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Written By Galen

April 8, 2018, 9:22 p.m.(7/8/1008 AR)


Paperwork has seen me out of public for a bit, but writing a personal letter to every fallen soldiers family is well worth it in my opinion, I will press on can't take but another week or so!

Written By Galen

April 1, 2018, 10:28 p.m.(6/22/1008 AR)


Honor and duty, I cannot stress how vital these two things are. You see, emotion often clouds judgement, especially during tragedy and especially when that tragedy is loss.

Honor dictates a manner in which we should conduct ourselves regardless of situation, and duty should be something we have committed to that is bigger than ourselves. These two things can serve as anchors in the midst of a storm, and though emotion and passion are powerful forces, we must understand how to wield them.

Everyone who knows me would say I am a man of passion, and passion when coupled with direction and duty is a powerful thing.

Written By Galen

March 11, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca


It has come to my attention that a certain few comments have been made about a person I may or may not know...His most Meaty Majesty, I shall pass message along to him that people would like to see him.

Who knows, he might just show up at the next party. Oh and Luca, I appreciate you.

Written By Galen

March 11, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)


I won...This may well be my shortest journal ever...No one needs to ask any questions, just know that I won.

Written By Galen

March 11, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)


So it has been an interesting time as of late, preparing to ship out and squaring away loose ends, both personal and professional. Since becoming Warlord I have started restructuring the Thrax military some with Victus approval, and it is working out wonderfully, we have more engagement and more willing to serve than I have seen in quite some time.

Once we return, well, for those of us who do return, we will continue down this path. Something that I feel like I should note, and something I want all of Thrax to know. It is my sworn duty to see to all of our safety and security, this is the duty I have accepted, the burden I will carry for our House. Please Thrax, do not hesitate to come to me with your needs and your fears.

Written By Galen

March 4, 2018, 11:18 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)


To my siblings...You each mean the world to me, and I love each of you more than you know...And Valerius, probably more than you deserve! I jest.

I'm going to war, for each of you, for Thrax, for the Compact. If I don't make it back and Sorrel does, I expect each of you to swear to me that you will help her, that you will see your niece or nephew born and you will tell them of me and our relationships.

Valerius, you, my baby brother are a man of whom I am very proud, even if you may think it is foolish of me to say such. I know your heart, I know the man you truly are, and if I don't get to see you again I will be very angry!

Leona and Jaenelle, words don't do justice how proud of you both I am! Each of you is so strong, beautiful and cunning. Both of you have been sounding boards for me, both of you have listened to your older brother and his tales of things you cared not know! And both of you will forever be my favorite sister.

Written By Galen

March 4, 2018, 11:01 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel


Should I not return, I think it is only fitting that I write to my wife for the world to see. She is my everything, the book of my vows is as much true now as it was when I first presented it to her.

My world, the anchor that draws back my wrath when it rises, the humor that brightens my day. One of my greatest joys is that we both know how to not take ourselves too seriously.

If I must die so be it, but my prayers are that she would live, that our child would live. I hate bad enough that she goes into battle, but it is her desire and her gift.

Let no one doubt the strength of my love for Sorrel.

Written By Galen

March 4, 2018, 10:52 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)


We all prepare to sail out, I have made official my appointments within the military. We are as ready as we can be, our forces are vast in number. It has always been a question of either my sanity or devotion the attitude I seem to have about me when dealing with such matters, though I want to explain it...Should this be one of my last entries, I feel like people deserve to know a touch more about me.

I smile because I breathe, I laugh because I have been close to death, I love because I know how short life can be. My cheerfulness, my light heart, these in no way reduce my sincerity or devotion to any cause, they are simply who I am, what I am... Because I choose to enjoy life as long as I have it!

Written By Galen

Feb. 25, 2018, 11:19 p.m.(4/6/1008 AR)


Being part of the War Council and working with Valardin and Velenosa has both given me perspectives I did not have before and built relationships that I grow to cherish. After all, I believe in relationships and discussion.

Written By Galen

Feb. 25, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(4/6/1008 AR)


This has been an interesting several days, I now find myself Warlord of Thrax. I am not quite like past Warlords, though my physical might and my tactical skill may rival any, I use my charm and my wit in cases that I imagine they normally would not.

I believe in Thrax military might, we will make it greater than any force known in the Compact! And because of such we shall keep its borders safe and secure for generations to come. We will act with respect, we will act with honor, but no mercy shall be found for our enemies and failure shall never be an option.

Tears in our wake, never at our wake.

Written By Galen

Feb. 17, 2018, 10:48 p.m.(3/18/1008 AR)


The banners have been called and our forces have responded, we are preparing for this battle, a fight that shall define us not just as a house, but as a united people of the Compact for some time to come. Let us look at this coming threat and let us remember that we stand united, not divided by our differences in thought, religion or culture, but one force setting aside the past and looking to secure a future!

We see the men and women ready at each of our sides, we know that they are our means of survival, we will fight and we will win, for if we do not history shall forget us and we will be devoured by time. But! We shall not fade into the darkness, we will not surrender and we will not retreat, our only path is forward, our only choice is victory!

