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Written By Rymarr

May 14, 2018, 6:32 p.m.(9/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

As my knight was fond of saying during my days as a squire: if you're going to be dumb, then make certain you're tough.

Which is probably why he would practice with us with live steel, while espousing the creed that you take your nicks and scars in training so that you're less apt to earn them on a real battlefield.

That is a philosophy that has maintained a presence in the back of my mind since my youth. Train hard so that when grit and metal become the method of dispute resolution, you're ready.

I'd be disappointed if Dame Ida were to ever pull her punches for this student. Thankfully she does not.

Written By Rymarr

May 13, 2018, 2:24 p.m.(9/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

I'm beginning to suspect that Dame Ida has always been so very respectful, because she's just biding her time. Waiting for someone to seek out one of the finer pugilists to step out of the Oathlands as far back as my own memory goes. Waiting for someone who she has heaped respect, politeness, and more upon to come knocking at her door, asking to learn a thing or six from Dame Ida.

She hit me so hard at one point that I'm confident I saw some of my ancestors, that I've not already encountered. She generated new dead people for me to see, that's how hard she hit me.

I'm fairly certain that I even called her 'mother' at one point in my disorientation. She hit me again for that one. Likely because she can't be that much older than me and I suspect she found it insulting.

This wasn't even our first lesson, so I knew exactly what I was walking into. I shouldn't be surprised by any of it. Never let it be said though that Dame Ida Ferron, the Hammer of the West, isn't a delightful instructor. I told her to hit me and she hit me in the ear, I think. After my vision finished graying out, I think that's when I began hearing the high pitched whine and tasting sounds for a short time. Needless to say, every part of a round of slap-boxing with Dame Ida is a learning experience.

Written By Rymarr

May 5, 2018, 10 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaldur

It warms my interior to know that Dumpling is serving alongside you so well. Dame Zhayla possessed dreams of knighthood some day and I told her at the time that any knight worth their salt, at least knows how to ride. Marquessa Samantha and I came to the notion that in order to help Dame Zhayla pursue that dream, she deserved a gift befitting someone pursuing such a path. She never got as much time in the saddle as I'd have preferred, but a knight she became.

Your companion has a history and now a fresh chapter begins with you as her new companion. No matter what the future holds for either of you, it thrills me to know that Dumpling will not simply fade away. She will have renewed opportunity to make her mark and by the sound of it, already has in your affections. I'm glad that you can be of service to each other.

Written By Rymarr

April 30, 2018, 4:21 p.m.(8/25/1008 AR)

I'm not sure whether my wife has given indication that she's pregnant to her white journal before she has even told me or if I'm simply reading too deeply into her words.

Gods, I hope I don't have sympathy cravings. I can't afford my posterior to become enlarged. Fat is gross.

Maybe she told me and I simply forgot. If she is pregnant, anyway. If she is, then congratulations to you, Rymarr. It all still works properly. Which is nice.

Written By Rymarr

April 22, 2018, 7:36 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Princess Reese gifted me a delightful ring for my service in the latest campaign. I'll wear it with pride and with the full understanding that it is but a simple token of appreciation from her.

Fulfilling an obligated duty is always sweeter when lasting recognition is given, no matter simple the gesture or momento.

She understands the purpose behind the Greater in None Greater is ultimately intended to inspire and forge the path forward.

Written By Rymarr

April 18, 2018, 1:54 a.m.(7/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Martin

I have to thank the Faith for giving me reason to be grateful that I generally count my life expectancy in months, rather than years.

Written By Rymarr

April 12, 2018, 10:59 a.m.(7/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

As pleasant as that sounds, I'm not entirely convinced you're not simply making up words and stringing them together at this point.

Never underestimate the motivational fragrance of four-day-old ball sack, underboob sweat after ten hours on patrol in full kit, or some frugal guard's thrice-reheated chowder and mushrooms. Each of those alone can cause a grimace; when you combine the three within an area, then one has created a truly motivating weapon.

Written By Rymarr

April 12, 2018, 12:46 a.m.(7/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

Before hasty decisions are made regarding the fumigating of the barracks? I ask that you only consider the motivational properties that the subtle scents of body odor, butt, and blade oil can provide.

