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Written By Marian

Nov. 17, 2018, 8:25 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

You were my student, but you taught me many things. You were there for me during some of my darkness days to offer comfort. To know that you made the ultimate sacrifice for your liege makes me so incredibly proud. You know what it meant to serve as Sword, and you carried the honor of your house up until the very end. To know I had a hand in that humbles me greatly. Even after you eclipsed my teachings, you continued to send the next generation of fighters to learn from me. That is a true compliment.

Written By Marian

Nov. 17, 2018, 8:19 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

The first time we spoke was at a funeral pyre. The bodies of the fallen were burning and the Grim Duke gave them a sendoff worthy of Thrax. After my battle cry to honor the dead, he told me that for an Oathlander, I would make a worthy Thrax.

You were a traditionalist, a hard man who lived life with a grim frown. But you watched over your people with such fierceness, I had to admire your perspective, even if I didn't always agree. We never let our differences get between our respect for each other.

The world will be a grimmer place without you in it. I shall miss you my friend.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 17, 2018, 5:49 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

I've had some remarkably boring few weeks where I've been working with little adventure, apart for a few strange encounters down in the lowers where I had to either run to avoid being stabbed or an angry customer claimed something outrageously wrong.

I've done a few short runs down the coast when the weather has permitted. An odd increase in people wanting to go visit their families that don't live in Arx, maybe the strange occurances out at the Lodge has affected some?

Written By Lou

Nov. 17, 2018, 5:07 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

My protege. Perhaps the only one of mine who had a true sense of adventure, between his works for House Ashford, and our pet project of trying to find Whitepeak. Oh, how so very, very close we were to going on that trip together, after the so, so many hours of research, pouring over books, and journals of explorers, to find those pieces of information and putting all the bits together to form a would be map to find that legendary peak. It was fun to watch you delight in some new piece of history unraveled. You were a kindred spirit in that respect. I'd have only been too happy to give you credit for the discovery.

The plan has not changed, my friend. To Whitepeak we shall go, though now it will be in your honor, and to see it through. And, though I will have other like kindred spirits with me, explorers all, it will not be the same. They will be coming into this, fresh faced, and not completely understand the excitement at the discovery - should it happen. We will pour a out a drink for you Whitepeak, and say a few words in your honor and memory.

Written By Duarte

Nov. 17, 2018, 4:56 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

"Which Lycene hero? The one who murdered scores of people and got away with it?" - Duke Vercyn Halfshav

I am positive the Duke did not mean to disparage and denigrate the history of Count Rodrigo Telencia with such a statement.

More likely he was a bit hot under the collar and writing incautiously. It is doubtful he truly feels the majority of Great Houses voted incorrectly in this matter of induction.

Written By Mirella

Nov. 17, 2018, 4:43 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

So you're telling people they're irrational in their mourning of someone you didn't like?

I think it would have been kinder of you to allow people to grieve, without commenting on the validity of their grief.

Written By Audric

Nov. 17, 2018, 3:47 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

I've always found that vengeance was its own reward.

Written By Draven

Nov. 17, 2018, 2:56 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Wow! I'm reading lots of white journals! Really snide and mean ones! Is that what it means to be Compacty? There was a Fluffy person who was snide and mean! I bet it was because there was another Fluffy person nearby! She was nice before! Do Fluffy people make other Fluffy people snide? I don't know if I like that part of the Compact!

Written By Forato

Nov. 17, 2018, 1:12 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

What a thrill! I got to be a bar tender at a wild party at the Spirits. I would say there were bar brawls but there was literally a brawl of some kind at all times. It's just a Redrain bar at that point. It's been wild and I've met a lot of new people. I have to say, the wolves, the winter, and the wildness of the north is strangely refreshing coming from the sly and smile and wine of the south.

Written By Brianna

Nov. 17, 2018, 1:04 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lore

I almost feel as if I should apologize to you, but it was worth every single silver. Thank you.

Written By Saoirse

Nov. 17, 2018, 12:30 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

The man is either very very stupid or .... out to kill us. He claimed that his bird retainer could tell if there was 'evil' inside an old castle.

I've tasked Aisha to watch him. Just in case.

