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Written By Delilah

Nov. 13, 2018, 1:08 p.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

Gone from me in eternal night,
Fallen star of light,
Risen too fast, set too soon,
From dashed hopes, a future path hewn,
I safeguard your memory yet.

Those beloved bright motes I could not save,
Torn from us, hearts fierce and brave,
Though monuments and spirits shall rise,
I lament the high cost of our prize,
And I cannot forget.

Written By Jyri

Nov. 13, 2018, 12:11 p.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

My shop and art studio (did I ever think I would ever say those words or write them? No never), has also the advantage of drawing in other crafters so I've had the fortune of meeting the talented Sheena Coldrain and Lottie Parkins in the last few days.

We don't have competing businesses and we've even talked doing business between ourselves in some ways or others. It's been great.

Written By Jyri

Nov. 13, 2018, 12:09 p.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

I like mushrooms.

Written By Cassima

Nov. 13, 2018, 11:35 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

It's rather a wonder what it takes to remove oneself entirely from a former position. My travels back home and in the city took over my other responsibilities, and I find my writing has been neglected.

I do endeavor that this shall not continue, and welcome all to hold me to this task.

Written By Karadoc

Nov. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Nurie

She wields words like slippers, and the shrewd nature of messere Nurie is not to be trifled with. Ever. I can attest to this.

Written By Rowenova

Nov. 13, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

Flop and I are alive!
My Halfshavs are alive!
The best feeling in all Aion was being able to come home to my new husband!

Written By Karadoc

Nov. 13, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

A fine eye for detail, a wonderful negotiator, and an extraordinary artist with an intriguing way of speaking about the materials that she works with. Have I sung your praises enough, messere Josephine?

Written By Karadoc

Nov. 13, 2018, 9:36 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

To Harold Fitzgerald : the man, the brewer, the vintner, the distiller - the legend. WELL. He's not a legend yet. YET. But, we'll work on that.

Written By Carmen

Nov. 13, 2018, 8:58 a.m.(12/25/1009 AR)

If this soldier-of-fortune thing doesn't pan out, I'm going to open my own chaperone business. Will call it "Carmen's Get-Your-Drunk-Ass-Home Conveyance Service" and if you try to get all stabbity with me on the way, I'll throw you through a window.

Written By Faye

Nov. 13, 2018, 6:49 a.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

Although I have never been more sad to say it, I survived.

Written By Preston

Nov. 13, 2018, 4:40 a.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

When we marched north to Stormwall it was the first time I had ever seen the everfrost of the north. We wrapped ourselves in cloaks, we sat around fires. I went north as a Knight Marshall, as commander of the force. We knew losses would come - the scale was not one we expected. Those losses are a wound that I still bear on my heart, one that will never go away. To those men and women, those brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, I will always owe a debt - one I will repay in what small way I can by always ensuring the Templars are there to protect the innocent, to uphold the Faith and the values of the Gods.

Yet now, we march only a short distance. Only into the woods, to the lodge of Petrichor. It is a place my Templars know well. Many at times have lodged here, when we needed Templars close to the city due to threats that had emerged, the Lodge is where they would stay. Our forces are small, a fraction of even what we have available in the city. And now I march on as Grandmaster. It is all so different to Stormwall. I hope that means our losses will also be light. But for those that do fall, and perhaps me amongst them, there will be a place in the Grand Maosoleum of the Faith Militant at Sanctum, a piece of pristine marble yet untouched that will bear their name.

But, we take a small step also in this fight towards restoration of the Faith Militant, restoration of the Templars. We are great, but great is not sufficient to bear the burden we must in the challenges that are ahead. We must aspire to become more. To be greater still. Perhaps I will not be the Grandmaster to do this. Perhaps I am to fall and others rise in my place. But. The trajectory is now set.

Written By Audric

Nov. 13, 2018, 1:50 a.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thorley

As was offered to me, let me offer it to you: Should you need any help with the massive amount of paperwork you're about to have land in your lap, let me know! I can help you figure it out.

The best tip, really, is to find people who really enjoy the bits you don't. I don't know where I'd be without Lys's tireless love of mercantilism and ledgers.

Written By Niklas

Nov. 13, 2018, 1:20 a.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

My mother used to make pickled mushrooms.

Handful of mustard seeds, cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, red pepper and dried allspice berries. Grind and combine.

Two cups of water, two cups of vinegar, a fistful of the above, a bunch of mashed up garlic, some lemon peel, a few dill sprigs, and a spoon or two of salt. Boil it up. Then toss in a pound of mushrooms. Boil until they're soft, then pour into a sealable jar and stick it somewhere cool for a while.

Good as a side with some lamb and chickpeas on flatbread, or just stick em with a fork and put em in your face.

Written By Esoka

Nov. 12, 2018, 8:47 p.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

As I gird myself for my service at the Lodge of Petrichor, I would like to put down in Vellichor my thanks to the armor and weapon smiths of the Compact. I am ever in awe of the gifts in both creativity and function their works show. We who fight would be pierced in a matter of seconds without the plate and leathers that protect us, and our foes could not be felled without sharp and true blades. It is easy to overlook the role Jayus plays in keeping us strong and protected, but I figure He's as important as Gloria or Gild or Limerance for it. When we go to battle, we need not only our courage and fidelity to each other and strength of civilization, but the skill and creative talent of all who keep us armored and armed.

Written By Berenice

Nov. 12, 2018, 8:33 p.m.(12/24/1009 AR)

Gods, I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I thought it would be _months_ still before I could manage it, but here it is, right in my hand. It's _warm_, even, just like those silly stories always said.

Now I just have to decide the exact shape of this particular dream.

Written By Lisebet

Nov. 12, 2018, 6:47 p.m.(12/23/1009 AR)

I only recently learned about Sir Thorley. It's not something I knew my whole life, but it is something that sort of explains what to me was a mystery previously. I am glad to have another cousin, I won't lie. Especially given all that Sir Thorley has done for us - helping us when we needed it, keeping us safe, holding our honour in his capable hands.

I am so proud of him, so happy for him and Commandant Violet, you have no idea.

Written By Gwenna

Nov. 12, 2018, 6:27 p.m.(12/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

It is heartening to know that I am not alone in my contempt for mushrooms, undiplomatic as that may be.

Written By Tikva

Nov. 12, 2018, 2:52 p.m.(12/23/1009 AR)

For reasons, I embarked upon a brief quest to discover if mushrooms could be used to create a wine or beer or other liqueur, but apparently, not really.


Written By Isidora

Nov. 12, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(12/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fecundo

I can finally speak of it. Something I had long been awaiting. I am betrothed.

Those that know me know this is my very excited writing style. Those that don't... well I've always been judged.

I cannot wait for the day My Lord Raven.

Written By Quenia

Nov. 12, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(12/23/1009 AR)

I have come to determine that I just might need the skills and services of a matchmaker.

I shall let that comment speak for itself.

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