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Written By Evonleigh

May 12, 2019, 6:38 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

I do not mind the snow and ice outdoors, but when it follows me inside as it has done now on two occasions, it is a little strange. And very cold.

Has anyone else woken to frost on their pillow? It seemed benign, at least -- so far. I always do like to be recognized, but I prefer it in the city streets then in my dreams.

Written By Mayir

May 12, 2019, 4:53 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Nurie

Sometimes, in the midst of a lot of scary stuff, all you need is a night out with a great girl.

Written By Evaristo

May 12, 2019, 4:39 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Planning a trip to the south. Got some trading to do and an island with a beach to visit. Will be nice to get away from the cold for a spell! And with good friends, to boot.

Anyone reading this, if you want something shipped to the southern islands or the Lyceum, let me know!

Written By Valdemar

May 12, 2019, 3:45 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)


As you grow up, you will be afforded a great many privileges by your birth. You are noblemen of the Mourning Isles, sons of a Duke. But that does not mean you can afford to avoid examining your faults, as many of our station seem prone to doing. It is not a pleasant thing to do, boys, to look into the mirror and face everything you see there. All of the doubts. Whatever anger, pain, and frustration plague you. It can get ugly, at times, I know as well as anyone.

If you can't find the courage to face these things, though, they will rule you. Without examining your weaknesses, whether rage, lust, greed, vanity, or any others are among them, you will never understand how to control them so that they cannot control you. Maybe you will even find ways to use them, healthy outlets for them. Or perhaps you will simply have to conquer them; you have stubborn, willful blood running in your veins without a doubt. Either way, being enslaved to these things is not a fate I ever want for you, both because I love you, and because you are too important to the future of our people for such terrible weakness to take root. If you want an example of what happens when our leaders lack this understanding, seek out stories of Koraj Marin and what his fall did to the Mourning Isles.

Written By Tescelina

May 12, 2019, 3:36 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

I sat at the bank of a river and watched a young girl break ice with a mallet and pour the water into a bucket and carry it back up from the hill from which she came, the way the ice broke into floes like islets was fascinating to me.

I went down and took one of the shards and held it in my hand until it melted into a puddle as though I watched the life cycle of an entire Dream. I thought, as it occurred, perhaps the ice woke up.

It was a soft demise.

The girl returned with an empty bucket and she asked me what I was doing and that I had made the hem of my dress wet from how close I went to the river and that I would freeze, if I were not careful.

I asked her if she hated the ice, when she struck it with the mallet. Or if she ever wondered if it regretted turning back to water.

She said, "Its only ice, m'lady. I just wanted the water underneath."

It was a pleasant encounter.

Written By Octavia

May 12, 2019, 2:07 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

I highly recommend, Lord Rysen, that you be careful regarding your accusations of preferences for violence over truth. They do not become a person of your station, and they could tip the "court of public opinion" against you.

Honor duels are a respected tradition in this city, and the traditional way for solving such disputes. If that is news to you, then I fear the people responsible for your education failed you.

Written By Domonico

May 12, 2019, 2:01 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Last night I dreamt of the sea calling to me.
Perhaps I've been away from it for too long.

Written By Preston

May 12, 2019, 12:23 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

In our pilgrimage across the Oathlands, I heard many voices full of worry. They were scared because of changes. Scared of what the prodigals meant. Scared the Faith was now somehow weak or reluctant.

I understand those fears - change is hard. It is difficult. But the prodigals have sworn their oaths and bent their knee. All should be given a chance, though of course those we suspect we should watch closely. Yet, if we do not give them a chance, if we do not allow them a path to the correct ways, then how can we judge them guilty? And Gloria commands clearly that we must not harm the innocents. In our haste to do what is right, we would instead do what is wrong and in so doing distance ourselves from the Gods.

In terms of the other, the idea the Faith is somehow weakened because we tolerate the Heresy in the North? We do not. But we give them a chance to recant. A chance, that is all. Mother Bianca offers them the forgiveness and love the Faith holds for all its children, for all our brothers and sisters. If they reject that, I firmly believe you will see our resolve. I expect should word come that they have rejected Mother Bianca that my Templars and I will be sent by the Dominus to resolve this matter.

