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Written By Arcelia

Feb. 22, 2017, 6:59 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

I enjoy the mornings greatly, the feeling of the young sun on my face reminds me of my family's embrace. I enjoy the night because the sky looks like a blanket of hope. But what I enjoy most is the company of those I love, whether they are friends or family. I often feel my own youth and naievity but it cannot be helped. Some people come into your life to help teach you an array of lessons and we can either accept those people and the lessons they have to offer or we can choose to foolishly deny ourselves the opportunities given.

So many people complain about what they do not have but they do not seek to use what they do have. They see the door that was crafted with the most skill and pursue it above all else and miss that there is a window behind the tattered curtains to their left. My life may not always be glamorous but it is mine and I will not waste it.

Today I invited Lord Ford Kennex to meet with me and he was kind to stand for me when he believed I was being insulted. The individual who he thought insulted me and himself both have a place in my life, one more than the other, and each had at least one lesson for me today.

From Lord Kennex I learned that I have a new friend who will rise and defend me, that armor does not matter if you cannot move in it, and you should always act with a cool head when weapons are involved. (I knew that last part already, really, but a reminder never hurts.)

From the other individual I learned that I can maintain some measure of calm around people I find difficult to be around. That even when in the past I have felt insulted I can turn around and instead of being cruel I can offer kindness. Instead of yelling and screaming I can offer a lesson of my own and I can do this all without compromising my integrity.

I am forever humbled by the world wrapped around me and I am forever bound to everyone by the world. Each word I speak can spread on wings of hope or waves of poison. What I learn and how I affect the world around me is not always within my control but it is within my control to continue to try. And so I will.

Written By Arcelia

Feb. 22, 2017, 6:32 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Beyond the silk cloth that sparkles like the night sky are many people who suffer from far more than the war coming to the city. People starve while we have an abundance of food at our tables, people grow ill and have no money for medicine, and winter comes when many do not have a roof and fire to protect them. I was born into some wealth but I have never been blind to the suffering of others. I have helped as much as I have been able in the past but now I must begin anew and find my place again. I must remind myself that as a noble woman I have a responsibility to aid people and help them grow. Sometimes people need a hand to help lift them up again and their lives can be greatly improved by the ones who give them the chance. It is a challenge I face but I will face it with shoulders held high and I will not turn away from those in need.

Written By Arcelia

Feb. 22, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

I have not been in Arx long but already I have much to do. First there is the party that is being planned so that I can be introduced to the many nobles in the city. I look forward to what is planned but most specifically I look forward to dancing with them. There is so much violence around us all right now that I am hoping a bit of wine and dance will help people remember what they are fighting for.

Written By Marius

Feb. 22, 2017, 3:28 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Owning one's fealty and earning it are different things. Let it never be said that Prince Edain does the former without the latter. In all interactions, he seems to value my input, as a man, a vassal, and a Prodigal. I believe he truly does see the difference between my family and his as a strength, which makes him something of a rarity. He is honourable and brave, even bold - you will find few characteristics than those more admired by Greenmarchers. While I am his vassal by law because of my father, I would choose to follow him myself tomorrow if I had to make the decision. He, almost on his own, has made bending the knee a positive thing, in my mind.

Written By Margot

Feb. 22, 2017, 2:27 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

A year ago I never would have imagined I would turn up the opportunity to have a lovely new umbra or aesterna dress for my wedding in favor of buying sturdy jerkin tunic for a score of soldiers instead. My seasilk frock will have to do and hopefully Dagon will not be disappointed.

When we make some headway against these foul forces though I shall celebrate with something truly lovely.

Written By Marius

Feb. 22, 2017, 1:55 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

The next messenger who interrupts me when I'm eating is going to get put through a wall.

Unless I'm about to eat poison, leave me alone, you thrice-damned annoyances.

Today, anyway.

Written By Lark

Feb. 22, 2017, 1:20 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Hundreds of years of inertia have facilitated the casting of House Thrax as our ready and willing villains. Just as we now exist in the midst of a grand awakening, whereupon select individuals within our population have opened their eyes to truth, there is yet more ignorance to dissolve within ourselves of a very human nature.

I see before me a People indoctrinated into a system that, yes, varies greatly from that of our own -- neither more or less flawed than the other. I bid you not to forget in your haste to denounce them that our beloved Queen, my own cousin by law whom I mourn to this very day, was a Sea Serpent long before she ever shed her skin to become a Griffin.

Casting aside age-old stigma and historical subversion to peace is no easy feat but it is what I beg of you nonetheless. Now is not the day in which we crumble from within, turning against one another with pointed finger and sword. I am no Godsworn Sister. I am guilty as easily as any woman of just this but I acknowledge and endeavor to listen, to watch and to withhold judgment. Answer the long-planted seed of derision in your hearts with a contagion of conscience, understanding, and patience.

