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Written By Darren

April 30, 2017, 9:23 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger

I find Duke Asger Crovane to be an interesting and humourous man with a good head on his shoulders. I've greatly enjoyed the friendship we have created and look forward to stronger bonds between Redrain and Crovane as time marches on.

Written By Darren

April 30, 2017, 9:14 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

I will be grateful when this siege is over, and victory is had. When we can throw open the gates and breathe again.

I think the very first thing I will do is take Bear out for a long ride.

Written By Thena

April 30, 2017, 9:12 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

I drank too much willow tea for my head wound and slept through my cousin's ceremony. I'm a shit Grayhope sometimes.

Written By Ferrando

April 30, 2017, 9:08 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Always be practicing. Keeps the skills sharp. Especially the skills you're going to be needing when those siege towers start heading this way.

If your cousin gets annoyed, well, she was probably going to be annoyed by -something- you did anyway, so it might as well be for a good cause.

Written By Fortunato

April 30, 2017, 9:08 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

My brother swore himself to the Queen. Today he adds vows to the Faith as a whole concept. As an institution. A priest formally and before the Compact.

I mark this as a record. I would say 'in a sense, this changes nothing', but life is change, and my brother has transformed in the past year. He is still Aureth, narrative is continuity, his rage and his curiosity are constants, but his purpose is discovered. He's bright with purpose.

And this is wonderful.

I remember the tarot cards turned to ash. I know how you don't use them any more and I never finished the new set. Tapped out at about-- a third of the needed paintings? They're up above the shop, long dry, a metaphor toward understanding and sight that you no longer need. I'm glad to have them, though. Maybe for a wall, sometimes. Nostalgia, a glance back without weight.

You're more than you ever imagined, than I ever imagined, brother, and I thought I was rather thinking you up. More fool me.

I love you, Aureth. May the Queen and all the Pantheon watch over you, but not sweep you home any time soon. Please stay safe.

Written By Niccolo

April 30, 2017, 8:58 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Malena

Mistress Malena Black is a skilled healer and herbalist. She also recently helped saved my life during an attempt by assassins sent by our enemies. Feeling that I owed her for that, I spoke with her about rewarding her. She immediately declined, claiming it was her duty to keep me safe. So, I rewarded her by taking her as one of my proteges and putting her to work for House Velenosa. She shows promise, let's see if that promise happens to deliver.

Written By Sudara

April 30, 2017, 8:48 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

A rather unusual young Crownsworn: leather-clad, apparently of knightly training, yet of priestly vocation. Forthright, with unfashionable interests (even to the extent of finding my own academic researches intriguing), and willing to be publicly supportive of Prodigals. I must say that I rather approve. Not, I admit, that the approval of a widowed bookworm is likely to be relevant to many in the broader Compact.

Written By Hadrian

April 30, 2017, 8:46 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

There are some in the world with more angst than brains. Those who have grown up among the rabble and in piss-filled troughs. They can end up there once more, much quicker than they imagine if they want to try to be passive aggressive. Or they can take a trip back to the House which they came. They're already quite close to it. Savages who don't know when to hold their tongue can end up with their own affairs suddenly brought to a full closure. A sore throat can quickly silence a voice as well.

Written By Aureth

April 30, 2017, 8:40 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

On this day, of this year, I am sworn to the gods. I am a Brother of the Faith of the Pantheon. My work on Their behalf has already begun, but now it is official, and accomplished by rite, and recorded.

I knew this would be my path now, but it is a weight lifted, almost, that I have taken these first steps.

I've passed on the bar to Fortunato and into the hands of the Grayhope family. I have passed on the merchant concerns to Magpie and Moira to handle. And I have finished moving myself into the house on Legate Row.

Damn, I hope I didn't forget anything.

Written By Costas

April 30, 2017, 8:36 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

While so many have been prideful, mercurial, and consumed by their own petty affairs I have watched her tirelessly work to keep this city and its people safe. She has never been overcome by demons of jealousy and conceit. Never complained of not receiving the respect she is due. Has never been distracted by paranoia, fear, and narrow perspective.

For all that our philosophy speaks of the character of a Leader, I am glad to have actually met one.

Written By Zhayla

April 30, 2017, 8:34 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Godsworn (again? (officially??)) with minimal swearing. Kind of a strange thing to think, but luckily Aleksei went first, so stranger things have already happened.

Written By Caelis

April 30, 2017, 8:33 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

This siege should have me feeling cooped up and stir crazy. I've found the odd riding lesson to be a solace in that. It might not be the same as sailing and the freedom you feel on the sea, but it's something to learn and master, and the company is pleasant. I am almost sorry I ever accused a horse of wanting to eat me. The mare I have been learning on is a true beauty, she's the sweetest, truest creature I ever met.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Calista

April 30, 2017, 8:32 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Merek

An interesting man with a particularly interesting style of dress. I was rather fond of his jewelry. Time shall tell how this progresses. Time is always the deciding factor.

Written By Merek

April 30, 2017, 8:23 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

A very intelligent Duchess, and my new patron. I hope that our patron protege relationship will be one that stands well.

Written By Ansel

April 30, 2017, 8:08 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

I believe the Princess gives Prince Edain nearly as much of a headache as Dulcinea gives to me, in turn. Apparently, both of our sisters have a penchant for leaping headlong from the city walls to get a piece of Bringers.

Written By Edain

April 30, 2017, 7:47 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

I find myself thinking of Sanctum more and more these days. When we break this siege I look forward returning there for awhile.

Written By Aislin

April 30, 2017, 7:46 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Korka

Korka is an interesting woman -- a few years older than me, and someone who seems to have her ear to the ground. I have high hopes that she might prove to be a friend to the Society; we can always use a few more ears out there in the city, those who hear rumors from traders and travelers of interesting things spotted out in the wilds. Things worth sending explorers to look into, to flesh out that much more of the map.

If nothing else, however, she proved an interesting conversational partner.

Written By Stefano

April 30, 2017, 7:22 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Luca Velenosa, now Grayson, is an old friend. We had something of a rivalry as younger men - a friendly one - but I've been consistently unable to defeat him in a spar. I won't even say something like 'perhaps one day' because I doubt that day is going to come any time soon. He has recently married Princess Reese Grayson and gone to join that family. I don't think it will change much as far as our friendship is concerned.

Written By Stefano

April 30, 2017, 7:21 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

My time here in Arx thus far has been an unusual one. The siege has definitely made things interesting and I write now as it comes to and end. One way or another, so I think. I'm confident in victory, but the cost will be high. For now, I stand with my brothers in sisters of the Silver Order. It's good to prepare to fight again after so long. Time on the road has made me rusty with a sword but I'm improving.

Written By Stefano

April 30, 2017, 7:19 p.m.(5/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

Lady Geneal Calypso Malvici is the sister of the curent Duke of Southport and the Minister of Defense for the Compact. She's a competent woman, which I can tell despite only having met her a few times. I need to talk to her about a potential role for me within the Ministry.

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