Peace should be tried first though, because that ability to attempt peace, to try to take a better path, that is what separates us from our enemies. I make no apologies for supporting that, and no true son or daughter of the Orthodoxy should cheer the coming of war. We do our duty because it is right, because it is necessary.

Written By Lucita

May 12, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

There is always a price to pay for the things we do. This time mine seems to be quite a few fading bruises though they don't hurt as much since Marquessa Reigna tended to me, and peace of mind the ability to sleep without nightmares. It will pass in time, it always does, especially when friends help. But... I'm worn out for now.

Written By Lucita

May 12, 2019, 12:17 p.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Thank goodness we all survived. It was a very close call for some.

Written By Martino

May 12, 2019, 11:48 a.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

The cloak you presented and gave to me, sweetest Lady Kaia, has been so very much appreciated. Truly, without it the blanket that falls from the sky and the frozen winds might have caught me.

Thank you.

Written By Gunther

May 12, 2019, 11:42 a.m.(2/4/1011 AR)

Mah Sally,

Ain't been a day like this one in my life! Save when I met you and mah life changed for the better!

Today I was made a squire and a disciple. Gonna be a knight! Mah knight -- Sir Jeffeth Bayweather he is a really good fella an' all. You'd like him! Reckon I'm near the oldest squire ever was but that's okay! One of them days they'll knight me! Can you IMAGINE!?!? Me, a knight! I know you'd be sheddin' them tears baby girl. Likes a river!

You'd be so proud of me and where I come an' all. I hope I does you proud. Ain't no love like the love I got for you.

I miss you ever beat of my ticker! Ain't a moment goes by I wouldn't give everything and anything just to hold you in my mitts one last time.

I love you,

Written By Preston

May 12, 2019, 7:10 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

To be Godsworn is to dedicate yourself to the Gods to the exclusion of all other loyalties. To the extent you wish to take this? It is to individual decisions, individual choices. Some eschew their former names, some retain them. Some refuse membership of other organisations, some are active in many. Some refuse all close friendship, many others retain them. There are many interpretations, none necessarily right or wrong in an absolute way. These are personal, how an individual wishes to be.

But, no loyalty can ever come before the Gods - no entanglement can ever prevent us from their service. That dedication is important. Some think it is just the politics, the Faith cannot be drawn into unnecessary House concerns, but it is truly about connection with the Gods. About understanding and devoting yourself to them. And searching always for a greater understanding. I am grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Faith, they always teach me some new way, some new view upon the Gods or some aspect of faith. I may not always agree, I may see it differently, I may prefer other ways, but I am still grateful for them that they share their experience and wisdom. Because that is an attempt to improve one another.

Written By Ajax

May 12, 2019, 6:29 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

To our Quartermaster,

You've done well keeping the lads and lasses equipped, thank you.

Written By Ajax

May 12, 2019, 6:28 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

Congratulations, Lord Tyde. I'll think of a proper wedding offering eventually.

Written By Raimon

May 12, 2019, 6:04 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

There are many of my Peers that I will never understand

Written By Rook

May 12, 2019, 5:24 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

Being a Patron of the Arts has a great positive, to start seeing the works and scripts before they are confirmed. Adding my own insight where I can.

Also it allows to find something different to do and relax with while touring the city's shops. Checking ownership and ensuring that that Commonfolk of our kind City have opportunity.

Written By Arcadia

May 12, 2019, 2:23 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

I returned from the experdition up the Bonaventure River, and I have never been gladder to see a fire or see my family.

While I am glad to be home, I was blessed to travel with such fine members of the society and to have the experience to hone my skills with Lady Rhiannon. I hope in time and with experience I can be as well renowned in skill as her.

Written By Cambria

May 12, 2019, 1:18 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

Sometimes I wonder who is more reconciled with death: men, or women?

Women, after all, bring life into the world, and therefore, we are a kind of debtor.

What is given is taken in turn.

Written By Sophie

May 11, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(2/2/1011 AR)

I'm so very tired... but it's a good sort of tired. It's the sort of tired that you know when you awaken from the sleep you'll wake to a world that has changed for the better. It's the sort of sleep that comes when you know your next steps. It's the sort of sleep that comes when you fall into slumber knowing that you can do better, and that you will do better.

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