Change and peace are possible.

Written By Dagon

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:52 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

People look at our union strangely. Why would the son of Elton Thrax, murdered by the Tyde, marry their last scion?

If they only knew what we know. I will love you, and protect you, until my last breath. Not because it is what my father would have wanted.

But because it is what I want.

Written By Dafne

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:48 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

When I was younger, I very much wanted to be tall. Perhaps overwhelmingly, magnificently, awe-inspiringly tall like my almost-cousin Cara, or just modestly on the taller side like my willowy actual cousin Sylvie. To me, these ladies were the epitome of beauty and grace, and, besides, tragic heroines are always tall. It is difficult to be beautifully tragic if you are short and dumpy.

But as I grew--well, not up for the most part, but just grew--it became clear I was destined for a lifetime of staring at people's chests and being a rather awkward dance partner for strapping young men. My governess sought to reassure me by speaking of the advantage of being small, which is that no one can see you coming.

And then you can steal their kneecaps.

I think she may have been joking about the kneecap part.

Written By Dagon

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:42 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

I have been a poor excuse of a Knight. To actually entertain the idea of using people -- innocents! -- to satiate my own selfish pride. It only confirms those words that Victus spoke, before he put a blade through me.

I am not fit to lead Maelstrom.

A true Knight of Mangata would not entertain the idea of war to appease his ego. A true Knight would have never lost in the first place. I was that person once. I can be that person again. Victus has given me the means of my own salvation. I am l the Sword of Maelstrom, and I will serve my countrymen as a true defender once more.

No more ego.

No more pride.

No more of my Dark Reflection.

Written By Dagon

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:30 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

Rivers move forward, and so must we. I will find something else, just as you did. You helped me more than you know, Zhayla, little Salt Shav with the big sword.

Written By Merek

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:27 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

I met this servant of Petrichor when Princess Drea was asking her for assistance. She is quite the kind person, and seems to have a lot of faith in her Discipleship. I admire that about her.

Written By Merek

Feb. 22, 2017, 12:26 p.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Drea

I have found out she wishes to restore the Stone Grove, and I will assist in whatever manner it is that I can, even if it is just being a simple Merchant all-in-all. She is fervent about people keeping their faith, Shaman and Pantheon alike. I respect that.

Written By Julea

Feb. 22, 2017, 10:28 a.m.(12/20/1005 AR)

Soon, everything is going to be different. I will still be the same body, the same self but in new set of rather shiny shoes. Shoes can really make an outfit, or so I am told by somebody with considerably more fashion sense than me. But less face it a buffalo has more fashion sense than I do.

I am curious what people will think of them, I've been walking around in my old leather boots for so long, it will be quite the change. They will add inches to my height, but I was already quite tall, especially compared to most women in Arx who barely scrape past five feet. I do not know how well I'll be able to walk in them, I suspect I'm going to be stumbling a lot till I get used to them. And while the idea of something as fabulous as a new pair of shiny shoes appeals, I wonder if they will suit me.

The cobbler estimates that they will be done by this time next week.

Written By Eleyna

Feb. 22, 2017, 9:03 a.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

Truth is a potent thing. It has the power to change the course of a life, to change a destiny, to change the world. The truth of a father's weakness. The truth of love's reciprocation. The truth of a world that is stranger and more fantastic than most of us ever dreamed. There are reasons why some people avoid truth. If one is able to lie to everyone, including themselves, they don't need to confront the inevitable change that truth brings.

Those changes are not always positive. Sometimes, the truth can destroy. What does one do when facing that truth? Do you bear it and watch the world as you have known it burn? Do you hide it in hopes of protecting a fragile peace? Is there an answer that will ever satisfy?

Truth sits like a stone in my chest.

Written By Leola

Feb. 22, 2017, 4:30 a.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

"Through the blessing of Petrichor's grace you are granted dominion over all lands"

I have been asked to write on my thoughts on Petrichor, and in particular, why I believe that the right of hospitality demanded by the Forest Lord impacts all of us, each day, in our relationships with those above us, and those below. I apologise in advance; I am no scholar or wordsmith, but I will lay my thoughts out as I was taught them, and how I have interpreted them since.

It is through Petrichor's grace we hold dominion over the lands of the Compact. This does not mean the animals, the trees, the people; it means all of these, and more. The lands of the Compact do not belong to the King, the Regent, to the High Lords; they belong to the Compact as a whole, held in trust by these people whom we refer to, truthfully, as our lords and masters. Therefore, each of us acts as a guest within the Compact, a guest of all those around us, and we must act with the care and politeness hospitality demands. This is, what was taught to me before I came to Arx, what is meant by civilised behavior, the understanding that we shall act in the better interests of those around us, not only ourselves.

