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Written By Sina

June 5, 2019, 1:32 p.m.(3/24/1011 AR)

When we invite guest speakers to come and share their knowledge at the Vellichorian Academy, we offer them our hospitality. They are under the guest right of the Scholars, and therefore should treated with respect and courtesy due a teacher or a lecturer, whether you agree with them or not. In the future, those who cannot be respectful of speakers invited to the Academy, regardless of where they are from and whether you agree with them, will be asked to leave and will not be invited back. The way the Emissary of the Undying Empire was treated was appalling, and shameful.

The Emissary wrote to me, asking if she might come and speak about her homeland and the question of Writs. Many people had been writing letters to her, curious about these things. Rather than addressing each one individually, she took a risk and came to me, hoping for a way to answer everyone's questions. And she was treated with scorn and ridicule, and sometimes outright aggressive rudeness.

This cannot abide. In the future, should I invite other guests to speak at the Academy, I trust that the Academy's simple rules of etiquette will be respected.

Written By Rysen

June 5, 2019, 12:19 p.m.(3/24/1011 AR)

I visited the Saving Grace Hospital recently, where Rukhnis, Marquessa Reigna, Sister Sophie, and Lady Thea have been searching for ways to treat the illness that has been affecting the people who came aboard the flaming ship that crashed into the docks in the Lowers. The physicians are extremely dedicated. Sister Sophie, the Mother of Mercies, has herself become infected as she treated the sick, and I witnessed Marquessa Reigna literally fall asleep at her desk in complete exhaustion from her long and ceaseless labors.

Rukhnis, in addition to her skillful treatment of the sick, acted as a translator between me and a woman named Nadja al-Fentir who arrived on the burning ship. Together, Rukhnis and I were able to discover that ship had been transporting enslaved people to Skal'daja, also called "The City of Chains." Nadja told us that the captain of the vessel was the first to show symptoms of the disease, and a number of other interesting facts which I hope to investigate as soon as possible.

I must also note the great medical skill and care of Sister Estelle, as well as the unorthodox but effective methods of Jacali. The talents and bravery of these physicians and healers are a great aegis against the destructive force of plagues, and the last, greatest hope of those who are suffering. I encourage anyone who is willing to offer prayers to Lagoma for insight into treatments for this disease, and a swift recovery for the afflicted.

Written By Mabelle

June 5, 2019, 11:29 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Giuliano

I do not think I've ever been called fickle for choosing cake over cookies. I mean, they are practically twins, really. Now I'm hungry. Great.

Written By Mabelle

June 5, 2019, 11:23 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Cristoph

Such honor has been bestowed upon me by my Duke and beloved Cousin, entrusting me with such an important position within the duchy.

Its a weird feeling, after many years of my talents being looked over, to have my family finally acknowledge my abilities. I am proud and happy to be of service and support to my home.

I'm glad I came to the city. I just regret the way things came to be.

Written By Miranda

June 5, 2019, 11:13 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Written by Brenlin, Aide-de-Camp to Lady Miranda Rubino of Gemecitta...

There was a party once. House Bisland was hosting. My mistress, she told me to get the duck and pass it around. I thought she meant the platter. I don't know why. As I think it over, I realize how silly the request was. I took the platter and off I went to pass it around...

She meant to grab a couple plates. She meant for me to have a plate and for the guards who follow us about. She meant for us to eat and share in the delicious food.

Why did I take the PLATTER?!

I bet her guards put something in my drink. I bet they pulled this prank. My Lady would never have done such a cruel thing...

... Would she?

I should have thought it through. Now, forever, I am banned from the Bisland grounds and parties. I am labeled, branded a DUCK PLATTER THIEF!!!


My Family is so disappointed. I have a place of position with my Lady and I have become a black mark upon her reputation! No one will trust her with me at their parties. They will say, "look, she brought HIM. The Duck Platter Thief. What next might he steal?? Hang onto your platters! The Fish is next! The Stew! The cakes!"

There is a smudge upon my honor that I fear can never, ever, be wiped clean.

One small thing. And it is done.

(Written in blocky, precise print) by the Duck Platter Thief

Written By Ahmar

June 5, 2019, 11:10 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Ah Lady Arcadia. You accuse ME of twisting words in your journal.

I stated that no human deserves to burn alive when they are too sick to move. I stand by this. Their status as slaver or slave does not mean they deserve to suffer. I said there is no honor in this, to which he said, "Honor is something people make up to justify their actions."

Your brother asked why I wasn't on the docks to help the people there, when I was busy assisting to save 20 out of 30 souls on the ship that were rescued. So I asked why he wasn't there, since he gets to judge why I was not in three places at once.

