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Written By Arik

Aug. 9, 2018, 4 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

While reviewing the multiple titles of Crown Prince Tyrval I noted one of them and became confused. In the interest of clarification and because I appear to be on a Faith question trend this month...

If Prince Tyrval is 'Voice of the Queen of Endings' does that have any significance within the Faith of the Pantheon. Are Archlectors like Voices for their deity or are they more grand teachers for the teachings and Faith of that deity?

Written By Caspian

Aug. 9, 2018, 3:55 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Help, this woman conspires to keep me from my fun! She gets huffy at the mere mention of me having fun!

Written By Aureth

Aug. 9, 2018, 3:52 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I have a legacy to carry on, Your Grace. It's personally important to me.

Written By Perronne

Aug. 9, 2018, 3:46 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabetta

She is very creative! Light hearted. Or very bored. Or possibly a combination of both. It's one of those eternal mysteries, like why anyone would wish to turn into a bear. But I'm actually quite glad that I met her! She is definitely first on the list.

Written By Arik

Aug. 9, 2018, 3:06 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

The number of titles was more informative than the actual proclamation. I do wonder if the Prince of the Twilight court is funding the Gala or Lady Monique has been sitting on a small mountain of silvers. Those cloaks certainly do not sound very cheap or easily obtained.

Written By Edain

Aug. 9, 2018, 3:01 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

And we just had this moment. Is there some compulsion that drives you to cast shade at people and situations that, at least at a cursory glance, have no relation to you or are of no obvious imposition to you?

There are people that can help you through such things Archlector. Do you need a hug?

Written By Coraline

Aug. 9, 2018, 2:09 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

I was glad to be able to help, dress and all. I am terribly sorry for the mess I created. As for oyster shucking, perhaps I shall stay by you during the event....just in case?

Written By Esoka

Aug. 9, 2018, 2:04 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I’ve been married for a year now to Calaudrin Estardes who is also Greenbood. A year and a month or so, properly, but I’ve been thinking on how I feel about it and am just setting it down for Vellichor now. Our anniversary passed while we were on the road, traveling with stalwart companions on an adventure that we're still figuring out the full importance of. I didn’t even realize the date until we got back. This seems proper to me. We’ve never been fussy about dates or special occasions, but our lives weave together naturally, in such ways that make it hard for me to remember a time when he wasn’t in mine.

I was talking to someone about marriage not long ago, and I said on the whole I liked it very much. To me, it’s come to mean you’ve an ally you can lean on against what the world throws at you on your hardest days, even if you yell at each other about things privately (the yelling is also fun sometimes). It means you’ve someone to share your joy with when things are wonderful. And on the days that are just ordinary, you’ve a companion to talk on them with and just be with during the smaller, quieter moments. I never thought much about getting married. I’m no highborn and could have gone on with just myself all right, I think. But it suits me, and has expanded my life and heart in ways I’m still feeling out, to my betterment. I think I’ll keep on with it, so long as he’ll have me.

So, Calaudrin Estardes and also Greenblood, on the occasion of our first year of marriage, let it be known that I love you and shall continue to do so for the rest of my days, Limerance bless us both.

Written By Amari

Aug. 9, 2018, 1:43 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Enyo

Congratulations (I think)! I look forward to the official proclamation (or pigeon bearing announcement slip).

Written By Aureth

Aug. 9, 2018, 1:35 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Ahh, house politics.

I see Greenmarch is to be congratulated for arranging a match that got rid of their erring Sword without anyone having to explain what he did that dishonored the House. I certainly hope Marquesa Quenia knows. The poor woman has been through enough.

I thank Death every day for not putting me in a noble house.

Written By Marian

Aug. 9, 2018, 1:13 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cullen

You are a lucky man. Marquessa Quenia Igniseri is a woman of unique beauty.

Written By Marian

Aug. 9, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

I can not think of a better lady to hold my cousin's hand in matrimony. I wish you both the best and hope the courtship goes smoothly.