Written By Shae

Nov. 17, 2018, 12:18 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

I have a black ribbon. I need to practice at the range more. I am incredibly proud of my charges; a woman couldn't ask for more noble beasts. I'm very tired. Fear is a monster in your own head, it waits, though, it only comes at me in the dark.

Bed awaits. Good night.

Written By Faye

Nov. 17, 2018, 12:17 a.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

I've heard the advice that you should always try to be the dumbest person in the room. That way you always have the chance to be learning something.

There are some days when I feel I have no problem doing that.

Written By Shard

Nov. 16, 2018, 10:58 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

I don't know the answer to this question. I don't think someone else can answer it for another person in any kind of satisfying way. People react in different ways, situations have different contexts. I don't know what I'd do.

But as for me, if I'm very, very luck and do everything right, maybe, one day, I'll get to find out.

Written By Naka

Nov. 16, 2018, 10:37 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Cybele

I always intended to speak with Cybele again. They were a wonderful teacher and conversationalist.

I recall that I asked Cybele about their titles. Game as anything, Cybele rattled off this list that I can remember only the barest gist of, just barely completing the whole thing with an entire lungful of air. I was impressed by the recitation and said so. Cybele just said, “I practiced it.” The things they did, they just did, and were not impressed by. I was.

Anyway, I had intended to speak with Cybele again.

Written By Fortunato

Nov. 16, 2018, 10:25 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

I cannot possibly better Leona's statement. I want to talk about heroes and stories, all the same.

A hero is a story. One distilled and focused. Every person you have ever admired, every legend you ever wanted to emulate occasionally had feet of clay or a heart of glass. I like my stories with the feet of clay and the heart of glass. I find stories of pure people doing purely heroic things and living only for Others or the Compact difficult instructions to live by. Mix the flaws back in those stories and I find them more compelling. That enshrined moment of triumph and tragedy has context. The story has more of a journey in it, and I love journeys.

The ideals still serve a purpose, just as a simple, but beautiful image serves a purpose. You focus on a bright point. Come storm, come trauma, come collapse and terror, you still have that simple, sure bright point to crawl toward. That is what ideals are for.

The journey is still important. The truest memorial we can give to anyone is to remember and celebrate them as they were, with all those wonderful, terrible intertwined stories. We are dust and light, memory and soul, and when we die, we return to the Wheel and we may yet return from it. But memories fade if they are not kept. The archives of Vellichor and the tales, told and retold, of those who love us, these are the true memorial. And may even the commonest of soldiers be granted it.

Written By Orathy

Nov. 16, 2018, 9:49 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Drunk be me truth. It ain't like they can steal anymore of me stuff, as I ain't got nothin left that be valuable to em... eh? Aye, reckon I be out thar helpin if the bastards fightin monsters if they didn't take what weren't theirs. AYE, Bottoms UP! Shit thing is Old Grim be dead. Fucker were a good man to kill with in the Silent Wars. That be a damn shame. AHh, but drink for 'em too. Tears in his wake 'n all that shit.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 16, 2018, 9:23 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

I am happy to report that my recent comments had nothing to do with Messere Sable. Who they were about should be fairly obvious - I wrote about them and castigated them rather publicly when they were alive, as well. They did not do anything that has made me reconsider those words, and so they stand, as does my opinion of them, into death. Others I have had public spats with that did sufficient to make up for their failures? Those ones I've honored.

I have to say that I find this response rather amusing, more than anything. My mouth certainly does not taste like foot, I certainly do not feel like less of a Whisper for having made the comments I did, and the comments about heroes not being egotistical and grandstanding, as attacks on me made of the thinnest gossamer? I wonder why there is the need to attack me, when I am not claiming to have these qualities. Perhaps it is because my words, my arguments, themselves are not really being challenged beyond "you shouldn't say that when people are mourning."

Here is what I have written in the past about heroes:


There are a few people alive, today, who I would consider heroes, but there are a few problems with naming them such. The most notable issue, to me, is that when they're alive, they still have the opportunity to ruin everything good they have ever done in a single moment. It's something that you can see happening again and again in the past, and it's something that I've had all too much experience with, in people who were not what they claimed to be.

