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Written By Dycard

Oct. 6, 2020, 7:51 a.m.(2/25/1014 AR)

As relaxing and enjoyable as Arx is, I suppose it is time to proceed with being a contributing member of House Blackshore. One can only masquerade as resupplying -one- galley for so long. I've decided I need to put together a uniform for the crew, and while i'm no tailor and don't profess to hold a single creative bone in my body, I think i'm going to have something done that will certainly anger father should he ever decide to show his face again. A dandy he called me one? The entire crew will be Dycard's Dandies, if I see this through. Ha.

Written By Vaar

Oct. 6, 2020, 3:25 a.m.(2/25/1014 AR)

What exactly does it mean to be human? Does two legs and two arms count? What about being able to speak? To think? Is that all it takes to be a human? If that's the case, we are a lousy lot.

No I think being human is about caring about things beyond yourself. Those who don't, that only care for themselves, I call those people "Monsters."

Written By Anisha

Oct. 6, 2020, 2:42 a.m.(2/25/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orick

A Softest Whisper does her best to spread her attention, and I've placed it in Tor Plaza today. Visiting Professor Orick's shop, "a Taste of Tor". Wines, perfumes, masks. A delightful little find.

He's running a silent auction for a one-of-a-kind, unique mask, too, which... Well. He claims it's less a mask, more a piece of art. A statement.

I don't disagree.

It's a curious thing, really. I've seen _similar_ before. And the choice of his cast is intriguing. I might be tempted to put in a bid solely to add it to my collection.

It would do nicely next to Master Apollo's "Attention".

If I win, I might place them opposite each other.

Written By Zyanya

Oct. 6, 2020, 2 a.m.(2/25/1014 AR)

White on white on gray,
there is no end to the sky
or its gifts in winter.

Stare at the clouds long enough
it all becomes confusion.

Written By Gwenna

Oct. 5, 2020, 7:37 p.m.(2/24/1014 AR)

The Southern Style Musical Celebration at the Amphitheater in the Pravus Ward was a truly inspiring event! I wondered aloud if there was anything that Nina Autumndale can /not/ do. Her performance was extraordinary, as was the wonderful company that I had the great fortune to watch the event with. I can hardly wait to see what the next event may bring - each just seems to delight more than the last.

Written By Neve

Oct. 5, 2020, 10:34 a.m.(2/23/1014 AR)

There's something about visiting (or perhaps more accurately stumbling upon) a princess to make one realize when their own sense of style is perhaps unfashionably out of date or dare one might say nonexistant. I shall have to look into style and see how I can wrap myself in these things that..well, wrap around my self.

Now the question - what should one budget on fashionables?

Written By Ida

Oct. 5, 2020, 8:33 a.m.(2/23/1014 AR)

Princess Sorrel Thrax trusted me with the creation of an alaricite blade for her, and I wanted it to be the best I could make. I mean, I /always/ want what I create to be the best that I can make, but sometimes I guess I want it just a little more on certain pieces. As well, I have written now and again about my feelings on alaricite. It is a metal I respect, and one that I imagine expects as much when I try to forge it into something great. Working with that metal is a different experience for me, and it's hard to put into words.

All weapons might tell a tale, and I've always crafted with that in mind when trusted with such works. I often feel that making a weapon is writing the first page of its story - the prologue, if you will - for a weapon rarely can tell a tale without someone to wield her. I was humbled to read the Bladesong's words about the sketch, and I thank Jayus that the piece came out better than I had hoped it might. Inspiration has been a bit hard to come by for me lately, as I close in on my 41st birthday.

When the blade was done and set to cool, I felt a great mix of excitement and pride - brief, though, as I'm not one to congratulate myself for doing what is expected of me. But for that moment, I allowed myself to admire putting her vision to metal. I very much look forward to the stories she may tell.

Written By Adrienne

Oct. 5, 2020, 8:18 a.m.(2/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Philippe

To you who comes across this white journal: I would have it publicly known that my uncle, Count Philippe Blanchard of Chevalle, wields his wisdom as deftly - and as devastatingly - as he does his sword.

Written By Adrienne

Oct. 5, 2020, 8:14 a.m.(2/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Nina

Nina Autumndale's concert last night was the finest I've attended in Arx. No mean feat. Bravo, bardess. Arx's reputation as a beacon of culture is well deserved.

Now to persuade her to sing at my wedding. Reader, do you think she would?

Written By Medeia

Oct. 5, 2020, 4:06 a.m.(2/23/1014 AR)

I have recently been the recipient of many of the most heartwarming compliments. Some, though, I don't think were meant as compliments - which makes them all the more meaningful. Think simple, matter-of-fact statements that cut through to the core and bely some deeper regard or confidence, recognition of something you can control - the effort you've exerted in developing a skill, perhaps. There was no attempt to flatter or deceive. Honesty.

I've been told I'm too beautiful, even more beautiful than the moon and stars.

But knowing someone would entrust me with their life, or their child's life? In the case of being a midwife, both? I will keep those compliments close to my heart.

Written By Lucita

Oct. 4, 2020, 10:09 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

I've said this before, but it still applies, months later. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.

Written By Drake

Oct. 4, 2020, 10:08 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

The works of the Champions have been quite busy lately, leaving me less time for rest and socializing.

I feel lately as if my days are rushing by. It does feel like something is on the horizon, not for me so much as for the city itself. Tensions are high, leaving we duelists with much to do. But whatever may happen next, I obviously cannot see the shape of it from where I stand in the field.

Written By Katryn

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:59 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

I wonder what sort of rules one would wrestle an octopus under. It's harder to tell who is pinned! Perhaps a handicap?

Written By Khanne

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:58 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

If we keep having family dinners every time more Halfshavs find their way to Arx, I might not look as svelte for much longer.

All joking aside, it is a blessing that our estate is so full of family. It might even make me smile a bit.

Written By Katryn

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:58 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

I always am struck with wonder at the idea that there is an ocean full of terrible and wonderful things, but there's never anything terrible and wonderful in a fish dinner.

Mostly it is just fish. Perhaps sailors dine on the finer and rarer things at sea! It would be their right, after all.

Perhaps the mysteries of the ocean are best left mysteries.

Written By Dusa

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:56 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

Entering the city was not hard, but proves to be a continuous challenge of tone.

My time outside of the folk of the cities continues to hamper my knowledge. A Lady of many titles warned me of something on the horizon that seemed troubling, but I don't have much fear of what's to come. My limited knowledge of current events simply makes it easier to watch.

I did meet a Lord, however. Olivian. Strange fellow that seems to think himself debauched, but hardly seems... Really quite of anything other than a strange man with time on his hands he doesn't seem to know what to do with. A charitable streak though.

We will see in the coming days what becomes of me.

Written By Olivian

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Dusa

I met this mysterious newcomer at the Black Fox, they almost seemed like they were looking for something. I hope they find it, and Arx always needs more hands skilled in the medical field. Whatever it is that they need, I hope they find it.

Written By Olivian

Oct. 4, 2020, 9:29 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

The winter's tide seems to have brought a great many new faces to Arx, and I've enjoyed meeting them all. I'm hoping that for the next week I'll be able to nail down plans for this armour than I've been meaning to have made, especially given what's going on it seems prudent.

Written By Sabella

Oct. 4, 2020, 8:36 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

So many invitations lately! I'm going to need to go shopping.

Written By Samira

Oct. 4, 2020, 8:21 p.m.(2/22/1014 AR)

I thought that seeking knowledge would help me better understand the world around me. Instead it only reminds me how little I know, each answer leading to more questions.

It used to be the world seemed simpler. Blissful ignorance, as they say.

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