He accused me of not helping people because I was busy looting, when it is known I only did that AFTER saving the lives in front of me, and did so at great risk to myself. My desire to save the chests was for possible information on the people we were rescuing, and any valuables will be returned to the surviving people we rescued, if it is indeed possible.

Then he said "It's ok. We all aren't at the docks getting high." Insinuating that I was there to get high, when the truth of the matter was I was there reflecting on the loss of my baby sister who had died not two days prior. I had her bards pin in my hand when the boat came.

That is when I issued the challenge.

THEN your brother insulted the long standing institution of dueling. saying "See, I don't care about the outcome. It is just grandstanding for people with more money than common sense."

Then as if it was somehow related, he defended his reading stating that his books contain information about ancestry, some of which families would not ever want to become public knowledge. Given the tone of the conversation and everything he had said to me up until that point, and it's entirely unrelated nature to the rest of the conversation, I took this as a vague threat to my family. Given I just lost the person I was closest too, I over reacted and did indeed threaten him, but I do not take perceived threats to my family lightly. I have since sent him my apology for this, as perhaps it was indeed an innocent enough comment that I just took the wrong way. But never did I once approach or even point my spear at your brother, but he did not seem to think I was serious about my charge to protect the people of Stonedeep.

So not only are you being quite untruthful with your statements, but you have re-ordered the events of that night to paint your brother in a better light and attempting to make me look bad. After the challenge was issued you yourself "People will know the truth." I asked your brother what was untruthful about my challenge. He said "He thought the statements misleading, but could not call them untrue."

So yes. Indeed people will know the truth.

Written By Galen

June 5, 2019, 10:43 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)


Many things have occurred to me lately, especially as I have been bringing myself back to center. I shall briefly write about a few of them, however, I won't go into details. My thoughts and beliefs on many things have shifted, furthermore, I am realizing that changing the past if not impossible, is very close to that.

It is right and honorable to have anger at times, the purest anger shows passion and care. Composure is a virtue I adhere to greatly, though even I can falter, with each passing day it is our responsibility to become greater than we were the previous day. Therefore, forgiveness is growth. Let us consider that all things that lack permanent change of a negative fashion over your life should then be forgiven, with rare exception as it relates to one's personal honor as honor is a byproduct of your growth as an individual. I would note that sometimes forgiveness to give than restoration, but over time a person can achieve both, at least I have to believe this.

Understanding cause and effect and the correlation between emotion and reason is important as well, in the heat of moments that distinction becomes very blurred, and often exposes our own weaknesses. This too can be used as a benefit as we can learn where we need to grow. It is honorable to respect the past, however, the more civilized man, those who shape the world, they realize that reconciliation and future lie in the actions of the present with respect to the lessons learned before.

Perhaps the greatest realization throughout this time is the epiphany that there are many paths that lead to one destination. That the only thing standing between you and where you want to be, is you. A person can put their identity in a thing, in a group, or in another person. I have been guilty of putting my value and my hope for growth in groups of like minded people, this too has its merit and is amazingly helpful as a support group...However, the journey is more about your own path.

To those I may have wronged, I apologize, to those at whom I hold wrath, it will subside, to my family and friends know that I love each one of you and would happily lay down my life for you, as I would for anyone under my protection, and finally to those that believe me crazy...You're right! But, here I am prepared to declare that I will forge my own path Gild as my witness, I will become much more than I ever have been, and I will share what that means freely to those who need it.

In closing, I ask that you consider those you deal with from their perspective, that you love your fellow man if for nothing more than the fact you share this trip through life together. Yet when it is time for war, let us war with the same passion that live, let us strike fast and with power. I enjoy war, I cannot deny that, but ultimately I recognize the goal of war is peace. Our enemies will come upon us in strength and number to see our ways of life destroyed. They will strive to divide us and they will strive to push us into chaos. We cannot allow that, we must stand united for our freedoms, for our future, with courage and honor every man woman and child.

I pray that I continue down a path of discovery and growth and I pray that for any of you who seek the same thing.

Prince Galen Thrax,
Warlord of Thrax
"Tears in our wake, never at our wake."

No, stop writing...I'm done. Where's my rum? Stop!

Written By Raimon

June 5, 2019, 10:34 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

One would think that people would learn the folly of insulting honor duels and those that fight them.

Written By Miranda

June 5, 2019, 8:50 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Salvatore

I had a thought...

... I know, scary, right?

I think I was over-tired, my Lord Zaffria.

Forgive me. I thought of something. Let's get together.

I think I know how to works things out.