Written By Joscelin

Aug. 9, 2018, 1:07 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Oliver

Oliver has worked very hard to help Darkshore rebuild, putting every bit of Sameera's hard earned resources into it without batting an eye, offering all of it up without question to the cause. He makes me very proud. It's hard to say what others would do when left with an inheritance of that size, but my husband? I knew exactly what he meant to do with it. No question. None at all.

Written By Amari

Aug. 9, 2018, 12:59 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

I almost embarrassed myself terribly by dying at Princess Alarissa's fancy tea party. Which was very fun, aside from that small hiccup. Thankfully, Princess Coraline was there (in a wonderful DRESS) and rescued me from humiliating death. After the games and things wound down, there was fine conversation with some of my favorite people and some I hadn't met before, but who were quite fun. I'm looking forward to the adventure, and possibly cliff diving. It surely can't be any more perilous than attending tea parties.

I'll be more careful at the oyster shuck. How dangerous are oysters anyway? It should be fine.


In the event of my death during the oyster shuck, I'd like Lady Veronica to have one of my nicest dresses (her choice) and the jewelry to match it. My brother Aric, my dagger. Lady Shae is welcome to my bow, as I'm sure she'd make better use of it. Lord Archeron shall have my furniture and socks, and emerald necklace (and apologies for dying before the wedding). Marquis Kael and Marquessa Reigna, a large amount of silver in a vain attempt to repay their kindness, plus Reigna may have my finest seasilks and I hope Kael would care for River in my absence. Lady Lethe, my collection of hairpins. Baron Norwood and Lady Margerie, my axe, Marigold the pygmy goat and funds to help with the improvement of Duskshire. Duke Cristoph, all my paintings. Lady Tessa, any of my slippers and liquor she found to her taste. I'd also like to donate funds to the care of orphans and child thralls, as well as the organizations I'm a member of and to the Faith. Anything remaining may be freely squabbled over, preferably with the aid of lawyers.

Written By Enyo

Aug. 9, 2018, 12:39 p.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I hear that you get used to the weird things eventually. But yes, warning. Married. Maybe we should release pigeons on the city with little slips of paper announcing it?

Written By Audric

Aug. 9, 2018, 11:51 a.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Enyo

So, uh, this is weird, but I've been told I guess we should give at least a LITTLE warning, but, um, we're getting married? This is weird.

Written By Perronne

Aug. 9, 2018, 11:37 a.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Another restoration accomplished. I'm rather proud of this one - not because of anything I did, but because of how little damage it has sustained over the century or more before I found it. All I really had to do was replace the strings, which was easily accomplished in a city the size of Arx, and clean off some of the salt damage. I think it will still play quite beautifully, and although I find the ferocious motif somewhat offputting, I think there might be someone who might enjoy it. Maybe. A very hostile bard, perhaps? There must be one! Somewhere. With lots of money.

Anyway, it is another completed project, and another piece of inventory that gets me closer to cleaning out my storage in various places. It displays more nicely in the shop, anyway.

Written By Cullen

Aug. 9, 2018, 10:03 a.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

And so the announcement becomes public, the courtship official. I am truly excited for these next three months to get to know Marquessa Quenia all the better, as she has been nothing but quite charming, intelligent, and witty company thus far. Having had the chance to get to know members of her family, I feel truly as though the Igniseris will welcome me quite with open arms when the time comes. I fully expect to have to spend the next three months having to prove myself, given the unfortunate circumstances of the past - but I am rather stubborn and shall not be dissuaded, as she is clearly a rare woman who can see me for what I am. Truly, the Gods have blessed me, and the next three months should be quite the voyage of discovery - and answering a great many questions!

And Lord Fecundo - the debate shall be settled by the end of the three months, I am sure of it!

Written By Denica

Aug. 9, 2018, 9:46 a.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

I suppose if one casts a wide enough net, they will manage a catch in even the most barren of waters. It's just unfortunate for the fish that get swept up in its wake, discarded and unwanted, the casualties of indiscriminate search. All for the want of the elusive mermaid, but does she even really exist?

Written By Lucita

Aug. 9, 2018, 9:28 a.m.(5/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

You'll be a good parent. I've seen the love and kindness the affection and the firm but gentle guidance you give even my six month old twins.

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