, glowering at the scholar's backside. Rinel puts the tray down on a nearby table before spying Barik through the crowd. She points two fingers to her eyes, then turns them to point at the leg-hoarding man.

Tiny Tom, Wilhelm the Iron Messenger arrive, following Sparte.

Rinel has left the large bench.

Monique glances down at her chest, at the spiderweb with the thirteen blazing red stones. "Ah, a gift from Prince Tyrval in honor of my birthday. I cannot say for certain who made it, though the Prince doesn't strike me as a smith, so probably not with his own hands." And her brows arch in surprise. "Tobias was seen recently? That's news to me. Where? How?" She has many questions!

Vanora has left the small circular table.

Seryna, a charming Lycene handmaiden have been dismissed.

6 Grimhall House Guards have been dismissed.

Harlen have been dismissed.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel bows to Amari and calls out, "Thank you, Lady Amari, for both your words, and the brevity of them. I am certain that the confessor back there dual wielding turkey legs was riveted by the mere thought of discourse on contract law, but he'll just have to wait for another time. We have some time before the mock trial, so I would ask you all to think on injustices in your own life. Don't think about times you've been wronged, but give some thought to times you may have unintentionally wronged another. I know it's not the most entertaining topic in the world for conversation, but Courtkeep is a time for correcting injustices and righting wrongs. Give a little thought to someone you could have treated more justly, and perhaps to righting that wrong when you return home." With that, the chief magistrate bows to Driskell again, and steps down into the crowd to mingle for a while.

Violet considers Monique with great care at her questions. Those green eyes intense as they don't blink for a long span. Then she smiles apologetically and says, "Ah, I don't know what he is running from it would be bad of me to say, hmm?" Turning to Oriana as she is introduced she once more bows and then offer a hand to shake. "A pleasure," She says simply before turning to say something softly to Felicia, gesturing back towards their table.

"I will drag you to the House of Questions if yo-.." one of Mercedes' confessors starts to growl at Ariella's boatswain as they face off over the potato salad but the knight scowls at him and cuffs the fellow upside the head. "Stop it," she tells him sternly and takes away his turkey leg. That's his punishment! No more turkey leg for you. She points off toward the benches -- go! think about what you have done! -- and he sulks off.

"Sorry about that," she says to the boatswain, giving them the turkey leg whether they want it or not. ENJOY. To Ariella, she shakes her head. "Dame Mercedes Valardin. Forgive my man."

Sparte makes his way into the Green, dressed for guard work and looking fresh from it. He stops near the edge of the gathering, looking over it with a smile as he takes in what is going on.

Oriana excuses herself and leaves Alessandro to explain sitting in reflection to Monique. to get water for Alessandro and wine for herself, nodding at Monique's refusal and moving away, beverageward. She turns not long after, in time for an introduction. "Dame Felicia, well met. Harrow. I have made Valarian's acquaintance. A very capable man." She turns to admire the play of light across Monique's flashing necklace, "Very striking, M'lady." She lifts the wine in salute, "And a happy belated birthday to you." With the clamor it takes some attention to parse Amari's words, but listen she does. "Oh my. I'm not certain," she looks down at the stones, "That we should be treading upon our laws and contracts." She lifts a foot, tentative. "I believe you're standing on maritime, M'lord." Tsk tsk.

Driskell has left the a brick and wood wishing well.

Titania spots Driskell and starts to make her way for him, she has a soft smile on her lips when she spots him. "Brother Driskell." she says as she holds the baby, "It is good to see you as always."

Rinel approaches Mercedes with a somewhat nervous smile. "Hello. Your Highness Valardin? Master Barik spoke to m--" She suppresses laughter at the disciplining of the confessor. "In fairness," she says, her smile more amused, "there /has/ been less food than needed. The caterers didn't expect such a turnout for Courtkeep."

Something Monique says softly to her has the blond head turning with a raised brow. Again that intense stare as she pats her friend, Felicia, on the shoulder. "Perhaps we -should- sit and talk then? Can I get you a drink? Juice or something?"

Driskell departs after a short talk with the Thraxan rulers before he continues snaking his way through the crowd. "Ahh, my lady Titania. Your outfit, especially the twilight dyes of your dress, are divine. Welcome to Courtkeep, will you be staying for the trial? I heard there's going to be some excellent cases to participate in, a rare moment for sure."

Felicia gives Oriana a small salute of her own,"Lady Inverno. Valarian's the fourth youngest, works for the Commandant here." she offers with a grin before adding for Alessandro,"I've been hoping to switch shifts so I'll be able to make it to your and Lady Margret's nuptials, but, well, so far no such luck." she grimaces apologetically before her attention flits back to Monique,"From Prince Tyrval? Elvish then. Amazing work. And I don't know... he did conjure couches during the embassy opening with the ease of one brushing away a fly." there's a glance towards Violet, then back to Monique,"We should talk, soon, and a belated happy birthday. I just wanted to come say hi before all of the... mock trialing and such happens." she grins briefly at Violet,"I know I promised a drink, come on, we should grab one for Veronica, too."

Sabella has left the large bench.

Waldemai has left the long bench.

