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Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:26 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Ian

I've never known before or since anyone half as bullheadedly devoted to the blade as my little brother. I haven't known many people more bullheaded in general. Aethan met his match in that kid, trying to teach him to sail. Knots were the worst. Imagine a ten year old kid, stubborn as the day is long, his head full of swordplay and derring do, and then try to imagine getting that kid to sit down and learn how to tie string into fancy knots. Aethan couldn't get him to attend to the lessons, and eventually he told me (because I was laughing about it) to do better, if I could. Well, I could.

If there's one thing a ten year old, even a ten year old as weird as Ian, relishes more than swordplay and derring do, it's filthy drinking songs. And I happen to have a knack for filthy drinking songs. I made up knot-inspired verses to 'What do you do with a drunken sailor?'. I'd teach him one verse and if he wanted to learn another, he'd have to master the knot that went with it.

Ian STILL ties some of the best sailor's knots I've seen.

Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aethan

A lot has passed between Aethan and I. A lot of bad blood and a lot of words said. He turned his back on our little brother -- his own flesh and blood -- and there can be no forgiveness for that. But just because he's forgoten who his family are doesn't mean that I have. Aethan's my brother, and he'll always be my brother. For him, I'd stand against the gods themselves.

Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aethan

Aethan's a problem solver. His solutions are usually brutal, but they're also usually the right ones.

I remember once, Wash was in one of his moods and ended up on the roof of a building, threatening to jump to his death. It was only a one story building, but a swan dive from there would have killed him just the same as if it'd been taller. Aethan, Ian, and I had followed him up there to try to keep him from jumping, although Aethan and Ian were pretty useless at that. Ian was still just a kid, all of fifteen, and Aethan just stood there, glowering while he drank his way through a bottle of vodka, so it fell to me to use my considerable charms to talk Wash down. I pleaded and I cajoled. I may have even shed a few tears. Wash wouldn't budge.

This went on for exactly until Aethan finished off his bottle of vodka. Then he walked right up to Wash, grabbed him, and chucked him over the edge... feet first. Poor guy was hobbling around on a bad ankle for a while after that, but he didn't split his head open.

Brutal, but effective.

Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Wash

Wash loves that woman of his with a true and noble heart; you can tell because he's a madman when he's with her, and he's REALLY a madman when he's without her.

He talked once, while he was really in his cups, about wanting to impress her with some act of gallantry, something like the sort of thing the Brothers Kennex are famous for. Well, he was practically one of us at that point, so I thought... why shouldn't he? I decided to hatch a plan for him, something that would really turn Lady Catalana's pretty head. It seemed like a really good idea at the time; usually, I'm a better judge of these things when I'm drunk.

It was a good plan. Simple. Iconic. There's this tribe of shavs -- technically, they've bent the knee, but they live on both sides of the line, as it were, smugglers, mostly. One of them owed me a favor, and happened to be in the neighborhood. The way it was supposed to go, this shav, Ryvan, was supposed to harrass Lady Catalana in the marketplace, and then it would be Wash to the rescue. He'd demand satisfaction for the bothering of his woman, they'd have a show fight, he'd get some superficial wound for her to fuss over before winning heroically.

Ryvan played his part beautifully -- right up until the "helpless" Lady Catalana clocked him in the jaw, kneed him in the balls, and then kicked him as he was going down. In charges Wash, just then, totally unaware of what just happened, yelling something trite like 'unhand that woman', and Ryvan, who's on the ground by this point, says: "By all your gods, Wash! You didn't tell me she had such a good right hook."

He was sleeping on the proverbial couch for a while after that, and Aethan stuck me with looking after him until she forgave him.

Written By Arianna

Sept. 29, 2017, 3:59 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Malesh

I remember when you first came to be the Marquis of Stonehearth. Gods it seems like so long ago but in truth, it's been a paltry six years. I had grown up apart from the rest and lived such a different life that returning after father's death was like...being pulled out of the dream and thrust into the real world. I think I must have done something to impress you then, to name me Voice at such a young age. Though the truth of the matter was I didn't know who you were and I couldn't have faith in your ability to lead in such an exemplary manner as father did. Over the years I quickly learned that you weren't as good as father, you were better. Far exceeding any expectations I had in what a leader could and should be. You've led our House onward to glory and we're far more successful and secure than we've ever been before. Thank you for your never ending work days, and all the endless hours you put into the books. Thank you for always being patient with me even when I didn't deserve it. Thank you for always standing with me even when it hurt you to do it. Thank you for entrusting the legacy of our House to me, so we might elevate ourselves to our rightful place among the Compact. You've done well brother.

Written By Sebastian

Sept. 29, 2017, 3:35 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Sunlight caught on the mirrormask of the see, blinding and beckoning, as treasure beneath the waves, or at the end of a long and glittering road. But the salt and sand buffets the canvas, and the water washes the colors away, laying bare all what lies beneath.

Written By Daemon

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:55 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

There comes a time in a man's life when he must recognize whether he is the alpha, the beta, or the omega. At present I had considered myself the alpha but the more time goes on spent with this high-class puppy, I'm beginning to feel as though I have met my match. Did you know a hound could have the same attitude and personality befitting a royal? Because surely this breed I have acquired most definitely royalty. From the way she carries her head high to the way she turns up her nose at the peasant kibbles I attempt to feed her at night.

More often than not I'll even come home and find the bed is not my own. It is an eternal struggle I've found in this Elegance, but I must thank Princess Alarissa for her challenge. For without Elegance, I may have lived the rest of my life knowing man could not be subservient to the very animals they cater to.

