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Written By Max

Jan. 1, 2017, 12:27 a.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Dear Giant Jerk.

Do not upset my sister-in-law.

Or I will upset your internal organs.

Written By Alarie

Jan. 1, 2017, 12:04 a.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I have come across the name of someone who may be able to help me set up some seasilk traderoutes from the isles. If this pans out, it can be quite profitable for everyone! So far, nothing concrete has been planned, but if this happens, my business will skyrocket and it will sav money for all the nobility who desire the famous silk for their clothing.

Written By Kima

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:59 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I woke up with blood on my hands this morning. Blood on the sheets. Not a scratch on me.


What? Yeah, that's all I have to say.

Written By Nekarris

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:58 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

SOMEONE is a giant jerk. Like, can't a girl do something decent, for once? Noooooo.

Written By Lucio

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:35 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Costas

This man knows the value of a song, and I am grateful that he taught cheaper patrons that there is glory in paying an artist to perform. I look forward to seeing him again.

Written By Cassius

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:34 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Castor

Lord Castor Redwind came to Arx to learn how to be a Baron.

It would seem to me he needs instead a lesson on being a man.

While his very presence, his demeanor, his persona, all of it makes me angry, I know that it is pious to do all that I might to see he learns, to see that he becomes a suitable heir. I will do all that I may to ensure the lessons I give are true and he learns all I can teach. I will then pray that the coming darkness does not make those lessons for naught.

Written By Lucio

Dec. 31, 2016, 11:33 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I met Aleksei by chance in The Spirits, an inn and tavern in the Redrain Ward. He is intriguing and I like his easy laugh as well as his love of freedom. He has already put me in contact with Aureth Greyhope who will put in a good word for me to play at The Murder in the Lower Borough.

Written By Cicero

Dec. 31, 2016, 10:38 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Silver creation,
It's tread grows ever wider. Reaching forward still

Written By Cicero

Dec. 31, 2016, 10:34 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

She tries hand at verse
Already far above me
Eager to see more

Written By Orazio

Dec. 31, 2016, 8:40 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

It is easy to see the power and beauty of a bonfire. It roars. It radiates heat, demands attention with grasping, reaching flames. A bonfire says, "Watch me, or pay the price." And we watch the bonfire, entranced by the scarlet and the gold, and the brash willfulness of its presence.

It is harder to attend to the beauty of the deepest rivers. From afar, they can appear still, remote, and quiet. But the river dances, down where no one else can see, twisting and tumbling over itself in fast, graceful currents that the sun never quite reaches. The river works, doing its duty on the surface, and carving its own way down below, moment by moment, one grain of sand at a time. The river's beauty is immense and enduring, and worth attending to.

Written By Alis

Dec. 31, 2016, 8:38 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I, for one, have enjoyed watching the Southport training facility be used for everything from casual sparring, to full training events held so that leaders in other houses can see how the Lady General trains her troops.

I hope others take advantage of this opportunity as well.

Written By Orazio

Dec. 31, 2016, 8:16 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

Some have no doubt wondered to what end I have been turning myself since accepting the honorable and holy position of Legate of Concepts. Or perhaps I flatter myself, and no one outside of my rather small community of the Faithful has given it a second thought. I suspect the latter, to be honest - not out of any notion of humility, but simply because the Legates are not a very visible position in the world outside the Church. For those few who might be curious: as Legate of Concepts, it is my honor to stand over the priesthoods of Gild, Limerance, and the Sentinel.

It is quite the change. The priesthood of the Sentinel is actually quite small, and we spend - spent - most of our time mediating conflicts, passing judgement over crimes too minor for the nobility to wish to be involved, and advising judges and lawyers outside our own discipleship. Since the Inquisition acquired its current reputation, the Sentinel has not been the most popular god to devote oneself to.

