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Written By Sabella

Sept. 15, 2019, 9:26 a.m.(11/4/1011 AR)

I had a wonderful time at Duchess Vanora's party last night! We played a very fun game where unfortunately my team lost to the devious plotting of Prince Niklas and Prince Artur! Still, it was a lovely evening and I do hope more parties try more games like that! It was very fun playing a role and having to try to figure out the motivations of people I know very well and some that I do not. Hopefully next time I'm even better at it!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 8, 2019, 1:07 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

You clearly have not met Prince Niklas' assistant Roland. Who is...he has...he dresses very vibrantly. He is also constantly practicing his craft, which he describes as not being an assistant, but being a Bard. He does, in fact, have a lute and he brandishes it as one would a weapon and I do recommend retreating if he is seen taking it out.

I am ever hopeful that all of the practicing he does will help. He tries very hard! Very earnestly. Very loudly.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 6, 2019, 8:53 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

I must admit that I appear to have missed all the excitement of having a heretic professing themselves as a prophet of Aion! I have to say that I hold Aion very close to my heart alongside Jayus--and all the other gods of course!--and I can certainly see how in this age of heroes people would jump at the chance to be able to talk to someone who was actually speaking with the voice and authority of one of the gods. Why, I even remember someone at a duel once trying to pass themselves off as the very god Skald himself! Luckily that had little impact except to inspire a bunch of Skaldia and Skalder names that next month and I don't remember the man staying around to preach in the streets or anything like that.

So, I suppose what I'm saying is that I'm rather glad to have missed it all for no doubt I would have been one of the ones caught up in the fantastical nature of it all until things were set straight by the Faith. And then I should have felt very badly for not seeing through what sounds like an incredibly good act!

I do hope that those at the center of this mess find their way again and are able to seek forgiveness and atone for what they've done. And that the most long-lasting thing to come of this is a burst of Aionnia and Aionette names.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 4, 2019, 11:49 a.m.(10/10/1011 AR)

The Storybook Soiree was simply exquisite and while I was a little sad to not win the contest considering the time and effort put into my costume (the dress had sheep on it!), I have to say that Mistress Josephine's costume was astounding and it was no surprise when she took home the prize. I was quite happy that Sister Juniper's story won, I found it simply entrancing when I read it the first time and so inspiring that I just had to put together the Weaver costume! I even liked so many of the pieces I think I'll keep them, especially that phases of the moon circlet. But Sister Juniper spun up such lovely imagery that I was honored to attempt to bring her creation to life and was so happy to see that she was there to witness it. Unfortunately I was not able to speak with her before she left, otherwise I would have asked her what the story was based on and who that dark suitor of the Weaver was!

And if you have not read her novel, I do urge you to go to the Gilded Page and take a look. I may just buy a copy so that the children can have it to read when they're older I loved it so much!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 29, 2019, 8:41 a.m.(9/25/1011 AR)

I am so INCREDIBLY excited for the Storybook Soiree coming up! I'm finalizing the last details of my costume now and while I will certainly post about it after the fact I don't want to spoil the surprise so I will just say that Mistress Petal did an amazing job with my gown and I absolutely cannot wait for everyone to see it! I've had quite some fun designing each and every aspect and seeing it come to life and be so breathtaking, well, it makes me think that tailors must be very content with their life's work! It's so thrilling when everything falls into place exactly.

Written By Sabella

Aug. 28, 2019, 7:50 a.m.(9/23/1011 AR)

I had the most amazing time at Prince Artur's play last night! I had the great honor of stepping into the role of the Merchant Princess and I've never actually been involved in a production where the audience got to participate and it was handled so beautifully well I think everyone really enjoyed themselves! Then after the final act the play closed with a dirge that I had only just learned backstage during act II, but I felt so incredibly moved by it, by the tale of Weohstan Redrain, that I think I sang better than I ever have in my entire life! It was as if the tune were pure emotion that I channeled through the words of the song which reached not only the ears of the audience but touched and moved their hearts as well. I have never seen so many tears at once in a place that was not an actual funeral!

It was a spectacular night and I do hope that Prince Artur has raised the funds he needed for his expedition. If you have not heard the tale of Weohstan Redrain you ought to seek him out, for he has made a fine retelling of it!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 25, 2019, 10:36 p.m.(9/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Cabrera

We should definitely collaborate! I have so many ideas! And a new perspective is always welcome in these endeavors!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 24, 2019, 10:40 p.m.(9/17/1011 AR)

Tonight's Grayson Grand Festival lived up to its name in absolutely every way! Princess Liara and Lord Michael ought to be commended for organizing such a wonderful event and I was lucky to be able to play a small part in it. The pie eating contest was fantastic and I am grateful to all the participants! My sister, Princess Reese took first place and ate so many pies I likely should not mark the number here, with Countess Arcadia coming in second, and Lady Isabetta coming in third. At least I'm rather sure it was her, she was covered in so much pie it was hard to tell! A great many pies were enjoyed afterwards and the leftovers split for donations to the Soup Kitchen and the Tragedy in the Lowers.