Waldemai has joined the long bench.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel moves carefully through the crowd to find food of her own, and perhaps a drink that she can sip through the slit in her mask. It's a bit of an ordeal, eating and drinking with the mask on, but it is part of the festival, after all.

Amari bows to the chief magistrate and to the crowd, before she follows her off and into the crowd. She'll soon step out of the other woman's wake to find her way back to the table she'd been at prior to her very brief speech and reclaim her seat. Well and thoroughly out of the loop in regard to the conversation going on there, she can only smile and try to catch up.

Titania nods her head smiling, "Thank you, the lovely Lady Zoey kennex gave it to me it is beautiful." she smiles nodding her head,"Yes, I will be staying, I am looking for my cousin, have you seen her? Lady Octavia."

"Thank you," Monique says to the belated birthday wishes, with a charming smile, leaning back after whatever she murmured to Violet. "It was lovely to meet you, Commandant. I hope we'll speak again soon. Dame Felicia. Beautiful, as always." She turns aside to Alessandro. "Are you getting nervous?"

"I would never hold a person's man against them," offers Ariella, choosing to ignore just how weird that sounds. She takes a big bite of her turkey leg, then sets it down on a plate, wipes her hand off on her leggings and then smiles back to Mercedes. "Captain Ariella Igniseri. And I apologize for my man. Culatello may seem like a contemptible sneak, but once you get to know him you see he's actually a complete asshole."

An old man steps onto the Judgement Green. Justus stands straight but his frame is slight and wiry, and his flowing robes of grays and whites bear on them embroidery of the scales of the Sentinel. In his hand he holds a long staff, and he turns his face toward where people have gathered. He wears cloth bandages around his eyes, and yet he seems to have no problem moving toward the sound of people. He stops just at the edge of those gathered, as though surveying the people carefully although he is blind. His free hand reaches up to stroke his long white beard in thought.

Harlex has joined the small circular table.

Driskell says, "The Chief Magistrate? Hmmm." and he glances around over a few heads before spying. "She's just over there near the front wearing her badges of office and uniform. It's quite excellent." as a child zips past him with a turkey leg in one hand, the white robes rustling. Another child comes by holding a turkey leg. They're clashing swords and eating.

There was no conversation, since Felicia and Violet went to greet some others and Veronica kept her attention on Amari's brief speech! "Did you just make that up?" Veronica asks, pushing out a chair for Amari as the latter returns to the table.

Alessandro takes the water with a murmured thank you to Oriana, taking a sip from it as his eyes move among his companions. Felicia's smile is returned with one of his own as he replies, "You shall certainly be missed," he says, "but we'll see you another time, I'm sure." He turns to Monique then, and nods, though he certainly doesn't //look// it. "Of course," he replies. "I always am, before a case. Once I begin, it fades." There's amusement in his expression, though -- this particular case isn't particularly high stakes. Except maybe for Alarissa's outfit.

Harlex sits down at a table, holding a mug in his hand. He watches the feast unfolding around him, content to observe for the moment.

Once Driskell has departed them, Victus is reaching down to pluck up the baby Astrid into his arms again, hoisting her to rest on his shoulder. "Do you want food? Drink? Want me to go see if those kids want to start a fighting based club with me, maybe?" He inquires of Alarissa, the last one only being halfway joking really. "I'd suggest we toss a coin down the well, but the Gods might think us a little lazy at that point."

"I'm not hungry, but she likely is and I can't imagine you are never. Lets go see what we can do to feed the starving beast before things get fraught with textile terror." Alarissa replies to him, picking up that toy dagger between her fingers as if they might be covered ins omething displeasing and passing it off to one of the retinue that follows them.

Sabella weaves her way through the crowd to find the poor Chief Magistrate who just want to eat and drink and now has the beaming, smiling face of a Princess before her, "Hello! I don't think we have ever been properly introduced as I have never done anything that might bring me before you in a professional way! I am Princess Sabella Grayson! I helped Niklas with that gavel warmer for present day! So, ah, apologies, I suppose."

Vanora keeps her conversation with Valdemar quiet, but above whispers for the time being. "It's a shame your sister wasn't able to come, but likely she's still working out those other details. I know she'd enjoy this."

Violet purses her lips briefly and then bobs her head in agreement to Monique's words. "I'm sure we will. I've a special whiskey. Perhaps you can stop by headquarters sometime for a glass?" She says and then turns to head towards the tables with food and drink. The smile fades and she seems to go quiet and thoughtful as she grabs a mug of cider and a skewer of veggies and meat. This she takes with her on a slow perimeter of the party. Meaning she comes upon blind Justus stroking his beard. "Looking for someone in particular?" She offers helpfulluy.

Monique leans over to give Alessandro's arm a companionable squeeze. "You've got this. You're the best lawyer I've ever met. I have complete faith in you." And she means every word. "I'll go fetch us some celebratory cake for later, hm?" And she slips away into the crowd.

Justus turns his attention to Violet, his bandaged eyes toward her. "Thank you, Violet, but no. I am simply here to bear witness to Courtkeep, as is my wont. I have not been in Arx to celebrate in many a year, and yon Octavia did mention that she was hosting it this year. And so I am come." His tone is formal and polite as he greets the young Blade.