Limerance and (particularly) Gild are an entirely different affair. Much larger priesthoods, with enough Disciples that I have not yet had the chance to meet them all even in the city, much less outside of it. I am still receiving letters of congratulations from our more farflung cities and cathedrals. And a knighthood: the honorable and esteemed Knights of Solace, who protect our pilgrims and travelers throughout the Compact. Since ascending to the position, most of my time has been spent simply learning about the organizations to which I have become steward and guide.

Having had the opportunity to settle in, I have embarked on a couple of immediate projects, with more to come:

* The repair and revitalizing of the orphanage in the Lower Burroughs of Arx. I have heard that the commons call it 'the Tragedy', and having visited the building, I can see why. It is better than nothing...but only barely. I have already begun soliciting some funds and supplies to bolster it, and it is my hope to completely refit the building, as well organize training and education for the children therein, ensuring them placement as apprentices, recruits, or if they wish it, acolytes or squires within the organization of the Faith.

* Considering the tragedy that took not only the lives of the previous Legate of Concepts and her retinue, but dozens of messengers in the legitimate business of the Crown, it is clear that security along the roads of the Compact could be improved, and more, could be done in a way to free up the standing forces of the nobility to push back the shav threats and deal with whatever threats may arrive. As such, I have proposed building hospice waystations along the major thoroughfares to house pilgrims, messengers, and indigent travelers on consecrated ground, protected by the Knights of Solace. Obviously, this is the work of decades, but I have already received permission from the Lady Regent to begin construction in the Crownlands. I will concentrate there, first, then expand outward as the Church's resources and the gracious permission of the nobility allow.

It is my hope that these small efforts will be a balm on the bodies and souls of the Faithful. I have other projects in mind, but they will require more preparations and greater knowledge of my new responsibilities.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 31, 2016, 7:53 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I have seen an increase of use of the Southport Training Center in this past week. I am glad to see that Baron Eos' work is being taken so seriously and that I have an opportunity to continue his dream on. Having a place where I can bring my allies to train in relative peace has been a continued boon to the Southport militairies and by extension, those individuals and other Lycean military leaders who have reached out. It is my hope that this will continue to be a place of learning and improving of talents that will help to defend the Compact in this dark time.

I have also heard rumor that there are those who think such a facility is unfair. To those of you who may be reading this missive I challenge you to reach out to me and see what I can do to help you rather than complain from the shadows. I have and always will stand behind the defense of the Compact as a whole.

Written By Eirlys

Dec. 31, 2016, 7:20 p.m.(7/15/1005 AR)

I finally got a chance to really sit and talk to Princess Alis. When I thought of being here in the city, and being noble. I always had pictured a noble warrior Lady, such as herself. I can tell Fiachra finds her to be a good friend. I gave her a trophy for Winner of Bad Influence, and she really appreciated it. My brother also found it amusing. I know she has to be a good person because my brother likes her. He is quiet honest, as am I. Apparently, we Greenmarchers are very refreshing to those from Valardin.

We spent the evening with Princess Alis, Prince Aurelian, and Prince Tristram. There was a conversation that was hard to hear due to its nature. That was a hard thing to swallow, otherwise the majority of the Valardins I have met, have been nothing like my brother and I expected. This is a pleasant surprise, and one that was found us with many new friends.

Written By Serafine

Dec. 31, 2016, 4:17 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

Of course you can't take the Lycene out of the man. They wedge that particular bit in deep and seal it with sap.

Written By Ianthe

Dec. 31, 2016, 3:50 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

While I regret the circumstances, I think moving into Duchess Belladonna Pravus' Estate is the best thing that has happened to me lately. The guards everywhere are distracting, but the gardens are really nice. There are pools there. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to swim in them, but I'm afraid to ask.

Written By Darrow

Dec. 31, 2016, 3:19 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon

A very capable researcher.

Written By Aislin

Dec. 31, 2016, 2:26 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

It's been too long; I meant to do more of these, but Society duties have kept me quite busy. Still, this seems like a topic that will be relevant to many people very soon, and thus I feel a need to cover it.

