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Written By Silas

July 14, 2017, 7:44 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

I like the enticing traces of bergamot, lavender and cedar - spicy accords of cumin mingled with saffron and seductive rose - hot notes of labdanum and leather...

... and delicious roast chicken.

Written By Skye

July 14, 2017, 2:38 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

For me, memories have a scent and when I smell, I'm remembering some time in my life that held great meaning. My favorite scents are:

Ocean - My childhood on the sea
Fresh linen - My mother sleeping peacefully
Paints - My mother being creative
Apple tobacco - Sitting on my father's knee after a long day
Rum laced breath - My father laughing and tickling me

Written By Marian

July 14, 2017, 2:24 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

What are my favorite scents?

Rain scent after a recent downpour
Deep forest glen
Freshly tanned hide
Bread baking
Bacon on the grill
Coffee freshly brewed
My husband after a sparring match

Written By Aiden

July 14, 2017, 12:57 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

You gave me Severa. She'll be a wonderful guard dog when she grows up.
She can look out for me when you can't.
Thank you so much. My gratitude is endless.
I'm blessed to have you.

Written By Esoka

July 14, 2017, 12:24 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

I had heard much of the challenge of The Gauntlet in the Valardin and wished to test myself against it.

It is, indeed, most bracing! I managed a score of 127, which I gather is decent enough. The climbing wall reminds me of the riverside cliffs back home, and I did rather well with it. I wish I'd made a better showing of the final rope, though. Gloria grant me strength, I shall work to better myself in my next run. I shall make it a point to test myself in challenges of martial expertise and knightly prowess, outside the realm of sparring. Not that I won't take a good sparring match any chance I can get! But acts that pit us against ourselves and our own speed and stamina are a good reminder that our most difficult opponent is the limit of our own body.

Written By Regla

July 13, 2017, 10:40 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

Not sure what the sudden obsession with scent is....but I find myself missing the smell of cold, and salt on the sea air.

Rum is also a great smell.

Written By Thena

July 13, 2017, 7:15 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

Rum, ginger and tobacco? I'd buy that.

Or maybe I'll just make it.

Written By Skapti

July 13, 2017, 6:42 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

I was once told that I had the most brilliant perfume of rum, ginger and tobacco leaf, and they asked where the apothecary I purchased it from was. They were rather put out when I said I wasn't wearing any damn perfume.

Written By Isabeau

July 13, 2017, 5:32 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

The incredibly talented Mirari Corsetina has created for me a signature scent that is the most sublime perfume I've ever had the pleasure of smelling, let alone wearing. Lavender, iris, and just a hint of honeyed mead. It's truly a marvel, of the highest quality, and entirely unique. She is truly an artist above all other apothecaries!

Written By Alis

July 13, 2017, 2:49 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

Scents! I'm going to join in, too.

Woodsy scents

And Pickle. Freshly made pickles.

Written By Caelis

July 13, 2017, 2:15 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

Might as well contribute to the silliness being recorded. My favorite scent is lemon. Often I add lemon to my bath water.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Orazio

July 13, 2017, 1:02 p.m.(11/1/1006 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

There is no denying that we live in a time of change. For future readers of this journal, I refer you to the many pages which have been penned regarding the King's Rest, the Siege of Arx, and the Revelation of the Lost Gods. Any of these events alone would make for an exciting decade, but we have seen all three of them in as many years. I doubt I am alone in suspecting that we have not yet seen the last significant event that Arx might be facing. The Faith, itself, has undergone changes. What were the Triads have become the Tertrads, and two new Archlectors have been raised to be leaders of the Faithful. The circumstances around those promotions have also been recorded in other white journals; my suspicion - my hope - is that for the future reader, those circumstances will not strain belief as they may for current readers.

But there is a danger, in any time of change, to become intoxicated by the possibilities. To discard tradition and custom without having anything with which to replace them. To decide that because the old frameworks and strictures are not perfect, they should be entirely discarded, without thinking through the consequences of doing so. The Compact is a land bound by tradition and by faith. Not all traditions are good - some entrench injustice and cruelty. But they are not all bad, either. It is for we who live, who strive to embody the wisdom of Vellichor, to thread that narrow path between wishing to discard the tenets that we find inconvienent in the moment, and preserving that which harms simply because it is old.

I wrestle with this, myself, in many areas. There are traditions and ancient customs which, had I the ability I would be sore tempted to destroy with a wave of my hand for the sake of personal principle. But in doing so, I might commit even greater injustices through chaos and uncertainty. In some cases, I am not sure that there is a "right" decision, even, but only one which is "less wrong". And finding that path can be difficult, and painful, and it doesn't let you be the white knight in the shining armor who saves the innocent and punishes the guilty.

Sometimes, you are only a man, or a woman, with hands as grimy as the next, digging what you hope and pray is the truth from a centuries' deep midden heap.

Written By Sparte

July 13, 2017, noon(10/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

The Duke has been kind to me, sharing words and instruction that are helping me to be better adjusted to the ways of the city. I am seeking to do what I can to help him with his charity, as is only right.

Written By Edain

July 13, 2017, 11:14 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

My favorite smells in no particular order:

Maple syrup
Maple bacon
Pine needles
Clover honey
That loamy, earthy smell just after a cool spring rain
Horse sweat
Folded steel
My Erusi rug after it is freshly shampooed. It really ties the room together.

Written By Aleksei

July 13, 2017, 10:11 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

Well, I think I smell pretty good!

Written By Aureth

July 13, 2017, 9:35 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Super wealthy and rolled in shit-- that's your type?

A mystery explained.

Written By Fortunato

July 13, 2017, 9:32 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

Incidentally, if anyone approached me in dung and fireweave, I would be at least a little attracted. A little.

Written By Edain

July 13, 2017, 9:27 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

Ok just who is this Sir Matthew I here everyone talking about? Should I challenge him to Joust at the crossroads for the love of combat?

Written By Leola

July 13, 2017, 3:33 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

I should set the record straight. Sir Matthew is indeed a noble knight of my acquaintance. I am privileged to call him friend, and to serve the faith and my own faith through him. I understand that my translation of his word is occasionally lacking as I seek to avoid giving offence. This is my flaw

Written By Audric

July 13, 2017, 1:33 a.m.(10/28/1006 AR)

It seems that people are talking of smells! People are odd, but I love the sound of my own voice, so I'll add my own experiences to the mix. I've received more attention from the fairer sex while reeking of blood and sweat and violence than any other time. Maybe my natural charisma turns it into the most potent thing. Who knows! ...though, I suppose if you smell like shit and animals it's a significantly less attractive scent. Bird excrement isn't anyone's fascination. Death is everyone's, in the end!

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