But what fun was had tonight! The pig races were hilarious and the dancing afterwards absolutely sublime. I got to spend time with my Kennex in-laws and my cousin Wash and lots of friends that I had not yet been able to catch up with since we returned to the city! A night of dancing by the firelight and I'm just about spent, writing these words here before retiring to bed!

It's so lovely when people come together for events like this!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 23, 2019, 2:22 p.m.(9/14/1011 AR)

I have been quite busy this week making new acquaintances and reconnecting with old ones and the continued open arms with which the city has welcomed us back never seem to tire! I very much look forward to seeing everyone at the Grayson Grand Festival tomorrow where Lord Michael has placed me in charge of the pie eating contest! So do stop by and say hello and try your hand at eating pies! Or, I suppose, your mouth. Hands will not be allowed!

It has made me start thinking about the things I want to do, the charities to run, the fundraisers, the parties! Considering the approaching winter something like a food drive or a blanket and clothing drive or both might be worthwhile for the people of the Lowers. I would also ask that anyone reading this who is in a position to sponsor a child of someone who was lost in the many conflicts we have been faced with in a position of apprenticeship so that they may learn a worthwhile trade reach out to me as my last outreach found many families were still struggling with their losses and they would be very grateful to have someone helping them in such a way.

I am so very grateful to those that I have seen so far and happy that friendships that are made in this city transcend distance and time! If anything they only grow better, like a fine wine or an aged cheese! Only less smelly and more wonderful!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 16, 2019, 9:20 a.m.(8/28/1011 AR)

Last night was the first Grayson family dinner that Nik and I have attended in quite awhile and it was an AMAZING TIME! It was just so delightful to see everyone again! It made my heart ache that we were away for so long, but in a good way because we're back and where we need to be! Of course while we were away we both kept up with the finances and boring details like that which I won't recount here for no one comes to the archives to sleep, but it's just so fantastic to be able to speak with and hug those dearest to me that I've missed so badly while we were away!

Speaking of hugs, Princess Caith was one of the first people to greet us when we came back into the city and I do believe these arms that are so used to carrying and snuggling babies gave her the hug of a lifetime when I first saw her!

But truly, the welcoming we have received has been so warm and receptive it is like we never left! I am greatly looking forward to more Grayson family dinners and friends new and old!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 16, 2019, 8:28 a.m.(8/27/1011 AR)

Being back in Arx is just absolutely amazing! I never realized how much I had come to consider this place my home until we spent so long in Bastion. I have to thank my dear husband for being so willing to endure so many of the same conversations from the same people. Through it all he remained of good cheer and a wit I think everyone except my mother enjoyed!

We've returned to the city with two more children in tow, a surprise to everyone except possibly the babies themselves! We expected Lucia of course and thought the difficulty of the birth was due to her insisting on landing on her feet in the world, but then not two minutes later Clareese came bawling her way out and I'm not sure if she's stopped since! In retrospect perhaps we should have reversed the names for Lucia is so sweet and quiet with a head of golden hair and Clareese is never quiet, always insistent on something or other without a trace of hair on her perfect head! So of course we've invested in quite a few bonnets. I'm told Duchess Lisebet and Duke Harlan also had twins! It's lead me to wonder whether one can truly be called a mother in Arx if they haven't had twins yet, a joke my own mother did not appreciate what with having three beautiful but singular daughters! I assure you, gentle readers, I was not serious and quite exhausted when I jested so! Mothers are mothers whether they have one child at a time and by whatever means they happen to acquire them.

I am sad to hear that Scholar Oswyn has gone exploring yet again. Sad for me, but happy for him that he is still out there pursuing his dreams! I've been told this scholar is very good although I've yet to catch her name yet and we've had a discussion about exclamation points and agreed to disagree! I've also noticed that Mistress Aurora is not about the city. Is it too much to hope that she followed him out wherever he was headed!?

Probably. But hope endures!

Written By Sabella

April 14, 2019, 2:12 p.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ahriman

Disgruntled Dad

Written By Sabella

April 7, 2019, 9:30 p.m.(11/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Some things stay the same.

Written By Sabella

March 24, 2019, 10:47 a.m.(10/17/1010 AR)

A Taste of Arx finished up last night with a grand finale ball that could not have been more perfect! It truly was a fantastic week and I want to thank each and every person who came out to partake in the food, drink, songs, and contests that went on throughout the city. I hope people learned something new and met new people and forged new friendships and trade agreements! I want to especially thank my fellow hosts: Princess Berenice, Princess Elgana, Countess Carita and Duke Cristoph for planning and managing and running things in their Wards. I absolutely could not have done this on my own and their brilliance made the whole week fly by in a wonderful blur! The Highlords ought also to be thanked for sending each one my way. And the King, of course, for loaning us the palace for the last party. It was a brilliant, brilliant week and a fantastic night and my feet still hurt and I'm utterly exhausted.

It was the best kind of week!