Rarely does one wish to marinate in such smells, but instead many will march dutifully and thankfully off to their patrols for fresh air.

Think of the recruits and morale.

Written By Rymarr

April 10, 2018, 8:13 a.m.(7/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominique

Speaking from my experience following Brand's siege of Arx, be prepared for your hand to cramp and pain to become a temporary companion.

I also suggest that you carry a small tea cup with you afterward. It will aid in dissuading discussion of why you're marching about with your fingers ridiculously pincered for a few days.

Written By Rymarr

April 8, 2018, 5:46 p.m.(7/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Irisa

Dame Irisa doesn't seem very talkative. I'll have to get her into a smaller setting so that I can determine if it was due to lack of having anything noteworthy to say during the gathering of our vassals.

Maybe she's become mute without my hearing of it.

Written By Rymarr

April 8, 2018, 4:51 p.m.(7/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mia

I think what I enjoy most about Countess Mia Riven is that she knows when business needs discussing and that it should maintain priority. So often I see people attend meetings on dire subjects, only for some fool to try to draw the focus of the discussion to themselves through near-childish antics. Countess Mia knows how to keep a meeting on track, cut through the giggles and bad jokes, and ultimately get things done.

I see something of myself in her personality, actions, and demeanor. There are moments when she is forthright and every word that she speaks is with purpose. Cold and resolute. Wrapped in the rigid security of well forged armor. It is those moments that she is far more like her husband, Count Thesarin, than I believe she even realizes.

Yet abruptly she can surprise many with how she slips from her metaphorical armor or simply pulls some internal lever and abruptly becomes something else entirely. Warm, compassionate, tolerant, and more. She is an example that many should strive to follow.

She has adopted the philosophy of morning pie and somewhere on the inside of me, that makes me very happy. I just hope that she doesn't take it too far. The results could be disastrous.

Written By Rymarr

April 8, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(7/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

Lady Peri's devotion to House Seliki is admirable. She recognizes the importance of a strong standing force to deter aggressors and has begun the long process of rebuilding. While it is a weighty task ahead of her I'm confident that she will not only achieve her goal, but surpass it.

As well I have to commend her willingness to ask a daunting question. The answer could have gone quite differently than it did, but at least she had the courage to ask it.

Written By Rymarr

March 28, 2018, 10:41 a.m.(6/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

You have my apology for turning you into a refugee of House Deepwood.

I heard of Sir Kerr's return to the city and sought to find suitable lodgings for him when prompted by a household attendant. What failed to be mentioned in the discussion was that the Pine Suite was already occupied.

To make it up to you, I'll see to it that the room I set aside for my personal armory is make a little more homely. Then you can bunk there. I've been told that Lady Emily Deepwood snores something fierce, so you'll thank me later.

Sorry about the mix-up, jive turkey.

Written By Rymarr

March 28, 2018, 10:38 a.m.(6/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

That's my bad, home skillet.

Written By Rymarr

March 22, 2018, 12:02 p.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

I could place this personal reflection in a black journal, unlikely to be seen again until I'm fired from a catapult at some worthy adversary in the future. I won't place it there, though. That is within my routine and counter to the point of this journal.

Many perished as a result of this most recent conflict. Deepwood suffered a number of losses, let alone the many banners across all of Arvum that converged on those areas of conflict. Their loss will be felt and, gods willing, remembered. I refuse to exaggerate the relationship that I had with those of the Peerage that perished, but I can acknowledge losses and grow from them without painting a pleasant picture of our being the very best of friends that never truly existed. I didn't travel to Stormwall because I had a competent officer of House Deepwood's military to command in my stead. I had duties in Arx. The point is, I didn't fight in this conflict; I have some regrets on that issue, but recognize that sometimes you must prioritize your focus.

