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Written By Willow

June 7, 2019, 8:10 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

you once wore effortless smiles
lazy and lingering like some great cat
they bathed you with warmth
made even the greatest missteps charming...

we met on the beach
a sunset and a cigar of haze
reawakened a heart from wintry slumber

trickster, gangster, prankster
we danced and forgot the world of a time
my grief clouds my sight
sorrow wrought in dust of the man I once knew

Written By Willow

June 7, 2019, 7:57 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

If the arts of a mage involve writing a new story, what does it say that each of the metallic order chose a metal. Cold, hard and eternal. If magick works on the principles of the way the weave of existence is supposed to behave, it makes me wonder that so many metallic mages are seemingly eternal as metal. I wish I understood their arts better, in truth. It feels like truly grasping it all would grant some rare and fundamental insight with regards to the workings of the world itself.

Written By Talwyn

June 7, 2019, 6:08 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

Oft times I will sit down in a tavern or the Salon with little to say, and make for poor company. At least, until I strike up a spontaneous tune on my lyre - and then no words are necessary. The communication of people between music makes for a special kind of speech where emotion and thought can be sent and received with a hum, a series of notes, a tap of the toe, a wistful smile. I thank Jayus every day for this gift to us all.

Written By Talwyn

June 7, 2019, 5:41 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

I had the strangest dream - I was running through the streets of Sanctum, chasing a hat that I could not say if it belonged to me or someone else. I felt a dreadful shame for pursuing this hat, rolling down an avenue. Yet there I was.

I do not know if I caught it, for I was kicked in the shins and woke up. Honestly, I don't think I care.

Written By Preston

June 7, 2019, 5:30 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

We are often mediators, but neutral? I do not think so. Where the children are errant, a parent must correct. So it is with the Faith and the Faithful. There is a reason the Legates are Mother and Father, the flock Children, and the Godsworn Brothers and Sisters. We are a family. And in that there are rules. And there are standards.

Written By Shard

June 7, 2019, 2:03 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Amantha

Value is relative. All lives are equal according to whom? Because if you're talking about society, or parts of society, or people who hold special rank in society, then no, all lives are not considered equal by the people with the power to make those decisions. In fact, what specific value are we talking here? Because if we start talking money, I can tell you from experience that all lives have different weights in coin and a lot of life is bought very, very cheaply.

Are we talking according to the gods? I can't speak for the gods.

Are we talking about how all lives /should/ have equal value? Because that's a different discussion entirely, and in that, I'll say this: all lives should have equal value, but all choices and actions /do not/. If it's a choice between saving slaves or slavers, let the slavers drown and burn every single time.

Written By Ajax

June 7, 2019, 1:08 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I won't lie to you. I was expecting knitting, I don't know. If I survive that long to actually retire. But if I do? Maybe that's what I will end up doing.

Written By Elloise

June 7, 2019, 12:42 a.m.(3/27/1011 AR)


It was with great hope and admittedly some trepidation that I began this long experiment some nine months ago. I have accumulated many notes for my studies and have concluded thus:

The body undergoes a myriad of changes, all of which have been carefully documented as data in J5.1. I shall not repeat them here, except to say simply that my enthusiasm here has waned and once this experiment concludes, I can safely never repeat it.

Over and out.

Written By Selene

June 6, 2019, 11:40 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

The warm reception at night's rise brings me such a quiet satisfaction.

I am buoyed on my travels through the day by such lovely acquaintances made of late and the finest connections renewed. Arx grants me special favor this week.

Written By Raimon

June 6, 2019, 11:25 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vega

I am astounded every day by how successful my Wife has been since coming to the city.

Written By Rikako

June 6, 2019, 11:22 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

First day in the city of Arx, maybe going to a grand family dinner for the Igniseri Family was bold even for me, but they were quite welcoming despite me being the only commoner there and a stranger at that. I tried to be friendly and considerate as I could be and I think they liked me quite well, especially when I mentioned that I enjoy solving mysteries and finding out clues. It seems I will be quite busy in this city!

I met Marquessa Quenia, Baroness Lucita, Prince Arwan(yes, a prince!!), Lord Guiliano, Duchess Grazia, Lord Teireno, Scout Rowenova, and Archlector Brigida.

Prince Arwan offered me a job and if I was interested should write to him. I told him that I would. So overwhelming! I'm a mercenary, I think it would be fine to do this?

Lord Guiliano mentioned he dabbles in investigation. If I meet him again, I will have to see if he might be interested in help or helping me as he got pulled aside for a private conversation and it wasn't polite to ask him then.