The sad truth of the matter, though, is that many of the people we consider heroes and honor as such had sickening truths to them - truths that are easier to ignore once they are dead, truths that are easier to fathom in the contexts of their whole lives. They did not always do the right thing, by any means, yet some of the things they did are such shining examples that we choose to follow them. There is also the issue that what one people finds heroic, others might find monstrous. There are a number of statues in the Hall of Heroes you would never see outside of their own halls for this reason.

Heroism is embodying the ideals of your people. And if you are led to believe you are a hero while alive, well, then you are going to find it really easy to justify doing anything you want - after all, you're doing it, so it must be heroic. There are a few prominent, dangerous examples of this, so it's probably best to just wait until people die.


This is hardly a new drum I am beating. Now, I am writing this as I am wandering around the Hall of Heroes, because there is this ridiculous notion that we have that our heroes were not people who yearned for the public appeal (which is, clearly, an attack on me, but again - I am not a hero, I am an entertainer). Allow me to take a moment and list a few of the people in these halls.

- Prince Rogan Thrax, the "Benevolent Slavemaster," whose slaves "Worshiped him as a god and loved him like a father."
- Princess Alarissa Grayson, who refused an arranged marriage, started a war, avenged her family, refused the crown and fucked off to a life of adventure so that she could marry for love.
- Prince Donerian Thrax, whose speech to the Assembly of Peers is perhaps a textbook example of blustering self-importance.
- Duke Orlando Velenosa, a duelist who lived life to the fullest, salacious and scandalous, honored because he was greatly wronged and found complete and total vengeance.
- Prince Weohstan Redrain, the slayer of beasts, celebrated in loud and boisterous song for doing ridiculously brave things and whose final words were, "It was worth it." (If you do not think this man gladly recounted the tales of his conquests over a large mug of ale, I suggest you spend more time in Redrain Ward)
- Warchief Fyrva, who laughed at and mocked all invaders into his lands while ruthlessly destroying them, telling them to "Stop me if you can." Certainly no ego to that man, hm?

Was Koraj Marin the kind of hero you look up to, perhaps, Dame Morrighan? Somehow, I suspect not.

There is one criticism that strikes home: That I have not yet done enough. On this matter, I am keenly aware. I have a number of excuses, from having to settle my own personal affairs and put my past behind me to the fact that, particularly at this time of year, my arm does not hold up well in the kind of sustained battle that a war is. You can thank Everard Telmar for that.

But these excuses are flimsy, and I recognize that, so I will be doing more in the future. I am a deeply flawed person, broken in many ways. I have never shied away from this. It is an intrinsic part of my humanity.

Duke Vercyn, I am not certain where you have gotten this recent grudge you've developed against me, but it's both rather baffling and rather hypocritical. You do understand that you are trying to control my emotions, yes? Literally telling me to not do something, when what am I really doing? Saying that someone who is being lauded shouldn't be? Which of us is actually being controlling? Now, if you go and reread my first writing, you'll see that I did, in fact, take time to honor those who hadn't been mentioned - those six hundred families of yours are included in that. Don't worry, you are hardly in any danger of being damned due to my feelings on them.

Also, you can hardly criticize the Lycene Halls for having killers when you literally have the Nameless Assassin in the Redrain Halls. Again, more hypocrisy from the Duke Halfshav. That wasn't the issue, anyway. The issue was whether our heroes can be people who seek popular acclaim, and very clearly, the answer to that question is 'yes'.

I was writing specifically about someone who was being compared to and held equivalent to someone who is in the Hall of Heroes. Hence why I keep returning to that. Someone who absolutely does not deserve that kind of honor.

As for my words and opinions being meaningless? I suppose I will let your own responses be the judge of that.

Written By Amund

Nov. 16, 2018, 7:48 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

It is not about getting anything back. What is lost is lost. Gone forever.

It is about the satisfaction they who took your loved ones can never do it ever again.

Written By Amund

Nov. 16, 2018, 7:48 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

It is not about getting anything back. What is lost is lost. Gone forever.

It is about the satisfaction they who took your loved ones can never do it ever again.

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