"You're a lawyer?" Oriana tilts her head, "I wasn't aware. I've been looking for one. I'd like to learn the laws of Arx and the Compact." For all the jests, she looks earnest enough. "Could we discuss that another time?" She lifts her wine to Alessandro, with a smile to Monique for her words of support, "After your victory, of course."

"I thought I was to give lessons, so, mostly. Yes." Amari admits to Veronica with a tiny, indifferent shrug she rolls off her slender shoulders. "I don't think anyone was listening, anyway. Just you, you lovely pumpkin. Where did Violet...?" She begins to ask after her former tablemates, but she spots them. Nevermind then, she smiles patiently and settles in more comfortably, allowing her gaze to finally wander some, so that she might pick familiar faces from the crowd.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel turns to face Sabella with her wine in her hand and quips, "Oh, so now I know who to blame. I have to admit, it was a little confusing, since I'm not certain why I would want to keep my gavelstone warm. I do appreciate the gesture." The mask tilts down slightly, then back up, and she asks, "So you're the one my brother can't stop talking about, hm? I promise not to judge you harshly." She's probably grinning behind the mask.

Titania chuckles at the children then looks to Driskell, "Thank you, I am sorry I missed your cermin perhaps some time I can read it." she looks over at Octavia, "If you will excues me." she smiles turning to head in the direction of The Chief Magistrate.

"Starving beast. Yeesh." Victus rolls his eyes as he trudges along behind his wife, wriggling child in tow. "She came outta you, ya' know. You sayin' you birth beasts?" He runs a hand over-top Astrid's head of dark brown hair. "Don't you listen none to her kiddo, you're gonna be the best fucking beast you can be. Show me your grr!" Astrid growls, Victus growls in return. Soon they are growling together, like a roving pack of hungry wolves as they make for the refreshment table.

Sparte steps off to continue on his way after watching for a while, grinning and in a good mood.

Tiny Tom, Wilhelm the Iron Messenger leave, following Sparte.

Kit, the grey fox, a tiny man with a BIG unpronounceable name, 1 Greenmarch Guard leave, following Monique.

Veronica perks up when she notices Violet heads towards one Justus. "Yes, I was listening, but... I will be right back, Amari." She tells her Keaton cousin before getting to her feet, striding purposefully towards Justus and Violet both. "Justus." The blonde Inquisitor calls out as she approaches, then stops and bows her head at the blind old man. "Will you come and sit with us? The Commandant, and Dame Harrow, and my cousin... we have that table over there."

"Thank you," Alessandro says as Monique takes her leave, and though the amusement is still present, the words sound sincere enough. "I will see you after, I'm sure." He turns to Oriana then, and continues, "Of course, whenever you'd like. I am always ready to discuss the law with interested parties."

Does she laugh? Does she crack a smile? Nope. Mercedes does not. She simply agrees with Ariella. "Yes," is said as the woman gives the matter a firm nod. " has been my experience, when it comes to men, that such qualities are essentially interchangeable." Sneaks. Assholes. To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to. "And well met, Captain."

And then there is Rinel. The knight-inquisitor twists slightly to look at her as she approaches and she -- very quickly -- shakes her head. "I am not royal," she corrects. It's not unkindly spoke but she is very firm on this matter, her tone having the inflection of an UNDERLINE. "Not anymore, that is. May I help you? Has Master Barik done something?" Squint. Squint-squint.

"Yes, I am sure she would, but she is still in the process of settling in at the longhouse. No doubt she will begin enjoying the city and what it has to offer soon, though," Valdemar responds to his wife as he gives a brief look around the green.

Felicia's sort of following Violet for the moment, for all that her attention goes back towards Monique, and Veronica, even as she snags a turkey leg and an ale and follows after the blond woman. There's a glance between Violet and Justus, settling on the latter with some curousity until she hears Veronica call out, then smiles briefly,"Lord Justus." always default to assuming nobility, in her book, it seems.

Ariella is momentarily distracted from her interaction with Mercedes to look over toward Sabella and the masked figure. "Did she say gavel warmer?" Looking back to Mercedes she says, "Why would you want to keep a gavel warm?" Sure, Octavia has the same question, but it's a real poser. "Maybe they work better when warm?" She shrugs. This is why she's not a chief magistrate, one supposes. Culatello sidles in by Elizabetta and is a general creeper. When she looks back to Mercedes she finds herself at a loss for words. Ariella doesn't generally do humorless. "Well. Uh. I think I see my cousin over there." Then she turns and heads off toward Felicia. "Heeeey, uh, Susan!"

Sabella keeps smiling but maybe she swallows a little hard, "Yes, that would be me! To be fair I rarely ever stop talking about him! Though I appreciate that as his sister you already know how brilliant he is and don't need to be told!" she hesitates like, does she? It's so hard to tell with the mask! "This event is lovely. I can't wait for the trial! I almost auditioned but then...well it doesn't really matter. It really is a pleasure to finally meet you!" and she takes a breath finally.

"She's on the court though yes? Or soon to be? I know she's been studying law. I don't actually know anything else, your father briefly mentioned the court bit and changed the subject. As he is wont to do. About anything I wish to discuss." Vanora smiles back at Valdemar wryly. "Even what I ought do to prepare a room for his daughter come to join us from the Isles. I suppose I might have guessed that. Women's work, hmm?"

