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Written By Rymarr

Jan. 10, 2019, 9:19 a.m.(5/2/1010 AR)

Just once I would love to see a problem at least brought under control or resolved before the public spectacle begins. I really do dislike politics.

Don't reach out to me for this situation. I'd just make things far, far worse in most scenarios. Not even because I'd go on to intentionally create additional skirmishes and open conflicts, but because my words would cause others to become incensed and want to pick a fight.

On that note? If anyone would like skilled and tested diplomats to round out their attempts to stymie these many conflicts cropping up as a result of choices made? Do please consider reaching out to Marquessa Samantha Deepwood and Lord Grady Deepwood.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 30, 2018, 10:57 a.m.(4/8/1010 AR)

I did not dream. I did not sleep.

I was a fish that ventured too far into the deep dark, I was a hummingbird outside a window, and I was an oak tree which has stood since the Reckoning.

In my mind I leapt from cloud to cloud, surveying the world below from on high. Which we all know is impossible because clouds are much akin to quicksand and if one did attempt to leap from cloud to cloud, they would suffocate as they're sucked into the center of them.

On the shoulder of a behemoth of brass and power, we marched among the highest peaks and the lowest valleys. Not to conquer, not to wage war, but to simply enjoy the world laid out before us as two enemies-turned-friends. Knowing nothing of one another but names.

It was all captured in a moment as vibrant as a child's laughter and I felt alive. As the sun shined on one horizon, the moon brought darkness to the other. A world in the midst of change and it was my purpose to both endure and enjoy the change, since it was for the better. While the sun set and the moon rose, or perhaps the moon set and the sun rose, I sat and enjoyed it on a lush hilltop as a lion with a mane of leaves.

It's going to be a good day. If not, then there is pie tomorrow morning. That way the day starts off just a little better than the last ended.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 16, 2018, 6:05 p.m.(3/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

Attended a concert hosted by Princess Sorrel Thrax. Unfortunately I didn't arrive in time for the song, but I was able to at least enjoy the informative aspects of the gathering.

One question in particular caused me to think about some aspects of the world. With all the time in the world, I imagine one would take up a hobby such as doilies and all of that. Makes sense to me.

I gathered that the next concert regarding the Metallics will be about one called Silver. I hope that I won't fuss over what to wear before the next concert so that I can be punctual with my arrival.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 16, 2018, 11:17 a.m.(3/8/1010 AR)

One should always instill a healthy amount of vigilance in their children. During the winter when the snow is in abundance, it's an easy task to accomplish.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 2, 2018, 12:39 p.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

There are moments when I still feel the weight of its hand upon my shoulder. Dwarfed at their side like a very small child who definitely pictures themselves much larger in the world they live. There are moments where my mind turns to them, where my thoughts turn reflective, and I wonder how they're fairing now; maybe it's the cold weather and being stuck indoors more often than not that has me thinking so much of the past.

It was a valuable lesson that I learned that night which I will strive to keep dear to me. Under the right circumstances, even an enemy can become a friend. That being different from myself does not equate to being a bitter adversary. That a bond can be made quickly and unexpectedly. That months later they will still come to mind, remembered with clarity and a mixture of emotions. Terror. Awe. Sadness. Respect. Fondness.

That sometimes what you need is a companion to weather the storm and, in some instances, a new beginning.

I truly hope that you've received a place of honor and know that you'll not be forgotten, OMEGA.

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 25, 2018, 8:18 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

A sizable order was placed for signets. Time to delivery lasted a reasonable amount of time. The work itself was beyond adequate. Josephine Arcuri is an industrious individual and has a family to aid in supporting. Funds well spent on an important household project.

I'll need to have a gift basket sent to her or some such.

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 25, 2018, 12:52 p.m.(1/21/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

She and I have worked together for a very long time now. She has often sought my counsel in the past and I have sought her for support in various goals or efforts of my own. It has been a mutually beneficial relationship that I can only hope has resulted in some measure of good done onto the world. In the past when campaigning in the Gray Forest, I served as her second. I have aided in that capacity a few times since that occasion. Each time is has been a distinct honor to do so and I will continue to do so as regularly as she'll ask it of me.

We have consistently worked well together over the years, learned a great deal from one another, and have frequently come to the aid of each other. This is in part because we recognize the strengths in one another, but also because we have developed a genuine friendship over the years. We recently discussed the past and how in the current day it feels as though she has surpassed me and overcome what she once was: a novice

While everyone is flawed in both minor or major ways, myself included, Princess Reese Grayson has shown me consistently over the years that those flaws can be improved upon. They are also a constant source. They will never be truly wiped away, never to be acknowledged again. They will diminish in strength, but they will require constant reflection to stave off their effects. Unintentionally perhaps, she has brought to me some insights into Lagoma and change for the better; it's a constant battle, it's rarely something simply altered and never considered again. Change is a battle, one which can be just as easily fought inside as outside.

She has, in my eyes, frequently lived the words of House Grayson and it is for that reason that it is my distinct honor to be welcomed as her ally and compatriot in the paths ahead of us.

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 11, 2018, 10:15 a.m.(12/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Patsy has been returning from Dame Ida's shop with elk treats to munch on. Given that he is not an elk, naturally I've looked askance to the man while he's sat happily gnawing on them.

Honestly, they're not half bad once one gets through the pine flavor.