The Marquessa mentioned a raffle of some sort in the next day or two.

Written By Harlex

June 6, 2019, 10:19 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

[Transcribed by the Scholars of Vellichor. Presented to the Archive of the Whites by Commandant Harlex Valtyr of the Crimson Blades on behalf of the fallen.]


I don't think I'll make it back from this one. The Mercies are giving me that look, you know the one. 'Poor dear, she won't make it through the night.' That look. This is about all I have the strength to do.

But I'll do what you told us and keep the letter on my body and I hope it isn't too shaky.

Sorry the mission went south. Stupid. When you read this, put it to the Whites. Have a Scholar transcribe it, I got family all over and I want them to be able to read this once they hear; being my last thoughts and all.

Anyway. To those I know.

Vern, you weren't a hard-worker but thanks for taking care of us anyway after ma died, we weren't blood but I guess we were close as it gets.

Thaliana. Sis, you were always tougher than me. Because you never had to prove it. Watch out for that man of yours, I don't think he can buckle his own belt without a helping hand but he loves you. So I guess that's something.

Blaine, take care of my sister. Or else.

Alicia. Oh, Alicia. You know I almost made sergeant? That's not easy under the Dread Wolf! I was going to get a desk job, maybe work in the drill yard. But here I went and did that thing they do in all those dumb books you like. Going out on /one last assignment/. They'll square you up, love. The Blades. You don't have to worry. Enough to stay on your feet while you figure things out.

You were always good at figuring things out. I don't know why you loved me. Dumb sellsword, feet first into trouble all the time.

When I was one of the half that made it back from the Lodge, I thought you were going to put me in irons. But I guess we were just so happy to be together again. Sorry. I'm real sorry. I love you. When you get sad about this, just try to remember that time at the creek. Yeah? That was a good time. We had a lot of good times.

Don't forget. All we got is what we remember.

See you on the next turn.

Corporal Corinthia Gates
Crimson Blade's Red Wolf Battalion

Written By Cerdensulathara

June 6, 2019, 9:16 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Future Readers, I imagine you in a massive gilded spire, one of many, filled with the accumulated white journals of centuries and centuries of Vellichor minded Scholars, Explorers, Peerage, and Royalty. Ages from now, as you look back on this world, you'll understand your pipes of singing water spraying colors and inspiring specific moods and mannerisms according to their placement and primary function as something we can scarce imagine. I predict such, but doubt I can do more than pray and hope our Compact is inclusive of all beings free of Will, and miracles of Artifice seem commonplace, though dedicated to good and well being of everyone, regardless of nation, kingdom, or race, as we have move beyond that. I hope. I pray.

Yet again, I have digressed. I was telling you about myself, wasn't I? Recalling my possum neighbors put in a somber mood, but I've returned, to finish explaining to who I am. F.R., the wilderness changed me. Solitude changed me. I did have less fits, but they still plague me. Without a society to fit into, or a role that was expected of and explained to me, I was free.

Many of you know the joy and power of being a free woman. Or man. Praise Skald eternally for giving me that power, it is not universal to all beings.

It was sacred, getting to chose then, what I wanted to do, and as a result of my actions, who I would be. I spoke as much as I could to the trees, animals, stones and sky. I was like a bird in my ceaseless chirping.

Time passed, and it was hard to say how long. I had crafted a small hut that blended in well to the hill, if I do say so myself. I had a collection of stones from all around the Grey, and a fire pit to cook my food in and blacken the tips of my javelins. It was the fire that attracted the notice of the people from the North.

They were not far away, about a days hike, maybe more. When raiders came through their village, they fled south, cutting through the forest on their way to some Compact shrine in search of refuge. They came across me and two of them managed to convince me staying would mean trouble, so I left with them.

The riders on horseback caught us anyway, and killed everyone with a weapon to fight, and took the rest of us as prisoners. Wr experienced cruelty unsurprising and commonplace to our situation, and it was a mercy when some days several Knights of Solace saved us. It was... Miraculous. Their gleaming armor and skilled swordsmanship, the surprising and novel kindness and respect we were given. I have heard some disparaging things here and there about some Knights, but this was not our case. I was saved, in so many ways.

That was when I was brought to Arx. I stayed a short time in the Unkindness until Sir Jayke Ferrier arranged for his cousin to adopt me. Apparently they were looking to tame a Savage, or had some sort of misguided charitable notion of adopting and adapting a Prodigal.

My initial arrival to the city was my first true understanding of Gild. I don't feel I've ever really experienced charity, fellowship, or the Majesty and Awe of being a part of a city. A real city. They say there are other real cities, this size or bigger than Arx, across the world. I will believe it when I see it.