"Ah, I can understand that. To be honest this is my first time attending," Violet says pleasantly before taking a bite of her skewer. When Veronica approaches she gives her a smile and an agreeable nod to Justus. "Mmm, yes, come join us. I just needed to get some perspective myself. But time to dive back in," She says before letting out a soft sigh. Not upset, but certainly thoughtful.

Alsandair, Crom arrive, following Iseulet.

Alsandair, Crom leave, following Iseulet.

Oriana inclines her head to Alessandro and moves off in the crowd in search of Justice. Or Justus. Or that light in the dark she seeks. The young lady pauses before the Chief Magistrate and curtsies deeply before being on her way.

"Er, no," Rinel says to Mercedes. "My apologies, my dame. He simply said that I should, erm... introduce myself. To you." She curtsies awkwardly. "Rinel Tern, scholar of Vellichor. At your service, my la-daame. My dame."

Justus inclines his head. "Of course," he says to Veronica. "And it is Justus, Felicia. I am no nobleman, I assure you. I presume you will be joining us, Violet?" He starts to head toward the place Veronica indicates, clearly intending to take the offered seat.

Justus has joined the small circular table.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel is actually a little overwhelmed with how quickly Sabella can jabber without taking a breath, but the mask is good for keeping composure. "He certainly is something, but I'm fond of all of my younger siblings." She then nods to Titania as she approaches, greeting, "Countess, cousin, it's always good to see you. I'd stay and chat, but I do have a mock trial to run, I fear. Both of you, please enjoy."

Vanora has joined the small circular table.

Felicia has joined the small circular table.

A sable haired man with one eye, Giselle arrive, following Nilos.

A sable haired man with one eye, Giselle leave, following Nilos.

A sable haired man with one eye, Giselle arrive, following Nilos.

A sable haired man with one eye, Giselle leave, following Nilos.

Titania nods her head, "When you are done cousin, I like to speak with you." she says softly smiling to Sabella, "Princess Sabella it is good to see you." she looks around and ohs and spots Vanora, she heads in her direction, "Lady Vanora." she says softly. "May I join you both?"

Violet has joined the small circular table.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel moves through the crowd, gathering Amari, Alessandro, and Driskell with her as she approaches the well at the front. Turning about and folding her hands at her waist, she lifts her voice to address the crowd once more. "A trial is a solemn occasion, a ritual before the Gods so that they may guide our hearts and minds towards the truth, and towards justice. The Faith is always closely involved, and we are ever grateful to the priests of Limerance who give the Vow of Honest Testimony, to the Scholars of Vellichor who carefully record every word spoken, to the Iron Guard who guard our halls, and to the Inquisition who bring the cases for us to try."

"I could spend many, many hours talking about the importance of each aspect of the way a court works, and I'm certain you would be bored to tears by the end of it, so I will be brief. Any accused is allowed a trial before the gods in combat or in words, and the Court moderates both. Since a trial by combat over the charges involved would not only defeat the point, but be ridiculously silly, our volunteer has already elected a trial by words."

"Tonight, you will see and take part in our solemn duties, observing every ritual, though our charges will be... not so solemn, I admit, and that is the fun of it all. Again, I implore you all to make your decision carefully, and based on the facts, not what /you/ want to see." Turning to face Driskell, she asks, "Brother Driskell, if you would do the service of administering the Vow."

Amari has left the small circular table.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel has joined the a brick and wood wishing well.

Waldemai listens carefully. Never know when you're going to end up in court.

Violet glances at Justus and her lips twitch slightly and she seems a little puzzled. "Mmmm, yes I am," She replies. Then she is settling in with the others at the table.

Vanora smiles at Titania and nods quietly, a gesture of welcoming that doesn't interrupt what's beginning.

Veronica doesn't presume to help Justus along, even though the man is old and blind; she just respectfully walks alongside until he reaches the table and takes a seat. Only then does she retake her seat, pausing briefly to introduce the old man to Amari. "Amari, this is Justus, a servant of the Sentinel." And of course, just then Amari leaves the table for her next role to play. Oh well!

Felicia grins at Justus,"Perhaps we're all noble in our own way?" she argues with a wink, then flushes as of course her brain helpfully informs her that the guy has bandages on his eyes. There's a clearing of her throat as she elects to forge the way back to the table, and Amari, like that's going to help hide her embarrassment.

Valdemar inclines his head at her words, "I think she may have already reached out to the Court. She knows the law fairly well, has been studying it since she was small. As for Father...well, no, he is definitely not one to waste words." His tone is somewhat dry here, before he looks up to see Titania standing near the table where they are sitting. "Lady Fireviper, of course you can sit with us," he invites her, smiling at her as well.

Titania has joined the small circular table.

Tynan gets off the bench with a quick smile to Harper and wanders over, looking around, while idly taking bites out of an apple. Circling while waiting for this trial to happen. Which somehow ends up with him sidling on over to where the magistrate and the others are starting the trial, swallowing down a big bite of his apple before asking of nobody in particular, "Who is on trial?"

"Our starving beast." The growling gets a roll of her eyes. "This is all Talen's fault" She murmurs. Octavia's starting though and Alarissa looks to Victus, going up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "try not to let Astrid interrupt. And no, you still do not get to throw pie."

