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Written By Filshiar

Aug. 23, 2020, 7:02 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

For my participation in Valardin's Rite of Gloria joust, I received a lovely figurine of my mount, Farstride. As a gift this was much appreciated and I shall display it proudly. It also gives me opportunity to reflect on the time I have spent in the company of Farstride in our journies. She was my family's gift to me when I rode south with Prince Darren's forces in my first campaign as a warrior, when I left the Northlands to fight the Silence in the Siege of Arx. She has carried me throughout the Compact in my service to King Alaric since I took the oath to serve the King's Own, and was beside me when I battled the Gyre's forces. There is a comradeship between a rider and their warhorse which is difficult to describe if one has not known this bond. I cannot describe it with proper eloquence myself, but I am gladdened that there is now a small statue in tribute to her that I can enjoy.

Written By Aine

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:53 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

I think perhaps it is time to involve myself more with the Faith of the Pantheon. A discipleship perhaps? I can sweep a shrine. Well, I think I can. It doesn't look all that difficult.

Written By Belladonna

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:50 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

I have never signed off on a war I was eager to take part in, but alas, blood is the currency of greatness. It is one of the fundamental laws of this world, and ready is she who braves the path early, and often.

Written By Bianca

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:46 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

It has been quite some time since I've managed to spare the time enough to play spectator to a martial event.

I must say, it's about as thrilling as I remember. My compliments, and congratulations, to all who competed. You all performed admirably.

Though I'm a little envious of your horse riding skills.

Written By Kenjay

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:35 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

The Deepwood Festival was a most interesting event. It seems that I remember how to toss a caber. I am bigger than I was last time I tried, but so too was the caber.

Written By Lucita

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:24 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia

Neilda's little sister is now in Arx. She is lively and active, witty and helpful. I like her but her level of mischief might mean ....she may be going to be a handful. Still, her heart and aims seem to be in a good direction right now. She is almost like I imagine Estie will be when she grows up, and that is enough to wish Estaban was here to handle things.

Written By Valda

Aug. 23, 2020, 6:10 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

A dream. The spirits gave me a dream, and it isn't a pleasant one. I spent most of these past weeks trying to suss out what it means. Turns out it seems to be a vision of the past, though it also seems like it might become relevant pretty quickly once again. I hope I can figure it out in time.

Written By Sydney

Aug. 23, 2020, 5:16 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

The hardest part of any journey worth taking is working up the courage to actually take the first steps.

There should be nothing but praise for recognizing the weakness in yourself and making it a catalyst for your growth and change. There are many who will look upon your words with skepticism, but I am not among them. I look forward to watching the path you take, and the change you can cause without relying on your fists.

The irony is not lost on me, I assure you.

Written By Sydney

Aug. 23, 2020, 5:06 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

There are entirely too many ships.

Written By Ravna

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:57 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Oi. You. Yeah, You. Obso. You ever been set on fire before? Helluvanexperience.

Written By Alarissa

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:39 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

She is so young. She doesn’t understand or comprehend what has happened. Was it accidental? Intentional? My actions or something she will inherently be able to do...

I am afraid for her.

Written By Valencia

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:37 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

I am so excited at the prospect expanding my Hart to help others not just in Arx, but across the realm. And, thanks to vision and wisdom of many good lords and ladies, it seems that this dream is finding way to becoming a beautiful reality.

Many know the good work we do to help the people of Arx and Avrum. The success of the Hart is undeniable. And, it is this success that we wish to share with so many. So that each community has a Hart of its own -- a joyful, safe and welcoming place to gather people together to raise spirits and support for good causes on a local level.

With a Hart in every city and port, imagine all the good that could be done. Every House of our realm will have a chance to more fully prosper as they build upon and benefit from our success. So much more could be done and those in need helped. All of our peoples, and Avrum as a whole, would be in a better position than ever before to grow, thrive and become stronger.

I pray that more houses reach out to me to discuss bringing a Hart into their home as well.

Imagine all the good that could come of it.


Written By Katarina

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:23 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

It surprises some to learn that Katarina was my name given at birth and not a name taken by or given to me when I was adopted into House Valardin. I have always wondered why my parents broke from the naming convention of my birthplace. When I asked my mother as a child, she told me that she had been particularly enchanted by a novel, from which my name was drawn. With the customs of my birthplace what they are, I did not believe this to be true on its face.

Several days ago, in the library of Valardin Manor, I was seeking a particular volume discussing the history of the Faith's practices of final disposition. Valardin Manor's library is so meticulously organized and well-tended by the house staff that I was shocked to find that a romance novel had been misfiled with the volumes on theology. I was even more shocked to read the book's title: "The Travelogue of Lord Terrowin Pitt of Sanctum." This was the title of the book my mother had described to me, and that I did not believe to be real!

The house librarian offered little insight into either the book or its author, "Chester Minit." The Great Archive yielded slightly more success, but only slightly. For one, they explained the proper pronunciation of the name, which made me realize the joke. For another, all that is known of Messere Minit is that it was the pen name of someone believed to be nobility or royalty, who published their novel anonymously for reasons most obvious.

I sat in my chambers to actually read the novel, and I confess, its appeal eludes me. It is a profoundly strange book. The book is written as though it is letters from the pen of Lord Terrowin Pitt himself, describing his adventures to an unknown recipient. First, he sets out with his loyal manservant Garside on a sailing trip, but they are caught in a storm. Garside is swept overboard, and Lord Terrowin barely manages to keep control of the sailboat until it is overtaken by a larger ship which rescues him.

