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Written By Fredrik

June 25, 2018, 11:24 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

"But when you respond remain humble, remain respectful." From the initial journal entry in question.

Irony is ripe, given your initial response. All I will say on the matter.

Written By Fairen

June 25, 2018, 11:24 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

Someone is particularly aggressive about having the attention of the white journals placed on her. This most certainly must be another attempt to start an argument over something minor.

Written By Natalia

June 25, 2018, 11:21 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fredrik

How dare I answer a direct request for input on a particular topic! It isn't as if it were put forth as a discussion topic for the journals or anything.

Oh wait.

Written By Clara

June 25, 2018, 11:17 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fredrik

Thank you for your participation, Fredrik. I am thankful for your kindness and support in sharing my general opinions with people. I would love to discuss this topic further with you in person or through messengers. I am certain that my own beliefs are not perfect and could use some debate on them. I in no way think that what I said is what everyone should practice. It is merely food for thought and I think everyone should form their own opinions and live in accordance with their own hearts. And of course, in accordance with the beliefs of The Faith to many of us hold very dear.

Written By Clara

June 25, 2018, 11:12 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

I thank you for your wisdom. Your words will not be ignored. I hope you have a fantastic day and a peaceful life. ~ Clara

Written By Fredrik

June 25, 2018, 11:09 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Clara

From: Desk of Lord Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: Humility

I appreciate your thoughts on humility, Lady Clara, and did not see, at any point in your post, where you placed yourself above the need to be humble. But apparently offering advice not aimed at any particular group or decision is something to be belittled and snarked upon these days, even when you pointed out these are personal opinions and not something to be taken as stone-written edicts.

I for one thank you for the ideas, and while I may not agree wholeheartedly with all of them, I will digest them more before remarking.

Written By Natalia

June 25, 2018, 10:53 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Clara

I might recommend that before you attempt to give the populace advice, you take that advice yourself, first.

So much focus on telling people to listen to others (you, perhaps?) without making any effort to listen yourself.

My input for the 'friendly discussion' is that those who preach humility might like to find some, first.

Written By Preston

June 25, 2018, 10:39 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

When a noble is learning to count his coin, a Godsworn is studying the Gods. When a noble is exploring his lands to see what he rules, a Godsworn is on pilgrimage to see all the places of the Gods. When a noble is learning how to sit and deal in councils and courts, a Godsworn is engaged in deep contemplation on the nature of the Gods. When a noble is building walls to defend his people, a Godsworn is preaching and speaking to the people to fortify their hearts and Faith against evil. When a noble is ruling, a Godsworn is praying.

We do not tell you what crops to get your people to sow, we do not tell you what design for your castles you should use, we do not even tell you where to send your armies. We will advise where our specialism, such as the priests of Petrichor and crops, comes into it - but only ever that. A suggestion, not an argument.

Written By Thena

June 25, 2018, 10:33 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Clara

Let me know when you take your Godsworn vows. I’ll be sure to attend.

Written By Clara

June 25, 2018, 10:26 a.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

To: The Population of Arvum but especially our Spiritual Leaders to whom the populace looks to as an example of what we all should strive to be.

Subject: Humility
Theme: Ethics & Morals

Purpose: To engage the population in a ‘friendly’ philosophical conversation.

Journal Question: What behaviors might you need to meditate and reflect on in order to make yourself more humble?

Body: Humility is perhaps one of the more important practices that many seem to overlook. This is especially true to those that feel they are worth more than their neighbor because they are born noble or born into wealth. Even I fall short here sometimes and have to remind myself that I am no better than my neighbors and the people that I serve.
It is important to me as a noble woman that I remember that I was born to privilege but that privilege comes with the responsibility to be a proper example to my people. I don’t mean that everyone needs to have the best manners but it is important to remember that when one is in service to another they should not view themselves as any better than the person next to them. It doesn’t matter our position or our status. On the inside we are all made of the same thing. We all suffer through life and we all have passions and needs. Whether or not one has silver in their pockets or a title affixed to their name we are all the same in the end, our souls spun back into the world by the Queen of Endings as she wills.
Yes, there are those of us with more responsibility but it is those of us with more privilege that need most to remember to be humble. We are the creation of the Gods. We are not our own creation. It is not for us to decide whose life does or does not have more value than the next. That is arrogance and too much pride is its own sin. It is important to remember that without the foundation a building will fall. Society is no different in this regards. The King may rule us all but without nobles he has no one to help govern the people and without people there is no one for nobles to govern.
Without a House there is nothing for a Sword to protect. Without people there is no House. Likewise, the Gods and Spirits stand atop of humans (I will not debate order of importance and nor should you as it will only cause a painful argument for us all.) We depend on their existence to help bring meaning to our lives and without them there would not be Shamans and Archlectors and without believers there might not be any of the above. So true is it that without plants and herbivores… predators, like humans, would not have that which we need to sustain us. Argo, we are no better than any other life. Our lives and our souls are no more or less important than the next.
Now, a reminder here that this is all a personal stance. I am not saying anyone with a differing view is incorrect. But when you respond remain humble, remain respectful.