"It is good to see you as well!" Sabella greets Titania, following her over a few steps and giving Vanora and Valdemar a wave, "Might I join you as well?" she then gives Alessandro a big wave and smile and some gestures that probably mean to be encouraging, but could also mean she wants him to push someone over? It's hard to say but she's very enthusiastic about it.

Alarissa has left the a brick and wood wishing well.

"Of course. Come, join us. Don't bring any meat, but otherwise absolutely." Vanora smiles at Sabella.

Driskell glances to the Chief Magistrate and nods. The white robed priest conducts the Vow of Honest Testimony from whoever is speaking.

Amari just keeps managing to miss everyone at the small table, as they're returning, she's swept up and taken to the front by the chief magistrate. She first manage to murmur a farewell, and dip her head quickly to Justus, and add, "A pleasure, Justus. I hope you'll excuse my sudden departure." WIth that, she does turn to wave to them and her cousin before she's well away. As she goes, she regards Alessandro with a measuring side-eye, but will smile to soften the scrutiny should he notice it. Otherwise, once she's front and center she's all business, quiet and neatly arranged where she's directed to.

Mercedes is looking through the crowd to try to spot Barik, her eyes still held down in a squint. He didn't do something? Are you suuuuuuure? That is what her expression seems to say. But there are too many people here and she cannot find him so she swings her attention back around to Rinel. "It is good to meet you, Scholar." There is a pause then -- she's not someone given to small talk. She's not awkward about it; she's not itching to get away or anything. There's just this .. hesitation. And then. "Tern. Is that a Valardin family?"

Alessandro inclines his head in farewell to Oriana, before he turns and starts after the woman in the Sentinel mask, schooling his expression into the solemnity that the occasion requires -- though he can't quite get //all// the amusement to leave it. He gets close, though. He stops near the front, though he catches Sabella's wave, etc, and he returns a nod. He does not push anyone over, though, not even Amari, even though that would clearly make him win. He does look over at her, still with that mostly serious expression -- mostly.

Sabella has joined the small circular table.

Perrach has left the a brick and wood wishing well.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel repeats the words along with the lawyers gathered, then turns to face the crowd again, once again reminding them "This part of the feast is in good fun, and anyone who complains about it in their white journals would have missed the point." The woman mutters under her breath, then turns, pointing dramatically to her side and bellowing, "Princess Alarissa Thrax! You stand accused before this court of grevious crimes against fashion, the sentence for which is two pies in the face!"

Withdrawing her hand, she announces, "Scholar, let the record show that the accused has already plead 'not guilty', and has elected a trial by magistrate, which this court will bind her to. Prince Alessandro, please present your case for the guilt of the accused."

Ariella watches as Felicia walks past her and calls out, "Haha, that's great, Susan!" She glances over to see if the humorless inquisitor followed her, but no, whew. After grabbing another drumstick for the road she waves to her men and heads out.

Culatello, deft bos'n of the Red Bargain, Serrano, doughty Quartermaster of the Red Bargain leave, following Ariella.

Waldemai gasps. "Is it not written, 'Thous shalt not waste pie'?"

Patsy, Dauntless, 3 Iron Guardsmen arrive, following Rymarr.

The accused - Alarissa- looks on in mock horror as she makes her way to the front, a hand pressed to her collarbone dramatically. Eventually the Prinicess Consort comes to a stop near Amari - her lawyer - and waits to be directed where to sit, or stand.

Alessandro is quiet for the presentation of the charges, and when he's addressed, he nods, taking a breath, before he begins, though he goes glance briefly at Alarissa. Is it apologetic? Surely not. "The Princess Alarissa is regarded as a paragon of fashion, and she has no shortage of people who wish to acquire her clothes once she is through with them. However, being fashionable is not merely wearing expensive clothes and jewels. I submit to the court that an integral part of being truly fashionable is accessorizing appropriately. A tiara, while lovely, is hardly everyday wear, and its effect is cheapened when it is made so. We all know that she is a princess, and wife of the High Lord of Thrax. The constant reminder is unnecessary to the point of unseemly.

Additionally, as we know, Thraxian fashion favors black and gray. And yet, I see Her Highness here in an undeniably beautiful, but also undeniably colorful, gown. So I ask, are Thraxian customs not acceptable to the princess? Will she not make an attempt to reach out to her adoptive culture through her fashion choices? A true paragon would embrace the challenge of finding a way to wed different cultural norms, as well as their sense of style, to make them their own." And he even manages to get through it without laughing! He steps back once he's through, deferring to Amari then.

Tynan gasps dramatically for effect as Alessandro finishes. Then resumes eating his apple.

Victus proceeds to lift Astrid up high and settles her down on his shoulders. If she is to watch her mother be pie'd twice, she would witness it full on. Such is required to grow strong.

Rinel bows to Mercedes. "The pleasure is mine, Dame. And, er, well, it is /now/. My parents have moved to Sanctum, so we are now technically vassals of your fam--of the Valardins." She catches herself awkwardly. "But I was born and raised in the Telmarches."

Dauntless have been dismissed.

Patsy have been dismissed.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel turns her head towards Amari and intones, "Lady Amari will now answer the charges."