For shame, Daemon. For shame. Perhaps lose the leash and get a stronger sense of presence? No no... Obviously when dealing with a royal hound you must act like a royal hound. How about this, Scribe? Is my nose high enough? Does my neck need to be more stiff? Where are you going...?

Written By Percephon

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:41 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

[ A sampling of the following has been added to the Journal: ]

The Alphabet of Lagoma: Apothecary Cures and Curses. A (Very Outdated) Compendium from the Apothecary College of Tor. Chapter Three.

Catnip - Also known as catmint. A perennial herb that is commonly found growing wild. In a warm tea it soothes the mind and promotes sleep. As a tonic it eases hysteria and irritability when combined with valerian and skullcap.

Celery - Celery is a plant which grows in the garden and is known to everyone, and its seed is even better known to be useful for medicine. It is put in purgatives with quite sharp properties and is a reliable diuretic.

Coffee - The 'Mocha' coffee is esteemed the best, and the 'Java' next, but all can agree that the dried and roasted berries of coffee can be ground to create a very agreeable infusion. Used as a beverage, it clears the mind of fog and reduces headaches. Also, it has been known to destroy the pains following inebriation. If taken too freely it will effect the nerves.

Cumin - The cumin with the strongest properties appears to be that procured in the Saffron Isles. Known for the ability to soothe and warm the humors, hence it is good for flatulence and stomach cramps, especially if following a full Oathland meal.

Curare - See Nux Vomica. The bitter seeds, when ground into a fine powder and used in tinctures is known to stimulate the digestion to good effect in small doses. In higher quantities it is known as a toxin that will lead to shock, paralysis, and the unfortunate condition known as death.

Cypress - For one that should find themselves god-touched (or struck by lighting) seek out green cypress. The body should be rubbed with a plaster made of this along with lowland pine resin and a sandalwood. This mixture, when heated, and inhaled through the nostrils will fill one with the odor of good incense and nothing more.

Written By Ira

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:32 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

There was a knock
Upon my door
And upon my stoop
There stood the Gods
Cloaked, as I
In Superstition
Cloaked as I
In Desire

But I, being sound
Did so say "Why,
Why do you stand
Thus on my stoop?"

"We come today
To tell you how
How to be
How to act
We come today
To share with you
The things to do
To live and love
To clash and cry
And eventually die."

"All this
And all in service
To you, and you, and you?"

"All in service to life."

"And what is life?"

"Life is love."

"And what is love?"

"Love is work."

"Why then
Would I submit
To the labor of love
In service to you
In service to life?"

"Because it is right."

"What is right?"

"Right is not wrong."

"What then is wrong?
Who chooses
The morality
Who chooses
The stance
Who chooses
The rules?"

"We do."
But it was not the Gods
Who spoke
But the air behind them
The collective
More than a God
More powerful than any Mirror
The collective
Has the power
To ostracize
And cripple
And tear down
The Gods
And break
The mirror.

Written By Anze

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:29 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

Not the most ideal reason for a return trip to my childhood home...

Written By Aureth

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:22 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna


Written By Eleyna

Sept. 29, 2017, 12:16 p.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

While I find the idea of reincarnation fascinating and am intrigued each time I hear about someone being the reincarnated soul of some ancient hero or villain, I don't much care about whether I am some Important Person reborn or not.

Instead, I think about how I can leave behind the sort of legacy that makes people hope they are me reborn in a couple hundred years.

Written By Rey

Sept. 29, 2017, 11:01 a.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

In my dream, I stood under a roiling storm, but I wasn't afraid because the storm was mine, and I knew that if I reached out, I could hold the lightning in my hands. I met the weeping knight there, delicate and broken, but only for a moment. He came to offer me his cup of love and sorrow, but only that; then it was time for us to say goodbye.

The storm held its breath. I could feel the clouds change. I turned around, and saw him. The man from the beach. He spoke to me, but the words formed by his mouth weren't the words I heard, and I couldn't tell what was real anymore.

Written By Petal

Sept. 29, 2017, 4:42 a.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

I will have to make another banjo for my shop and I think a harp too. I am glad it is being played, I worked hard on it.

Also, I won Going Crownsworn. It is going right up in my shop. I am so excited.

The Bow, Mirari made me is lovely.


Written By Monique

Sept. 29, 2017, 1:12 a.m.(4/20/1007 AR)

Where shall I put this painting! WHERE! Ah, the possibilities are so endless that it's agonizing.

A wonderful event, talent beyond my wildest dreams, and I, the humble Minx allowed to own a small part of it.

Why, one might almost think everything was going right.

Written By Calaudrin

Sept. 28, 2017, 10:45 p.m.(4/20/1007 AR)

I will not be writing any banjo sheet music, you lunatics. I swear everyone in this city has lost their mind.

Written By Ida

Sept. 28, 2017, 7:32 p.m.(4/20/1007 AR)

The new forge is nearly installed and I'm dying to get to work. Two swords up first and then at least a handful of daggers, baby themed. Probably will give a couple of them away, but it is like the designs are writing themselves in my head. Can't wait to be back to work! Barring any MORE unforeseen circumstances of an almost comedic nature, of course. Not that I'm superstitious. Except that I am wholly and, perhaps, almost ridiculously superstitious. I think I am going to sprinkle some salt on my doorway, just in case.

Written By Vesper

Sept. 28, 2017, 6:06 p.m.(4/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

If only someone had a banjo ...

Written By Thena

Sept. 28, 2017, 6:04 p.m.(4/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

You just need to put that to music.

Written By Calaudrin

Sept. 28, 2017, 5:19 p.m.(4/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

I like you just the way you are.

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