It is in these moments when surrounded by the knowledge of so much death, without having intimate familiarity with those who have fallen that I find the most clarity in my own reflections. It is in those moments where I can take a step back and see the sacrifice of others as more than their deaths. I have since I was a young child tried to see the positive side of death or at least how to make a positive of it. These deaths weigh on my mind because, as with many deaths of war, they were unexpected. When one marches to war, one accepts that they may die. Rare it is that I've been outside the conflict, waiting for news of the few friends and family that I have to return home safely. Then comes the news of losses. Name after name after name. Some familiar, some strange.

It is as those names begin to circulate that I'm reminded that death can come at any moment. War, hunger, a harsh winter after a group of shav raid your supply train and force everyone to scrounge, or even simply stepping into the street without paying attention. That is what these relative stranger's deaths mean to me. A reminder that no matter how safe or how content you are, Constant Vigilance has to be maintained. It's exhausting really, but a necessary thing. It's what the Sentinel would want.

Yet I recognize something else, when I put aside the idea that one must be persistently watchful for tragedy. You forget to live. You become cold. You become detached. The people around you whisper about seeing hidden warmth beneath the surface. They relish even a twitch of a smile. I have to wonder though: is that any way to live your life? People died and here you are, sitting in your study, with a half dozen metaphorical sticks fitted snugly within your backside.

I don't spend days, weeks, or even months mourning loss. As I have consulted some in the past, I often find it is best to take tragedy and spin it into something positive. Dame Zhayla was slain and while I certainly both felt and feel her loss still, I refuse to become some blubbering mess over it all. I vowed to protect the future of House Deepwood with even more fervor after her death. Our House has a second chance at life and Dame Zhayla believed in the purpose of it. If I'm to respect her life and death, then I must strive to protect that which she loved and what loved her in return, to the best of my ability.

If I'm to pay my respects to these names of the Peerage and beyond that I barely knew, if at all? Then I must ensure that I take the time that I'm afforded, on account of their noble sacrifice, and truly utilize it. I must embrace life more fully, I must remove these sticks from my backside, I must utilize the time I'm given for more than what I've been using it for. So much potential has been wasted on my not understanding the value of life.

In short, I must learn to lighten up so that I can properly thank those who gave their lives. Appreciate the time that they have paid to allow me more.

The first step will probably need to be smiling sometimes. I think some people have began to suspect that I'm not actually human. Though I'm sure that would be quite the surprise to discover of myself.

After that, perhaps I'll take up cursing for the sheer fun of it. Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius seems to believe that I should feel free to both pray and curse. I can only suspect that she truly does have the eye of Jayus, given the creativity that she puts into her favorite curse words or phrases. I think baby steps are in order. One day at a time.

Written By Rymarr

March 19, 2018, 2:44 p.m.(5/21/1008 AR)

All of this kerfuffle about command, leadership, accountability, and all the rest.

I'll just keep protecting this gate and minding my own business. It requires a lot less mental gymnastics.

Constant Vigilance.

Written By Rymarr

March 18, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

A private exchange was made in a personal letter. Allow me to make my views public, now.

You represented yourself, your House, and our people well. I'm sure there will be many stepping up to volunteer for the future of Old Oak's martial forces with you as their inspiration.

Consider my pride in your achievements public knowledge.

Written By Rymarr

March 11, 2018, 1:26 a.m.(5/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

Thanks for the tip.

Written By Rymarr

March 4, 2018, 10:02 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

I'm often of the opinion that a suit of armor works for many occasions.

Celebrating a birth? Armor.
Wedding? Armor.
Romance? Armor.
Baking? Armor.
Ice skating? No armor. Must work on that.
Meetings? Armor.
Digging a trench? Armor.
Hugging? Please no.
Sports Ball? Armor.
Hugging your loved ones? Armor
Boats? Someone from the Mourning Isles once told me that if you go overboard, you're dead anyway. So, armor.

Armor is versatile and has a place in many different settings.

It has been made clear to me this evening however that I do not possess a suit of armor for a "very casual" setting. The indecision is paralyzing. Then to top it all off once I reach that decision, I may begin doubting myself when I consider what primary means of self-defense I should pair it with.

I think I'm going to be late.

Written By Rymarr

March 3, 2018, 10:31 a.m.(4/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

I can hardly take credit or claim ownership. Merely words heard in travels and committed here for later use.

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