Thoughts on how to be more humble:
* Listen. Listen. Listen. You don’t need to hear the sound of your own voice. Let other people talk and actually HEAR what they have to say. Think about it and then once you’ve thought about how your response will impact the person, speak.
* Don’t take credit for your deeds. Charity for the sake of Charity is better, and truly charitable, when you are not hearing the praise of the people. Sometimes, it is good just to do the right thing because it is the right thing.
* When you are wrong… admit it and don’t forget to apologize.
* Remember that no way is the absolute way. No way is better than the next if it isn’t bringing suffering to another.
* Share the knowledge and opportunities given to you.
* Remember those who have given to you and give them credit for it.
* Don’t value yourself over anyone else.
* Help others as often as possible.
* Remember that winning isn’t everything. Sometimes there are lessons to be learned in failing.
* Recall that when you believe you have learned all that there is to learn you have already missed out on the next lesson.
* Acknowledge and own your faults. No one is perfect and we all have our shortcomings and sins of choice.
* Be positive when criticizing others. Encourage others to fulfil their own dreams and meet their own goals.
* Take the criticism of others with grace and find the lesson in their words. Don’t focus on the pain it may cause and if there is pain… why does it hurt? Is it true?
* Don’t boast about your successes.
* Accept praise given to you but don’t boast about it or go on and on about it. Just say thank you and move on unless you are asked for more details. Don’t assume people care and want you to share.
* Remember that everyone is different and many of us have differing views on the world. You don’t have to conform to everything you’re told but tolerance and coexistence are important to practice so that we can all live in peace.
* Serve others before yourself.
* When you need help… ask. Don’t be stubborn and do it on your own. These are my thoughts on the topic and I would love to hear your thoughts but once again please keep it civil and remain humble.

Written By Aahana

June 25, 2018, 2:07 a.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Shimmying and spinning
Laughing and grinning
Talks to know more
Trying to get closer to the core
I swear I felt my heart prance
As I preformed my family dance
Never ever once mean
Lovely eyes of green
May reside within my dreams
Perhaps he is who my heart deems
Only time will tell
if both our hearts fell

Written By Tesha

June 25, 2018, 12:07 a.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

This week has been busy for me. Meetings with a few prospective merchants, visiting the Redrain ward and attending the Spirits and then back to Redrain to attend a Sword ceremony. I feel like I've not been out this much in awhile. I guess I really should keep my head out of the books for a few days and get out more.

Written By Tesha

June 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Khanne is my sister-in-law, married to my brother, Lord Percephon Halfshav. I have enjoyed our meetings and I have enjoyed getting to know her more and more as the months have passed since they have married. I know that her time is limited and I don't begrudge that our meetings aren't as bountiful as others are. For now I take what time is given and I'm happy for it.

Written By Tesha

June 25, 2018, 12:02 a.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

My brother-in-law continues to surprise me in many ways and I grow fonder of him by the day. I think that one of these days I should probably learn to speak the language of the North, just in case I ever do anger him. It will give me a chance to at least I'm in trouble.

Written By Bashira

June 24, 2018, 11:59 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

I was eagerly awaiting today as I was able to give Master Valtyr his gift. And it went over better than I expected. I am grateful that he is enjoying the new sword. It was my pleasure to gift it to him.

Written By Olivia

June 24, 2018, 11:58 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Well, I've been studying more agriculture. I know that seems rather silly. But I mean of the more large-scale sort, to help better run our lands. Its fascinating what the differences are!

Written By Selene

June 24, 2018, 11:55 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

I rather think I need to put myself on a budget as far as ridiculous gowns go. Oh, but they're so much fun.

Written By Caith

June 24, 2018, 11:50 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca



Oh. My. Goooooooooodness.

Written By Natalia

June 24, 2018, 11:47 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

I have finally moved into my own little house. It's a nice place and certainly fits my needs well. Not far from either Whisper or the Academy.

We're all settling in well, though.

Compared to how it could be going.

Podraig has quite a bit of adjusting to do.

Written By Shard

June 24, 2018, 11:34 p.m.(1/27/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I'm never encouraged when you say things like that.

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