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Written By Aldwin

Jan. 6, 2017, 7:54 a.m.(8/3/1005 AR)

There were Scholars in attendance at the Assembly of Peers who have captured what happened for the historical record, and these entries will be added to the Archive. I dedicate this journal not to add another entry on what happened, or even to pen my thoughts on that; those I will capture in my Black Reflections. Rather, I pen this to try and answer some of the questions that did not get answered last night.

The Kings Rest
According to the lore of the Nox'Alfar, King Alaric IV is under the effects of a curse called the Excilium Noctis. It is a curse that the Nox'Alfar reserve for those that they share blood with, and only used in those circumstances where death is not an acceptable punishment. Kings do not kill kings, but King Alaric IV interrupted a sacred ritual of the Nox'alfar, and so King Calithex of the Night Court felt he had to be punished. The Excilium Noctis was used.

This curse, according to the Nox'alfar, sends the spirit of its victim into the Shining Lands. Some small tether is kept in place to keep the body from dying, but the spirit itself is trapped in the Shining Lands and stripped of most of its sense of self. It is removed from the cycle of rebirth during this period, and kept from moving from he Shining Lands for the duration. There were those who asked if the Nox'alfar would return our King to us if we did as they ask, bu the answers is that the cannot. Only one of our Lost Gods, The Queen of Endings and Beginnings, the Lady Death, can return our King' soul to him.

Why We Provide 13 Sacrifices
Yes, there are others that could be brought into the abhorrent practice of ritual sacrifice. There are likely those from the various Keepers of the Teind that would volunteer for this ritual. The Compact was asked to provide 13 sacrifices to show our contrition for interrupting the ritual.

It is also easy to jump to the conclusion that 13 sacrifices are needed so that one might be dedicated to each god of the Pantheon, but this would be incorrect. The gods of the Pantheon do not demand a blood sacrifice. This is a practice that is found abhorrent by our gods. In occult circles, 12 is the number that has been used to represent a perfect world, with 13, being one more, pushing things into the supernatural. This is the symbol behind 13 victims for their sacrifice; a representation of supernatural power.

I remind those who read this that the official doctrine of the Faith of the Pantheon is still that blood magic is a terrible practice and to be condemned, not condoned. Take a lesson from the testimony provided about the White Stewards and seek always to understand what is placed before you, rather than just accepting. The gods of the Pantheon will provide miracles to the devout in need, but they will not ask for blood in exchange for it. Do not be fooled by the false prophets of our enemies.

May Vellichor grant us all Understanding.

Written By Halsim

Jan. 6, 2017, 7:45 a.m.(8/3/1005 AR)

One of the more important questions has gone unanswered in this time of insanity.

Why have Dawn and her cohorts not been called to arrest for conspiracy to commit blood sacrifice? Last I checked, dark magic was illegal within our Compact, and here we have the former Regent a willing accomplice.

So much for rule of law.

Written By Sigurd

Jan. 6, 2017, 5:43 a.m.(8/3/1005 AR)

So many questions..

Why did nobody pursue whether the Nox,alfar would heal King Alaric of his curse after my High Lord Darren made the question? Why did Dawn even gather this assembly and, more importantly, take all these votes, only to inform us that it is a matter already taken care of for the most part. Why in the HELLS are why ennobling someone who was an agent of an agency that was presented at length to be our abject enemy? Yes, I like what I have seen of Samanth-oh excuse me, Ivy- as a person, but she was /lying/ to us the entire time, and our response is to ennoble her for it? If there are reasons, people deserve to know, it is a concern for all.

Why couldn't the Nox'alfar have just found 13 shavs? You can't tell me that, between here and the Gray Forest, there aren't 13 shavs they could have found to do this. Is this their way of punishing us? Who is supposed to be marrying into a group like that? It's just an enormous mound of shit, and no clear reason why it's sitting on our lawn.

But I will obey my Prince's commands. I will be a loyal man of our House. I just..This is, from my history lessons, the part of the story where the words 'precipitating circumstances' get thrown around a lot, right before the map gets crowded with flags and arrows.

Written By Silas

Jan. 6, 2017, 4:22 a.m.(8/3/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

I hope you know what you're doing...

Written By Julea

Jan. 6, 2017, 3:21 a.m.(8/3/1005 AR)

That was my first time attending such an assembly, with so many Silks all in one room. I sat with the Redrain's and no one seem to mind any so I stayed there. And watched and listened and tried to hold my tongue and failed abysmally at times.

I may need to consider a gag should I attend such an event again.

I was proud of the stance that Prince Darren took and the questions posed, though disappointed that he was not able to find the answers we all wanted. Given the gravity of the decision, I would of thought that he, and the other heads of the houses would of been provided with all the necessary information prior to the assembly calling for the vote.

It is never wise to make such a huge decision without having as much information as possible. And while time is of the essence, this thing that is asked of us, it's big. And it feels wrong. There must be another way.

3rd of August, 1005

PS. Also if it weren't for the serious nature of the whole affair, it would of been of been easily the best stage show I've ever attended.

Written By Aislin

Jan. 6, 2017, 2:47 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

So, then. Time is running out. And as best I can tell from the fragments of history and lore we still have, the consequences if we do nothing are unimaginable.

Perhaps the time for talk, for debate, really is past. Perhaps it really is the time for individual action.

