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Written By Tabitha

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:28 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

I love that drawing /so/ much.

Written By Reigna

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:27 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Riagnon

You are telling tall tales, sir! Everyone knows that I am Lady Khanne's best friend.

Written By Mydas

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:27 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

One wonders when pirates shall fly the flags of the Houses so... graciously pointed out by Seraceni.

Or is the unrest caused by particularly empty-headed individuals?

Written By Cirroch

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

I should have wrote of it sooner, but Sasha and my adversary party was a small but successful affair where friends and some of their friends came to celebrate with us. Thank you everyone who came and I hope we have many such parties in the future.

Written By Bliss

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:19 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Well that was certainly a prophetic last White I wrote. Then again - some things are very nearly sure bets, aren't they?

In any case, I would like to remind the Compact that Whisper House remains neutral and is here to help with many of the needs of the Peers, including diplomatic overtures, public image consultation, etiquette training, and other such important features of day-to-day life in the Compact.

Written By Prisila

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:17 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

Let it be known this will be the last act of clarification I will make on the matter as any attempt to try and diffuse the situation has been seen as an act of aggression. As it was taught to me by the Scholar whom so kindly provided the greater part of my education:

"Due to the autonomy, traditionally the bannerlords execute very little control over their bannermen- a baron taking any action to the welfare of his own barony is not expected to have to inform his count, nor is the marquis holds the banners for two counts below him and their baronies below them expected to keep his bannermen informed of every decision he passes or seek their counsel. There is, of course, politeness and most lords would want to have some reasonable warning if their bannerlord will be taking some action that will impact them and vice versa, but houses in the same feudal hierarchy will act more like friendly allied powers than they would in any kind of employer and employee relationship. After all, for absolute direct control, that's what sworn swords in their own demesnes are for." - An excerpt from the Laws and Customs of the Compact of Arvum

Written By Karadoc

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:14 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

A more specialized Inquisition? Nah.

No conflicting loyalties? I'm pretty loyal to myself in addition to my House and liege, right - and I'm pretty sure that counts.

I made myself laugh. Knee-slapper, that.

And - gods - no one needs to know my secrets, seeing as most of them have to do with what I've been drinking and where. Or who I've been fucking and where.

( Lady Scarlet, in the parlor, with my candlestick --

Yes, Scholar, I AM a cad. )

Written By Sabella

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:09 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

**Presented here is a three frame drawing.

In the first a very terrible drawing of a stick figure coming in the door with a smile. Underneath the picture it says "Hello! What is going o--"

In the second the stick figure now has a big O mouth

In the third it is backing out of the door and one assumes closing it behind him**

Written By Rhea

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:04 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

This is so terribly embarrassing to watch unfold.

Your commoner vassals will read these journals eventually, you know!

Written By Riagnon

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:01 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I have been approached and accepted an offer with Lady Khanne Halfshav for the semi-formal role of Best Friend. A great many thanks to all other applicants. Your names will be kept on file.

Written By Belladonna

Aug. 17, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Prisila

Actually, my dear, what you -declared- was that all 'non-merchant vessels' NOT associated with the Empyrean Trade Route clear the waters around Ischia. That includes personal vessels, fishing boats, military craft. Anything not a merchant is far more than 'just military'. And again, you did so without explanation or warning. And now you accuse your lieges of treason against the Compact as well. This is getting better and better. Its hard for people to step forward to be cleansed of accusation that they didn't know was happening in the first place. But I suppose that would get in the way of your witch hunt.

Written By Fairen

Aug. 17, 2018, 3:37 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Prisila

It would be my advisement for both you, and the Duchess to sit down like mature adults and consider the situation. It would be an absolute shame for the Duchess to lose a loyal vassal simply because she failed to provide you the proper courtesy of investigating the situation. It is never a pleasant situation where a liege holds their title over your head, and threatens to revoke your claim to title, especially when you only have the best interests of your land in mind.

Written By Prisila

Aug. 17, 2018, 3:26 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fredrik

On any given day I'd agree. Yet when evidence of inside information being given to the enemies of the Compact (for the purposes of sabotage, plunder and impacting the livelihood of our domain) then it's imperative to proceed with caution. Nobody is going to be accused of anything but those who have come forward to clear their good names are received without suspicion.