Vanora can be overheard speaking softly with her tablemates, "That one is a Mirrormask, and it is our duty to speak on behalf of the minority, which must mean that a very few, if any, would believe the Princess-Consort could possibly be guilty. Usually they call on our kind to represent the defense."

Harlex sits back and folds his arms across his chest, watching the high-drama unfold.

Harper snorts softly and gives a slight grin as the 'charges' are read. She keeps her eyes on the crowd though, watching people here and there as she quietly listens to the mock trial.

Marquis Rymarr Deepwood, sporting his crest of the Iron Guard denoting him as an Officer of the Guard, and adorned in his own armor moves to observe the ongoing trial from the sidelines. It is from that point along the edge of the observations that Rymarr and his squad root themselves and turn to observing the unfolding mock-trial, while surreptitiously scrutinizing those present from behind the obscuring design of his barbute and visor. While the charges are read, Rymarr's armored fist moves to rest atop the pommel of the blade worn at his left side, while his right moves to rest at the small of his back, concealed beneath his cloak.

Being the defense advocate in this particular court drama, Amari first helps Alarissa to the place she should be, so that she may face the crowd and both lawyers who will presumably want to ask her some questions. There's quick, hopefully reassuring smile for the Princess from the Keaton, before she turns to affix a more impassive stare at Alessandro for the duration of his opening argument. When he's concluded, and she's directed to answer the charges on behalf of the Princess she steps forward. Her hands go behind her back and she bites her lip a moment, pondering something that's been said, perhaps. "I do hope the prosecution, Prince Alessandro is not in fact, color blind. I can clearly see red in her Grace's outfit, which is the Thrax color. Is it not, your Grace?" She gives her little chance to respond, but for perhaps a nod, "The prosecution believes the wearing of a coronet cheapens it? Would he say that High Lord Victus does the same for wearing his own on a daily basis? I disagree. Not only is it a mark of their high office, but also the bond between them. Did you not realize he gave her that tiara in lieu of a wedding ring?"

She pauses a moment, holding up a hand to indicate that she's not quite finished. "If I may have the indulgence of the court, before we get too far along, and the ear of the spectators. I'd like to bring attention to the chief magistrate and her very exquisite outfit. I think it deserving of admiration, and perhaps a small round of applause." She provides some, and looks to the audience, "Unless you all find that she looks shabby?"

When Rinel corrects herself awkwardly, a very rare smile emerges on Mercedes' lips. It's faint, barely brushed there, but it's enough to make her dimple appear in her left cheek. "Do not make yourself uneasy," she tells the woman. "It is a bit of an atypical situation." The dark-haired former royal even reaches over to pat the Scholar lightly on the shoulder -- thunk-thunk-thunk. "And how are you parents finding Sanctum? What brought you here to Arx rather than staying with them in the Oathlands?" She glances over at the trial being conducted -- very serious stuff, fashion crimes -- and then turns back to Rinel. "Perhaps we should find a table or bench."

There's a nod from Alarissa as she confirms that red is one of the colours of Thrax.

Rinel has joined the small circular table.

Mercedes has joined the small circular table.

Tynan does applaud, on cue, for the magistrate. He even starts to whistle, although thinks better of it a fraction of a second later and soon enough the claps slow down as well as he glances over his shoulder and around at the others gathered there. Tynan shrugs, and resumes watching the trial.

Veronica is quietly talking to those at her table. But even with her solemn expression, Veronica still looks up at the mock trial and indeed applauds quietly. She's not going to be the one calling the magistrate shabby!

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel gestures to Amari to allow her indulgence, then coughs slightly as her own outfit is called to attention. She intentionally wore the most neutral colors she owns to avoid any appearance of house over justice. How to take the attention off of herself? Wait, an unused line that everyone who reads court dramatization novels would expect. "Watch yourself, Counselor," she warns, tongue firmly planted in cheek.

Felicia is belated in joining in the applauding, distracted as she is by ale and turkey leg both.

Rymarr seems capable, for the moment, of joining the applause. He stares out at the unfolding scene with his usual neutral stoicism etched securely into his features. Though these days such goes hidden beneath a newly grown beard. As the masked figure offers a rebuke toward the mock-Counselor, Rymarr's armored fingertip taps twice atop the pommel of the blade worn high on his left side. Applause, perhaps.

Alessandro listens to Amari's case, keeping a very straight face now, as is warranted by such austere proceedings. He waits, his own hands still at his sides. However, he cannot help but adding at the end, "Chief Magistrate, I object to the defense's blatant attempt to curry favor by mentioning your, admittedly quite lovely, outfit. This is a courtroom, not a circus." Wait.

Violet's eyes come away from where she is intent upon her table companions. She claps briefly, but solidly, her eyes on the magistrate's attire. Especially the mask. Then she returns to her tables quiet talk.

"It was too lovely to not comment upon." Amari says, taking her warning with a good natured smile after offering the magistrate a solemn bow of her head. "I'm glad you agree, prosecutor." She cedes the floor to Alessandro then, nodding to him before she paces back to her side of the circus ring.

Harper looks over as Rymarr enters and gives him a slight wave in greeting, before turning to watch the crowd again. She gets a wry grin on her face as she glances over at the trial area and all the toadying of favor to the magistrate.

