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Written By Venturo

April 25, 2018, 7:59 p.m.(8/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

It was my pleasure to find something on such short notice for your gathering, and I hope it acts as a good reminder to encourage more questions. I also trust you had a rather pleasant birthday, Lady Halfshav.

Written By Venturo

April 21, 2018, 3:36 p.m.(8/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

I must admit, even as a story teller, I'm slightly concerned by the Lady Shae's fascination with wolves and their... habits. At least she tells a compelling tale with a blunt and straightforward method that is to be admired. While the first meeting we had ended in a means that not even I can do justice to in words, I do rather hope she and her family will become regulars at the Raconteur.

Written By Venturo

April 16, 2018, 6:52 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Veronica

I don't know my Lady, I was rather mooved by his humor. I'm quite bullish on Master Fieldstone's potential as a comedian.

Written By Venturo

April 16, 2018, 10:52 a.m.(7/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

I know precisely how that first meeting came about with the princess - sheer luck, of course! A woman with her own stories, and a sense of adventure she carefully hides behind her duties. And yes, I do owe you another story quite soon, don't I? Probably more than one, at this rate.

Written By Venturo

April 12, 2018, 4:34 p.m.(7/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Truer words have never been written, and it matches a philosophy I embrace whole heartedly. Often I am asked for a story that is uplifting. That has love, or hope. And often, I see the look if uncertainty when such stories begin with moments of despair, or sadness. What use is hope if there is no despair? Can one have love without heartbreak? Without the duality, the happier of these emotions lose their meaning. It doesn't soften the pain, it doesn't make it easier. But such feelings should still be embraced and relished fully, so that the happier forms of them have that much more meaning. You? Have a free drink waiting for you at the Raconteur Brewery, whichever day you may want to come lay claim to it.

Written By Venturo

April 11, 2018, 11:55 a.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

I can admire the Princess Reese's dedication to being in the right place at the right time in her quest to purchase the things that appeal to her. I do believe she has paid off messengers to keep an eye on every store front... and I hope she appreciates the particularly pink label I put on one of the brews she bought from me yesterday. Given your own wares? I can see why she'd wish to own each and every piece.

Written By Venturo

April 10, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(7/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Why, Lady Halfshav, have just the perfect place for the two of you to meet so you can share your story.

Written By Venturo

April 7, 2018, 1:30 p.m.(7/5/1008 AR)

It's been pleasing to see so many in and out the door of the taproom; each with their own story to bring, their own addition to the atmosphere. For those who haven't visited, but are interested to try the variety of drinks you might have heard of or read about in the whites of others? I'd suggest coming in over the next couple of weeks before the list changes out. Summer is upon us, and the drinks in the limited and reserved sections will be changed to match the switch of seasons.

Written By Venturo

April 3, 2018, 8:09 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

Do not think it's escaped my attention that each time you've come to visit Raconteur, you bring with you someone new to see the place. Your continued visits and kind words are appreciated, and I shall make certain to find some small way to repay you. However, I do believe you mentioned it's your turn to tell a story, and I will hold you to that.

Written By Venturo

April 2, 2018, 7:50 p.m.(6/24/1008 AR)

As a young child, I recall a parade that went through the streets of the city I was in. It was a glorious thing, a celebration of a wedding, with so many Lords and Ladies of the area in their splendor. Everyone had turned out to watch, and it was in a word, mesmerizing. As a youth on the verge of going from boy to man, I experienced my very first crush. One of the ladies, in a dress of scintillating blue, her skin dark, her hair jet black, and these expressive brown eyes was giving away these small, tiny boxes. She placed one in my hand and flashed me a smile I'll never forget. I couldn't tell you her name, but that box! It was a wonderful thing, in my palm, it's pristine white set against a deep blue ribbon. Like a child should feel on their birthday, I would suppose, waiting in anticipation. I still have, to this day, what was inside.

I have discovered, in the city of Arx, that messages hold this same childish glee for me. Be they long or short, they always invoke a sense of wondrous possibilities. I've met new friends through the simple act of penning letters, such as the Lady Halfshav, and look forward to any and all messages that might come my way.