Written By Sabella

March 19, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(10/7/1010 AR)

The Grayson portion of A Taste of Arx could not have gone any better last night and I have to thank all of our amazing vassals who went above and beyond in coming out and showing everyone how utterly fantastic they all are! There as music, food, wine, apple butter that isn't actually butter, appletarts, pies, cakes, jewelry, maps and even more on offer! But the absolute best part was seeing everyone come together in these uncertain times and have fun. I can still hear all the laughter ringing out from those that watched and participated in the relay and everyone that took part in the debate was so delightfully serious about such a fun topic. Congratulations to the Nightingale who won herself a pair of steelsilk gloves with an elegant defense of pies, and to Baron Silas, Lord Pharamond, and Lady Tabitha who won the relay race!

I am truly grateful to all that participated and everyone that came. We are stronger when we're together and last night just proved how worthwhile it is to engage with those you may not see very often. I can't wait to see what happens with the other parties this week!

Also I'm pretty sure Baron Silas flew, but I had had a lot to drink by that point so perhaps it was just a trick of the light.

Written By Sabella

March 3, 2019, 2:08 a.m.(9/3/1010 AR)

In her more amused moments my mother used to say that she sometimes thought the world itself bent over backwards so as not to disappoint me. That I could hope and dream for something so fervently the gods didn't have the heart to shatter such belief and nudged things in place accordingly. I don't think that's really true, but recent events might have me wondering.

My father disappeared when I was ten years old, presumed dead in a shipwreck. I cannot tell you of how many nights I dreamed that he was still alive and wished on every star I could find that he could come home. My tutors often warned me away from such things saying I would only find disappointment in life if I lived with my head in the clouds and my heart full of dreams, but as a small child who missed her father so dearly, I couldn't help but hold onto that thin strand of hope that somewhere he was alive and would find his way back to us.

And as all childhood memories, that hope faded over time. It never went away completely, just a wistful sigh lost in a breeze on a random morning, but it was not longer the hope that I used my wishes on. I looked to the stars with other dreams in mind.

Yet I must be thankful to those old stars that carried my wishes with them all those years, because my father has returned to us! Where he has been and what he has been through I cannot imagine, but the fact that he is here now is a truth that even I am having a hard time coming to terms with. My father is alive and he is home and I could not be happier! It was a shock--a happy one--and I have enjoyed getting to know him once again. I have been able to introduce him to my husband and his grandchildren and tell him all the happy tales he has missed while he was away. And all of this just enforced one simple fact to me: you should never give up hope. Keep wishing and hoping and dreaming and be so thankful for those miracles that happen.

Because they do happen. My father is living proof of that!

Written By Sabella

Feb. 25, 2019, 9:45 p.m.(8/21/1010 AR)

My darling baby boy,

You are here! A little early, but still perfect with a hint of golden hair and tiny fingers that grasp onto mine like you're afraid I am going somewhere without you. You are such a precious thing and you big sister doesn't know what she's in for. She will never remember a time without you and you two will always be there for each other. We have given you a weighty name, but I know you will wear it well and make all of us proud every day from here on out. It is a name some will see tinged with sadness because your namesake is no longer with us, but I see it as one of hope. The continuation of memory, a new chapter in his story even though he's gone. And of course, your very own blank book to write an epic for the ages!

You have been born to a time of change, a time when new and wonderful things will be brought about. And I intend on helping to build a brighter future for you and your sister and who knows how many more siblings to come!

Put the quill down, Nik, we can talk about it later!

I love you, my perfect little darlings!

Written By Sabella

Jan. 27, 2019, 12:43 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I should really make a note that for future children I ought to think about the weather when I will be hugely pregnant. As we come into summer I'm already uncomfortable and the high temperatures will surely not help! But it will be well worth it to give Relara a little playmate and increase the size of our wonderful family! I have been so exhausted lately that I haven't been out as much as I'd like, though when I am I have done my best to hear what people think of our current situation and the options on the table. There are interesting sides to each and every viewpoint is valuable.

I hold a tremendous amount of hope for our future no matter what happens!

Written By Sabella

Jan. 26, 2019, 1 a.m.(6/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Zoey

A good nanny is worth their weight in gold!

Though that's definitely not what we pay them.

Written By Sabella

Jan. 21, 2019, 5:34 p.m.(6/6/1010 AR)

I have heard it repeated many a times these past weeks that we have lost our great protector, Copper, and that there are never be another like her. I admit, I did not really know of her, except what I learned through some old stories and Princess Sorrel's operas. And those all make her seem formidable, someone who stood up for others who would not or could not do so for themselves. Someone who was an unknown savior, who worked not for pride or acclaim, but to see good win out over evil. A true hero, perhaps the truest kind, one not honestly known until they are gone and their good works laid bare.

I have no doubt that she has left large boots to fill, but for those that shake their heads and say that we shall never see another like her, I don't know that I agree. Surely there will never be another Copper, but when there is a need for heroes that is where they rise up. Maybe to great acclaim like Alarice or subtle whispers like Copper, but there is always someone to take up the mantle of the downtrodden. To stand against the shadows and create light and hope where there is none. To be the inspiration for the next generation of stories that inspire those who might otherwise stand by to lift their voices and swords against atrocity and evil.

There might never be another Copper, but there will be someone else. Maybe a great many someone elses. Maybe someone reading this now or years down the line! Our world is expanding and we live in a time of marvel's and wonders!

And there is still hope.

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