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Written By Juliana

Feb. 13, 2018, 2:26 p.m.(3/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

It is. It was also a choice to respond in kind and accept those consequences.

Written By Aureth

Feb. 13, 2018, 1:02 p.m.(3/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Yes. I'll have your prize delivered shortly.

Written By Victus

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:48 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

When you eventually put a ring on somebody's finger, you'll understand the joy that comes from embarrassing them in the public eye. It's a less sweaty version of battering in the arena.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Another word of advice to the discerning reader:

Fancy silver armor will not prevent you from being trounced at a sparring match, even if you already knew that would be the case.

Well fought, Culler. Even if I knew you were going easy on me, I hope it wasn't too obvious to the audience.

Written By Caspian

Dec. 30, 2017, 8:26 p.m.(11/14/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

A man who switches from feeling threatening to friendly in a heartbeat. He carries himself like a man who has walked through quite a few dark allies in the dead of night.

Written By Juliana

Nov. 13, 2017, 3:07 p.m.(7/28/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Trust can be fragile, until you give it to someone made of iron.

Written By Joscelin

Nov. 12, 2017, 9:45 p.m.(7/27/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

... Why? Can you not remember?

Written By Thena

Nov. 5, 2017, 1:15 p.m.(7/12/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Plenty of the Faith are putting silver and resources into the issues within Arx. I will say it once again here; it is entirely possible to put ones efforts into more than one work at a time.

Written By Raja

Oct. 19, 2017, 9:49 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

I was a scrawny slip of a girl, living on the streets. Hunger drove me to steal Orathy's lunch one day. I couldn't help myself. While he was talking to someone, I approached and just reached up to grap his food! It was but a half a moment before he turned back around to discover his meal gone and me slipping away with it under my arm. He chased me through the alleys, but I gave him the slip! When I made it to a quiet place, I sat down and proceeded to eat my ill-gotten meal. I was about halfway finished when I heard his voice behind me. I nearly choked on my food! I had thought for sure I was going to receive the beating of my life. My short, miserable life flashed before my eyes! However, it did not happen that way. Instead, he allowed me to finish the meal and drew me in with the Cullers. I had a bed to sleep in and food in my belly. I will never forget that kindness.

Written By Torian

Sept. 28, 2017, 3:57 p.m.(4/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Goats are funny creatures, and the closer you look, the funnier they get. Funny tails, funny little horns, funny little eyes. Just don't check between their legs, Brother, cause those wee cocks ain't so funny looking.

Written By Torian

May 8, 2017, 12:06 a.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Fought with me in a real fight. A battle. Nothing teaches you about somebody like watching them fight for their life, rather than fun.

Written By Merek

March 27, 2017, 11:41 a.m.(3/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

This man from the Lower Boroughs is honorable, and fights for his people. Without them, the docks might have been lost, and he even led a hunt on Bringers of Silence. Amazing.

Written By Sparte

March 26, 2017, 9:55 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

I feel like there is a rift there words can't fill, but I have nothing better.

Written By Frederik

March 20, 2017, 11:51 a.m.(2/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Orathy's one of the Culler men that Frederik happened upon in the market one day. Curious as to why Orathy had men following him and what Orathy's profession was, Frederik believes they established a somewhat shallow rapport. While Frederik has no love for soldiers of fortune, Orathy presented a fresh view of the smallfolk that earned him Frederik's respect.

Written By Luca

March 17, 2017, 7:29 a.m.(2/9/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Biggest, brassiest balls. Ever.

How they didn't sink him to the bottom of the ocean with their prodigious weight I'll never know.

I only regret I can't buy him a drink and ask how he did it, since he'd probably try to stab me and I've had enough of being raked over the coals for killing in self defense.

Written By Jaenelle

March 10, 2017, 7:48 a.m.(1/23/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

My bodyguard is an interesting man. Hard, rough, and will do almost anything for a few coins slipped into his palm. That is not to say he isn't a good man, he seems to be and has always treated me well. Orathy, the Bloody Honest, as I have taken to calling him. It is almost refreshing to be told an actual answer when a question is posed and not something said simply because it might be what I am looking to hear.

Hopefully he doesn't let me die.

Written By Silas

March 1, 2017, 6:29 a.m.(1/5/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

What the bloody Abyss...

Not my finest hour and I'm -still- not entirely sure what happened.

Written By Rainier

Feb. 14, 2017, 9:36 a.m.(12/3/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

There is ever a thin line to divide the brave from the reckless and this one crossed it back and forth. There is honor in seeking a prize and accomplishing a hard task but the risk must be balanced against the benefit; a cracked skull helps no one. Still, he lived to tell the tale - if he can remember it once the bruises go away - and that, too, speaks for itself.

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