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Written By Brigida

March 1, 2020, 6:59 p.m.(11/8/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

You outdid yourself this time old friend. I don't think I will ever stop missing you.

Written By Brigida

Feb. 16, 2020, 5:13 p.m.(10.263518518518518/8.757037037037037/1012.7719598765432 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

A staring contest. Why did I agree to this?

Oh that's right. Because it would have made you smile. You had better appreciate this Jo.

Written By Lora

Feb. 4, 2020, 5:32 p.m.(9.304363425925926/11.04435185185185/1012.6920302854938 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Today my cousin showed me the most marvelous little figurine, with a tiny wheel that moves its arm.

I thought instantly of you. I wanted you to see it, to listen to it, to see what story it might tell you. But I cannot.

It's a dark world after all.

Written By Ras

Jan. 27, 2020, 6:28 p.m.(8.736041666666667/28.218333333333334/1012.6446701388888 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Maybe someday I'll be worth what you wanted to give me.

But if I never get that far, I hope at least you'll be proud of my choices when I see you again. Cuz I'll do the right thing, and I know what it is.

And I'll do everything you asked in the letter, too.

Written By Hamish

Jan. 20, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(8.225174437830688/13.609768518518518/1012.6020978698192 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Days on and her name continues to fill the whites.

A city grieves.

But remember, none need grieve alone.

Our Queen's shrine is never empty and Her Harlequins are always at hand to counsel those who need a moment or a minute or an hour or however much of our time is needed to ease your pain.

We, too, are in mourning.

Written By Monique

Jan. 20, 2020, 11:39 a.m.(8.216123098544973/13.102893518518519/1012.6013435915454 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I have learned that grief is just another word for love.

Sitting here, re-reading the letter you left me, wearing Pena's headdress, smelling the vial of your perfume... it's almost as if you are still here. And then I look at the dragonweep and I feel an unbearable, unspeakable sadness.

"A stone that acts as a memory of love lost, and is shed in the hope that the one lost may one day find it, remember, and return."

You would leave me that.

Do not fear. I will never forget.

Written By Maja

Jan. 19, 2020, 9:04 p.m.(8.172774057539684/10.675347222222221/1012.5977311714616 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I had so much fun competing in the People's Tournament run by Josephine these past two years -- she put so much time, money and effort into the games to make certain that everyone had a good time. Will the tournament continue? If it does, it won't be the same.

I hope to see you again, Guildmistress, in one form or another.

Written By Jaenelle

Jan. 19, 2020, 8:22 p.m.(8.170699818121694/10.559189814814815/1012.5975583181768 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I could write how Josephine was brilliant in her abilities to turn metal into art, how everything she touched was a work of art. I could speak of her generosity to those around her, those she cared for were never without and she was the first to offer assistance. Then there is her stern will and code of honor, she lived by her morals and never bent to those that she considered beneath her.

I will say that Josephine and her family are from Lenosia, and as such they are family to all who consider Lenosia home. I will always make sure that those who remain in Lenosia honor Josephine in remembering how she lived, loved, and fought to the end.

Written By Torian

Jan. 19, 2020, 6:06 p.m.(8.163956266534392/10.181550925925926/1012.5969963555445 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

People see the skull the Cullers use to represent themselves and they think that we're all killers or pirates or something. I maybe thought that once too, when I was a young orphan, before they brought me in.

In time, I learned that the skull doesn't represent a desire to do violence or to kill, it represents fate.

Fate is something that has been on my mind a lot these days. We have experienced a great lose recently in the death of the Crafter's Guildmaster. Not just those in the guild either.

By all accounts Josephine met her end as she had lived her life, caring for others. We might all hope and wish and pray to die in our beds as old men and women, surrounded by our kin and all that, but that isn't everyone's fate is it?

I take some comfort in knowing that Josephine's fate, if not to pass on as an old women in her bed, was to go out as she did, with her true self on display, courage and kindness until the end.

Written By Rey

Jan. 19, 2020, 3:12 p.m.(8.15533234126984/9.698611111111111/1012.5962776951059 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

While I did not have the pleasure of meeting Guildmaster Josephine Arcuri, I do have the honor and pleasure of owning a few of her pieces. Ones I shall always cherish, and feel blessed to have. May we find solace in knowing that her exceptional skill, and from all accounts a kind and giving heart, be always remembered when we look upon the wondrous gifts she created and shared with us. My deepest hope is that we can find comfort in knowing that many loved her, and appreciated the work she did. And may those that grieve for her loss, find others to share it with, so the burden may not grow too heavy.

In light of that, I wish to offer to those that wish to speak about Josephine Arcuri, please feel free to write to me, or even seek me out to speak about her. Healing comes in many forms, and sometimes we just need to share the grief and pain with another.

Written By Brigida

Jan. 19, 2020, 2:23 p.m.(8.152881944444445/9.561388888888889/1012.5960734953703 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

The House feels so empty without you in it, chuntering away to yourself as you kept busy.
Of all those that I have shared a home with over the years none understood me quite as well as you did.
I will miss our conversations by the fireplace and our complaining about folk as they passed us in the road as we sat on the rocking chairs.
Oswald will miss your treats and I miss your company dearly. I have seen and felt a lot of loss in my life but losing you has stung me so very much. Your generosity was peerless and your friendship a joy.