Written By Venturo

March 29, 2018, 9:15 p.m.(6/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

I thought Dog was the Grandmaster, and he sent you as his stand in that day because he was, for some explainable reason that really needs no investigation, drunk.

Written By Venturo

March 28, 2018, 8:03 p.m.(6/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

But of course. I'll even leave a hand cart around the side, the perfect size for wheeling home an unconscious companion!

Written By Venturo

March 28, 2018, 6:04 p.m.(6/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

Oh my. As a story teller, I must whole heartily endorse the corruption of an individual, as it gives such scintillating potential for such great stories. As a brewer, I feel compelled to commend you on your choice of alcohol as a means of achieving this goal. To this end, consider your first two rounds on the house should you come to the Taproom at Raconteur Brewing.

Written By Venturo

March 24, 2018, 8:06 a.m.(6/2/1008 AR)

I had thought a Grand Opening would be in order, but it seems a poor time to do such, when the focus of the city should be upon the many memorial services being held. Certainly I shall have one, later, but until then? For the curious out there, looking for something a bit different in your venue for drinking: I am pleased to announce that Raconteur Brewing is officially opened for business, with a Taproom you can come, sit, and enjoy a drink in. We have a variety of choices, from ciders to ales and stouts and whiskey and more, with a stock that will change seasonally, and a couple of choice products that I will only be selling once. You'll find the brewery in the very south west corner of the Ward of the Compact, on Lyceum Way South.

Written By Venturo

March 21, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(5/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Once in my journeys, I found myself in Southport, where I made fast friends with a remarkable artist. His work was done primarily with the charcoal or quill, sketches that would capture whatever moment he was watching. One day, as we spoke, he showed me his latest works, something he did in his spare time to try a different angle. They were beautiful and mesmerizing. One of them, at first glance, looked like a pair of faces looking at each other... until you tipped it just so, your eyes refocused, and now it was a wine goblet. Another had stairs that formed right angles into a maze in impossible manners, and you were left certain in one moment you were looking up upon the floors, only to think in the next heartbeat you were looking down. No matter how often you stared and studied, the visual mirage would shift. Some people, I find, are just like these fine sketches, dual sides that shift before your eyes, leaving one curious, pleased, confused and amused.

Written By Venturo

March 19, 2018, 3:08 p.m.(5/21/1008 AR)

Those few souls who I've met in my short time here in Arx have all surely one thing they collectively agree upon about me. I enjoy telling stories. I collect them through experiences, and the process of sharing those experiences with others in quiet, stimulating conversation brings me no end of delight. My time here in Arx has already given me a few more, and I shall recount one now:

I had the fortune of meeting a Lady within my first day, one whose keen mind and observations are matched by few I've encountered in my travels. We entered into a discussion about Luck versus Skill, and which is the most important. I argued, rather unconvincingly in her eyes, that without the opportunity of being put in the right places at the right time -- an attribute of luck -- ones skill might forever go unnoticed. That coincidences lead to opportunities. She, understandably so, was skeptical.

Not but a couple of nights later, we decided upon a wager to pit Luck versus Skill. A charity poker game held at the Golden Hart. Rarely have I had such highs and lows in a single game of -- dare I say -- chance. There were times everyone at the table paused, so close were the hands, or so phenomenal the cards upon the table. So to were we joined by Wits who played a strong game. Yet, in the end, Luck won the night, and I was victorious.

While I may not have convinced this Lady that Luck has something to do with it all, she honored the bet we had made. Without a single string attached, the next day I received the funding and materials. Not a question or followup to see how I was spending it. In this, one can be no more honorable in my eyes. That Lady? Was none other that the Marquessa Lianne Pravus.

I must also recognize the Princess Reese, Lord Grady, Master Waldemai and the Lady Desiree for their fine play. All of you have free drinks waiting for you at Raconteur Brewery when you want them.

Written By Venturo

March 16, 2018, 2:51 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Captain Daniels -- a woman, whom as far as I ever could determine, had no second name -- possessed a knack for knowing the right moment to weave a story, waiting for the lull in the evening's proceedings. She would regal us of the storms she'd seen aboard her ship, The Serene Maiden, that would leave one with a chill clinging to them at the prospect of such tempestuous weather to fight through. Yet still, it did not prepare me for when I set aboard with her during my journeys.