If so, I'll make what difference I can where I may, and damn the risks; they're mine to take.

Written By Somhairle

Jan. 6, 2017, 2:45 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Cordelia

She is the daughter of my father's old friend, and the woman he wished me wed to before his death. Her fondness for adventure suits her; she is like a character in old tales, defiant and warm-hearted. She seems unused to quiet sorts-- whenever I listen and wait to respond, she squirms and blushes. Always so alive, so full of thunder, but any storm can be tamed.

Written By Valencia

Jan. 6, 2017, 2:31 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

I love you far too much to let you do this. Please forgive me. But I would rather die than see this happen.


Written By Agnarr

Jan. 6, 2017, 1:51 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

So much for blood, it seems. Well, it's going to run, way I see it.

Written By Lark

Jan. 6, 2017, 1:36 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

Ink disrupted by a few teardrops and made to run down the page:

Where you go, my heart goes.

Written By Max

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:59 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

This city. It's....


Crazy. All of it. Everyone.

Written By Mason

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:56 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

There would have been rolling heads in the Sultan's palace had what happened tonight occurred in Ahj'on. I'm not really quite sure what to make of it.

It's easy to stick your heads in the sand and demand that you have questions that need to be answered. There are enemies at your very gates and people would rather bicker and complain with each other than actually do something about it.

I'm not sure what to weep for me more. The fact that we may already of handed over our lives to coming darkness or the fact that they likely played us so well into doing so ourselves.

Time will tell, I suppose.

Written By Samantha

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:33 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

I think I'm about to find out who my real friends are.

Written By Silas

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:16 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Well, I'm Lord Commander of the Iron Guard now and my lifespan expectancy has dropped considerably due to the violent circumstances surrounding my appointment.

I will be sending a letter to mother asking for more cheesecake cookies.

I have work to do.

Written By Aislin

Jan. 6, 2017, 12:03 a.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

I'm uncertain whether to be proud, or furious, or grieving, or betrayed. I think I'm all of them at once.

After giving me an order /forbidding/ me from volunteering for the Teind... to...

Dust and ash.

Half of me is tempted to just run after her. I don't have so many true friends that I'm willing to let one go. But instead, I'll respect her decision.

And I will make /everything/ else pay. If I have to march into the woods and begin slaying Bringers myself, before my forest home completely dies.

Written By Barric

Jan. 5, 2017, 11:48 p.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

My trust and loyalty were misplaced. I guess she was just a bastard after all.

Written By Ainsley

Jan. 5, 2017, 11:44 p.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

[In quick, messy script.]

Lord Commander Everard was a traitor. When I was asked to look for corruption with the Iron Guard, it would have been helpful if the directions had been a little less vague.

Doesn't matter now.

Sir Silas is Lord Commander now. Thank the gods.

Also, my childhood friend ... No, I'm still-

I have things to do.

Written By Rowan

Jan. 5, 2017, 10:18 p.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

I remember a night deep in the Greenwood, when a storm raged and I had to take shelter in a hollowed out great tree. It had been wounded by a lightning strike but struggled on. There were many things that had taken shelter in that tree - beetles and rodents, snakes and birds. That tree offered sanctuary from the storm. And then there was the badger that took a great, rancid shit at the opening of the hollow and waddled out, leaving the rest with the stink of it and having to track through the mess.

Perhaps it was prophetic. I hear the remainder of the Assembly went similarly.

Written By Natalia

Jan. 5, 2017, 9:45 p.m.(8/2/1005 AR)

Do you see what happens when I find a moment of happiness in this world? The fates laugh and laugh and laugh, and then everything is empty again.

To feel so unwanted and unloved, what does beauty matter when it is a void that will never be filled?

There was a time when duels were fought over me, now.. now they would rather run off to die.

Die then, and so shall my soul. Who needs it anyway.

Written By Denica

Jan. 5, 2017, 6:36 p.m.(8/1/1005 AR)

    This entry has a drawing accompanying it on the previous page, visible when spread flat. Black ink is drawn in an unbroken circular line, over and over, until the pit of it is solid pitch with no page to lend it light.

    As a child I believed in the secret truths of fables. Even though they frightened me, I wanted to believe that there were monsters, such that there was something to blame for the occurance of evil. I wanted to believe it not the sole responsibility of man. That it wasn't something inherent within us.

    Monsters. Sometimes I thought I could feel them I was drawing in nature, darkly slinking behind bushes. When I readied to snuff the light before bed. In the pitch darkness of my bed chamber, eyes wide open, feeling cold, stale breath upon me. I was told that the time of monsters was over, and eventually, I came to accept that. We, humankind, were the sole monsters left.

    And still, we were capable of such beauty. How can something so evil be capable of perceiving beauty? Of creating it?

    Through painting I came to comprehend Jayus' teachings so clearly; there is not just white or black, but a myriad of color. People are complicated, they take on the hues and shades of their experience, and it changes their expression. Life itself is holy light through colored glass, without it, we would be but bodies in darkness. Nothing is white or black, but shadow still exists where light does not.

    If those with more settled minds than I can accept that monsters are real, what does that mean for me?

    I say the words: "Eyes, mind and heart bring dreams; mine I consecrate to Jayus", but do I mean them, whole-heartedly?

    I musn't be afraid.

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