May the Gods give you the peace you need and a divine forge worthy of your skills.

Farewell my good friend. My love for you and all that you stood for will remain with me forever.

Written By Gabriella

Jan. 19, 2020, 1:33 p.m.(8.150480737433863/9.426921296296296/1012.5958733947862 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I did not know the Guildmaster of the Crafters Guild. But even for someone who had lived such a reclusive life until recently, word of her reputation had reached me long before I found myself in Arx. Even without meeting her, the purity of her craft was clear. I envy those who had opportunity to meet her. Opportunity to be her friend.

The wheel gains a great soul. Mourn her death -- but do not forget to celebrate her life.

Written By Corban

Jan. 19, 2020, 9:26 a.m.(8.138277529761904/8.743541666666665/1012.5948564608135 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

One of the last pieces that Guildmaster Josephine completed before her death was a star iron signet ring for the King's Own. I will wear the piece, and hand it down, always in her memory.

Written By Gwenna

Jan. 19, 2020, 6:49 a.m.(8.130505952380952/8.308333333333334/1012.5942088293651 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

The Velvet Box was one of my favorites places in the city of Arx to visit, as often to look over the items in the cases as to have something of my own design created. The most precious piece of Josephine's artistry that I have, however, is a stunning necklace Lorenzo had made for me not terribly long after we met. The jewelry is, of course, breathtaking to behold; all dark night and deep sapphire along a delicate silver chain. That the visionary behind such beauty has left the world came as such a shock to me, I'm still not quite sure how to feel. It is surely an even greater loss to those who knew her much better than I, as well as the Crafters Guild, and the city feels a little dimmer today with her in it.

Written By Ida

Jan. 18, 2020, 8:34 p.m.(8.100048363095238/6.602708333333333/1012.5916706969246 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I'm not very good with words to begin with, most times, find myself at an even greater loss than usual. The news of the loss of our Guildmaster is hard for me to frame into anything. From the accounts, it was a brave and honorable death, but that doesn't really dampen the sadness.

Written By Skye

Jan. 18, 2020, 12:40 p.m.(8/3/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

My heart weeps at the news of your passing. Your innate gifts allowed you to bring my visions to life in jewelry. Your ongoing support, that you took after stepping into the shoes of Guildmaster allowed Blackshore Isle to thrive. Your sound consul on matters of charity will be missed.

I shall light a candle in your name and pray for your loved ones who now know loss.

Written By Lora

Jan. 18, 2020, 11:13 a.m.(8/3/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I met Josephine Arcuri on the last day that the green snow fell, on the day when everything seemed to happen twice. I'd gone to the Velvet Box to talk about a project for a journey we had both volunteered to make, but when the clocktower fell and everything changed, so too, I think, did we. We stayed up late that night, talking about love and loss and heartbreak.

A few months later I became her patron. I nominated myself when she began to search for one, little thinking she would choose me out of any number of the city's luminaries. But she did. The Velvet Box was in the Lyceum ward then, and I spent so many hours in her shop and beside her hearth. True to her word she taught me the basis of jewelcrafting; she humored my desires, and proudly sold a few of my designs alongside her own magnificent work.

She had the most beautiful heart. She was kind and wise and generous beyond all imagining. She was my mentor and my dearest friend, and now she is gone.

I loved her, and have lost her, and now my heart is broken.

Goodbye, Jo.

Written By Ephrath

Jan. 18, 2020, 8:18 a.m.(8/2/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I cannot say I knew her well, but I knew her well enough. I knew her by her work. By the skill in it. Just as a painter can recognize the methods used by another... I saw who she was in her art.

I saw the traditional rules and methodology shaped to be her own. Each piece not needing a maker's mark because I saw what was undeniably hers.

She was wildly talented and a gracious leader.

I know some have spoken of me being one of the best jewelers to arrive to Arx, but Guildmaster Josephine: I do not think I shall ever compare.

Written By Teagan

Jan. 18, 2020, 8:13 a.m.(8/2/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Not even a day before word of her passing swept through the city, my commission -- my final commission -- of Guildmaster Arcuri arrived.

It is beautiful. Just like everything else she made.

I cannot say we were close friends, but I respected her. I appreciated her. She did more for Blackram than she will likely ever know.

A part of me cannot yet bear to wear the piece but I know I must for her.

Written By Anisha

Jan. 17, 2020, 11:44 p.m.(8/2/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

It was an unpleasant thing to hear, the proclamation from Mother Cassandra.

When I was newly arrived in Arx, I met Guild Mistress Josephine, and her patron, Marquessa Lora DiFidante. To my shame, I must admit that my enthusiasm at being in the company of their greatness overwhelmed me.

To my gratitude, I was able to earn the Guild Mistress' forgiveness for my overstep. She taught me a lesson that I value to this day, and I cherish the works of her I have, both those gifted and those I bought with my own coin.

I sent her a token of my gratitude, and I have been told it was spotted in the front room, on display for all. That makes my heart swell. I worked very hard to capture her likeness. I hope whomever receives my little tribute will cherish it as the Guild Mistress did.

I wish to find a way to honour her. Beyond sharing words of her obvious talent, beyond drinking to her memory.

Though I cannot hope to ever become her equal, perhaps I shall expand my toolkit to examine the jewelsmith's hammer and tongs.

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