This was not an embargo. It was a simple ask that any /military/ vessels in our, admittedly small, patch of ocean that were not conducting military operations with us please depart. The enemy has taken sails and used other identifiers to masquerade themselves as members of the Compact. Again, we don't need to state just whose sails as that would be slanderous but the point being.

Espionage is good reason to withhold intimate details but for the sake of argument I have indeed reached out to the Duchess and was referred to a vassal whom I was never able to meet with. Everyone's busy, but the burden of communication is a two way street and one can only call out to the darkness for so long before assuming they are alone. Yes?

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 17, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

As I am not Lycene, I make no overt judgements, merely an observation as a former member of a March and soon to be count (gods willing).

If one of my vassals barred me from entering their lands without explanation after a very public declaration, I would take it as an act that is in the very least one that requires investigation and, barring a good response, an aggressive one. A vassal may never tell their liege where they may or may not go, certainly not without cause. It is, through the chain of fealty, the lieges responsibility and to have it cast aside and then attempt to ridicule the liege in a public fashion? I have made many mistakes in my life, some recent (even here in the Whites), but that seems a very overt statement to toss into public.

Now of course, I do not see the full picture, and for all I know, the Lady Prisila might have more than her fair reasons and this is all a misunderstanding or nobody's fault. But I can understand it garnering a strong reaction.

As I said, not a condemnation, just an observation of what I have seen of the situation, which is little compared to the whole, most likely. I wish all involved the best of luck.

Written By Riagnon

Aug. 17, 2018, 3 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

It's lovely to see that her ladyship's ever agreeable demeanor extends to her vassals, and is not exclusive to her family by marriage

Written By Prisila

Aug. 17, 2018, 2:55 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

There is None Greater than Grayson. They need no exemption to this temporary measure. Your Majesty and all of the Graysons are welcome in our land.

Written By Belladonna

Aug. 17, 2018, 2:52 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Prisila

And lets not forget that this is after you've neglected to inform your liege of increased pirate activity in the area, or afforded them the opportunity to extend the aid of martial support -as the oaths between liege and vassal demand-. House Seraceni has instead been quiet, sullen, and now declaring martial law in our fealty with no prior warning or notification. You have all but declared war against your liege and insist that I am at fault.

Written By Belladonna

Aug. 17, 2018, 2:47 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Prisila

You mean the King that you've also banned from your waters?

Written By Prisila

Aug. 17, 2018, 2:46 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

Amidst the current crisis that one of the Compact's own is going through, I have received offers of support from unlikely new associates and allies. Yet on the flip side I've also received a disheartening and disturbing missive from my own Liege whom decided that using the sovereign authority within our own lands was an act of insurbordination and ensued with threats! As outlandish as this seems I have literally brought the missive here and asked the scholars to place it within the pages of my white journal for all to read.

[Original missive from the Duchess Belladonna is placed within]

Oh, and by the way, you don't get to tell me where MY ships can and cannot go, LADY Seraceni. You hold those lands by grace of Pravus, not the other way around. You may wish to revise that statement of your to include both Pravus and Velenosa in that exemption list or you may well find us knocking on your door. Forcefully. It wouldn't be the first time I've dismantled a vassal House for insubordination.

Belladonna Pravus
Duchess of Setarco

Now, I understand that there might be some upset about not being allowed to witness the beauty of Ischia, for even a moment but this warrants further investigation and inspection. Were the other Houses in the fealty of Duchess Belladonna so out of line that they needed to be attainted? It isn't my fear that this too will happen to our House because we have such great allies and a benevolent King who understands that this kind of behavior is nothing short of tyrannical.

Written By Esoka

Aug. 17, 2018, 1:24 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

Lady Rhea Acheron, Marquessa of Aviaron’s Peak, has become my husband’s patron. Which I think is going to do him a lot of good. He needs help with many things sometimes, and I don’t always know how to do it if it can’t be approached by constructive yelling. As for the Marquessa herself, she's a rather grand Northern lady who seems to be dealing competently with the domain she rules and the people she manages, even if she didn’t expect to have to take charge of it. I like her, and the other Acheron folk, and look forward to more dinners. Their house is so interesting! And they serve good whiskey, which always makes better friends.

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