"The counselors will keep their discussions to the matters at hand, please," Octavia responds, tongue firmly planted in cheek as she does so. "Your Highness, do you have anything further to add to your case in support of the charges?"

Once Amari has finished, Alessandro nods, before he takes a step forward again. "I do, Your Honor. While the esteemed counselor for the defense is correct that red is, indeed, a color of Thrax, it cannot be denied that it is not a favored color among Thraxian ladies. Does Her Highness have something against gray? Perhaps //that// should be the focus of an inquiry." He can't quite keep the amusement from his expression now, but he does try.

"Woo Grayson gray!" Sabella calls out in support of...colors?

Rymarr's attention shifts ever so slightly to regard Harper and the wave that she provides. A solemn dip of Rymarr's helmet is given in return to his fellow Iron Guardsman, but ultimately Marquis Deepwood's focus transitions back to the unfolding legal ceremony. While he scans the crowds, watching for peculiar activity or abrupt movements, Rymarr leans ever so slightly aside to comment to the trio of Watchmen that accompany his impromptu stroll through the Judgment Green.

As if on cue, a violet-clad woman behind the chief magistrate hands forward a gavel, which the judge takes without looking for it. She raps the mallet against the side of the well to call for order, then looks to Amari for her rebuttal

Rymarr is overheard praising Octavia for: Stamp out pandering and quickly. There needs to be more of that in the world. I like this mystery magistrate.

Vanora is overheard praising Alessandro for: He argues the minority opinion and convinces everyone. Almost too good. I want him representing me for all my future crimes.

"Fortunately, the color grey is not the focus of the inquiry. The esteemed prosecutor does himself and the case he's arguing a great disservice by not keeping to the primary charge, which he has stated is her supposed inability to accessorize." Amari calmly retorts as she returns to a slightly more central position to deliver her full rebuttal at the look from the chief magistrate in her very exquisite costume of office. "Not only has the counselor already ceded that Princess Alarissa's fashion sense is impeccable, and the clothes she gives away clamored for by many, and that she is in fact, wearing Thrax colors... I think his case has largely collapsed in on itself. He himself just said, that the chief magistrate's clothing was admittedly quite lovely. In his own words."

Amari looks to the chief magistrate then, and then to Alarissa, asking her, "Your Grace, do you happen to know anything about the chief magistrate's outfit?"

Vanora is overheard praising Sabella for: She gives my husband good advice. Which he needs. Badly.

Waldemai nods knowingly at the learned counsel's argument.

Nobody mind t he fact that Victus is meandering his way over to the refreshment table again as his daughter wobbles atop his shoulders. This time he's grabbing a drink of wine and a pastry. What kind of pastry? Well, maybe just a nice pie. No real reason behind it, he's just hungry of course. He is watching the tables in-between, perhaps looking for a better vantage point toward the front.

Tynan shifts his weight from one foot to the other as he watches the riveting trial of a dress. Apple eaten, he tucks the remainder into his bag, "I thought colors were part of fashion." He remarks to himself, more than anything.

Whether or not Alessandro has anything to say back to Amari's next words, he does not. Instead, he just nods to his fellow counselor, and then turns to Octavia again. "I have nothing further to offer, Your Honor," he says, and then the smile that has been threatening to break through the whole time, does.

"I assisted in the design of the Chief Magistrates robes." Alarissa answers. "collaborating with the seamstress to create something that would flatter the Chief Magistrate, keep a style that would clean, neat and flatter her without drawing undue attention unless you were paying attention. Just because one is who they are and doing what they do, does no mean, in her words, that one must be lacking taste and fashion." There's a glance to the outift in question and then to Allessandro.

"It's a trap!" Sabella cups her hands around her mouth to call to Alessandro, "This warning is too late, sorry!"

From one of the tables there is a shocked sounding gasp that is Vanora's, as obviously this is getting much more dramatic except Alessandro closed his arguments so maybe it isn't? She looks at him and sighs. Oh maybe the gasp was Sabella. It was Sabella.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel is glad that no one can see her smirking under the mask. It's hard enough to be serious about a silly mock trial without people noticing the one person who should be serious laughing. It takes her a moment to steady her voice before she nods to Amari and Alessandro both. "Thank you, counselors, you may be seated." With a step forward, she announces, "People of the city, the choice falls to you now. Remember to decide by what was presented, not by your own desire for pies thrown." Motioning to her left, she says, "All who vote guilty, to my left. All who vote not guilty, to my right."

Harlex has left the small circular table.

Rymarr's attention shifts from the counselors and magistrate to Alarissa. There it lingers for a time, before gradually moving on to regard the Iron Guard at his side. He blinks heavily and then his helm begins to shake from side to side. The call for a vote however finds the Marquis-Consort of House Deepwood unmoving. He remains firmly rooted in place, clearly abstaining from joining on the judicial vote.

Driskell has joined the long bench.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Amari bows her head respectfully to the Princess-Consort after she's answered, and there's a repeat of the gesture for the magistrate. Alessandro isn't ignored, he gets the final dip of the defense counsel's head. "Well fought." Finally, then, she allows a smile as she turns to stand and watch the crowd sort itself out and make their decision known. Spotting Rymarr motionless there she watches him a long moment, then tries to find Veronica in the crowd to see which way she's voting, probably.