THE NOX'ALFAR: A Guide to Hopefully Not Becoming King Calithex's Headless Inkwell

Ancient records teach us that there were three types of elves in Arvum. This particular treatise is focused only on the Nox'alfar, also known as the House of the Moon.

Dealing with the Nox'alfar is an interesting experience, as any who've had a chance to talk to them will attest. They're rude, sarcastic, and generally act slightly bored with life overall. Living an immortal and largely unchanging life can, apparently, become rather dull quickly.

The greatest offense you can give to a Nox'alfar -- especially to their king, Calithex Thex -- is seemingly that of being boring. Predicable. Being *interesting* is the best thing you can do... and yet there are lines one should not cross. (Though unfortunately, so far as this writer can tell, those lines are not always in the same place.)

And so the great Twilight Court of the Nox'alfar, reached through the Night's Grove, is a place that seems the embodiment of insanity. Architecture with bizarre lines that makes no sense, spiders the size of Arvani buildings, impossible spaces, and a festival air that seems to be a desperate, insane pursuit of /any/ sort of new experience. Among the dancers and merry-makers, it seems not uncommon to encounter elves on fire, engaged in being eaten by spiders, or any number of other things the average Arvani would consider unpleasant. In no small number of cases, it appears those two groups intersect, and you may find someone on fire /while/ dancing. Audiences with Twilight Court nobility may well involve interruptions to account for stabbings and other brief mayhem. A courtier might have their head removed to allow their blood to be used as an inkwell.

Further, blood magic is not merely practiced by the Nox'alfar, but nearly a way of life; merely to open the door into the Court involves using blood magic, and they wield it both openly and unashamedly. Using the blood from injuries -- or the dead -- is done as casually as an Arvani might pick up the pen with which I write this journal.

In short, for otherwise seemingly-immortal beings, the Nox'alfar seem to consider death to be a mild inconvenience at best.

This is perhaps because they have a firm belief in the concept of reincarnation. Their goddess -- the Queen of Endings, the Mother of Beginnings -- is the goddess of both death and rebirth. If you know your soul will come back soon enough in a new body, a new life, then death might well seem like little more than a chance to take a brief nap in the Shining Lands. It's important to remember this, because this embrace of death makes them careless with life.

Theirs especially, but likely those mortals who interact with them as well.

In conclusion, diplomacy with regards to the Twilight Court is something of a risky enterprise. The best advice seems to be a bundle of contradictions: be cautious but not boring, be irreverent but not outright disrespectful... and be cavalier but do not let yourself be killed.

Written By Aislin

Dec. 31, 2016, 2:22 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

Spirituality is a strange thing. I really envy the people I know who have some degree of surety in theirs; I've been struggling with mine for some time. Who I am and where I belong. I've found myself speaking with priests, shamans, and others about it.

And I still have no true answers.

Vellichor, in many ways, is the right fit; knowledge is the center of my life, and the Archives are arguably the space in this city closest to "sacred" for me. I try to do him proper honor by seeking things out for the Archives. But I also often worry that I'm too independent-minded... worried that the god would be somehow *disappointed* in my desire to dash off yet again to gods-know-where to do gods-know-what. So I don't quite feel... /right/, trying to pray to him for guidance, when I fear I wouldn't want what I'd be told.

Petrichor, then, perhaps? After all, I always feel better outside of the city walls, in the natural world. I do my best to pay proper honor to him as well, if not as highly as Vellichor. But no... I know those who feel Petrichor's call, and I don't feel the same. And I've never felt the same connection as to the Archives.

The spirits of the north, my mother's homeland? There's something to be said for finding your spirituality in everything around you. In treating the world itself as what you draw guidance from. I've spoken to several shamans lately, and while the exercises they've taught bring some comfort... I don't think the spirits are my path, either.

It's a strange thing in some ways: to explore so much of the world, but not to be entirely certain of yourself.

Written By Eleyna

Dec. 31, 2016, 1:30 p.m.(7/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Blacktongue

Note to self: Never... wait no... ALWAYS eat the apples that Blacktongue offers you. Something interesting is bound to happen.

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