My heart was inundated with well being from the charity of Sir Jayke. He convinced his cousin to 'finish' raising me, as he put it. The Ferriers, my Mother and Father in spirit if not blood, were kind and good people. I was a handful, I am sure. It had only been a day before the Grips had me rolling on their foyer floor, and an alchemist and healer was brought in. Apparently, my upbringing and diet led to I'm balanced humors. I do not pretend to understand the diagnosis. Abraham, my Father, got me doing chores early on. Feeding and exercising the horses, cleaning out stalls, brushing them and taking care of the tack. Mom had me taught all the 'proper ways of civilised folk', which did not include slicing open my palm and threatening to call dark agents or setting fire to my bed when I did not get my way.

God's, in retrospect, they were unreasonably patient. Twelve bless them.

Schooling and work gave stability to my life. I continued to visit the forest to merely run sometimes. I excelled in all things logical and rational. Some euphemisms and behaviors elude me, but I was so good at math and reading that I began tutoring others my age, more often than not, Prodigals. I was happy, I am happy. I am blessed to have the kind of origin story the hero of a novella would have. Stick that in your craw, completely average people who look down on me. I've eaten wolf....

I have digressed again. To summarize, I was given a loving family. I am their daughter. They are my real parents, the ones Aion dreamed of me having. My difficulties do not compare to my gifts, and that is as much as anyone can ask.

But, yes, F.R., if you are reading this, you already know that something is missing. Magic. I am a true Prodigal. I am the daughter of the butcher, the forest, and the husband, and one day, I will be seen as integral to this fight we face in my time, today. I feel it.

I know I am to play a powerful, important part, even if, presently, I am not sure what it is. Though I am researching Artifice, this may not be where my skill lies. Will I be a spellsinger? A blood Magician? A speaker for the woods and manipulater of plants? I feel my calling lies in Vellichor. In Understanding. In teaching, maybe. You know better than I, F.R. Hopefully, I have helped make your world better. That is what I earnestly pray for.

Continued soon. If you find this parchment in fragments, as happens, refer to my autobiography. Surely, I will eventually write one.

Written By Thena

June 6, 2019, 9:06 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

One grows accustomed. Mostly.

Written By Wren

June 6, 2019, 8:03 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

A glazier has been commissioned for the refitting of the skylight in the auction house along with an illustrator to bring my vision to life. Both have demonstrated to be quite proficient and a pleasure to work with thus far, guaranteeing me that they can accomplish the work according to plan. A stonemason has also been procured to oversee a couple of things for me as well. The flooring will be taken out and restored as stone, I think, along with the stage. I'll have to speak with them further about design, stone selection, and the weather. This snow makes a great many things doubtful, but I am firm about staying on the timeline and having the auction house ready by springtime.

This leaves me with the need for a carpenter to oversee the new seating that I want to have installed. I haven't made up my mind if I desire well-padded bench seating or chairs. Both exhibits to me issue in some way as chairs tend to be straightforward to move around, or even repair if the need arises, whereas a bench can be somewhat more complicated when it comes to repairs or moving around.

Of course, there are my other obligations as well. Time is undoubtedly the most valuable of resources and so finite.

Written By Mikani

June 6, 2019, 8 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Ode to Love

Tender kisses.
Secret meetings.
Passion in the dark.
Make me want more.

Written By Jaenelle

June 6, 2019, 6:34 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

"Roses are red, violets are blue, Alaric's the best, it's unquestionably true."

No, of course his Majesty did not write this, and of course I am not saving this for posterity to showcase that he is not as good of a writer as he believes he is.

I would never.

Written By Rymarr

June 6, 2019, 5:08 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

I sit here in my study, writing out this journal. I find myself pondering the notion of writing a book or a series of books. It would be something new and different, which my friend is persistently telling me that I should consistently pursue. Find new things and do them.

The fashionable thing seems to be writing under an alias. That alone I could have a great deal of fun with.

Written By Rymarr

June 6, 2019, 4:46 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

When yesterday was a bad day, start the following day off with a piece of pie. That day has already started in an improved state. The philosophy of pie.

There has been a dire lack of pie eating competitions hosted. I hope someone remedies that soon.

I want pie.

Written By Martino

June 6, 2019, 4:28 p.m.(3/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

Chocolate cake, soggy chocolate cake... three tier cake. Lady Kaia Shaped Cake and... a cake made of cheese.

Is that everything on the cake side of the list for the ceremony my sweet?

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