This ship that saves Lord Terrowin is on a voyage to explore the Eventide Vast and bring back whatever untold riches are there to be brought back. The episodes that follow are of places that the author has clearly invented: an island of cannibals, a pirate atoll, and so on. Lord Terrowin romances the captain's daughter, who is bold and willful and called Katarina.

What is strange is that Lord Terrowin is among those killed in a mutiny of the ship, roughly at the book's halfway point, and yet the novel continues to present events written as though they are his letters. They describe the actions of Katarina after her escape from the mutiny. She is found by characters increasingly bizarre and visits places stranger still, populated by architecture that cannot be constructed in reality and creatures that could only exist in the untethered imagination of a child.

This is how the book ends:

"The sound of many birds could be heard from directly overhead, but when Katarina looked up, she saw only empty sky. In front of her, foothills beckoned, with a path that cut through the grass, stamped down into unadorned dirt by repeated travel. As she stood and considered the path, a great fog arose suddenly from behind the hills, swallowing the view of the sky, and enveloping Katarina like a wave of water. She braced herself and shielded her eyes, and when she looked again, through the fog she witnessed the outline of a human figure, standing atop a distant hill, and though he was a great distance away, she could see the details of him perfectly."

I confess that the meaning of this abrupt conclusion is elusive to me. I cannot help but continue to ponder it.

Written By Piccola

Aug. 23, 2020, 4:05 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Tyrants call themselves apostles of evolution and condemn everything that has a hint of rebelliousness.

They appeal to fear and make pathetic patriotic calls. They resort to ignorance and go so far as to advise the people to let themselves be murdered and insulted. They warn against the peaceful exercise of speech and expression of ideas, which they mock and then quell.

To evolve we must be free, and to be free we must be ready for war. No tyrant has respected passive people; never has a flock of sheep instilled the majesty of its harmless number upon the wolf that craftily devours them. Thus to guarantee freedom we must arm ourselves not with ideas but with weapons.

We must train as hard as we teach; we must sweat as hard as we study; we must endure as hard as we debate.

Written By Filshiar

Aug. 23, 2020, 3:45 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

I was among those who rode in the tilt of the House Valardin's Rite to Gloria Jousting Tournament, and it was one of the finest days I've had of late in the city. It was a grand thing to see so many cavaliers engaged in such sport. I feel it ages since I've had a good joust. I had the honor to ride against Princess Sorrel Thrax, the Bladesong herself, and Lady Adalyn Clement. Both were fine competitors and sturdy riders. I was unhorsed by Lady Adalyn but I cannot feel too poorly about this, as she was the winner of the day all around, and deservedly so.

Written By Amari

Aug. 23, 2020, 2:56 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

That was one of the best jousts I've ever participated in. I think we all honored Gloria well with our performances, myself included. I'm sure I would have been upset to have lost in the first round against anyone else but Lady Jael. We rode masterfully and met each other with such solid strikes, we both thought the other had won for the strength and sting of the hits we delivered.

It was a far cry from the days I couldn't even tilt at the rings with any success, and yes, Uncle Norwood is to blame. If anyone doubts his skill, look at how well he taught Lady Jael, Lady Adalyn and myself. They were both outstanding, and Lady Adalyn won the tourney over Dame Bree who looked magnificent herself. It was no easy contest.

What a fine and exciting day! They even had made little wooden figures of each competitor atop their horse made and given away. I was very pleased with mine, as Bandit looks his handsome and dangerous self, even in miniature.

Many thanks to the hosts and organizers; Duke Cristoph Laurent, Legate Cassandra, and Princess Alis Valardin.

Written By Wylla

Aug. 23, 2020, 2:32 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

It's always a joy to sit down with others at the shrine and discuss things that are important to them, and help to assuage any of their doubts and clarify any confusion they might have. Of course, the topic of conversation is inevitably Jayus, but how could one ever tire of the Prince of Stories? I'm sure I would lose my voice before I ran out of words to say on that subject.

In Arx, I've met a wide variety of people of different rank, backgrounds and station from all across Arvum, which is one of the most interesting aspects of dwelling in this city. The opportunity to mix with, learn from and grow closer to others in relative peace and safety here is truly unique. This city is a gift, and I wish everyone would hold that idea in their hearts and remember it when there are misfortunes and frictions.

Written By Lora

Aug. 23, 2020, 1:04 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Through tragedy, we triumph.

There are many variations on that notion, on the rise from ruin and leaving the past behind save as the blood-soaked ground in which to grow a new garden. I hesitate yet to call this a triumph, but it clearly is not a tragedy.

It certainly will be glorious.

And by it I mean your armor. Of course.

Written By Jael

Aug. 23, 2020, 11:58 a.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

I rode against an astonishing trio of family friends at the joust and was completely dazzled by the horsemanship of Lady Amari Keaton and the sheer strength of Lady Adalyn Clement. And I somehow managed to best my own long-time mentor and father figure, Baron Norwood Clement. I felt rather bad about it until I saw the pride on his face.

All in all, a fitting tribute to Gloria.

Written By Philippe

Aug. 23, 2020, 11:34 a.m.(11/21/1013 AR)

It is always good to see jousts that are not about arguments. It is an art like any other and deserves to be appreciated with clear eyes. My praise to all the competitors -- you brought honor to yourselves, and in doing so lived what Gloria calls us all to do. May it always be so.

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