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Written By Skapti

Aug. 3, 2017, 6:38 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

Damnit, they've got you doing it, too, now.

Written By Leola

Aug. 3, 2017, 6:22 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

The next person to publish a White Reflection containing an ocean pun will receive a pecuniary reward from Archlector Aureth Grayhope, of either 20 economic or 50 social writs. At your preference. Limited time offer.
If we have offended, Archlector, then we are truly shore-y

Written By Calaudrin

Aug. 3, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

I'm just here to sea the wash of puns come into the journals.

Written By Edward

Aug. 3, 2017, 6:13 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

The Archlector is offering rewards for sea puns. I wonder if he realizes that those jokes are kind of all washed up and that we should all just seas and desist.

Written By Warrick

Aug. 3, 2017, 6:13 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Whale me a river. Am I doing this right, scholar?

Written By Valery

Aug. 3, 2017, 3:23 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

I like Lady Eirene.
She's nice, despite being a bit harsh.
And each time I see her I learn something.

Written By Arianna

Aug. 3, 2017, 2:07 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Oh it took a while but I knew it would happen! I heard about that group hug at the Palace!

Written By Quenia

Aug. 3, 2017, 1:29 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

Pietro was one of my older brothers, and then got himself killed doing heroic things. He went into a beserker rage while fighting the Bringers of SIlence and helped save countless lives. I'm beyond angry that he got himself killed, but -- who can argue that his sacrifice saved so many people. I miss him quite dearly. We didn't have enough time together.

Written By Quenia

Aug. 3, 2017, 1:27 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

Pietro was one of my older brother's, and then got himself killed doing heroic things. He went into a beserker rage while fighting the Bringers of SIlence and helped save countless lives. I'm beyond angry that he got himself killed, but -- who can argue that his sacrifice saved so many people. I miss him quite dearly. We didn't have enough time together.

Written By Eirene

Aug. 3, 2017, 1:17 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Symonesse

As delivered by Carissa
To her most radient Majesty, Symonesse, Keeper of Light, Queen of the Compact and protector of the King;
In service to His Majesty as the Minister of Health and head of the Physicians of Arx, I would like to formally greet you and request audience so we might discuss the health and welfare of both your subjects and our most beloved King Alaric. I am a healer of repute and a student of esoteric matters, so it would be most helpful to beg an audience of Your Grace so I may better understand your skills and abilities to assist our goodly King.
With all due respect and admiration,
Lady Minister Guildmistress Eirene Malvici, Brigadier General of the Phoenix of Malvici

As dictacted by Eirene
So titles. Radiant. Call her that. She almost fucking -glows-. Keeper of Light was something I read somewhere, Queen, King's protector, blah blittly blah...
Greets. I'm head of Mini Health, Physicians, can we please meet so we can talk about the King, I study medicine and weird shit so I want to better understand how you help him. Hopefully we can get along and I can actually ease my mind over some things - uh don't put the last part. Sign it with every fucking title you can remember I have so it looks formal and shit. I hope she doesn't think I'm a stuffy prick though.

Written By Calypso

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:58 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

I saw the strangest thing out on a hunt this week. A family of boar correlated to the bodies in a shallow grave. It really gives one a moment of pause to think how we are all connected. Spirits and bodies, an endless cycle. The concept of a soul is such a strange thing to ponder.

Written By Tikva

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:43 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

I loved the royal wedding. Of course, I pretty much love all weddings that I attend ... as there is little that delights me more as the public celebration and embrace of pure oaths of loyalty. Yet I am delighted to see a little spectacle in our spectacle.

At the reception, I watched King Alaric IV and Queen Symonesse greeting their guests and was charmed and delighted by the warmth both showed to each individual they greeted. I'm sure I even witnessed a _group hug_! It gives me new hope for the future, just the joy and kindness and good feelings that I feel like I witnessed, and I'm sure I saw smiles on faces from every House in the Compact.

Yes, all right, the spiders were a little creepy and unsettling, but if they really did weave that glorious wedding gown, sign me up for a set of my own please!

Written By Eleyna

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:06 p.m.(12/15/1006 AR)

It seems to me that the journals are specifically for expressing opinions and thoughts, whether we necessarily agree with them or not. Particularly personal reflections of perhaps one of the most important events to have happened in the past few hundred years. Funny how that works.

That said, the wedding was lovely. The spiders were amusing (but I'm quite a fan of them in general). The Queen is beautiful and seems very serene, but I suppose after a few thousand years of living, you stop being stressed out over the more mundane details that we mortals tears ourselves to pieces over. I managed to stay at the reception long enough to give our gifts before I remembered that trying to socialize while 84 months pregnant just makes me tired and ill-humored.

Written By Denica

Aug. 3, 2017, 10:14 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

"If the formality means a lot to you I'll accept it all the same and put on a serious-as-shit face if required."

(Accompanied by a tiny, over-exaggerated drawing of black sheep with a bigass axe and a crown.)

Written By Samantha

Aug. 3, 2017, 10:09 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

While most of these entries are charming, I am waiting for the inevitable entry evincing disdain of arachnids, and/or the wedding, and/or the fact that people have opinions about arachnids and/or the wedding that they want to share.

(The wedding was lovely, even if I was too tired to attend the reception, and I did not mind the spiders as long as they stayed in their places. Had one fallen on me, it would have been a very different story.)

Written By Khanne

Aug. 3, 2017, 8:23 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

It's been about a year since I started looking for someone to take on as a protege. I didn't advertise that I was, no. It was more a personal search. As with most decisions I make, I spent a lot of time thinking about it. The key qualities I was searching for may not have been the same as what other Patrons look for. There had to be talent, of course, and I had to feel there was potential for great success in some form... But more so, I wanted someone I could also count as friend.

Magpie is my first protege, and I am very pleased to be able to say so. We've had a great working friendship thus far (despite all the shit he has bothered me with *wink), and I believe it is one that will continue to go well. I am excited for the opportunities this will provide both of us, and greatly anticipate seeing what he accomplishes with this endeavor. He's already made a great name for himself with Highway Robbery and the lovely collectible figurines, I can only imagine his woodworking endeavors will lead to the same successes.

Written By Magpie

Aug. 3, 2017, 7:30 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Sometimes someone makes a damned compelling argument! (And I know what you're all thinking, but I'm a married man now and I have to wait at least a month before I go back to *those* habits)

Anyway, I picked Lady Khanne as my patron. If it doesn't work out, I'll just try again.

I'm fairly convinced it'll work out fine though. The fact that she even offered after all the shit I've bothered her with says a lot.

Start preparing yourselves for some amazing couches, Arx. You're not going to believe how fantastic they'll be. Just sitting on them will bring a joy akin to your second time. (Because face it, it's pretty rare for someone to actually enjoy their first time... usually it's just weird and awkward and over very quickly)

Written By Edward

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:34 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Antonio

You took a tough task upon your shoulders trying to heard the cats of various Houses and ships for the naval exercises. You did well in spite of the attention that was directed to your ships specifically.

Written By Edward

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:33 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

The naval exercises were very informative and educational. Your stratagem was well executed.

Next time my Lord, I will win that small part of the encounter.

Written By Silas

Aug. 3, 2017, 12:28 a.m.(12/14/1006 AR)

The wedding was marvelous. I'm surprised the spiders didn't trigger a stampede of panic out of the Cathedral, though -- I've seen full grown men panic at the sight of the tiniest among them!

I danced with Aiden. He's much better at it than I am, even when he's drunk.

The medals and the Iron Cup for tomorrow's ceremony have been completed and now I have to determine how much I want to spoil our guests...

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