A squall whipped up so quickly, it left one clinging to the railing, doing all one could to hold on for my life. And yet, amidst what could only, politely, be called utter chaos, there was Captain Daniels, a tranquil and tenacious figure. It beguiled me how she could be so collected, even excited at the prospect of what lay before us. The wind whipped at the sails. The ocean water sprayed over us, leaving everything drenched. Lighting crackled through the sky, threatening to bring it's wrath upon us. Yet, just as in her stories, she saw our way to calmer seas, finding a path where no one else could.

As I look around me at what will become Raconteur Brewing, I think now of Captain Daniels. All about me is the chaos of stacked chairs, barrels strewn around, fabrics and bottles and more that any sane person would think is an insurmountable whirl of chaos. Yet I see the path. I feel the thrill of the challenge.

Written By Venturo

March 11, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

During my journey to Arx, part of my trip was aboard a ship. It was here as I was having dinner one night, that I overheard what I assume was a husband and wife talking about their migration to the same city I was headed towards.

The husband had reservations. Doubts. The past weighed heavily on him. He'd miss the mountains. The snow that glistened on their peaks. The feeling of hope he got from each spring. The memories of his now passed parents that these peaks and valleys conjured up for him. He felt as if he was leaving a part of him behind, a void that couldn't be filled. It was his wife's words that resonated so with me as I listened to this couple. Just because you turn the page on a chapter, doesn't mean those words are no longer written. But a full page has room for no more words, no more memories, no more chances for the story to play out. Moving on gives you these opportunities, but it doesn't mean you replace those words. Those memories remain. You are merely creating a new chapter to your life.

And so, here is to my arrival in Arx, a new chapter, and so many more exciting stories to be had.

Written By Venturo

March 11, 2018, 1:47 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

Have you ever heard of David Stockton from Blancbier? Fanciful, vivid man. What he lacked in common sense he made up for in creativity. The man could talk your ear off, and then start working on the other one. He wanted to be a Scholar of Vellichor. As he begun his training, he struggled. For as verbose and experienced as he was with both the written and spoken word, he couldn't find the rhythm of putting down the words of others to parchment. It shouldn't be hard, you'd think. But he just found his concentration drifting, the style of his letters and words sloppy.

One evening as I was listening to his laments, the poor fellow clearly uncertain what to do, I turned to him and I said, "David. Your problem is you aren't writing for yourself. The stories you have to share with the world aren't the ones you write for others, but the ones in your mind. The world will be richer for reading your thoughts and ideas, not from how well you pen with quill the voices of the people who need a scribe." Six months later, as I'd moved on in my travels, a messenger found me. Gave me a book. I lost all track of time that evening, turning from page to page, so vivid was the fictional narrative laid out before me. The author? David Stockton.

It's a rare gift to read the written word that makes us lose track of time. Keep writing, Lady Darkwood, regardless of your other pursuits.

Written By Venturo

March 11, 2018, 1:33 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

I'm reminded of a lady I knew some time ago, Cas Marigold. She had a voice you couldn't believe. Elegant, warm, persuasive. She'd attend these gatherings for debates for topics that ranged from grand to small. I had the fortune of watching a few of these, and without fail, the group always came away seeing her side of things. She'd just run -- verbally -- all over her opponent, but with grace and eloquence. Never stood a chance.

One evening, as we were sipping whiskey after a debate, I asked her why she never gloated. Not an ounce of triumph in her expression, nor a note of smugness to be had. She told me, 'Venturo, the choice is simple: Ego or Respect. There are few highs as great as giving into your ego, but it requires you to focus only on the next win. To demur to grace in victory, you create respect. It might become a friendship, a colleague, a supporter or just someone who speaks well about you, even if you don't see eye to eye. With respect, you prepare not just for the wins to come, but how to weather the losses as well.'

My point is, I do not see my win as a victory. I see it as the first step forward that will be fruitful for the both of us. Your grace and honor in the wager shows the truth behind Cas's words to me.

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