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 11, 2018, 8:56 a.m.(12/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

Accepting the fact that Lady Kenna will send random gifts at random times has been one of the better facts that I've come to terms with. Her latest maneuver has not lacked in success when it comes to impressing me.

I had better start thinking about how one responds with a gift, to a gift-giving.

A sword, maybe? Possibly a spear or mace?

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 11, 2018, 8:48 a.m.(12/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

He conspired with another to present me with a gift. This painting is one that will hang in a place of prominence, because I like it a great deal.

The artistic skill of Master Tersk is impressive; never has been Dauntless been captured in such a stunning way. There was a stick figure variety of Dauntless once, but this rendition far surpasses that more rudimentary representation.

Written By Rymarr

Nov. 1, 2018, 8:30 a.m.(11/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

Patsy has been in my study for at least an hour, laughing hysterically at this piece of artwork that was done by Master Jyri Tersk. I do believe that Patsy may have found his new favorite. It's good to see him finding something that he enjoys, he brings him peace and contentment.

Written By Rymarr

Oct. 29, 2018, 2:29 p.m.(11/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caius

The Bearer of the Lucky Lip Ferret. It's said that the thicker the coat on it, the harsher the coming winter. There was once a duel over it, when some young lord felt his waxed mustache was far more magnificent and stylish - the lip ferret won. The flavor saver can unscramble an egg. The lip ferret doesn't get wet, water just likes to be around it. The bristle baton can win a Great Victory in a Game of Stones in only three moves. There's actually an origin story about the lip ferret; I'm sure there'll be a play about it some day.

All of the myths of it aside, the wearer of it showed me his bravery recently. I had never questioned the potential bravery of the man, particularly because when he was informed 'you, I, or we may die', he did not flinch or have apprehensions. When it came to what could have been potential last words, this Dragon of the Oathlands had the honor of others on his mind before his own health.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Wise words spoken by the man himself.

Written By Rymarr

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Traherne

Crossed this veteran's path at a gathering. Hails from Pridehall. Apparently he's established himself a business named the Tilted Anvil and works in armor.

I was just telling Patsy recently that I needed to get around to having another suit forged for the stands.

Written By Rymarr

Oct. 22, 2018, 9:10 a.m.(11/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Unfortunately the cadence for the first place choice was taken when the Deepwoods of old chose their words.

'None Deeper Than Deepwood' would have served as inspiration, provoked philosophical thought, and been a suitable warning for some. Or an invitation for others, I suppose.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 8:02 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Luis

I like this person.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jenessa

She has an ember of determination in her that I am both surprised and excited to see. I don't have a favorite among my siblings, but the youngest of us does create stiff competition for the spot should it ever become a thing.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m.(9/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

It's quite fortunate that she decided to remain as part of the House and did not run off to be with the Lycene potted plant.

Small victories are still victories.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 29, 2018, 10:05 a.m.(9/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Grady

I've heard a fair bit about the fundraiser held by Lord Grady, alongside Princess Sabella Grayson. Many a kind word spoken.

Since his taking of the Deepwood name he has consistently put his efforts into the development of our House and the unofficial ties of it. He has even somehow cracked my exterior, though I can feel my left eye beginning to twitch with such an admission.

Naturally it can't be overlooked that his efforts have likewise been put toward benefiting the Compact, as have the actions of many others of late. So, really, a great job all-around.

I am thankful to call him a Deepwood.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 15, 2018, 11:06 p.m.(8/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

I sat down to write a journal regarding Lady Kenna and that I had decided not to extend a call for Champions.

Then Patsy came shuffling into my study to deliver a journal for my review. While I have my predictions, I'm now curious about these terms.

Very well.

Written By Rymarr

Sept. 15, 2018, 3:57 p.m.(8/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

Lady Kenna gave me a gift. When I think of a gift, I often think of something insubstantial and more often than not it's likely to be something I don't want or need. The gift that she gave however came in multiple pieces, that took a number of workers some time to set up within my study. It also contained a hidden gift. A subtle gift.

I told myself that were anyone to send me a gift, I would likely challenge them to a duel. I am still undecided on whether or not I'll follow through with it. The gesture itself though warrants an entry into my journal, because it was largely unexpected. The letter that was delivered with the gift was the true gift, I think. It gave me pause. It gave me something to consider and think about.

That naturally led to an exchange of letters on the topic of gift-giving and the rest. Where Lady Kenna had a number of valid points, I still think my own point of view is a reasonable outlook as well. After the initial uncertainty over receiving a gift faded and different perspectives of the nature of gift-giving were set aside, I recognized that this was an opportunity. A gift within a gift, really.

I could easily refuse the gift. Send it back. Challenge Lady Kenna to the duel for my reasons. Then that would be that, I would be satisfied, and all would once again be right in the world.

Or I could accept the gift and recognize it for what it was. An opportunity provided by Lagoma to pursue positive change. I could embrace something new, grow in a positive way from the kind gesture of another, and just maybe take a step toward being a better person than I was an hour before. I ultimately accepted the gift. Unfortunately since I had not expected a gift, nor to give any gifts... I had no gifts. That meant that my gift would have to be something that was from my own meager collection of personal possessions.

The number of things that I could choose from was quite small to be honest, but I still sat there for nearly an hour just staring at all them lined up on the map table in the study. It was an arduous task, but after many trials I had finally reached a decision. She very nearly received an apron that her cousin gave me long ago; I've convinced myself that I'm not one for being sentimental, but I couldn't part with my food service armor.

I may still challenge her though. Still undecided.

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