Tynan has obviously picked a favorite through some method of divining it all, sauntering on over to stand at the magistrate's left side. "A fine trial." He leaves his professional opinion to all involved.

Sabella is overheard praising Alessandro for: Great arguments and a straight face the whole time!

Sabella is overheard praising Amari for: Shocking twist!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabella is overheard praising Alarissa for: None Greater at mock trial acting!

Sabella is overheard praising Octavia for: Great gaveling!

Alessandro does not say anything more in response to Alarissa's charges, though he does give a nod of his own to the opposing counsel, as well as an easier smile. "And you as well," he says. "Let us hope I have an easier time if I go against you in earnest." Then he just waits for the results -- clearly he is going to win it all! Or not.

Alessandro is overheard praising Alarissa for: A great sport.

Tynan is overheard praising Alessandro for: A vicious prosecution of a dress.

Alessandro is overheard praising Amari for: Well argued!

Alessandro is overheard praising Octavia for: Nice robes!

Tynan is overheard praising Amari for: A fine defense of a dress.

Amari is overheard praising Alessandro for: For being a wonderful opposing counsel.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel is overheard praising Amari for: Well argued, you suck up.

Chattering at her table Vanora declares, "I think the dress is guilty but Alarissa is innocent. I'm not sure which to go with overall. I suppose guilty but the pies must be aimed at the dress? Except we don't decide sentencing."

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel is overheard praising Alessandro for: I liked the bit about the tiara.

Justus has left the small circular table.

Veronica rises to her feet as Justus does, bowing her head to the old man and watching him stroll off. She looks a bit distracted by the conversation at the table, yet at the same time with renewed focus. Well there is still the mock trial to attend to, so she marches towards Octavia, and stands to her right. Uh, that's the right side... right?

Amari is overheard praising Octavia for: For the well judged mock trial and well organized celebration of Oathkeep.

Justus stands and says his goodbyes to those at the table. He seems to be heading away from wherever the pie-throwing is about to happen. Who says a blind man can't care about cleanliness?

Amari is overheard praising Alarissa for: For being excellent as ever and a wonderful defendant at the mock trial.

Violet stands as well as Justus rises. She gives him a smile and waves as she watches him leave. Then she sits back down and leans in to speak intently.

Someone wearing a mask of sentinel takes a moment to examine the crowds gathering to either side of the event, and finally opines, "This is pretty close, but the people have decided." Turning to Alarissa, she announces, "Princess Alarissa Thrax, by the power vested in me by His Royal Highness King Alaric, and in the face of the Gods and those gathered, I pronounce you not guilty of the charges. Go in the justice and mercy of the Sentinel."

Turning back to those gathered, Octavia removes her mask finally and announces, "Thank you all for attending Courtkeep and participating in the mock trial, and may the Faceless God's justice give you comfort in times of sorrow."

Flopsy, an innocuous white rabbit in an Inquisition collar, Zoraida, a dead-eyed Apprentice Whisper arrive, following Lumen.

Flopsy, an innocuous white rabbit in an Inquisition collar, Zoraida, a dead-eyed Apprentice Whisper leave, following Lumen.

Octavia is overheard praising Alarissa for: For being a good sport about her dresses, even in the face of possible pie-nihilation

Victus still tosses the pie. It lands harmlessly in the middle of the grass, far away from everybody. In the back of the crowd could be heard his moaning, "Ahhh SHIT!"

The verdict provided, Rymarr considers the gathered crowd with an unblinking stare. Finally he provides a nod to no one in particular and lifts a hand to gesture toward the Iron Guards that accompany him. It would seem that it is time to go and the Marquis turns away. He moves off to find Patsy and Dauntless, rejoin with them, and depart from the Judgment Green. Onward to his next place to watch and stare at people.

"I was certain that he was just going to throw the pie at her anyway. Justice prevails. I'm exhausted though. Shall we?" Vanora asks Valdemar lightly. "Thank you for the company Titania, Sabella. It was lovely to see you both."

3 Iron Guardsmen leaves, following Rymarr.

Tynan furrows his brows at the declaration and summary judgement, but takes it in stride. "What, uh, happens to the pies then?" He enquires, before sidling back on over to Alessandro. "Well argued, Your Highness." with the smallest incline of his head for all the propriety sakes. "Between you and me, I think there was something fishy with the trial." Tynan states with a grin.

Driskell says to the man he's sitting with, watching as the verdict is called "I suppose any way you slice it, the judgement will taste sweet to either the defense or the prosecutor."

Justice - even if it's a mock trial - prevails and all who foudn themselves standing to the left get her forefinger and middle pointing towards her eyes and then to the them. She's watching you all. That Aww shit, and that pie though, get raised brows from Alarissa who's now -pointedly- looking at her husband. "And that, will cost you a wedding ring for our second anniversary. The baby is running away." She points out. But now to Amari and Alessandro. "Prosecutor. You did well with what you had. I aslute you." To Amari though she smiles. "And you, veryw ell done."

Vanora adds, "I find Brother Driskell guilty. I don't know what the crime is, but I think that should be on the record."

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