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Written By Eleyna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:44 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

You're right. Most of those that read your thoughts aren't privy to your 'inside jokes'. As someone who claims to not be ignorant, perhaps your education in knowing how to be aware of your words and their effects was... lacking. Any good politician measures the effects of their words before they commit them to paper. Your words came across as facetious and demeaning. Therefore, surprise, people found them facetious and demeaning. It's amazing how that works.

Also, your defense of this 'inside joke' by claiming that you have risked your life for the Compact and donate money to less fortunate... yes, and so have most of the people that I know. This doesn't make you special or give you the right to be a flippant, empty-headed ninny because you have a 'poor friend'. Perhaps you could stand to do some thinking before you decide to put words out there that might be 'misconstrued'. At the very least, you should see Lady Eirene Malvici to help you remove your slipper from your throat. It has to be painful.

Written By Orathy

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:43 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

I haven't seen a silver of this charity. Try again.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:41 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

How about this, when you walk into the Archives and want to read something. Don't pick up my white journals. In case the Archlector decides to read my whites again, now he will understand that he reached for /my/ book of his own volition. I Personally I read everyone's journals to satiate my curious appetite of course, but I only write about the ones that really affect me. Soooo moral of the story, if your name doesn't end with Culler. Exit stage left and take many seats.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:33 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

When you publish your insulting flippancy in the White Journal for all to read, you subject yourself to the reactions of not only the person with whom you have your idiotic 'private joke', but to every citizen of this city in the reading public who happens to view them.

Perhaps if you'd like to engage in 'private jokes' with other citizens of Arx, you can do so in private and not subject the rest of us to the putrescent dribblings that apparently constitute your sense of humor.

Here's a professional tip from me to you, from one person who gives money in large quantity to the Lower Boroughs to another:

If you have to tell everyone how selfless and compassionate and kind your service is and demand recognition for it, it is neither selfless nor compassionate nor kind.


Written By Belladonna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:27 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

The Sentinel will judge. Such is the purpose of a challenge.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Now I could be offended by some of the comments in the Whites but to be quite frank, I've come to expect it. The thing is, I even understand it. Not having context to an inside joke among good friends, because Torian Culler is someone I consider as much for his brutal honesty and all the effort he has put into his work of which I recommend, but when you decide to levy insults and hurl challenges on said assumptions it's disrespectful in a whole new way. As someone who has put her life on the line for the Compact time and again and has many true friends outside of the nobility I don't take offense to false information. I donate 25% of my weekly salary to helping educate, clothe, and shelter people who have less than. Besides that, I have paid to erect destroyed and dilapidated structures in the Lower Boroughs, once again using my own resources and not relying on fundraisers. Which is definitely a wise way to raise the resources our people need. I've fought for the Compact time and again and if you don't know my compassion and kindnesses then the burden of ignorance must indeed be a hard thing indeed to overcome from that lofty pedestal you occupy. I will respond to the Challenge in a constructive manner. This won't be handled by Champions or but by a contest of the minds. Here lies my opportunity to see what extent the nobility of Arvum have gone to understand the truth behind the socioeconomic divide in Arx and beyond.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 18, 2017, 6 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

I really feel for Lady Stonewood. It must be difficult to function in life, weighted down as she is by the burden of extreme stupidity.

Written By Belladonna

Oct. 18, 2017, 5:32 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Goodness, this burden of nobility is almost too much for me. I do so wish I could be hungry and cold and tired all the time, it would be so much an improvement. I envy those children who grow up without enough to eat or any parents to look after them, to be so very free. It is terrible to have enough to eat and a warm place to live. Terrible.

I recommend that anyone who actually feels this way promptly donate their wealth to one of the families in the lowers. I am quite sure they could assist in relieving you of your burdens.

Written By Silas

Oct. 18, 2017, 5:20 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

I fucking hate wasps.

Written By Eleyna

Oct. 18, 2017, 5:19 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Right? Who would want the 'burden of nobility' when they could starve or freeze instead?

Written By Eilonwy

Oct. 18, 2017, 5:03 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

I didn't look, I didn't want to look. There are just some faces you don't want to see in your dreams. All the same, I did the work I came north to do and it was nice to be in my homelands again. I missed seeing so many trees. I'll have to make a point of spending more time under them again.

Written By Arianna

Oct. 18, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Ohhh the Cullers. Haha. You...funny guys you. I don't think you want the burden of nobility. It just wouldn't suit your swag.

Written By Driskell

Oct. 18, 2017, 3:26 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Come, my friends, gather and listen to a short message on honor and duels. Give a moment of your time to the gods and be blessed.

