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Written By Sabella

May 2, 2018, 4:53 p.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian


Written By Sabella

May 2, 2018, 1:42 p.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Master Voss, if you miss my voice I can most certainly drop by to chatter directly at you! In this case, I must credit the scholar recording these entries for capturing my tone completely with his exceedingly frequent use of exclamation points! Scholar Oswyn is truly a delight.

Written By Sabella

May 2, 2018, 10:27 a.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

This week has been full of incredible surprises both of the good and bad variety. However, even with the bad--or maybe because of it?--there were bursts of light that show we should still be ever hopeful! A situation that seemed like it would be impossible appears to be resolving itself to the best possible outcome and in tragedy a perfect stranger was willing to lend a hand when asked, which was no small thing.

This city is full of absolutely wonderful people that band together in times of need. We should always remember that even when we're having our little disagreements and squabbles. The best of us always shine through!

Written By Sabella

April 30, 2018, 7:57 p.m.(8/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

I like it! Sadly, I didn't think I stood a chance at winning it.

Written By Sabella

April 29, 2018, 11:57 a.m.(8/22/1008 AR)

There has been quite a whirlwind of activity lately! I had a fantastic time at the Carnival the other night. There was an entire maze of mirrors! Hundreds of Sabellas twirling and laughing and dancing in alignment! And I got to spend time with Marquessa Malespero who it turns out is a delightful companion whether one is lost or not. I went to her gallery opening and was quite impressed with the art on display. Several haunted my dreams, actually. And I went to the Nox'alfar embassy opening like the rest of Arx and got to see Prince Tyrval, my great, great, great, great--well you get the idea--grandfather, if only from across a couch. Made of blood. It was definitely an interesting evening! And I hosted a patron/protege fair where I believe we made at least one match between people and I got to talk about how amazing my two patrons are.

I also feel like I've met dozens of people new to Arx as well--the entire Fieldstone family, it feels like, has come to town and they are all utterly delightful.

And to top off an utterly fantastic week I had word that there is more good news on the horizon! I am not sure exactly who is responsible for it, but I am eternally grateful to whatever caused things to turn out well! Or start to turn out well. I remain ever hopeful!

This week just goes to show how glorious life can be!

Written By Sabella

April 27, 2018, 2:11 a.m.(8/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaine

I am so happy to hear it!

Written By Sabella

April 25, 2018, 12:22 p.m.(8/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

No! NO! You don't know what you're doing! Take it back, quickly, before it all starts!

Written By Sabella

April 24, 2018, 8:32 a.m.(8/11/1008 AR)

Thank you everyone that sent a gift! I would like to especially thank Prince Aiden, who put such thought into the basket I received--I love EVERYTHING!--and Lord Niklas, who gifted me with the most beautiful gown I have ever seen! I cannot wait to have an excuse to wear it! I may just wear it out and about because I can so everyone can see it! It is utterly amazing and perfect and I adore it!

All of the gifts I received were lovely and I had a wonderful time putting together the bottles that I sent out. Everyone can thank Master Thayne for them if they turned out well, he gave me very good instruction so that the final product turned out to be absolutely gorgeous! So, thank you, Master Thayne!

Written By Sabella

April 22, 2018, 9:27 a.m.(8/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

Stripes? Sharp claws?

Admiral Basten Esquire.

You can call him Abe for short.

Written By Sabella

April 20, 2018, 4:13 p.m.(8/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

You, sir, have wonderful taste! While I do like brandy, mead is better!

Written By Sabella

April 18, 2018, 10:35 a.m.(7/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

It's not. It's going to be an AMAZING day!

Written By Sabella

April 16, 2018, 10:41 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Scholar, how can I show that I like a journal entry? Can you make a note somewhere that I liked it? Or can you draw a little heart at the bottom of the entry I'm talking about? Okay, fine, just transcribe this conversation and that will do!

Written By Sabella

April 16, 2018, 7:49 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

The hug competition will be open to all!

I shall send you a messenger shortly, Princess Caith, proposing times and places. I should think bets should be made and the proceeds might go to the clinic, where people go for things hugs can't heal? Healers are just huggers with herbs! And a lot of knowledge about things. They wrap you in bandages and love.

None Greater Than Grayson (hugs)

Written By Sabella

April 15, 2018, 1:04 a.m.(7/20/1008 AR)

Is it gryphon, griffin, griffon, or something else? I feel like as a Grayson I should know, but all the Graysons seem to go about it differently, so I thought I'd ask those who might be bored and are reading through the whites their thoughts.

I personally like gryphon for the y seems to make it more mysterious, though I admit that the double I and F in griffin are visually appealing. Griffon looks like the sound you make when you've taken a bite of something you thought would taste good and then it is truly hideous. Or perhaps the sound an old man makes when he coughs.

Written By Sabella

April 14, 2018, 11:25 a.m.(7/19/1008 AR)

I have returned to Arx, although I am still quite busy catching up on my correspondence so it will likely be a few more days until I am back to my usual rounds. I started reading the whites, but it seems like the most interesting thing that happened was a cat became an adventurer, Master Bastien was knighted and Princess Caith loves medicine!

Or something like that. All the interesting things happen when I am away.

Written By Sabella

April 11, 2018, 12:13 p.m.(7/13/1008 AR)

Bastion is every bit as sweeping and majestic as I remember it!

I am so bored.

Aiden, all your birds say hello! Or at least, there was a lot of flapping and squawking that I assume were hellos or telling me I was interrupting bird tea time!

The charity has been well received so far! I think I shall keep up my efforts here. Rebuilding is of course important, but so is remembering that there are those in need everywhere!

Written By Sabella

April 6, 2018, 8:22 p.m.(7/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

You should seek out Master Thayne at Raconteur Brewing Company. He has some great stories!

Written By Sabella

April 6, 2018, 4:08 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jan

I've heard it said that he works for hugs.

Or meat pies.

Written By Sabella

April 6, 2018, 2:36 p.m.(7/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

If you need to talk I am here! Though not for very long. I'm off to Bastion this evening. But! Even if I do not see you, I shall say hello to all of the animals I see there for you, especially the birds.

I love you, cousin!

Written By Sabella

April 5, 2018, 1:07 a.m.(6/28/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

And I shall treasure it as if it were diamondplate!

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