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Written By Victus

June 2, 2017, 9:35 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

I don't pray a whole lot. I still don't, but I never really did. Sometimes though, I did. I contradicted myself I know, I'm just trying to get my fucking thoughts together here.

Sometimes when I speak and act like Mangata is the one hearing it, it feels alright. Feels like somebody's listening more than usual. I ask about the waves sometimes. I don't get an answer but then the next day I start feeling the tides being a little calmer. It doesn't make much sense to me.

Maybe there's something about this praying thing I'm just not getting yet.

Written By Leta

June 2, 2017, 8:20 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

I am not much of a journal reader. I sometimes hear what folk are gossiping about, when someone writes something in their journal that causes a stir for a good reason or a bad one. But the truth is I've got better things to read when I've got a head for reading, which isn't all the time. There's all matter of fancy books to read with good stories in them and I'd rather read those.

But some journals I read, though I don't know why, as they seem more often to embarrass me rather than enlighten me, such as they are. I am no Scholar, but I don't expect Vellichor would like to know anything about anyone licking anyone else and I'm sure no one else does either.

Written By Harper

June 2, 2017, 7:37 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I dunno what to say, really. We met twice. I whooped yer ass in our fight. I'm sorry you're gone.

Written By Harper

June 2, 2017, 7:36 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alexis

Dame Alex. Dragon's Hearth. She's an armorer and a knight. She's got a bigass rubicund sword. She smiles a LOT. Seems nice, so, we're gonna be friends. AND she's gonna make me some armor. Definitely a good way to spend my allowance.

Written By Isolde

June 2, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space

Written By Ariel

June 2, 2017, 5:30 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

Such a mixture of emotions are brimming within
Happiness for my new marriage with blessings that over-runneth
Sadness for the death of my cousin
Joy for a female Countess
Despair for what may be to come
Yet I remain dancing
I remain singing
I remain making music
I must stand strong
Tears in the his wake, not at the his wake

Written By Karadoc

June 2, 2017, 4:34 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

The Arvum Refugee Relocation Group is currently accepting applications, if you'd like to help with the efforts, or if your lands are in need of replenishing of people after these hard times. There are people willing to work, if given an opportunity. See me, or any of the other members of the ARRG, and we'll work to get things squared away.

Written By Alexis

June 2, 2017, 12:54 p.m.(7/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Guildmistress Joscelin Arterius is extremely generous.
She accepted me into the Crafter's Guild. She gave me a loan, that I may get my shop set up - and with only a single order fulfilled, she gave me a bonus from the coffers of the guild.

I am thoroughly pleased. And I will be sure to make a donation to Gild in thanks for my good fortune, brought to me by kind people.

Written By Titania

June 2, 2017, 12:17 p.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

Thank you Mangata for letting things play out better then I thought they would and thank you Sentinel for letting Justice be done.

Written By Belladonna

June 2, 2017, 10 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

Resources are more than just silver. There is a port financed by the company; there are ships. There is a warehouse that is full of goods. There is a meeting house, a cafe. There are warehouses all throughout the lands of the Compact.

There may not be silver, but to say that there was nothing taken is ridiculous. These things count.

Written By Juliana

June 2, 2017, 9:59 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

A note to remind myself: Pranks are all well and good until you draw the ire of family. No more livestock.

In other news, I am to go on an adventure! I am quite looking forward to it! And I have it promised that I will be taught how to use a blade. This is something I have wanted to know for some time. I have no illusions that it will be easy, either physically and in some aspects mentally, but I think being able to look after myself at least in some small part is a worthy thing. I am not naive enough to assume that I would be able to deflect a mortal injury should someone seek to harm me, but at least, with lessons and practice, I might be able to make them regret it.

It also gives me leave to consider all new accessories of a bladed variety. How fun!

Written By Edward

June 2, 2017, 9:03 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

In the end judgements were made of you without the full accounting of the truth. It is good to see you have the courage of your convictions and the strength to weather such judgements and see your task through.

Crow does not taste delicious.

--Although I bet Driskell could have made crow taste delicious.

Written By Joslyn

June 2, 2017, 6:45 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

The sun rises once more on a world absent of you. I always said I couldn't imagine a future without you, and I confess that I still can't. Yet, in spite of all that, here it comes. Whether or not I'm ready for it. Each breath feels a betrayal, each moment I steal away without you. People keep telling me that I would have met the same fate, had I been there to try to keep you safe, as I always swore I would. They are absolutely correct, but I can't help but wonder, would that be so bad?

I shouldn't talk like that. You'd give me such a cross talking to if you heard me say that. I just miss you so much. We were going to do so much together. You should be here. You should be plotting a way to get Percy to marry you. You should lend me your dress so that I can feel like a paladin for a night. You should be with me.

You were my first love, my first kiss, and until the end, I know I had a significant part of your heart. I'm grateful for those 19 years of knowing you. It's greed that makes me pine for more, but, life doesn't always go as you plan, and so my plans with you were cut short. I wish we could have seen Tor together one last time. It will have to wait until our souls are rejoined with another turning of the wheel.

I will always love you. Until next time.

Written By Ford

June 2, 2017, 4:42 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

The money that you think you're owed?

It doesn't exist. It never existed.

You were cheated, you were swindled. Just like the rest of us. And if that sum you were given is too paltry? Then donate it to someone who does need it.

Unfortunately this is the cost of doing business with corrupt business men. You do not see your fair shake. None of us will. We are all at fault for allowing this to happen, to let it go unchecked.

Written By Hadrian

June 2, 2017, 12:58 a.m.(7/27/1006 AR)

Betrayers often receive their just deserts in the end.

Written By Aislin

June 2, 2017, 12:50 a.m.(7/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I went to help Inquisitor Laric with his inquiry into the death of Lady Juliet Fidante.

I like to think I am usually an eloquent person, but I have no words. No one should ever have to even /see/ what we saw... and certainly no one should have to meet their end that way.

To see that befall anyone is horrible. When it's someone you knew, who you often spoke to, it's far worse. She didn't deserve that. Gods and spirits, NO one does.

I just...

No, I'm sorry. I truly don't have the words.

May Death grant her soul a pleasant life on her next journey around the wheel.

Written By Ilvin

June 2, 2017, 12:18 a.m.(7/26/1006 AR)

Well. That was utterly horrifying. But when you are called upon by Legate Orazio to assist the Inquisition with their investigation into the most grisly of murders, well, one cannot say no. And so I prayed to Limerance to strengthen my heart, and went.

I took a bag of cookies from the Shrine as well, just in case anyone was hungry.

Turns out murder is, well... murder, on the appetite.

Ah, in any case. I'm just trying to distract myself from the horror with some mild humor. The things I've seen tonight- I don't think I'll be sleeping well for a while. And the stench of the Abyss, gods, how it lingers. I'll... write more, later. For now, I'll have to see if the Devotions at the shrine have discovered where I'm hiding my emergency wine yet.

Written By Armel

June 2, 2017, 12:15 a.m.(7/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

you have /no/ idea.

Written By Serafine

June 2, 2017, 12:10 a.m.(7/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Armel

You are clearly not doing it right.

I mean. So I hear.

Written By Armel

June 2, 2017, 12:08 a.m.(7/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

don't put your tongue on a woman's eye. It hurts. Trust me.

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