    Gloria, praise be to her name and those that lift their sights towards her radiance for honor and chivalry are the golden aspirations for all peoples of any civilization. It is honorable and just for our betters to address slights among themselves quickly when there is issue rather than allow such matters...even if so small initially, to fester and infect their hearts like a disease of darkness which overtakes them later on. As we've seen here today, the matter is immediately resolved and where there was once discord there now is unity for two to move on so they may continue the fight against the Abyss. We've all heard the phrase 'Call for champions and be done with it!', but we should remind ourselves why this happens.

    Gloria is the goddess for honor and chivalry, and duels between nobility...while perhaps commonplace and often are exceptionally action-packed with brilliant displays of martial prowess rarely seen outside of battles, are always to keep safe the honor of their houses and all those who swear fealty to their lords of which those noble represent. By testing honor regularly through combat on disagreements no matter how slight, we are able to learn and therefore become better people. They fight on our behalf, to protect the collective honor each of you have sworn fealty to. But we must temper this test of fire through the teachings of the Thirteenth so that we might not burn an entire noble house down via a spark of anger between two or more persons on an issue. This, my friends, is what I speak about today.

    When our nobility control their passions and seek out champions to stand in their stead, it shows that our highborn are able to master themselves and not become controlled by reactions and emotions which can often seek to ruin us, that they understand how important each of their decisions and actions are as every footstep they take is one for thousands. They teach us through example which we all should strive to follow. Each of us have honor, we all know the Sentinel watches even when we might think no one may notice when we're tempted to do wrong and He will remember our deeds even if no one else does.

    The Champions are not just an organization of opportunistic thrill seekers or mercenaries jumping to silver, they are an exceptionally important part of ensuring honor is maintained without the opportunity for further bloodshed to happen. We live in a critical time with the Abyss just on the doorstep to Arx, probing everyone and every place for weaknesses to exploit for their ultimate desire to twist all things into a nightmare. Pray that we all learn to temper and master our passions through the Thirteenth and understand that wisdom separates itself from knowledge when we know when to act....and when not to. Thank our nobility for showing us the ways of Gloria and ensuring that we strive to act honorably to all people and in all deeds. May they seek out satisfaction in duels, seek to quell the matter as quickly as possible, but seek to use Champions to mitigate the possibility of further bloodshed. Nobility comes at a high cost, friends, and it isn't how we may perceive as days in luxury, their lives are not their own, their lives are for their fealty and all peoples their sigil represents.

    This is the natural order of things, as each of us have a place in the world and we should with all vigor pursue to be the best in what we are. Let us follow their examples in our day-to-day lives by addressing matters immediately and honorably, and seek out assistance where possible so that we might not ruin a fellow believer of the Faith, for we all fight against the Abyss and our prayers are united against evil. May Gloria bless those who have fought today, and may we all reflect on the Thirteenth to master our emotions so they do not master us.

Written By Thena

Oct. 18, 2017, 2:06 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

I saw him, finally. In the flesh, instead of just in my nightmares.

He was beautiful.

I don't think he saw me.

Written By Shard

Oct. 18, 2017, 1:50 p.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

I'm not dead.

Written By Edward

Oct. 18, 2017, 11:52 a.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Protecting the Duchess General's supply line was far easier than I imagined. Although I did not think that those she was going to fight were going to be smart enough to attack the lifeline of a military. So I return to Arx with far less stories and thankfully no new scars. This time.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 18, 2017, 10:01 a.m.(6/4/1007 AR)

Written on the journey north:

Fuck it's cold. Southern blood was never made to live anywhere more north than Arx and even then it's cold. I'm the kind of person who likes to sit in the sun and soak it up. The sun, she does nothing here...

I have a decent number of volunteers working with us on the medical line. All ladies. Not that it's bad. I just hope're not squeamish when the blood starts to flow.

Written By Valery

Oct. 18, 2017, 5:11 a.m.(6/3/1007 AR)

I'm still scared for the trip to the north.
And now I'm even more worried for those that are still going...

Written By Merek

Oct. 18, 2017, 2:25 a.m.(6/3/1007 AR)

It is cold up here, not that I mind it as much as some. The winter weather makes me feel relaxed. And sailing on a ship will be nice.

Written By Daemon

Oct. 18, 2017, 2:05 a.m.(6/3/1007 AR)

I thought I'd be ready to see it for what it really was. But I guess you can never truly be ready to look at evil, pure evil.

It is terrifying.

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