Written By Jael

June 5, 2019, 8:44 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyren

It is very strange getting to know someone /after/ you've agreed to marry them.

Not bad. Just strange.

Written By Archeron

June 5, 2019, 6:49 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marisol

Radhilde's most gracious patron hosted a fantastic engagement party. I am not sure I have seen cousin Margot have such fun. It was truly a kind thing to arrange, and a beautiful event - with song, poem and of course spiced mead. Radhilde is clearly lucky in her patronage.

Written By Archeron

June 5, 2019, 6:48 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Lottie

A beautiful song - I am truly grateful!

Written By Archeron

June 5, 2019, 6:47 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Radhilde

It was a truly enjoyable party - and soon the next section of my life begins with the Lady Radhilde. In my life I have been a few things. I have been a child of Tyde, a refugee family adopted back into Ashford, a ranger, a noble Tyde, a voice of Tyde, a lone woodsman of the Isles. I shall hope that Husband is one title I can live up to.

Written By Preston

June 5, 2019, 6:10 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

You have several duties in life. The first is to the Gods, to their commands and their demands, to their worship and to honour them. Your second is to the Compact, to our people. Only once these first two are satisfied can you begin to think of yourself, what you wish to do, of others you might wish to help.

Except it is never that simple. To obey the Gods' commands, you may need to obey an oath to serve a King, or a Count. You may need to defend the innocents, be they foreign or Compact.

Written By Bhandn

June 5, 2019, 2:08 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

A simple suggestion by Her Highness Princess Marisol Valardin that we should meet, and already I find myself interested in seeing where she progresses. I find myself particularly interested in her friends as well, for her to receive the gift that she did, as well as who it was evaluating her in its use that I chanced upon. I wonder what tapestry will be woven from this particular thread, and what it will show when the work is complete? There is some part of me, the much younger me, that would very much like to see just how much mettle each of them possess, especially after the Lady's description of her teacher. I have few doubts about him, but still the thought remains.

I think I am beginning to see why Her Highness thought we should meet. If not, then I have a reason of my own. Curiosity may indeed kill the cat, my Lady, but as was said, satisfaction brings it back. But, will /you/ be satisfied with the notion that what you wish to learn is not a matter of stories, but of endurance and pain? I was not making light of your desire to be worthy of that blade; I meant every word, every bruise that I would see you gain in your pursuit of improvement. Learning the ways to swing it is not enough; you must also learn the ways to raise your arm when it would have you yield, and those cannot be taught so easily.

Written By Mirari

June 5, 2019, 1:47 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Today I make a decision:

Love is for other people. I need it not.

Written By Monique

June 5, 2019, 1 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Thirteen people have qualified for the Tournament of Thorns already! An auspicious sign, I think. And one particularly clever Thraxian Princess has secured herself three thorns! Ah, but I'm excited to see who will qualify next!

Written By Mikani

June 5, 2019, 12:26 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Willow

The very position that all lives are sacred and equal is one that makes any act of slavery inexcusable.

Willow your quote speaks to the very actions of my whole life.

Written By Cadern

June 5, 2019, 12:24 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

One of the more interesting events I've witnessed in the City. Also it reminds me just how... raw the people here are. Most of them couldn't win a single hand of Poker if they had to hide their true feelings on a subject. Every public forum seems to require castigation and indignation. But that's not the interesting thing. Writs... another tool of those who we should learn from. We've forgotten so many things, even terms like Invoking. And still we spend time blathering rather than asking questions. I wonder if I would have the strength to resist using them if I had such skills or power. I wonder if they allow those who leave their lands to be relieved of their writs. To me it seems no different than the oaths one takes when they bend the knee to the compact. We had the choice to die at the hands of the Horned one or to join the Compact. We gave up some freedom for life. How different is Platinum's offer. No doubt it IS different but if I had that power could I resist? Are writs the problem or is it Platinum the problem.

If we had a rule of law that guided how Writs could be used, rather than it fall to the judgment of one m...well being. Would it be better? It seems to me like it would. But then I suspect it's a good thing that I am not someone with such powers. I wonder if Skald distinguishes a writ freely given and accepted. Just like a promise made to one's betrothed, as he does a Writ forced at knife point. It seems like accepting a Writ is a Choice. But Forcing one is what breaks it. Even Skald accepts the cost if he refuses to obey the Laws of the Dreamer. It's certainly a fascinating philosophical experiment... I should ask others but they'll probably haul me in front of the Inquisition. Wouldn't that be ironic...

Written By Mirella

June 5, 2019, 12:07 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Upon encountering shark-filled waters, it might be a good idea not to plunge feet under the surface and waggle toes.

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