I shall take this time and say that I am proud to have my men ready for battle, proud of my wife and her willingness to use her gifts and talents to defend the compact, proud of my friends who also prepare for the worst, and proud of my family who will lead this charge at sea!

We will strike fear into the hearts of the fearless and bring death upon the deathless, and hope to the Compact as a whole! If a Thraxian falls, ten of the enemy shall fall first! No mercy and no sanctuary should be given them, too much is at stake, more than even we fully understand.

Victory, will be ours!

Tears in our wake, never at our wake.

Written By Galen

Feb. 17, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(3/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel


It has been exciting and trying times, and I apologize I haven't written! There was a rush to marry Sorrel before we set off to battle and truly, I have spent all of the time permissible with her, I have longed to find a mate like her and blessed that our joining was so well received by both of our families. She truly completes every part of me and I cannot seem to remember how I managed without my Princess.

In her I find a strength I was unaware I had, and an even greater burning desire to destroy that which comes for us, though that is another entry.

Written By Galen

Feb. 4, 2018, 9:44 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle


Everyone should be pleased to know that I was finally able to catch up with Jaenelle! The last of my siblings that I had yet to run into since returning to Arx. She is lovely as ever, and her company is very uplifting to me. It would do everyone well to know her, she is worth knowing and deserves being appreciated.

Dear sister, here it shall be written so long as these records last, I love you, and I am proud of you. Though, that also extends to Valerius and Leona, if we don't all get together soon...I shall kidnap you all.

Written By Galen

Feb. 4, 2018, 9:41 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)


I find that the more I learn, the less I really know. Which brings up its own set of questions and theories about trying to learn more than I should, at some point, such certainly must produce diminishing returns! Alas, the things I think about while sipping scotch.

Written By Galen

Jan. 28, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(1/20/1008 AR)


It has been too many nights since I have seen my siblings, I shall seek to remedy that, I need their presence, and their counsel, much is changing and many decisions are being made which I feel they should be privy to...Not to mention I simply miss them, one of my greatest joys in returning to Arx has been seeing them.

Though between my training, drinking, charity work and Sorrel, my own time has been limited...I will figure out how to combine all of those things into one!

Written By Galen

Jan. 28, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(1/20/1008 AR)


It has been much lately, continuing to drill with the fleet, continuing to have meeting after meeting to discuss the coming battle. I can say firmly, one way or another I look forward to some true peace for a while once this is all over.

Much less time spent drinking with friends, much more time spent planning for war! But, should we make it back, there is a silver lining in my future, though, that is a story for another day.

Written By Galen

Jan. 21, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(1/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ian


It seems weird for me to write such, but I guess it is common place, and if our history is to be preserved I suppose this is a necessary step in keeping it. I must say, few people have impressed me as much as Lord Ian Kennex, be it his companionship in drinking, his wise discussions on strategy, or his amazing skill in combat, and I do mean amazing, the man is a great friend to have.

I just hope he forgives inhaling whiskey, my fault! Smiling pigs do catch people off guard.

Written By Galen

Jan. 21, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(1/6/1008 AR)


It has occurred to me that I may have a bit of a reputation for having a good time. I must admit there are worse things to be known for! I find a strange delight in entertaining others and myself, after all, if we die soon, we might as well live a little now!

Between all of the meetings, the drills, talks of strategy, bickering and drinking, it's nice to lose yourself in laughter, good for the soul! Perhaps it is part of my charitable nature, who knows!

A word of wisdom, never take yourself too seriously. Seriously, do not do such, it helps no one and often burns bridges.

Written By Galen

Jan. 10, 2018, 8:41 p.m.(12/10/1007 AR)


A diddy, for my upcoming adventure.

Off we go to sea, Hi ho! Hi ho!
We hoist our mighty sails, Hi ho! Hi Ho!
We baton the hatches, we scrub the decks,
We prepare the goat! What the heck?
We hug our loved ones round their necks,
Off we go to sea! Hi ho! Hi ho!

Written By Galen

Jan. 10, 2018, 7:33 p.m.(12/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Hello again book,

What can I say? Things are growing more interesting by the day, the looming battle sees me scrambling to meetings and running drills with our men, it leaves little time for me to train!

I was pleasantly surprised to find some time to do some training myself, and with none other than Sparte! His methods perhaps a little unorthodox, I carried with me a sack of potatoes to training, at the mans request.

We balanced them on the blades of our weapons and rolled them around, I admit, this was difficult on a spear blade, but I mostly got it. We sparred with them sitting on our heads, this was a disaster! We tossed them into the air, struck with our weapons and caught them before they hit the ground, or at least we mostly did...And then, there was the dreaded potato bridge, everyone gets on their hands and knees to form a tunnel, then you, with said potato on your blade have to crawl through the tunnel, trying not to murder anyone accidentally or drop said potato!

I am fairly certain some of the things we did were simply for his entertainment, regardless, he has my respect and was quite impressive, an amazingly skilled weapon master to be sure. I would suggest anyone seeking him out.

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