This is not a call to rebellion, but the opposite. Those who stand at the peak of the Compact, the leaders of the Great Houses, have the responsibility to all within their domain that a host does to their guests, for they have the greatest demands placed upon them by the right of dominion; they must act in the good of all of their Great House, and speak to the King, the Regent, the Council, and account for their actions in doing so. Likewise, those beneath them, whether Duke, Count, Baron or free folk, must ever keep in mind the interests of those they serve, and trust in them that they act in the best interests of those below them. Again, we are but guests in their House; we sit upon their land, and they offer us shelter and hospitality from those outside it.

I am Leola Allenatore, Vassal to Saik, who is sworn to Malvici, who are part of the Great House Velenosa, of the Compact of Arx. My responsibility, then, is to act to aid my immediate masters, as I lodge with them; literally, at this time, I lodge in Saik Tower. In return for their hospitality and their protection, I train their horses, their lions, and perform other duties in times of need. The Duke Malvici is not my lord. Nevertheless, those I am sworn to owe him fealty, and so I in turn respect him; for my own lords, and thus myself, are counted as on the lands of the Malvici, and so we are his guests. The same, to Velenosa. The Grand Duke is unlikely to make any call upon my time, but as he is my host, and responsible for all upon his lands, as a good guest I should take his wishes into account.

This is why I treat the demands of hospitality with such seriousness. If I did not, if I did not give my thanks at each door, and honor the right of the Church to defend those within as their guests, if I did not consider my thanks for what I am given as a part of my House; if I did not trust my Baroness, my Duke, my Great Duke, to hold my interests at the core of their being, how could I continue living under their roof as their guest

Written By Dominic

Feb. 21, 2017, 10:36 p.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

Apparently, I need to talk about a couple things that I understood were common sense. If you threaten a Thrax prince with prison for wanting to ask a question regarding matters that involved us all, matters in which we need all the help we can get, expect to be called out if you do not follow through. That is what happened at the Assembly. Now, I get that there are procedures and better ways of saying things during assemblies but do not tell me, especially if you are from Thrax, that you would not have expected someone who threatens a Thrax prince with prison for something so miniscule as wanting to ask a question, to do it and when they don't, they be called out for it. Why? Because respect toward your house is respect towards you. The same applies for disrespect. The great houses are the accumulations of all your hard work as vassals. Do the same thing with a prince and princess of the Velenosa, the Redrain, the Valardin and you will get the same reaction. Or else why do you fly the banners of the great houses? If not to stand up for what they mean, their bloodline are your blood and your children's blood.

P.S I do not make veiled threats so whomever started that narrative, fuck you.

P.S.S Duchess Sylvie, I imagine you are a nice lady and did not mean me calling you out that day to be taken as a threat to your life. People now days are very sensitive when we should be focusing on important shit like our enemies surrounding us.

Written By Dominic

Feb. 21, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

The Thrax fleet encompasses the mightiest of fleets in the realm. It is composed of hardy vassals who every day make a name for themselves in fighting our enemies. To perpetuate the idea that our High Lord does some how have a problem commanding this fleet as one unanimous force is an insult to the sacrifices made by our lords and princes. The vassal of Thrax do not quiver in fear, they accept their High Lord, and proudly raise their flags alongside ours. Answering the call for battle. They die Thrax, they breath Thrax, they are Thrax. We are united and if you are loyal to your own high lord, you will stop projecting that fear to us and our vassals out of respect for yourself, our enemy is coming.

Written By Samantha

Feb. 21, 2017, 6:22 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

I am part of many endeavors to secure the prosperity of members of the Compact, especially those who do not always have the fortune to be born into a prosperous family or somehow wind up as the would-be replacement of a nobleborn. The Crown as well as many noble individuals have taken it upon themselves to develop charity programs and provide aid to those in Arvum who need help the most, or even just the merest opportunity to have a chance and pull themselves out of an unfortunate circumstance.

One would think such efforts of social consciousness would be pleasing to the Faith, to witness its followers actively promoting compassion and aiding in the betterment of humanity. Wouldn't one?

Imagine my surprise to find I have recieved, or heard of messages from members of the Faith complaining that for the Crown or private individuals to create charitable institutions is to overstep into their territory.

Imagine my surprise to be given such a reason as the idea that while the Faith will never falter, but a simple regime change could remove such institutions. As if any effort of aid isn't worth offering because it might be dismantled?

I do not understand such hubris, and will continue to do as my heart and my soul guides me.

Written By Lyiana

Feb. 21, 2017, 6:02 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

(penmenship is neat and spelling perfect) It has been a long few days, but I finally managed to get the outfit I wanted to accomplish. It was a thrill to be able to do the work, even though I was cursing inside my head sometimes and trying not to scream the rest, though it was a good and wonderful experience.

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